Jewish Scene
Anti-Semitism on the rise worldwide
Aviel Magnezi
Published: 11.04.10, 13:01
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83 Talkbacks for this article
61. Jehudah misses the point, it's not real antisemitism...
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.11.10)
...that's the main problem. Many people cheapen the term by using it to describe people who are morally offended by Israel's morally repugnant actions towards the occupied Palestinians. Real antisemitism is practically non-existent in the world. Yet millions upon millions, including myself, recognize that Israel has lost its moral compass. The colonialism and subjugation of the Palestinians and others in the region is driving anti-Israeli policy sentiment, and with good reason. Just the same as South Africa.
62. #1
Haifa granny   (04.11.10)
No, anti-Semitism is not the direct result of the fanatical far right. It is the direct result of the fanatical anti-Semitic anti-Zionist anti-Israeli far left. With a liberal dose of Hamas' determined, and I might add successful, effort to give Israel the worst publicity it has ever had.
63. even on the eve persecution of converts is strong.
Josh   (04.11.10)
If we cannot learn from the holocaust as the remain torch-light of recalling the persecution and injustice rest in our hands and glows as we light yatzite candles to remember, what will become of Am Israel? Do we choose to walk a path of unrighteous persecution and isolation of converts? If we do, what meaning can we find in "never again"? What does it say if we cannot kneel to the will of Torah and allow its return of our scattered sheep of historical hell on earth? In addition to remembering, I ask everyone with a heart and a head to stop the persecution of converts as a symbol of understanding of what horrors occurred when the world was turned against our people to force them to become the type of people that needed to convert back to Judaism. Victims of forced conversation into a sect that stems from Judaism that returned to one G-d and Torah should find rest and home and not be victimized and provoked. Our history is that of Torah prophecy of being forced into Diaspora to work for the G-d's of others. Read Devarim and recall. Take heart when G-d states he loves the converts and take fast to your souls in remembering what they forced on Jews - returnees from Christianity should not be told to go back and driven out, should they? Let’s not push people into the wrong path and end up dragging ourselves there again too. G-d states he is a consuming fire on fallen Israel. Torah doesn’t guarantee never again if we can even do as it asks. Let the convert be revived from choose death back into choose life and Israel can begin to repair on the path G-d designed and Moses predicted. Torah – It is not an empty thing. Todah l-Elohenu.
64. to #19 you are right
jason white ,   afula,israel   (04.11.10)
We should let rockets and mortars rain down on Sderot and that area. Let the terrorists bomb and kill us in Israel. We should also line up and walk passively into gas chambers. Would that be okay with you?
65. Hess (26-28, 40-41, 50-51, 54, 60) King of the anti-semites!
flyingdoc57 ,   Florida, U.S.A.   (04.11.10)
The anti-semite wingnut returns to tell us Jews "Real antisemitism is practically non-existent in the world"! This rabid, anti-semite P.O.S.; who has never held down a job; who has spent his entire worthless life devoted to anti-semitism; who has never been out of the Country..."lectures" the world's Jews (on a daily basis) about the myth of anti-semitism. Hess, you worthless piece of human debris. Don't you realize that the people you "lecture" are infinitely more intelligent than you, infinitely more traveled than you, infinitely more productive than you, and infinitely more aware of the existence of anti-semitism than you? Are you that much of an idiot that you do not see the sick form of irony in an anti-semite like you lecturing to Jews around the world about the non-existence of anti-semitism? Get a job. Get a hobby. Get a life. You've spent your whole life in the sewer of Jew-hatred. Where has it gotten you? Israel continues to thrive. It always has, and always will. You are inconsequential. It's time you give up the hopeless fight. Or, as you would say....."Time's up"!!
66. #63 That's why Christianity is a crucible?
Anon   (04.11.10)
Pushing dross into a crucible is crucifying? Jesus said he came to burn up the chaff with his message. A prophecy of fire. Chaff in his message was the fallen Jews. Not peace but war as Jesus states. Jewish brother killing Jewish brother because of his message. So sending a person who chooses life away from Torah and telling them to remain with a crucified man on a deadly cross and to worship him as they have in the past, before the one true G-d is pushing them into the crucible? That's a serious flip-flop of sin. Are you saying this is the same forcing of paganism whether Jewish or a pagan on a choose life person has been happening? I never looked at the parallel. Killing the soul is worse than killing the body? I hope all converts live a good life here.
