Hundreds protest Nakba with Palestinian, Turkish flags
Sharon Roffe-Ofir
Published: 20.04.10, 20:30
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31. Arabs did it to themsleves and still do it
Michael Hess aka BS ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.21.10)
Over the last 60 years there have been large population transfers and horrible massacres in Arab countries caused by Arabs themselves. The number of those Arabs murdered by other Arabs reaches 6 million. Yemen Civil war, Lebanon Civil war, Algeria Civil war, Jordan's Black September, Syria's Hama massacre, genocide of Kurds, Saddam started wars against Iran and Kuwait, Arabs war on the Black Christian Africans of the South and Black Muslim Africans of Darfur. Adding all the numbers up easily reaches to 6 million. Only recently it has been revealed that Syria forced 1 million peasants to move 500 miles away from their ancestral lands. Despite these horrendous statistics Arabs never mention them and instead they pester the small Jewish State. Even if all their claims are true they represents a very tiny fraction of what Arabs have done to each other in the same time period.
32. #19 Hess, Sarcastic but Not Wise
Dallas ,   Canada   (04.21.10)
You sit in the safety of the USA with no idea of what the dynamics are. I am sure you have never visited Israel. And of course you agree with your Arab narrative that Israel's defensive war of independence is equivalent to the Shoah. You leave the world in a worse place. Thanks for that.
33. READ #4
oxo ,   USA   (04.21.10)
READ #4 -- a factual refresher
34. TLV, how right you are!
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.21.10)
What is sad to see is that so many here are gleeful in any Arab or Muslim suffering and real loss. They love it. And as sad as they are, they are hastening an end to Israel's colonialism and they are helping to increase the isolation of Israel. I am delighted that there are impostors, and fools who support ethnic cleansing in Israel's name. I have come to the conclusion that this is precisely why Ynet and the others let them through, no matter how vile, no matter how egregious an incitement they offer, all of the comments from those who advocate that Israel commit yet more war crimes and possible crimes against humanity with impunity are in themselves helping to remove legitimacy from Israel. Thereby hastening the need for world intervention to save Israel from itself before it commits nationcide.
35. GZlies, and leaves out the Jewish terrorist groups...
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.21.10)
...driving out the Arab Palestinians. But that's OK. The New Historians have introduced the truth to the world. Anyone with Google can look up the Haganah, forerunner to the IDF, the Stern Gang, the Irgun, Lehi, the King David Hotel, the Jewish militants creating terrorism and bombings and killings first driving out Brits and Arab Palestinians, and once the Brits left, continuing to this day taking land and resources from the same people more than sixty years ago. I'll bet you blame women when they get raped don't you? The Arab Palestinians ethnically cleansed themselves? It's clear that it was a catastrophe, given that there are idiots out there six decades later who are not capable of recognizing it *as* a catastrophe. That old chosen one double standard at work again.
36. Independence from what? Have I missed something?
Edithann ,   USA   (04.21.10)
37. Right of Return for Jews
David ,   New England   (04.21.10)
I think the Jews who were expelled from the arab countries after the birth of Israel should be allowed back into the countries they were expelled from and given their property back. That should include their descendants also, even if it is five times the original amount.
38. Why is is tht no arab country wants "palestinians?"
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (04.21.10)
The have enough moaners, groaners, criers, complainers already and they don't need any murderers either.
39. Nabka didn't happen! Your homeland is in Arabia!
Palestiniansareamyth ,   USA   (04.21.10)
Arab Fakestinians; Go back to homeland Arabia or Turkey. Just leave Israel alone!
41. #2 they must
ivan ,   haifa   (04.21.10)
u exterminated most of them because they did not fight like palestinians.¡ do.
42. I wish from the bottom of my heart a real
Vardina   (04.21.10)
Shoah to all those who hate us.
