IDF kills Hamas man near Hebron
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 26.04.10, 14:05
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79 Talkbacks for this article
61. :: #57 - Jehudah - Can’t back up your ‘claims’ eh?
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (04.26.10)
It comes as no surprise that the likes of Jehudah cannot back up such claims as the land is ‘disputed’. With such myths one has only to point out a few facts and such claims fall apart. The fact that Jehudah cannot bring himself to discuss the documented FACT that the Israeli High Court has determined that the land is ‘OCCUPIED’ only demonstrates how lame such Ynuts are - claiming one thing and then disappearing and refusing to acknowledging any facts that disprove their silly notions. I guess ‘objectivity’ and ‘honesty’ are not part of Jehudah’s mindset!
62. :: #52 - Dave
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (04.26.10)
What you really mean is: “No point replying to Matty as we can’t disprove any of the documented facts he mentions and if we tried we’d just look foolish trying to defend Zionistic myths which have no grounds in reality. Far better to ignore Matty as at least then we’d be able to keep up the pretence that Israel is lily white and blameless of any wrongdoing”. Dave the Ynuts here are so ignorant of their own history that I am surprised that they have the nerve to post here.
63. #58-Marcel, you da man.
Joey Rose ,   Portland   (04.26.10)
64. #52 Dave - Give Matty some credit.
Vinny ,   Brooklyn, N.Y.   (04.26.10)
He does a good job dressing it up to look legitimate.
65. #25
first, one must get a brain and intelligence to be able to operate a tank or jet and be educated and literate enough to understand what is going on. i doubt the palestinians supporting hamas and their terrorism posses any such intelligence at all. on a second note, please rememeber that ALL ARAB NATIONS (7 OF THEM INVOLVED IN THE 1948 WAR THAT FOUGHT AGAINST ISRAEL DID HAVE THE MOST MODERN ARMAMENTS OF THAT TIME THANKS TO RUSSIA, WHILE NEW ISRAEL HAS NEXT TO NOTHING AT THAT TIME. THE USA ONLY STARTED GIVING ARMS TO ISRAEL IN 1973. YET, ISRAEL WON! ALL WARS. ARMY TO ARMY, ISRAELIS ARE MUCH BETTER THAN ANY ARAB SIPPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE A REASON FOR FIGHTING. THEIR SURVIVAL. WHILE THE ARABS AND PALESTINIANS FIGHT BECAUSE OF EMOTIONS AND HATE. ISRAEL HAD NOTHING COMPARED TO THE ARABS IN 1948 WHO HAD NOT ONLY THE LATEST RUSSIAN MILITARY HARDWARE, BUT RUSSIAN ADVISORS AND MILITARY MEN ON THEIR SIDE. AND STILL 7 ARAB NATIONS LOST TO A BUNCH OF JEWS. also, in 1967, three arab armies fought using sophisticated russian military hardware with russian pilots flying tArgeted missions for the arabs in russian migs. YET, THEY STILL LOST. israel didn;t have americans by their side sending hardware then. in 1973, after suffering many casualties because the jews were caught by surprise during their holliest day, yom kipur, they still managed to turn the tide around and win the war. only then, did the usa start a military back and force with israel. it was not until 1973 that america sent military equipment into israel or supported it militarily. YET, THE ISRAELIS WON! so, you statement that, "if we palestinians had the tanks and jets israel has we would obliterate you back" is a dream of yours, but has no ground in reality. do you think that the arab world will chance a war for the palestinians with israel. the arab world's least concern is about you guys. they have shown their contempt by imprisoning your population into refugee camps and keep you hot and bothered as to use you as a terror base against israel. they fill you with hate, with murderous intentions, feed you propaganda and keep you poor, desolate and frustrated. they do not support your cause. they are actually the ones that put you in your situation from 1948 and refuse to let go. simply because the arabs know they can never win militarily against israel and so they found that indoctrinating you and using you as terrorists will hopefully weaken israel, which didn;t happen and never will. you palestinians should get out of arab thumb and control, build a society of love instead of hate and terror. only then, the world will take you seriously. yes, you may need independence, but not from israel. you need it from your arab "supporters" in all arab countries and rulers that have put you in your miserable condition and did the utmost to keep you there and use you as cannon fodder against israel. your anger is misplaced. it should be directed at the likes of syria, saudi arabia, egypt, jordan, lybia, etc.. not at israel. hameed aboughaze, iranian
66. #45
america started assisting israel militarily only in the last days of the 1973 war. how can you explain israeli victories in 1948 , 1956 , 1967 WITHOUT ANY AMERICAN MILITARY EQUIPMENT OR INTERVENTION???? AND ISRAEL STILL WON AGAINST A MILLION ARAB CONSCRIPTS AND MILITARY MEN. EXPLAIN THAT, MATTY! hameed aboughaze, iranian
67. #1 - They also recognize the ethnic cleansing in 1948
William ,   Israel   (04.26.10)
of Jews from Hebron and the Jewish tie to holy places there. But, as the "Palestinians" have a "right" to resist occupation, so too do they have the right to get killed for their involvement. "Pals" also have the "right" to be peaceful neighbors but chose violence instead, and along with the "right" is the "right of responsibility". Accept it all...or accept none of it. As for Sweiti...he wrote the check....and Israel cashed it.
