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Lost in Gaza: The hidden women
Anat Shalev
Published: 09.04.10, 21:43
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42 Talkbacks for this article
31. As I said before and as Rashid proves...
The Dude   (04.10.10)
This is what we will get if we create a palestinian state. It's not only a disaster against Israel, but also for human rights in general.
32. Of course women in Gaza are treated like shit
Matityahu ,   Slovenia   (04.10.10)
I'd expect nothing less from an islamic regime. What is even more disturbing, they dare to accuse others of violating their rights all the time. Lazy thugs.
33. to #8 there is no similarity between
Barney ,   USA   (04.10.10)
Islam and Judaism-no similarity between muslims and Jews. YOU WISH there was a similarity. Islam is not another version of Judaism.If there was a similarity we wouldn't be having all the trouble of ignorance, violence, terrorism, suicide bombings, honor killings, repression of basic human rights and on and on and on that the world is experiencing. How many Jewish women have you seen walking around in a black bag? How many Jewish organizations blow up schools because women are being educated as the taliban does? you are seriously out of touch with reality
34. Rashid's (#6) response to y'all....
Rashid ,   Chicago, IL   (04.10.10)
All, How wonderful to note that you are pleased with the progress of women and their status in Western societies, compared to us "primitive" & "cave dwelling" Arabs. Some claim they would kick me in the rear.......However, some food for thought: 1. In spite of the ostensible equality of women in the West, please try & explain the wage gap between men & women of equal professions. It is between 76 to 80 cents to every dollar a man makes. 2. The 19th amendment of the US constitution allowing women & minorities to vote was only recently passed (August 8, 1920) in the US legislature. 3. You claim that "no one believes the crap" that Judaism preaches regarding women being unequal to men (your "Shacharit"prayer every morning, thanking the Lord for not making you a woman), yet you use the same faith to lay claim to the land of Israel. Kind of selective in choosing certain parts of your faith. 5. Violence against women in Western societies is higher against women. Look up the facts. 6. The equal rights amendment (clarifying all men, women & children are equal) was shot down. 7. The erstwhile President of Israel showed very little respect for women and is in fact facing legal process as a result. What an example set by your first citizen!! 8. Read the Israeli newspapers, in fact this very one will invariably have an article on sexual abuse of women in Israel, sometimes in the Army and sometimes of minors. 9. Please explain the Jewish divorce process. When a woman chooses to leave her husband she goes thru the 7 Gates of Hell in getting the Rabbis to grant her a divorce ("Get'), and can sometimes be in a state of marital "limbo" for decades.. 10. Speaking of rabbis....I noticed that the talk backers on this forum were not too pleased about the orthodox Jews view that women could not be rabbis. How about equality for women that y'all preach? 11. The US Supreme Court had only 3 women serving as justices until today (Sandra O'Connor, Ruth Ginzberg & Sonia Sotermayor). Think before you call us Arabs primitive and "cave men" and the sorts. As for those who say "Thank God for not making me an Arab" I say Thank God for not making me a bigot. Israel has had a woman Prime Minister, but so have Bangladesh, Turkey, Pakistan (all Islamic countries). Show me which woman in the US has risen to President, based on public vote. Please stop your ad hominem fallacies. Go try & change your Western legislature & mindset.
35. Response to 34... sadly V-Day is still very much needed
The Dude   (04.10.10)
Since you have numbered your points I'll respond in kind 1. This is definitely true, however things are indeed changing and women are indeed becoming on equal footing. It is a momentum that won't stop. In the Arab world, it just seems at best stuck and at worst regressing to how women are treated. 2. Yes it is true that the enlightenment has taken a long time to occur. But the fact is that even before August 8th 1920 women in America were treated better than women are TODAY in the Arab world. This is simply despicable. 3. Actually this schacharit prayer is something from the middle ages and not officially passed on from the Torah. It was kept primarily due to the need of Rabbi's view of 'past perfect' and clinging onto bygone traditions. This isn't officially sanctioned by the Torah. So epic fail for you with regard to the land of Israel argument . 5 (you missed 4). This doesn't even make sense? Are you honestly stating that violence against women is higher in Western societies compared to the Arab world? This is a faux pas, based on the fact that in KSA for example a woman can be raped by a man she is the ONE held responsible. The fact is that it also depends on how laws are followed and what laws are available. You are also excluding poorer record keeping compared to the Western world.... 6. Where? 7. Yes that is true, but on the hand he is going through a legal process because of his actions. Their is indeed punishments for an individuals actions. Unlike in the Arab world where if a man did worst, he wouldn't receive a slap on the wrist and it is considered socially acceptable. 8. You mean the fact that an open society admits to its faults and demands that responsibility be taken? Too bad that doesn't happen in the Arab world... 9. That is indeed true, and the fact is that there is indeed a need to change and reform parts of the religion. However in Islam a man can divorce his wife at any time, her testimony in court is only valued as half that of a man (if at all), and she has no right to her children because they are the man's property. Wow Islam, isn't that fun.... 10. Considering that I have a female friend about to become a Rabbi, you're point is just completely wrong. While Orthodox Jewry don't allow it, Reform and Conservatives do... so please stop trying to preach from a high morale standpoint. 11. Sarah Palin nearly did it... and the fact is that which Arab country has a had a female leader bub? Wow the arrogance you displayed is incredible. All I can recommend is that you go watch the Vagina monologues maybe that will permeate some sense to you...