67. #42 Matty justifies anti-semitism
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.11.10)
Matty, If ye want to address this issue ye ought to come up with better suggestions. 1) Israelis are quite civilized. How many Israelis do you know Matty? You're stereotyping again. Please define civilized. Should Israelis say thank you when a kassam rocket lands in their kitchen? 2) People who launch 8000+ kassams and thousands of terror attacks against Israel deserve to be treated like terrorists. And when they hide behind the civilian populations they endanger those civilians. Last time I checked, Israel still provides the Palestinians with their needs, in spite of Palestinian efforts to annihilate Israel. 3) You've described yourself as an atheist with little tolerance for anyone with a religious belief, yet you single out Jews. Do you also post on Islamic websites against Islamic extremists? When was the last time you did this? 4) Not all settlers are religious or extremists. The majority live peaceful, productive lives. So quietly that you don't know they exist, yet you want them removed. Once again you stereotype and single out Jews. And you never speak out when these Jewish residents of the West Bank are murdered, stoned, stabbed or terrorized by Palestinians in their own homes. 5) Israelis do take responsibility for their actions. But when they do, you still find fault with them. Then again, who are you to pass judgment on them?
68. You can't get away with it.
Concerned   (04.11.10)
If ever there was a time too look at the punishment and rewards of getting on G-d's good side, now is the time. "He shall promote a Vile nation over you" is down-right scary. All things in Israel that violate Torah need to be found and removed. Whether in business, personal or spiritual. We need to put on the brakes and look to G-d and control ourselves. Start with the hamsah as show of rejection of alien customs. Jainsim is not Torah. Look like you would for hametz for banned items, non-torah traditions, and false teachings. Clean house. "No G-d wants hocus pokus" as the inspired song goes.
69. Most incidents were by Muslims in Eurabia
Sue ,   Los Angeles   (04.11.10)
Anti-Semitic incidents during Cast Lead were mostly perpetrated by Muslims in W. Europe. In Latin America, Hugo Chavez's anti-Semitic rhetoric caused attacks on synagogues. The financial crisis gave traditional anti-Semites another excuse to scapegoat Jews. The rise of anti-Semitism in W. Europe began years before Cast Lead - due to increased Muslim populations and their allies, the anti-Israel leftist media. Pro-Israel authors (and talkbackers) are regularly silenced. In 2009-2010, all of the aforementioned anti-Semitic groups were emboldened by the new anti-Israel US president, Barack Obama.
70. #65 Jason, well I just thought
that sharing that real estate in Jerusalem would do, but if you're such a masochist...
71. I can't help feeling that the majority of posters
Oisin   (04.12.10)
are disappointed that anti-semitism isn't widespread at all. It comprised less than 1% of hate crime in the UK, yet according to Ron B #46 "Anti-Semitism is one of the ugliest defect in human kind and it provokes the appearance of the most primitive and bestial instinct in human nature" - please. Invoking the crime of anti-semitism to give facile support to poor arguments is pathetic. BTW sectaianism is widespread where I'm from except they don't call people names because of it- they kill you.
72. To #70 First let them share parts of
jason white ,   afula,israel   (04.12.10)
mecca and medina with Jews,Christians and others? Jerusalem is our Jewish capitol! As for defending Jews and Israel, I am a sadist.You are a weakling that will let the enemy destroy you and others.
73. 40 - for convert paqid, hate speech is ok for him
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (04.12.10)
he'll call everyone out for misdeeds, real or imagined, while hypocritically spreading the bigotry himself. sad little man he is.
74. to #42 you pathetic since the jews in franc
ghostq   (04.12.10)
r not setlers but in Halimi case it was enough Muslim recognize him as a jew.
75. #42 So why did it exist before that?
