PM quotes Herzl: Don't rely on foreigners
Roni Sofer
Published: 18.04.10, 11:39
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31. Bibi, put up or shut up, demand an end to US aid!
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.18.10)
Come on buddy! Tell President Obama to shove American aid and weapons and munitions. I know I will be asking him again to shut the spigot off. Sure, I have heard all the arguments. Stuff the arguments about how that money will be a hit to our military budget. My ass! The US military budget that we know of is almost a trillion dollars annually. Shifting around that $3 billion and shipping those arms to another Middle Eastern country like Lebanon is no sweat. They need protection from you peace hating warmongering freaks anyway. Keep up the asinine anti-peace anti-American rhetoric Bibi. Reality is on the verge of setting in. And you will be responsible.
32. #29 eporue - I am truly impressed with your genius, so can
Harry Wright ,   UK   (04.19.10)
you elaborate on - "a sort of pact in case of trouble". What does it entail? Will the Arabs sort of defend Israel militarily if it is attacked? Is it like the motorist who sort of killed the pedestrian he ran over? Or the person who sort of helped his friend as he looked on as he was being beaten? Maybe you sort of conduct your life satisfactorily, yes? But, I think if the Arabs are genuine, they should sort of put in writing what they have in mind for Israel in this magnanimous gesture, so Israel can sort of mull it over and decide if it is worth their while. Maybe they can also sort of recognise Israel too, what with this new and exciting bond of friendship being forged. This is sort of the dawn of a new day! I am sure you sort of agree with me.
33. Michael Hess @ 31, it is not that simple.
leo ,   usa   (04.19.10)
US need Israel to accept money in order to have leverage. Besides, it is not even money in the sense most think of it. Most of this money never leaves American shores in its original form, but rather in the form of goods Israel urgently needs. Simply saying to Uncle Sam do not bother we will pay for everything ourselves is not exactly what Uncle Sam wants to hear.
34. @#2 Without Balfour
L. King ,   Toronto, Canada   (04.26.10)
It's more correct to state that without Paris 1919 there would be no Jew free state of Jordan for you to enjoy. Jordan was created as a compromise for Jewish immigration to the remaining fragment of the Mandate. Had there been no such agreement Jewish immigration would have been further dispersed and there might not have been an Israel. On the other hand, had early Arab Nationalism not been as racist against Jews history might have been different in other ways as well. Having your leadership threatening to "Kill the Jews - this pleases God, religion and history" didn't actually go that far in building bridges. In your favor, having Arafat and the Mufti kill off and intimidate the more moderate Arab leadership didn't do much either. Consider yourself lucky that you weren't born a Jew in an Arab country. That is, unless you were born a Palestinian in an Arab country, in which case you have my sympathies - because at least the Jews were accepted by their brethren. I'd suggest you stop worrying about the might have been and look towards building a future. If the Palestinians negotiate in good faith and are willing to work together with Israelis you can dig yourselves out in less than a generation. Relying on your fellow Arabs hasn't worked out too well now, has it?
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