Syria threatens to send Israel back to 'prehistoric times'
Roee Nahmias
Published: 24.04.10, 21:37
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75 Talkbacks for this article
tct ,   Pl, CA   (04.25.10)
62. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.25.10)
Silly you. Israel wanted to stop the daily missile barrages into northern Israel and the kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. Mission accomplished. Couldn't stop Hizbollah? Oh, more fool you. Israel, you see, is a moral and democratic state and collateral damage was at the forefront of the operation in Lebanon. How long do you think it would have taken Israel to dispatch Hezbollah PERMANENTLY if collateral damage were not a concern? How much life span do you think that terrorist rabble would have enjoyed if Israel did not care about civilian casualties? You know, much like Canadian actions both in the Balkans and in Afghanistan? Right. Ten seconds. We can put them out of our misery real quick, George. Except -- unlike Canada -- we care about the civilians.
63. To: Cameron at No. 59
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.25.10)
I've been on trial prep for a while. Not much time for fun stuff. May I use this as a bully pulpit for a moment? Yes, my husband is a maxillofacial plastic surgeon, who repairs cleft palates and other severe disfigurements of the face. The surgeons, nurses and medical technicians that are part of Operation Smile fly -- at their own expense -- to some pretty desolate places in the world to repair these disfigurements. They are all soft-tissue matters, and are mostly due to poor nutrition during gestation. So much more rewarding than fixing the lips of a fifty-year old who wants to look thirty-years old. Anyway, folks, Operation Smile. They put the smiles on the faces of children that have no other option. They do good things. Good for the soul, too. Thanks, Cameron.
64. Are you serious?
Jeff ,   US   (04.25.10)
Israeli nukes are worthless and will never be used. Why would Israel defecate in their own backyard?
65. syria has a couple of hundred scuds thats it
zionist forever   (04.25.10)
The most advanced missile Syria has is the Scud D which is an old missile and can be easily defeated by Israels modern air defense systems and they certainly don'e have over 600 of them. Even with their scuds they wouldn't get a chance to launch more than a handful before the IAF carpet bombed the area. Israel has sattelittes and UAVS which can find Syrian missile launchers. The Syrian air force uses Soviet era MIGS & their pilots are some of the worst in the region. It would be a quick and easy war providing the government lets the IDF run and plan the war and the politicians don't try to micromanage it from their air conditioned offices the way Olmert tried to manage Lebanon. If we let the military take their gloves off and do things their way then they can deal with Hizbollah. Israel would be hit by some missiles terrorist or Syrian but they would only be conventional warheads unless Assad is suicidal and decides to use chemical weapons and if he did there wouldn't even be a Syria left to bomb back to the stone age. With Syria acting alone its hardware being at least 2 generations behind anything Israel has, they do not have the strategic high ground ( the Golan ) and the fact they have no colaition partners this would be an easy victory for Israel.
66. 64
zionist forever   (04.25.10)
Considering Israel has had nukes for over 40 years now and its a country thats a major player in the hi-tec world then I am sure it has more than cold war era H Bombs. Israel has almost certainly by now developed modern small tactical nukes where radiation very quickly disperses into the atmosphere whilst the initial blast is the same as an old fashioned nuke. Israel can nuke its Syria without creating a radioactive wasteland although the reality is they would never be used unless the other side was the first to use non conventional weapons. Even then the decision on weather or not to use them would be based on casualties. If Syria used chemical weapons but Israeli casualties were very low then there would almost certainly be no nuclear retaliation. If Israel suffered mass casualties then the situation may be different.
67. Syria-Israel
ken pealy ,   sebring Fl   (04.25.10)
ok if syria sends israel to rhe prehistoric age and israel sends syria to the stone age. First thats a heck of a time machine second wont they still meet again somewhere in between? :)
68. To: Ken at No. 67
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.25.10)
I think the difference is that Syria's threats are ridiculous and entirely empty. Israel's are not. Does that answer your question?
