Make the president pay
Michael Fenenbock
Published: 27.04.10, 11:04
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31. All of Israels enemies ARE paying a price!
The other friend   (04.27.10)
He who curses Israel will be cursed ! BHO and his administration are no exeption ! Just watch where the US is today and where its heading to and you see that its true : Cursing Israel brings curse ! What a tragedy !
32. YESYesyes....YES
Jae ,   Lynn US   (04.27.10)
33. JORDAN will be 2 state solution. 80% pop is "palestinian" 78
Jae ,   LynnUSA   (04.27.10)
78% of palestine mandate is in jordan.
34. Independent
Simon ,   Jerusalem   (04.27.10)
I agree that Obama is no friend of the Jews or Israel, and I too lament the extent of assimilation within individual Jews in the US, such that their leaders put so-called liberal values ahead of their Jewish identity. BUT the American right stands for more than pro-Israel policy, and it seems odd to interfere in the workings of an other country. These people are just as annoyed, if not more so, about Obama's health care plans, which are clearly not Israel's business. Leave America to the Americans, and they might leave us alone.
35. to david from ghana
ishaq ,   yisrael   (04.27.10)
noone spoonfed me anything, and i doubt you would know the truth if you tripped over it. you ask "who are we people" and ill tell you - we are the people that the ancient greeks called "the ancient people" - who the hell are you??
36. Mr. Fenebock is out of touch...
viking ,   dubai uae   (04.27.10)
with world opinion, the whole world including the palestinian people who are the vast majority in the west bank want their own state, key work here is vast majority. Obama is trying to bring justice for the palestinians, and from all my encounters with all sorts of people from all over the world, everyone, everytime, everywhere agrees with Obama's policy regarding israel. God help him in achieving his 2 state solution goal. Mr. Fenebock, your kind of thinking is that of a minority on its way to extinction.
37. Are you serious?
barack ,   London UK   (04.27.10)
It beggers belief that you actually believe what you say. Jerusalem was never (In recent times) and will never be a jewish only city. It is a city where all abrahamic relegions meet and should be shared by the world. Your attitude to Obama is counter-productive to your own goals: 2 state solution is your best move otherwise you will end up with a majority arab palestine and we all know from what happened to South Africa where would that lead. Live and let live...palestinians will have their state one way or another...chose which way hurts less!
38. Obama bad for Americans and the World
Ariel New Zealand   (04.27.10)
Obama have showed no spine in almost any subject he addressed. He is damaging American interests, weakening democracies, and encouraging totalitarian regimes. IS BAD, BAD FOR AMERICA AND WESTERN WORLD!
39. Get a clue, Fenenbock -- the Tea Partiers are not Zionists!!
PZ   (04.27.10)
Whether or not they prove a relevant force in American politics, there's only one thing unifying these bunch of unwashed crazies -- obsession with government spending. Only a true FREIER will believe these guys are a friend of Israel. See, for example: http://www.israelmilitary.net/showthread.php?p=62295 http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/teapartycansaveamerica.htm http://non-intervention.com/273/the-tea-party-vs-blind-arrogance/
40. israel can influence US elections
david ,   new york   (04.27.10)
there are about 100,000 US citizens in israel who are eligible to donate to Us elections. Furthermore, thousands of them could be flown in to work with the tea party and other groups to swing the elections in the US. its all legal and if we use US citizens, they would be effective. if obama and biden intend to kick netanyahu ouut of office, why can't we do the same to him?
41. That is why we must elect Sarah Palin as President!
One Who Knows ,   NY USA   (04.27.10)
That is why we must elect Sarah Palin as President! She is the one potential candidate who sees Israel's value and plight, and will do the right thing because of her conviction that it IS the right thing to support Israel. She knows it is in America's interest and benefit and has said so, not just like the meaningless platitudes and mindless bleatings of Obama and Hillary when they were candidates as well as now, when they are in power and doing the damage they are doing. Wake up America, Sarah is the answer. Israel needs her.
42. Entire article starts from a faulty premise
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (04.27.10)
"two-state solution" can be traced back to Eisenhower Presidency and Allen Dulles Director OSS/CIA and Herbert Walker. Pres Bush with long familial / dynastic history with Herbert Walker just aspired to bring the plan to fruition and really has (he was in office to long) from an American perspective the "two-state deal" is sealed. Bush had plans to "enforce / implement" resolution by martial means as part of America's greater middle east peace initiative. Obama is just trying to use a softer approach and hopefully make the terms of the "two-state" solution more favorable to the the established Democratic state in this situation "Israel" . also if you think America didn't take note of Israel's withdrawal from the global "Playing ground" of the Cold War and laugh at their retreat you are mistaken. American Strategists for years have applauded themselves for limiting Israel's ability to project any tangible power beyond their modest borders. Remeber the long long running joke in the DoD which I still routinely hear to this day is that Israel is America's 51st State.