36. # 7
Birdi ,   Israel   (04.10.10)
Paula is correct, it is the Arab men who lay down the rules & laws against their women.
37. Dude (#35).....
Rashid ,   Chicago, IL   (04.10.10)
Well, I am thrilled that you took the time to attempt to respond to the points that I raised. Since you claim that women are so much better treated in the West, when in fact that is not quite the case, while we Arabs need to learn from you. 1. The gender wage gap has been an ongoing issue for years. Bottom line is that it still exists, in spite of attempts to change it. 2. If the "Enlightenment has taken a long time to occur" in the West, I guess we are entitled to our own timelines. I don't believe we are any less enlightened, and who says you guys are the epicenter of enlightenment? 3. The Shacharit prayer is not from the middle ages, but much earlier than that. It is recited by almost all Israelis that go to synagogues, and by those that subscribe to Orthodox Jewry. As an FYI, most synagogues in Israel follow the Orthodox Judaism (Reform/Conservative are a small minority in Israel....Thank God!!! ). Why do women sit separately from men in synagogues in Israel (and don't give me examples of a handful of Reform Shuls in Israel)? Is it because they are not considered equal? If so, how are you different from us Arabs? 5. I am honestly stating that in Western societies violence against women is higher than in Arab countries. Go check !! 6. Back in the 90's the conservatives in the US shot down a bill that was backed by the National Organization of Women stating equality for all - men, women & children, and the House prevented it from going to the Senate. Look it up. 7. President Katsav may be going thru a legal process, but his actions suggest the mindset and mentality prevalent in Israel. More examples include Chaim Ramon, Yitzhak Mordechai, some senior IDF officers, The Chief of Staff's bodyguard, and the list goes on. Most of these guys feel a sense of entitlement. You can criticize us Arabs all you want.....but I doubt you guys are any better. 8. The fact that sexual abuse is so rampant in Israel, and that it is reported because of an "open society admits to its faults" does not suggest that the condition of women in Israel is any better. How many women have been murdered in recent months by their spouses in Israel? 9. Yes, in Islam we say "You are divorced" thrice and she is indeed divorced. But at least her ordeal does not last for decades with her fate in the hands of her husband and some Rabbis. It does not seem that a Jewish woman's testimony in a Rabbinical court is worth much more than an Islamic woman, if the Jewish woman can stay in "marital limbo" (L'Olam V'Ed). 10. You might have a female friend subscribing to Reform Judaism who might be ordained as a Rabbi. Will she be recognized as a Rabbi in Israel? Can she even count towards a minyan in an Israeli synagogue? Reform & Conservative Jewry may be big outside Israel, but in Israel it is miniscule. How many women Rabbis do you know in Israel? Which Rabbinical school in Israel would accept a woman? 11. Sarah Palin nearly did it......and look what the liberal US media did to her!! Most of her opponents were "enlightened women" some of whom subscribe to the Jewish faith, mainly the Reform. I did mention earlier that at least 3 Islamic countries had women as leaders. Turkey (Tensu Chillor), Bangladesh (Hassina Rahman) and Pakistan (Benazir Bhutto). Talking about my about your hipocrisy?
