PA official: Obama to act if Mideast talks derailed
Published: 29.04.10, 19:50
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77 Talkbacks for this article
61. #52 despicable
ben Ish   (04.30.10)
Just like the other pathetic impotents, you launch a reprehensible attack, and then accuse the other side of doing to -you- what you just did to -them-. LET IT BE KNOWN BY ALL THAT: IN FACT IT WAS SARAH, GHOSTQ, and MYSELF who were impersonated. Honorable, articulate, educated, and talented writers, with unswerving support for objectivity and facts, and a deep and abiding love for Israel were impersonated by a frustrated talentless hack with no higher aspiration than to fake a TB on teh interwebs lul. That is the extent of liberal morality. As faithful and moral people, those of us whom you imagine to besmirch do not engage in the same despicable practices as you and your ilk. Please continue to hurl your personal attacks, they serve as a continual reminder of the nature of all those who oppose us.
62. Dino no 20
Dino have you managed to read link to number 28? What do you think. Kindly reply
63. Mr. Groves, why do you hate Jews?
Daniel Regev ,   Israel   (04.30.10)
64. @ - 62 and many others (Matty Groves)
Dino Domingo ,   Vancouver   (04.30.10)
I think some of you have misunderstood me. To answer your question #62, no I haven't because it won't open up in my browser. Whether anyone believes it or not I support Israel far more than I do the Arab world. But, they are not innocent also. My points I am trying to make are that I see soo many people make comments that are not congruent or objective whatsoever! I can't stand dishonesty! People who call someone an anti semite or say that Obama's reasons for his decisions are because he is a Muslim bother me and I find them ridiculous! Israelis (Jews) are some of the most intelligent people in the world. They contribute more to society than most BUT they are also incredibly unfair! They see things the way they want to see them and not the way it really is. Something has to be done to allow people to live relatively normally in that region. I have heard tons of comments from Israelis and have seen on the news that they (Arabs)send missles into Israel, they have people strapping bombs to themselves... I know this and couldn't imagine living like that BUT they also have some validity to why they feel frustration. I DO NOT agree with terrorism and hate it BUT here is the kicker. Jews were perceived as terrorists not soo many years ago also! Why?? Because they felt frustrated just as the Palestinian people do today! Yes, thats right...its true...all you Israelis know it! Jewish people made several terrorist acts and this is undeniable! Why? Frustration just like Arabs today! Obama is not the problem its your screwed up politicians. Your people are wonderful but the extremists from any Nation or Religious group are contributing to a non peaceful world! Somebody wrote some comment on here about Sarah. Yes, she can compose sentences, has proper grammar and spelling but she is also somewhat disillusional! She actually said in another post that she would rather her own child die than be a Catholic! To me, that's insane! I'd rather my child be a Jew than die. This tells me that her views are extreme and it would not be possible for her to see goodness in anything other than Judaism... sorry folks but there are good in bad in everything and everyone! Jews belong on this earth just as anybody else and so do Arabs!
65. @ # 55
Dino Domingo ,   Vancouver   (04.30.10)
The question isn't about the announcement itself, it was the intent and boldness of the Israeli people. East Jerusalem is mostly Arabs, end of story. Serbia lost Kosovo because it was a majority of Kosovars vs Serbs. Although I hate to admit it that was rightfully Serbian territory so this could happen there also if Israelis are not careful. The more you distance yourselves from the world by your extreme political views the less support you will receive. Please dont tell me you dont need support!
Frank-el ,   Detroit USA   (04.30.10)
Whoever you really are, what "obfuscation" are you talking about? You're the one making up stories and basing their opinions on feelings of hatred rather than even a modicum of facts. Do some reading on rules of engagement, history, actual reports and not magical hovering turboprop airplanes. You hate Obama but you still expect him to start another ME war to suit your selfish needs? Didi ti ever occur to you that our President is acting in the best interests of the USA? Oh I forgot, you want it to be the United States of Israel.
67. PA ment
observer   (04.30.10)
The US would not veto a Palestinian state declaration in the UNSC.