43. Jewish+Western idea of 2 state solution differ
Sam ,   Canada   (04.27.10)
Most Jews including Israeli Jews would support a 2 state solution if the solution was acceptable to them. The US and EU idea of a 2 state solution is along the lines of Israeli far-leftists like Peace Now and Meretz. That is not acceptable to most Jews and that is the reason for conflict with Obama. The far-rightists Jews who reject any 2 state solution are a loud minority. The far-rightists, however, will get their way because the Palestinians reject anything that leaves a Jewish state. The US and EU prefer deluding themselves that the Arabs just need some Israeli concessions for peace. The Arabs and Muslims are just looking for free concessions that will make it easier to get rid of a Jewish Israel. The US and EU prefer ignoring that.
44. Make the President of US pay
Harold ,   NY, USA   (04.27.10)
This type of articles instantly stops as soon as the US distroys all Israel's nuclear weapons and stops all of its aids to Israel.
45. Laughable
Brian ,   Cincinnati, USA   (04.27.10)
Its hard to believe that the author of this article lives in America. His distorted view of the American political landscape is so ridiculous it is almost comical.
46. Another Jewish taliban writer.We all get sick from
George ,   Canada   (04.27.10)
Jewish arrogance and over estimation. What the hell you think you are to make the president of the most powerful country to pay and for what? In the sake of the few Jewish right wing extremist living between the Torah pages stealing Palestinian land to build a settlement here and there. What the heck the apartheid state, Israel represents without the American ,military ,economical ,technological ,political aid and cover up at the UN. Have you forgotten that there were over 50 UN resolutions condemning Israel were vetoed by American to save your a$$ .There is only 19% world wide think positively on Israel and this number continue diminishing as of your selfish and aggressive actions. You are a nation heading to self isolation. Please shut up you made my disgust.
47. Fenenbock has it right!!!!!!!
RayS ,   New Hampshire, USA   (04.27.10)
Yes. ..But the supine US Reform and Conservative Jews AS always are WIMPS.. In the main, I recall as I went to fight Rommel in Tunisia, few of my friends back home would pressuring the FDR government to act to help Eupopean Jewry. .WIMPS,WIMPS,WIMPS.
48. Michael...israel or USA?
Ihab ,   Lebanon   (04.27.10)
Obviously , Michael displays his dual standards when it comes to Israel vis a vis USA. His article does not bear any logic and inundates with hatred and racsim against Obama. His article never disucssed the "america interests" but rather was focusing on the prevention of two states solution. Michael, do you care for the american soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan? Where did you talk about the interests of the USA in your article? If you had to choose, would you prefer Israel's interest over the USA? Anyway...as a Lebanes I would like to assert the following : 1- Your attitude and tone would excatly be the reasons of the downfall of israel [ let us remeber , israel was the only state that kept diplomatic ties with the aprtheid regime in S africa] 2- the threat or security will never be again originated from the USA or any other country. rather, they would be subject to the Arab resistance and their guerilla heores 3- As a closing note, are you asking the people to punish a president elected democratically and to topple his presidency and render him a weak president? Does this benefit America? 4- Finally, the zionist enterprise has finished when you built the racist wall . It has finished since Nasrallh described your state [ israle i mean and not the country you bear its passpor] as weaker than a spider's web. Times have changed, people like Michael are the ones that provoke us to keep up the momentum against zionism which was condemend by the UN resolution as a form of racism
49. American Jews
mike caton ,   USA   (04.27.10)
Unfortunately, American Jews have been unthinkingly and overwhelmingly voting Democrat for so long that this has now become a genetically inherited Jewish disease, something like Tay-Saks ,etc
50. #48 - Ihab - Like your TB but, got a couple questions
AY_Lamb ,   Globestan   (04.27.10)
Well a statement first - Israel's commitment to SA Apartheid regime, was induced by America to continue our rather wise policy of "scapegoating" at will the pariah of the ME. 2. Racist Wall? How can a wall be racist? I try every day to talk to these walls with feet here at the Pentagon and they just stand there staring blankly.
51. Stop Assisting the Islamist-Infiltrated CIA
Dallasc ,   Canada   (04.27.10)
With USA's arms embargo and the other traitorous policies against Israel, she should no longer trust that the Obama administration will not use Israel's valuable intelligence against her. This is where Israel's value will show that she has clout with the Americans. BTW, the 3 billion is arrogantly used by leftist Americans to imply that Israel is a welfare state dependent on the USA while ignoring the fact that the USA helps Israels enemies far more. This is the outrage.