68. Matty Groves is right. We use the American occupation model
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (04.26.10)
Aside from being exceedingly wrongly informed, Matty Groves brings us to the truth about the modern world: the American model is the correct one to use. Truth, justice, the American way. Freedom and liberty for all. One nation under the Big Guy. And all of it founded by settlers on occupied land who committed genocide and war crimes to do it. Not to mention slavery. Did the Americans withdraw to the 1776 Green Line? Nope. Did the Americans stop the occupation in the face of the objections from the actual residents (native Americans)? Of course not. Did the Americans agree to split their country and create a bi-national solution of settlers on one side and native Americans on the other. Definitely not. I say we all vote for Matty Groves, the American settler (or decendent thereof) who successfully lives on occupied territory. The Palestinians will then do what every good native American did: gave up, accepted defeat, and moved onto a reservation.
69. #37 - You left out one choice
William ,   Israel   (04.26.10)
3 - negotiation with UN members based on 1922 Balfour Declaration You forget the Irgun, Haganah, and Stern didn't exist until AFTER the first way of racist Arab attacks on Jewish civilians in the 1920s and the British did little to protect the community. The UN members simply agreed in both the justice of an Israeli State and the ancestral ties to the land by Jews. They did little to help it succeed or enforce the resolutions written to enforce peace through ending Arab aggressions. It was the same UN which offered land to Arabs who rejected it and began a genocidal war. It seems that Jews paid for their State in both hard currency and blood.
70. # 44-Matty.
Birdi ,   Israel & proud of it   (04.26.10)
And I am waiting for the day that you will be "nice" to your fellow posters & say a few "nice" words about my country, Israel & my people, the Jews. Dont let me wait too long old boy.
71. The so-called Matty Groves
Ronnie ,   Israel   (04.26.10)
Actually, I noticed your "so-called" name long ago, but I never did see anyone mention it, so I thought I'd say something. Actually, we shouldn't pay any attention to arshlocher like you.
72. # 43
Birdi ,   Israel & proud of it   (04.26.10)
Sure Duchess, we take pride in answering the Israeli/Jew bashers because we know the truth.
73. # 59 THANKS
Birdi ,   Israel   (04.26.10)
Yet again another perfect post from Hameed.
74. #25, Nour remember 1948?
Ted ,   UK   (04.26.10)
You are playing a What/if scenario, but in 1948, that is exactly what the arabs had : full equiped armies with Tanks, Airplanes and massive advantage in numbers.. all against a jewish population of 600K, and poorly equiped. So, you see you've tried already in the past to oblterate Israel, without success, and now you are crying wolfs??? as somebody said here already what you show is your real colours.
75. one down ,plenty to go!
76. to 65
anton ,   istanbul turkey   (04.26.10)
1 some one lıke you talks about love seemed strange ı must say 2 you forgot to add iran on top of the lıst ^pal^ 3 israel may have won all the wars but be careful the one that matters is the last one same goes for iran and hamas 4 without concession from both sides peace is a dream
77. 25, Nour from "palestine"
Chatich   (04.26.10)
Can you not see the monumental stupidity in your own words? Do you not see that if Israelis were the ruthless murderers you claim us to be (in other words, if we were like you) there would not be a single "palestinian" alive in Judea/Samaria today? With all our F16s and tanks, can you not see that if we were like you, all of you would have been dead long ago? How do you reconcile this simple reality? Same way "matty" and his ilk of "progressives" do, I suspect - by ignoring it and changing the subject. And the fictitious narrative of the "palestinian" continues apace...
78. #54 - Hamas already lost most support of "Pals"
William ,   Israel   (04.26.10)
In a poll conducted in March, less than 1/4 of Gazans support Hamas and blame them for their situation. The majority admitted that if elections were held, they would not vote for Hamas. It has nothing to do with whether Hamas retaliates for the death of their terrorist members, but with the fact that Hamas members get all of the resources and money, jacked taxes on everyone, and haven't opened a factory since getting power. Holding a $2 million party while claiming Gazans are poor also didn't sit well.
79. those do not recognize Hebron as Israeli cuz of foolishness
observer   (04.26.10)
to think that Abraham was not their grand grand father. It is now evident that the selection of Abraham, with his close connection to Hebron, Judah's earliest royal city, and to Jerusalem was meant to emphasize the primacy of Judah even in the earliest eras of Israel's history. It is almost as if an American scripture describing pre-Columbian history placed inordinate attention on Manhattan Island or on the tract of land that would later become Washington, D.C. And Moses did not write the Pentateuch: handling wine on Hebron streets shouldn't be banned :
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