43. The Naqbah, the wholesale exile of the
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (04.21.10)
Palestinian population (725,000 to 850,000 depending upon whose statistics one accepts) during our War of Independence, is of prime importance. The very fact of it, the "myth of forced exile and hoped-for return" of a people, is extraordinarily powerful. We Jews, given our own history and myths, should understand this well. Nonetheless, because it is such a disturbing series of events, we Jews do not wish to deal with it for fear of our own part in it and for fear of how it may or may not be ameliorated and rectified. I have begun to study this event. Many people (especially Talkbackers) state that Arabs left willingly following the advice of their leaders on being told that they (Palestinians) would return once the Arab armies destroyed the Jews. The Arab armies lost, of course, so that the Arabs who left could not return, at least without any facility. According to the historian, Howard Sachar, in his book entitled "A History of Israel from the Rise of Zionism to our Time", in actuality it was the Arab leadership, the administrators and professionals, who first left. Due to the ensuing disorganization, the propertied and administrative class was followed by the fearful stampede of uneducated peasants and small tradesmen. The Arabs feared what the victorious army of Jews would do to them, extrapolating from what would have certainly occurred had the Arab armies been victorious. In fact, wrote Sachar, the various Arab newspapers recommended that the Palestinian people not leave. Furthermore, wrote Sachar, Israeli officialdom begged the Arab people not to leave. Sachar did not believe that the atrocities at Deir Yassein would have gotten around and therefore would not have influenced many Palestinians into leaving their homes. I am also planning to read Benny Morris' book entitled, "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited". I have read an interview of Benny Morris on the subject, however. He said that he found very definite documentation that Jewish atrocities were far more common than what was solely represented by Deir Yassein. There were a number of cases of rape, pillage and murder of innocents. These events would have been communicated to the general Arab population and undeniably strengthen their fear of the Jewish militia. Frightened for themselves and their families, they left the land. I came across a short summary of a book compiled by a Palestinian author who actually compiled an oral history of the refugees who left what was to become the nation of Israel. I plan to read it. It's not enough to rationalize this exile by saying that most of the Arabs who left were simply landless peasants. This is probably true but, nonetheless, it was also their home. It's also not enough to say that the other Arab countries have purposely kept these refugees in camps, squalid or otherwise. While that is true, it does not subtract from the fact that they were/are refugees. And finally, it's not enough to state that 850,000 Jews were sent away from their respective homes in Arab countries, their property and goods confiscated. That's what Arabs did to us. For our part, we need to deal with what we did to them. I don't know that we have a sensible solution to this problem but at the very least, we could acknowledge it, at least to one another. In Canada, slowly and gradually, the damage done to the Native people of this country by the Europeans who moved into this continent (North America) has been acknowledged and reparations have bee made and are still being made. From a psychological perspective, this most recent acknowledgement and apology by our prime minister, Stephen Harper, has had a very salutary effect. I hope this post will stimulate discussion.
44. Do not trust them.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (04.21.10)
The attitude of the Israeli Arabs to Israel can be summed up in a popular sayings: "take whatever you can and give nothing." For this reason they avoid paying taxes. At the same time they enjoy all the services and benefits which the state offers its citizens. Since they pay very little income tax, they are regarded statistically as belonging to the poor sector. But anybody who travels through Arab villages and towns in Israel is astonished by the wonderful villas of these "poor people". The Israeli Arabs are represented by parties in the Knesset that are elected in free, democratic elections. One of them is officially communist, one officially Islamic, and one "national-democratic" but as far as their attitude to Israel as a Jewish state is concerned : they all openly wish for its disappearance although all of them swore allegiance to "the State of Israel and its laws" as described at:
45. A better future for the Arabs of Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
Ron B. ,   Lod   (04.21.10)
As Israel has restored its “aura of invincibility” there can be a semblance of hope for a better future. Israel’s enemies should come to realize that they have truly been defeated, that they cannot continue the system that led to the war, and that their dream of conquest is dead. The solution to the misery of the Arabs living in Judea, Samaria and Gaza exist : they should think about emigrating, discretely, to other Arab countries before it is too late, (most of these countries are not very populated and can easily integrate them). That is the real solution as explained at :
46. there leader called them to leave
ghostq   (04.21.10)
kinda silly, funny they r whining on something they cause to themselves.