52. response to 2
Joe ,   USA   (04.27.10)
Yeah, Obama wants justice for Palestine at the expense of the Israeli state. I am a Catholic American, and I stand with Israel. HELL NO to two state. IT is not a solution, and Obama knows it. It will only instigate more terror by Palestinian scum. Syria and Iran are major problems, and the sooner we (or Israel) deal with them, the better. GOD BLESS ISRAEL, GOD have MERCY on AMERICANS for electing OBAMA.
53. Overthrow the Jordanian regime
AlexB ,   Toronto, Canada   (04.27.10)
And create a "state of palestine" there. "Jordan" has always been pro-Western over the decades, because the rulers there know that they have no legitimacy. Even today - the majority of the population are "palestinian". What American interests are satisfied by supporting this regime? The interest of blocking a "palestinian" state and making Israel pay.
54. Jordan is Palestine = 2 state solution
jordan=palestine   (04.27.10)
55. Bad for everyone
Oreet ,   Israel   (04.27.10)
Obama is not only bad for Israel, he is bad for the US. He is pulling the US to ally itself with countries that are its natural enemies and do not share the same values. It doesn't really matter why he is doing this - I don't care if it's because he's Black or a Moslem, or just plain naive and nuts. He does not belong in his position and the damage he is causing will last for a very long time. I urge everyone who has the right to vote in US elections to register and to vote - we retained our US citizenship for many reasons, we benefit from a US passport and we have an obligation and a right to vote - so go register and make sure to vote - for the benefit of our future and our childrens' future.
56. Fox and friends.
Yonatan Cox ,   Sacramento CA USA   (04.27.10)
I thought that fear mongering without logic was a phenomenon owned by the uneducated masses of fundamental christian, gun loving pick up drivers but I guess I am wrong. Scarry to hear voices like this in Israel. Mr. Fenenbock, look at the facts, look what Obama has done and what he wants to do. Character assisination has been the favorite tool of our government (Israel) in the past when it didn't get it's way. Today is no different.
57. Dangerous
jO ,   CLEVELAND USA   (04.27.10)
this article is really an Eye opener to all Americans . do not interfere in our politics if you don't want us to interfere in yours . President Obama 's approach is perfectly right and just ..this how the world sees a solution to this conflict ..that is why they gave him the peace award . as for America foreign policies ..it is well balanced as an honest broker ..how many times you need assurances about your security .. the writer is misleading himself by not living here . approval rating in the 50s is very good in election year ..fixing the economy and wall street is huge and it will show in November . GM Paid back their Bailout Money ..Ford posted a profit ..and the List goes on . republican are in the hot seat today by blocking the economing reform vote in the senate . you want to talk about health care reform sir ..?? MRS Palin wants to bring you all to Mideast because that will bring Jesus Faster ..DA . create peace with your neighbors not a cesse fire because you are way out numbered in an oceon of Hate . as for MR Fenebock : 1- shame on you as an American . 2- Shame on you for your bad advises to your fellows Israelis . 3- shame on you as a writer .....you are fired .
58. Washington
Michael Pielet ,   Boca Raton, USA   (04.27.10)
The tenure of the article is absurd. Israel and the Jewish people have to work with whoever is in power in Washington. We need to make our voices heard when we believe the administration is wrong. When need to forcefully argue for our position and rights. We must concede on those issues that are not an existential threat. Those issues that are an existential threat we can never concede on. We must continue to dialogue with the U.S. government and indicate our support for Israel and the supreme importance of dealing with Iran, and that any arab state will not be allowed to be a terrorist state, will be demilitirized, and absolutely no right of return to Israel.
59. JO #57 too late
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (04.27.10)
Your country has interfered with our politics for decades now. And yes a lot of us have dual citizenship and have the RIGHT to do this. Don't worry we remember and we vote too.
60. Please keep threatening President Obama!
Michael Hess ,   Charlotte, NC   (04.27.10)
Please please please do not stop. You see, this idiot consultant must be reading some new, or tea leaves, that not many others in the US are privy to. There's absolutely no guarantee that the fall elections will be anything more unusual than the historical norm. And it is a good likelihood that President Obama will be reelected, I know my wife and I will be proudly voting for him again. So you keep threatening him Israel, President Obama is going to be around for a while, quite long enough to remind Israel who is who in the world. Tiny little Client States that owe the US their very existence should not keep spitting in the face of Uncle Sam. Threatening our President is a very Bad Idea(tm) for Israel, please keep it up, get even more obnoxious.
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