Clinton’s plan is back
Giora Eiland
Published: 04.04.10, 13:10
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Woman .Aah did not inhale ,aah am a friend of those jooz.
2. Eiland missed the point
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (04.04.10)
The problem has nothing to do with Netanyahu, but with Obama. Obama negotiated with Netanyahu to freeze Jewish building in all of Judea and Samaria for ten months and publicly accept the so-called two-state solution. In exchange, Obama promised to have the Arab League and American puppet Abbas agree that Israel is a Jewish state. After the Arabs sent him packing, Obama had two choices. He could publicly admit that Israel is not the problem and the Arabs do not want peace, but that goes against his ideology, his spiritual leader Wright and Saudi interests. So Obama chose to break his promises to Netanyahu: he demanded an unlimited Jewish housing freeze in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. Such a move guarantees Israel's destruction as the only thing left to negotiate is how many millions of Arabs Israel would be forced to absorb, and Israel would be left with indefensible borders and no water. In addition, Obama tried his best to delegitimize Israel and to topple Netanyahu. There was nothing Netanyahu could have done except realize much sooner that Obama is seeking the destruction of Israel.
3. No solution to the conflict is within reach until and unless
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (04.04.10)
the Muslim-Arabs, local and regional alike, accept: 1. Israel has the right to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people 2. Any agreement reached must be considered the "end of the conflict" The conflict of course is between Israel and the Muslim-Arab world, with a local component to it. After all, it was a coalition of Muslim-Arab states, backed up by the Arab League, that initiated the 1948 onslaught on Israel with the in9 tention of wiping the Jewish state of the face of earth. It was a coalition of Muslim-Arab states that 19 years later attempted the same end and failed for the second time. Yet, a third coalition formed in 1973 to attempt to "correct" the two previous Muslim-Arab failures. And it was the Arab League that set up in 1964 the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Which part of "Palestine" was it to "liberate" three full years before the 1967 Six-Day War...?? Presently the existential threat is yet another Muslim-Arab coalition, that of Iran-Hizballah-IslamicJihad-Hamas-Syria whose declared goal, once again, is to wipe Israel off the face of earth and with it its nearly six-million "Zionists". Until the Muslim-Arab world accept Israel's right to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people, based on League of Nations decisions and UN resolutions; and until this world accept, through its local agent, the PLO, that any peace agreement represents the end of the conflict, there is no reason why Israel should take any additional risks towards peace, similar to the ones taken in Gaza and Lebanon...!!!
4. Mr. Eiland, our strategy is a step by step
Salma ,   Palestine   (04.04.10)
Remember your Grandma's Golda Meir used to say where are the Palestinians?!! She did not know that her grandchildren today have been forced to recognize us and negotiate with us,and so the case will continue until you return Palestine, a free secular, democratic, open to all her faithful sons whether they are Jews Christians and Muslims ...Our destiny is not left to the Clinton or Obama or Europe, if they want to help AHLAN WA SAHLAN But not incompatible with justice and truth and equality...Is that clear?!!
5. There is only ONE alternative
Steve   (04.04.10)
You hold on to the land you now possess. You guard your land with all you have. No matter what the enemy in Washington demands. Never yield to immoral pressure. Never yield to force. Never. Like Churchill said: "Never give in--never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty...... Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."
6. # 4 Salma
Salma   (04.04.10)
I am surprised that you use such words as "justice", "truth", and "equality". I would be even more surprised if you said you underestood the meaning of these words. I am not being facetious when I say this. I personally heard The Saudi Ambassador to USA, a Royal Prince, state that Islam and Democracy are incompatible just as are oil and water. I would like to point out to you that those three words are inseparable from Democracy, indeed they are basic tenets.
7. clinton plan not enough
alexi   (04.04.10)
Jordan is to be resurrected part of palestine to divide up. Its 80% of balfour. Clinton's plan was no good because the arabs are undemocratic and will fight for everything and then blow it up and ask for UN handouts which the EU and hillary will gladly give. Obama yes we can black theology is worth zero in the middle east and europe/russia.And kalidi told O a pack of lies. Obama is hostile to israel because obama's black pain has mated with arab narrative. His plan spells doom for israel.Continiue on and you will get an israel see its people lynched like the 2 soldiers in ramallah while the appeaser barak and his asskisser ben eliezer did nothing to avenge them just like they make nice with turkey when erdogan is a raving antiisrael jihadist liar.