47. "Nakba" (catastrophe) = Israel's existence
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (04.21.10)
It is high time people realize: the so called "nakba", translated into the Arab Israeli conflict jargon means one and only one thing: the very existence of the Jewish independent state of Israel. This is precisely why the "nakba" is commemorated on the day Israel was proclaimed - be it according to the general calendar or the Jewish one. The undoing of the "nakba", therefore, according to those who commemorate it is the annihilation of Israel, a UN member state that came into being legally based on League of Nations decisions and UN resolutions. And yet, some "progressive" and "peace loving" people are at the forefront of those commemorations...!!
48. comparissons
tiki ,   belgium   (04.21.10)
The whole 'crux of the Pal/Arab war is: "We want what YOU have". Problem of this reasoning : "Jews/Israeli's ALWAYS do better, be it: building, inventing, art, music, Suffering, Being Murdered, Being Cursed, Being Haunted, Being Expelled from every country by the millions over the CENTURIES, we ALWAYS excell! Being 'expelled and 'live in the village 10 meters away from the old house with good healthcare and education.....,how lucky can one get? The European, Russian, Arab Jews didn't get those changes. So NEVER EVER compare the Nakba to the HOLOCAUST or any suffering of the's comparing a 'fruit fly to a "butterfly.
49. To #21 and #22
TLV, Israel   (04.21.10)
I do understand your frustrations, and where your anger comes from. You can see i displayed the same frustrations in my posts, as we're all human and can't always avoid going for an objectiv and just perspective when we're too involved. What surprises me, is that the biggest extremism comes from the people who don't live daily israeli live like you Sarah. "Bomb Iran, push away the palestinians, lock them all up, cheer for the settlers" is all very easy said, when you're not the one who bears the consequences. You expect the palestinians to walk like sheep in the israeli traps, just like your people did 6o years ago (i do think a comparison here is slightly possible). What would you do if they prevent YOU every day to go to work straight, if they lock up YOUR son because he threw a stone at a settler, YOUR kid comes home with injuries from not-locked up stones of settlers, YOUR home is being demolished because someone decided the ground is theirs??? The palestinians didn't just refuse peace, Israel makes it impossible to seal a realistic deal (Jerusalem solely Jewish? Comon, that will require official etnic cleansing by the israeli state!) I don't think we should give up everything easy, and for sure the israeli population needs safe and fair borders. But our government is being everything but fair. Blowing up your own peacebridge and blame the palestinians for it seems to be the slogan. If one day the palestinians have enough of this crap, the world won't be there to hold it's hand over Israel's head... and that's solely because of our own doing! I wish i was a Shenkin coffee drinker. Sadly enough this conflict works on my system every day and soon we will leave this country that i love so much, because i have enough of having the suffering and bloodshed of the palestinians on my hands.
50. # 49
nathan ,   Israel / USA   (04.21.10)
I simply must write in response to your post. 1. You mention that Israel Prevents Pals from going to work . Yes they do - Non-Israeli Arabs are Prevented from entering Israel Proper without the Proper Documentation. Just Like the US tries to Prevent People from Mexico to enter the US illegally to work. It is not Always easy to get the proper permits at the moment, I agree, but when there is less violence and illegal activity from the Arab side then the proper papers become much easier to receive. Of Course if You or your family are involved in any way with Terrorist activities then you are much less likely to get these permits, quite justifiable IMO. 2. You ask if they lock up my Son because he threw a stone at a settler - How would I feel? If my son threw stones at people (and we are not talking small rocks here) Then I would expect him to be arrested - as he would be arrested in ANY other normal country in the world 3. How would I feel if my home was being demolished? Quite Pissed, But if I Build Illegally then it is no-ones fault but my own. As in any other country If i build without a permit it is illegal and it will be torn down. If I build on land that is not legally registered to me in the land office then I would most likely go to jail after they tear down the building. Concerning Jerusalem: No-one is Saying that the Arab residence of Jerusalem would be forced to move - the only people who say this are VERY extreme right wing people, of whom there are very few, and those who are trying to create more conflict. There is no PLAN/INTENTION to remove the Arab residence of Jerusalem. All we are saying is this, Jerusalem (all of Jerusalem) is and always will be part of Israel. Illegal building will be torn down, land belongs to the person who owns it. If an Arab family rightfully owns the land then it belong to that family, if a Jewish family owns the land then it belong to that family - very simple and Just. All of this is Fact, AS far as the peace process is concerned: No other country in tho WORLD would offer what has already been offered (and refused) and I might add that this has been offered to a people and government that continually calls for the destruction of Israel and refuses to even admit that Israel has the right to exist. So please !!.