Josh   (04.12.10)
Self serving claims trying to take away from the Jews what they rightfully earned. Torah is the force that drives everything.
76. Interesting: Hess (26, etc) & who commends his misojudaism?
Paqid Yirmeyahu ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (04.12.10)
Hess is an infamous name. Is Michael a grandson or just an admirer and legacy of Rudolf? Today the hate-mongering Christian posts his support for him, allying with him in calling supporters of Torah haters-showing his true colors, which he generally hides to deceive frier Jews. According to them, misojudaism is love while Torah is still "the law of sin and death" = hate. So, those who stand up for Torah against Xn misojudaism are, in their eyes, "haters." Those who call evil good and good evil... Paqid Yirmeyahu Paqid 16, The Netzarim, Ra'anana, Israel Israeli Torah-reverer (& Orthodox Jew) Advocate for Logic as Hermeneutic Halakhic Authority Welcoming All Torah-reverers (Jews & non-Jews)
77. Dear Mr. Hess
Yamit ,   Tel Aviv israel   (04.12.10)
Have you by any chance forgotten the September 11? Or six blows in London railway stations? Or Moscow metro recent attacks? That is to name a few. Of course, no Muslim intends to kill you personally. You might just get killed inadvertently, together with another couple hundreds unfortunate people, who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is not about Muslims, it is about fanatics who do not value human life - no matter if the life is Jewish, Christian or their own. THink about that. maybe it will straighten you a bit.
78. #Surprised?
goyim ,   Canada   (04.12.10)
do you think anti-semitism may have something to do with the age-old denouncement of non-Jews as 'goyim' and 'gentiles'? One never hears anything about 'anti-goyimism'. To repeat what you said: Even if Gentiles walked into a volcano never to be seen again, the Jews would manage to find a fault in them
79. Einstein, Arendt etc: Anti-Semites?
goyim ,   Canada   (04.12.10)
Excerpt from letter to the editors of the NYTimes, signed by Einstein, Arendt and other prominent Jews in 1948: "Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the ""Freedom Party"" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin’s political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents. Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin’’s behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement."
80. #78 & #79 Spare your BS
Ron ,   US   (04.13.10)
Anti-semitism is based on hate, jealousy and ignorance. Crawl back under your rock.
81. #3 your own worst enemy
Lisa   (04.13.10)
you got it right: the worst anti-Israelis ( anti-semites) are your own people- they critizise Israel and Jews, playing into the hands of extremists- . In the past so called 'converts' were some of the worst persecutors of Jews during the Inquisition, Reformation and so on. The intelligencia today needs a lesson in loyalty, so do NK etc... All those surveys are pretty well worthless - . Where do they get the numbers? Who reports? Of course there are more reports now, every newspaper sees this as a money maker- it is big news and gets people excited..see Ynet!
82. Why is there anti-semitism???
Mike ,   Portland, USA   (04.14.10)
The reason anti-semitism exists is because of some Jews philosophy of partial separatism in the nations in which they have dwelled. To separate oneself by ones dress, language, diet, friendships, and in-marriage, yet participate commercially, to reap financial benefits, is a formula for disaster. Those groups that are completely isolationist, INCLUDING THEIR LIVELIHOODS, like the Amish, have never been subject to the same doubts and suspicions as have Jews. Either Jews need to be completely separate in every way, shape and form or completely integrated and assimilated into the societies in which they dwell. I and my fellow, non-Orthodox American Jews have already made that choice. Our rates of intermarriage and a 78% vote for President Obama in the only poll that counts, (the election itself) should be sending a message to those Jews who believe in mixing isolationism with living half-way in the modern world. As for Zionism, it would have only worked if the modern day founders had selected an uninhabited island that could support large numbers of people. No such island existed in the 19th or 20th century,therefore occupying a land already occupied by others became the rallying point of the modern founders of Israel. Even Ben Gurion owned up to this. In modern times there has never been a land without a people for a people without a land. Anyone for rationalism and logic?
83. Just watch the Rosa Parks movie. 4 Years of sitting isolated
Josh   (04.14.10)
Yeah! Yeah Its you. You changed sides to be the victimizer of converts.
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