8. Abbas proves 2 states are stage 1 to a single arab state
Zionist forever   (04.04.10)
The fact Abbas the man they call the moderate refused the Clinton plan is proof he is no peacemaker. Abbas wants room to manouvre so he can further down the line say we were cheated we demand more or else knowing the western world will back them if they demand it under threat of terror. If Abbas was serious he would say straight that he has no desire for any land beyond the green line, he recognizes Israel as a Jewish state and it's right to exist. He also accepts that there will be no right of return whatsoever. Bibi must tell Obama unless Abbas guarentees these things and the US backs those demands there is nothing to talk about. We must not let our enemies bully us be they Arab or American
9. Abbas attitude to Clinton plan is proof 1967 isn't enough
Zionist forever   (04.04.10)
The fact that Mr moderate Abbas who only wants 2 states based on the 1967 border rejected the Clinton plan so flatly shows that just like Arafat to Abbas 2 states is stage 1 of a grander plan to take the whole country. Abbas needs a plan that leaves him & his predececors room to manovre in future to justify demanding more land and a refugee return even if they do agree to compromise on that to begin with so they can get a foot in the door. Abbas also probably rightly thinks all he needs to do is keep playing hard to get eventually the 21st century pharoah Hussain Obama say you tell me exactly what you want and I promise to get it for you. This is the time for all Israelis on all sides to unite against our Arab and American enemies because divided we fall.
10. #4, Salma, Jordan is Arab Palestine
David ,   Boston, USA   (04.04.10)
There is no other Arab Palestine. Never was, never will be. Complain to the Hashemites, but end this racism against Jews and stop trying to steal Jewish land. We Jews are very patient. You have lost every war and keep your kids in camps. How sad you dont want a future for your children. Its not in Israel, but in Jordan Palestine. This is the truth and the only reality that will ever be. The only difference is the border will now snake through Judea and Samaria. Focus on Amman and ending your racism against Israel and Jews.
11. #4 Yes very clear
Yaron ,   USA   (04.04.10)
sort of in the way that the air may be clear in an opium den because your fantasies seem to me the manifestation of years of brain washing by your grand parents. Salma, keep dreaming.....now is that clear?
12. We need to go back home
Nour ,   Palestine فلسطين   (04.04.10)
There's nothing like home! The Right of Return is a universally recognized human right, so why should my family be denied return to our ancestral land? The very land that we labored, were born on, and burried in, for centuries? One thing must be crystal clear: Dr. Fayyad's unilateral Palestine plan will never annull our just right of return. Home is where the heart is - and Palestine is our home forever! I know this must come accross as outrageous to most wingnuts here but I really can' t overemphasize this, 60 years is nothing. We'll wait another 600 if necessary but we'll be back sooner than you think.
13. Clinton plan?
Frank ,   Canada   (04.04.10)
Since the 15 years old Clinton plan, Arabs have launched one Intifada and turned Gaza into a terror state. Arabs have proved that their goal is to use any possible Israeli concession to move forward in their agenda of destroying Israel. The two states solution is not a solution, it's just a religion based on wishful thinking and delusion. Israel must keep building everywhere and at full speed. There will be no peace until Arabs understand that Israel will not be destroyed.
14. If it were not for the naivete of Obama, coupled with his
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (04.04.10)
sinister attitude towards Israel, its elected officials, laws and symbols of state, e.g. prime minister, there would not be a crisis and the talks could have started - although I don't think they would have lead to anything of substance. In fact, Netanjahu's approach to the disputed territories and their future state is not much different from Yitzhaq Rabin. In his last speech in the Knesset, Rabin made reference to his opinion about the future of the territories: 1. Jerusalem will remain united and will include in addition the suburbs of Givat Zeev, Maaleh Adumim and Gush Etzion 2. The Jordan Valley must be viewed in the widest possible definition of the term and must remain under Israel's control as part of any peace agreement 3. A future Palestinian state will not be a state in the normal sense of the word, that is its air space will be controlled by Israel, border crossings will be controlled by Israel and the state will be totally demilitarized. I don't think Netanjahu's ideas are much different. He just hope to reach an understanding of these points through negotiations and not based on a dictate from the President of the US. And that President, in my humble opinion, really does care about Israel and its people, something that can easily be demonstrated by his speech in Cairo last year.
15. It's "The American plan"
Steve   (04.04.10)
Can the Jew be honest with himself or herself? Just once? Let's face it, the Americans have a long, sordid history of theft; a history of stealing other people's land. White European immigrants forcibly removed and expropriated American Indian land. Read about General, later President Andrew Jackson and his Indian wars; his policy of Indian removal. Later it was euphemistically called "Manifest Destiny." Americans took Texas from Mexico by encroachment, settlement; later by conquest and war. Read about President James K. Polk, Jackson's protoge and successor. Jackson and Polk are American heroes. Now Americans have their sights on Jewish land in order to appease their oil-rich Arab friends. Don't kid yourself. This is not about Clinton. Not only about Clinton. In fact George W. Bush made the establishment of a Muslim-terror state in Israel a "formal goal of US policy." Bush repeatedly boasted of this accomplishment. Obama is following Bush's example of expropriating Jewish land. In reality, Americans are land thieves and destroyers.