51. Nostalgy
Raphael ,   Netanya   (04.21.10)
Demonstrating with turkish flags means they regret the predator turkish colonialism, who spread Islam to the doors of Vienna. Showing "keys" of their adobe hut means they forgot the piece of chalk used to mark the jewish houses they would have claimed after the arab victory in 1948. They suffer being ripped from" their" land (some yards away): how should the 25 million muslim settlers in Europe feel, uprooted from their overseas homeland and exiled in an infidel non arabic speaking continent?
52. To: No. 49
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.21.10)
I live in Israel roughly six months of the year. I consider myself to be both American and Israeli. Of late, being American (despite being born here) has become considerably harder. I do believe in accountability. The simple fact of the matter is that Israel would not harm a single Palestinian --- if they could learn not to behave badly. What we have, however, are a people who consider themselves aggrieved and blame the Jews. The truth differs greatly. Six wars and sixty-two years of terror have to count for something. We did not ask for it. We are not responsible for it. We could have been the best -- perhaps only -- friends the Palestinian Arabs ever had. But they chose their path, and it ranks up there with the most dreadful decisions ever made. But it was their choice. They must take ownership. You cannot put toothpaste back into the tube. Should have, could have .... but didn't. Sorry. They must find their place in someone else's country. Not mine.
53. Native Americans DO do this every year
Said Samid ,   Bethlehem   (04.21.10)
Every year, native Americans do come out in numbers in various places to commemorate their Nakba -- the interesting thing is that more and more they are carrying Palestinian flags when they do to highlight the similarities in their anti-colonial struggles.
54. Sarah #52
Resistor   (04.21.10)
Ask your parents where they came from. It certainly wasn't Israel! It is YOU who should pack your bags, go back to Manhattan, sit down,and shut up!
55. #29 David,NJ
Ian ,   Newcastle upon Tyne,   (04.21.10)
I think that you mean the Eldon Grill and I have an idea that it operates under another name,now.It's not kosher so I don't take much interest,though I did walk right under it today in bright sunshine and a chilly wind. Taking this opportunity,I can report that there are many Muslim people in Newcastle,now,and very little friction.Along with Sikhs,Chinese and many other minorities,they gradually integrate and also become Geordies. I have a feeling that leaving Islamic countries and coming to the west has a positive effect on many Muslims.Without the corrosive influence of traditional Islamic society and culture they learn to live and let live and find their humanity while remaining Muslims.That suggests that it would be a good thing if Israeli Arabs were brought more into Israeli society and discouraged from segregating themselves. THREE CHEERS FOR ISRAEL!!!
56. Ban these marches,if they want to march,let them march in GA
Jenni Soames ,   London UK   (08.09.10)
Next step will be right of return,don't allow any more marches.You halt Jewish marches,and allow Arab ones.Idiots.
57. Hundreds celebrate Naqba
Bikerwolf ,   London U.K.   (05.15.13)
Hey 'resistor' # 52 guess what? There are millions of Muslims in my country who were not born here and have a 'Right of Return' to the U.K. simply because the Socialists of post WW2 Britain were racked with colonial guilt and wanted to show the how 'nice' white people really were after centuries of colonial repression. Now we are arresting and jailing Jihadist Nazis on an almost weekly basis basis because 'they' hate us as much as they hate Jews. Funnily enough the sicko Lefties don't appear to have a problem with their hate either. So your point is?
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