38. Rashid-Chicagp-Who are you?
Len ,   Florida, USA   (04.11.10)
In post #6 --you essentially speak out for the burka. Now, you want to debate social and economic progress for women in the Muslim world. Come on, argue for honor killings and stonings...where would you want your daughter to live. On second thought, don't answer--you already indicated--you could care less about the "inferior" gender. The final word is why do people emigrant from your societies, if given the chance. These people include Muslims, ethnic minorities and persecuted dissenters. There is no immigration to your authoritative regimes. Even the Arabs are free to leave Israel, but choose to stay. They vote their approval with their feet. The world knows this truth-even though you indoctrinate your children with lies. You continue to live in the decadent secular west---because your Middle East is an insane asylum. Yes, culturally primitive---until you free more than half your population and respect other including atheists and gays. Bu, there are no gays in Muslim countries....Your hypocricy astounds---if you really believe what you say.
39. My Dear Len (#38)
Rashid ,   Chicago, IL   (04.12.10)
Let me assure you that the lines outside the US embassy on Rechov Hayarkon 71, Tel Aviv are longer than the lines outside any US Embassy in any Arab country. The numbers of Israeli kids post Army service working illegally in the US is huge. Just walk thru any mall. There are over half a million Israelis in the US (out of a population of 7 million in Israel, 6 million of which are Jewish). This accounts for 7.14% of Israelis living in the US. According to the State Department, the percentage of Israelis "overstaying" their visa is in excess of 8%, at par with many Latin American countries. There are also Israelis that are running to assume other European nationalities, now that so many countries have joined the EU. These descendants have forgotten what their forefathers had experienced in these Eastern & Central European countries. If Israel was such a glorious place to live, with equality for all, why the "charge" for foreign citizenships among second & even 3rd generation Israelis?? Have they little respect for what their ancestors experienced in these countries, just a few decades ago?? But, I suppose the lure of money is greater than "equality." I am not contesting that by your standards we Arabs may be "primitive" or "cave dwelling" and gender oppression exists in our society. Oh but you are based in sunny Florida, and perhaps unaware except for may be a few visits to Israel, as to what life in Israel is like? Your religion does not treat women equally !! And please don't tell me that the Reform movement is egalitarian. The majority in Israel is NOT Reform (Toda L'El, Yishtabach Shemo L'Olam V'ed !!! - I hope you at least can understand Hebrew). You are in no position to speak of equality for women !! Anything otherwise is plain hypocrisy.
40. #6
ariella ,   holon   (05.16.10)
thank you God for living in ISrael and not in a moslem country. I have all my rights (duties too) and feel free and happy to make my own choices.I pity the moslem women who live under the yoke of their men and families. Wake up ladies!!!
41. God created the human species
Ruth Rasnic ,   Herzliya, Israel   (05.29.10)
Male and female did the Lord create them, and blessed them upon their creation and called them Adam (human). Genesis Chapter 2 and Chapter 5. Christianity and Islam were founded long after Judaism, which is the basis of both these religions. It is not the Lord who made women subservient. It is males who interpret the word of the Lord and wish to keep women as chattel and property. Fundamentalists, who wish to keep women in the traditional roles of our grandmothers, should note one thing: even under dire subjection and total submission under the Hijab and the veil, women's brains function and operate. They know they are treated badly and wish for change. See what is happening in Afghanistan. Read the remarkable literature coming from Iranian women authors. Societies are judged by the status of women and the role women play in shaping that society. .
42. Hamas Resposible for Most Misery in Gaza
Douglas Fireman ,   Niles (USA)   (06.10.10)
My heart goes out to all Palestinian women who are abused by men in Gaza. One can understand women's frustrations. Unemployment and the frustrations brought on by the blockade, war etc., are not, however, adequate reasons to mistreat women. The introduction of Sharia Law into Gaza, and men's patriarchal response toward women are certainly major factors that make women's lives miserable in Gaza. Leadership's preoccupation with fulfilling their own selfish political goals supercedes the creating of an environment that provides social organizations that help women, the elderly, and the youth. Their children aimlessly walk the streets hoping to become Shahids. Gaza Is an "open air prison," and Leadership are the wardens of their people. Were radical Islamist views to be modified, then the people of Gaza, would be less saddled with oppresive religious laws that promote misery among their people. Were Leadership to recognize Israel and help create the environment in which peace loving Palestinians and Israelis could live side by side thus allowing new opportunities that would benefit the the Gazan Palestinians, to finally realize the peace longed for citizens on both sides of the fence. Rather than derailing all peace opportunities in the region, Hamas needs to get on the peace train and help tcreate the conditions whereby peace loving Palestinians and Israels can live side by side. Without mutual cooperation by all groups, then peace in the region, will never be realized, and the body count will continue to rise.
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