16. The ONLY Workable Solution
Dan ,   titusville, FL   (04.04.10)
The only workable solution is to take full title and possession of the West Bank and tell the Palestinians that remain there to either behave themselves or be deported to Gaza or some other enlightened Islamic country where they may practice Sharia Law or any other law they please but are no longer welcome in any civilized society.
17. West can keep "hope of peace"but not with stupid concessions
Sam ,   Canada   (04.04.10)
The West and many Jews refuse to accept that the Arabs reject a Jewish state and prefer to dream that enough appeasement will change Arab minds. Well, they can keep their dreams if they wish but no stupid concessions (freezes, withdrawals) should be offered up BEFORE the Arabs accept some peace plan. The Arabs are just trying to take advantage of the Western "hope" for peace to help dismantle Israel.
18. clinton plan
craig ,   arlington, va   (04.04.10)
Arafat actually publicly accepted the Clinton Plan during a visit by Secy of State Colin Powell early in the Bush Adm. The Clinton Plan failed at the time because the US had not briefed the other Arab states sufficiently. With tweaks, the Clinton Plan is the solution
19. Clinton Plan is a Failure
Ralph Levy ,   USA   (04.04.10)
Minor Border Changes divided Jerusalem Clinton's puppet Barak's baby no way this leaves Israel with insecure borders and also not holding on to our religious sites. http://ralphsrant1.blogspot.com
20. Forget about Clinton or Obama Crap plan
Brod ,   USA   (04.04.10)
Israel should formulate its own plan. It does not need Clinton or Obama CRAP plan. Nor should Israel allow any external entities to play king on Israel. It is time for Israel to be tough and strong. Bullies only respect the tough and the strong. Israel's plan should be to protect and defend its sovereignty and national security interests. This includes protecting and defending its GOD-GIVEN and GOD-RESTORED liberated Land of Israel-Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria from Islamist-Jihadist usurpers, invaders, marauders and terrorists, and from the world of AntiSemites led by Papism-the inventor of AntiSemitism. These Pagan dark forces are led by Satan. The GOD of Israel will prevail against the dark forces.
21. According to the Tom DeWeese Report, Bill Clinton's foundati
Rivkah   (04.04.10)
foundation has an annual budget of 140 million dollars from many sources, so it is more difficult to silence him and his two state nonsense plan that will lead to Armageddon, the Prophet Joel says of dividing God's land which is Jerusalem and Israel. The ONLY solution that can possibly avoid Armageddon is to send the Palestinians to Muslim nations and get them out of Israel and Jerusalem and not to give them the right of return. Appeasing the Palestinians will end Gentile World Rule. Who are Gentiles? Anyone who is not a Jew in their hearts or who has not been grafted on to the Jewish faith of the Jewish Messiah.
22. Salma
Yossef ,   Rehovot, Israel   (04.04.10)
Salma, I wonder who you are ? And eventually what you want finally ? לך לשלום
23. # 4
Birdi ,   Israel   (04.04.10)
No Salma we have NOT been forced to negotiate with you, nor have we been forced to recognize you. The Palestinians need to recognize the State of Israel FIRST before any negotations can take place. The Palestinian people need to lay down ALL their weapons & totally give up violence towards Israel before any peace talks can take place. Are you & your people ready to do all the above ?
24. The Land of Israel is Jewish.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (04.04.10)
Arabs should accept that just as Ire-Land is the Land of the Irish and Eng-Land the Land of the English and Fin-Land the Land of the Finns, the name Eretz Yisrael means the Land of the Israelis. The identity of the land is the same as the identity of the nation residing in it; therefore, the Nation of Israel, the Jews, cannot be an occupier of the Land of Israel. The Crusaders named the land “Kingdom of Jerusalem.” The Arab occupation did not have a name for the land; it was referred to merely as “southern Syria.” For 1,300 years, the land had no identity in the absence of the Biblical Jewish nation that identified itself with it. No one claimed ownership but our nation. This is the entire story. The Arabs demand that Israeli governments transfer the land free and clear of Jews. As long as there are Jews in Judea, that place cannot not be called by its false name – “Palestine.” The only thing that stops the cadre of traitors from transferring our land to the enemy, already at our gates, is their inability to uproot the settlements. Those communities halt the wheels of destruction as explained at : http://xrl.us/bi9g8