69. To all those Sweet comments...
Dubaian ,   Dubai   (04.26.10)
Not surpising... But lets think for a moment and examine the facts. Israel has more capabilities for war? Yes. absolutley. However IDF even cant win a tactical war against 3000 resistance militants in South lebanon (even after bombing every bit in Lebanon). Ok. What about returning Syria to stone ages? thats not impossible I guess, by sending some nukes. but Syria also possibly holds some chemical and bio weapons that at least 10% of them could reach its destination causing the worse. If jews didnt have enough in all their wars over the decades, they can wage a war with Syria and try their luck. Syira is a Loser its guarantee in the long run in a war, because Syrians dont have all those sophisticated American weapons yet. But can you guarantee any of the unconvetional syrian weapons will not hit Telaviv or Haifa or so, and cause a disaster? Im not sure at all. Can we confirm not one single ballistic Syria missile will reach dimona reactor and cause a catastrophe? Dont know. Can we confirm Iranian Shihab-3 will not be launched against targets in Israel and after few missed by the arrow system, they hit their targets, while carrying god knows what heads? Politicians dont start wars easily because they think about all the possibilities. Crowd always thinks impulsively. Let me get to the conclusion of all this: I believe in this point of time we have to start accepting an Israeli existence in our region if they extend and shake their hand with every neighbor and reach a fair deal with palestenians and create a 2 state solution like it was 2000 years ago, and frees every single prisoner. We all know this war talk comes up every year but reaches no where, because both states hate war as much as they hate each other. No body wants war, but also nobody wants a enemy at their gates all the time. I still visualize Israel living peacfully side by side to all these nations in the future. Isnt it the definitive objective of every action taken today(or are Israelis still thinking of the lost land of Davids kigdom) Instead of talking on issues of military capabilites which no one really exactly knows about, its better to avoid war & surprises, and start thinking of the future of your kids, like syrians do by avoiding war everytime. Talk about starting an Israeli Syrian Pro Peace group, not about who will win the war.
70. To: No. 69
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.27.10)
"I believe in this point of time we have to start accepting an Israeli existence in our region if they extend and shake their hand with every neighbor and reach a fair deal with palestenians and create a 2 state solution like it was 2000 years ago, and frees every single prisoner." I believe at this point in time you need a reality check. Israel is here to stay. Whether you like it or not. Now, let's look at the true reality. There have been six wars -- all of them initiated by the Arabs and all of them won by Israel. You have no right to set demands. You are a vanquished people. You have been kicked to the curb. Understand? Here's my take on realpolitik: if all of you recognize that the State of Israel has an inalienable right to exist in its ancient homeland, we won't destroy you. If each and every one of the thirty or so Palestinian organizations (each of which purport to be the true and sole representatives of the Palestinian people) repudiate their vile charters which call -- in every istance -- for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people -- we won't eradicate them. Six wars. Sixty-two years of unrelenting terror on a global scale. Three rejections of a two-state solution by the Palestinians. Guess what? We're tired of playing by your rules. We won all the wars; we set all the terms. Deal with it, or not, your choice. But Israel calls the shots. Do keep that in mind.
71. #69 Dubai Guy
Hal ,   USA   (04.27.10)
I believe you suffer from that fatal Arab affliction called"Visions of Grandeur". Losses are wins, ants are elephants and 5(count'em)Arab armies can't beat one Israeli army. You talk of handshakes? How much illegal whiskey have you had today? For more than 60 years the Israeli hand has been out waiting for the Arab one. Sorry, the experience has been forgetable. By the way how's you're police chief doing these days? Catch all those bad tourists? Maybe it was the "Man in the Moon", get it ?
72. To Sarah
Josh ,   Dallas Texas   (04.27.10)
Your arrogance will get you no where, inface your arrogance seem very similar to your PM and everyone else in his party. I feel disappointed for supporting a nation like yours.
73. no 53
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (04.28.10)
And the Muslim butcher of Sudan and his maniacal killing machine ,the Muslim Janjaweed are free to committ crimes against humanity ,wholesale rape and slaughter of infidels in Darfur .
74. no 36
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (04.28.10)
The problem with Syria,like Lebanon is the external influence of other parties who don,t belong in the country in the first place ,Hezbollah in Beirut ,Iranian revolutionary thugs in Damascus,who intimidate the defacto leaders ,Hariri and Assad into doing what they are told ,any attempt to disagree or do otherwise results in death ,Rafik Hariri (Lebanon) but for how much longer .
75. Amercian tax payer
Sam ,   USA   (05.02.10)
If was not of US tax payer, where they spent 1 Billion per plan I like to know what you can do? I am 100 percent sure you will be worth than the Syrian pilots. You should go in your knew and kiss the ass of all American propel who are paying their tax to you and some of them can’t even have to provide a dinner to their kids.
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