25. The entirety of the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to...
Ron B. ,   Lod   (04.04.10)
The entirety of the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to the entirety of the Jewish people. The entirety of Jerusalem as the entirety of the Land of Israel belongs exclusively to the entirety of the Jewish people. It belongs to our generation as well as to the future generations to come, and no one has the right and/or the legitimity to cede even one single square cm. of the city or the land. Agreements ignoring the fundamental rights of the Jewish people are not valid and will not change historical truth and International Legitimacy (The San Remo agreements). Mistakes done by Israeli government(s) in Anapolis or before should not be respected and should be put right immediately. No Jewish leader has the right to abandon any part of the Land of Israel. Arabs have no case as to the Land of Israel, we should return to the original legitimity as described at : http://xrl.us/bjch4
26. #4 Everyone should take note of "The Salami Method"
Logic ,   Israel   (04.04.10)
Not to worry though. If Israel's back is against the wall, all that needs to be done is open the floodgates to Philippino or other productive immigration and lower the bars to conversion. You have to understand that there's too much at stake for the Jewish residents of Israel (life, culture, liberty, property, etc.) and that there are creative answers for every problem.
27. Obama Worse Than Clinton
TSB ,   Clifton NJ   (04.04.10)
While Obama may be seeking to implement the "Clinton" plan, there is one major difference between the two. Clinton was at least honest enough to recognize that when Arafat said "No" he meant No. He (rightly) blamed Arafat for the failure of his plan. Obama is far more nefarious. In both his domestic and international dealings, he is willing to sink to the level of Orwellian doublespeak, if not utter dishonesty, to achieve what he wants. What he wants in this case is to settle the Israel/Palestinians question. So the Arabs don't accept Israel? Just pretend that they do and force Israeli concessions. At least we have achieved a "deal." He'll ram the "deal" through, consequences be damned. Precisely what we saw with the health care bill. Israel must be very wary.
28. Israel's gvt. must clearly reject Two State Final Solution.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.04.10)
Israeli voters clearly rejected the monstrous Two State Final Solution by decimating it's key knesset supporters, Labor and Meretz. Recent polls show the right would increase it's dominance if an election was held today. In fact, Labor would be down to just 6-7 seats. Israel knows the Two State Final Solution would destroy our sole, tiny Homeland within a decade. Israel has made it's decision. Israel's government MUST clearly reject the Two State Final Solution. It must carry out the will of the people.
29. The inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war
Fed Up ,   USA   (04.04.10)
Reality check. The inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war has always meant exactly that. You have used up your time and our goodwill. No one is interested in hearing an Israeli counter proposal at this late date. A just settlement on the refugees requires return of Palestinians and Jews that have actually been displaced by force. If you want to leave hundreds of thousands or your luntics in Palestine, you will have to accept a similar number of Palestinian refugees. Remember, you are a pariah state, and Hertzl didn't have a plan to handle Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions.
30. #12
OF COURSE YOU ALL SHOULD GO HOME ASAP. BUT NOT INTO ISRAEL. INTO THE NEWLY CREATED PALESTINIAN STATE WHERE YOU WILL LIVE FREE WITHOUT ANY "OCCUPATION", WHERE YOU WILL HAVE YOUR OWN FREE GOVERNMENT AND WHERE YOU WILL BE THE MAJORITY. you will all go into your newly erected state of palestine, but not into israel in the 67 borders. why would you insist on living under a jewish majority that shares nothing of your dreams and aspirations and not in the new palestinian state under abbas and fayad as your rulers wat?, a new state where palestinians will be the majority and not a single jew (as your leaders insist) will be able to live or aquire land in new palestine? oh, unless, you, as arafat insisted in tghe past, that the rfeturn of 5 millions arabs into israel 67 borders will be the first stage in abolishing the jewish state as a jewish state. israelis are aware of your palestinian plans of stage by stage eradication of israel as a jewish nation and state of the jews. this is why israel insists tghat you are edntitled to a palestinian state of the 67 borders, but not into israel proper. not into tel aviv, haifa, west jerusalem, etc... sorry, you want a palestinian state and not an occupatgion. then you must all live in your new palestinian state, not in israel proper. israel will NEVER GIVE YOU THE RIGHT OF RETURN. NO NATION AT WAR WITH ANOTHER NATION HAS EVER GIVEN ANY OF THEIR ENEMIES THE RIGTH OF RETURN ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. ISRAEL IS NO DIFFERENT. YOU WILL HAVE AN ARAB PALESTINIAN NATION BESIDES A JEWISH ISRAELI NATION WITH A SHARED...POSSIBLY... JERUSALEM. hameed aboughaze, iranian hameed
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