68. #60 Daniel - The answer to your question is
Arthur ,   USA   (04.30.10)
yes. Israelis are waiting for a US invasion, for the partition of their country, for whatever the world decides. They are talking politics while the future of their country is at risk. After yesterday's vote in Likud I have no hope left. Israel and Jerusalem will be partitioned, and that's only the beginning.
69. #66 brain donor
ben Ish   (04.30.10)
You said: "acting in the best interests of the USA" You mean like robbing you of trillions of dollars to prop up banks so the banks can continue robbing you? Or threatening citizens with $250,000 fines and 5 years in prison for not buying insurance? Transferring hundreds of trillions to private company through Cap and Trade? You mean like requiring PLA's that eliminate non-unions from government contracts? Or turning a blind eye to the assassinations in Poland? Or increased funding for a military that already outweighs the rest of the world combined? Or circumventing Posse Comitatus? Or continuously escalating unemployment? Exactly WHAT do you consider USA best interests? If you mean robbing the poor of rights, money and liberty to feed the infinite greed of your financial sector, then yes Obama has done well. Rock on.
70. #50 the power trip
Jay ,   Seattle, USA   (04.30.10)
This US President is surrounded by radicals, and He said we would know him by who he surrounds himself with. This is one scarey guy who does not want the US OR Israel to be safe! I could not believe that he was voted in, and we HAVE to keep praying that He will be exposed and we have to gather the troups to VOTE.
Don Hall ,   St Petersburg, Fl US   (04.30.10)
God gave all that land to ISRAEL, It has never been the Palestinians. And JERUSALEM is the capital for ever and ever.. May GOD help the USA to stand with ISRAEL. GOD will punish us if OBAMA does not stand up for ISRAEL Don Hall
Frank-el ,   Detroit USA   (05.01.10)
Instead of resorting to childish name calling perhaps you should read the substance of the posts. The POTUS needs to act like an American, not like an Israeli. I can make an even longer list of your effette Bibi's national shortcomings but that still does not detract from the fact that Obama needs to weigh all interests when making decisions for America. Sorry if you find this offensive but you demonstrate the typical one-way arrogance of hatred whenever America is not Israel's lap dog. How dare Obama not kiss your kosher hiney! Don't forget we have Bernie Madoff and the human organ dealing rabbis here too to take care of the financial sector.
73. #70 not gonna happen
ben Ish   (05.01.10)
FYI, there -was- a guy who happened to actually get a look at Obama's passport info. He was shot dead within a few days. A group of attorneys took the Eligibility issue to the Supreme Court. Attorney General Eric Holder, appointed by Obama, refused to allow the Supreme Court to hear the case. Jerome Corsi went to Kenya to ask questions. They sent him back. I don't think they even allowed him to leave the airport. Still think there's a chance of "exposing" anything? The media is a pure sycophantic cheer leading squad, capable of blacking out a million-person march on the Capitol. The odds of gaining the necessary evidence are minute, the odds of being murdered if you did find anything are extremely high, the odds of your evidence being publicized by the media are non-existent. If you had an actual photo or scan of his birth certificate, you would most certainly be assassinated, and the media will reassure the zombies that another dangerous terrorist has been killed.
74. US and Israel
Shirley Suedkamp ,   Denver, CO   (05.01.10)
It deeply pains some of us US citizens who LOVE Israel to see our government backing aways from our full support of our dear friends. We continue to pray for our leaders that they may see Israel through our Lord's eyes and support you. You are in our prayers. Love Shirley
75. Israel's Land
Angie ,   Winnabow, NC   (05.02.10)
Hello people! God gave this land to Israel forever!!! It is theirs and it will always be theirs!! Watch what happens when Obama tries to interfere. It won't be good. Israel, I love you and pray for you. Our president does not speak for all of the people in the USA.
76. US vs Israel
Michelle L Schooley ,   Chilhowee, US   (05.02.10)
It kills me that the US wants to threaten Israel for building in their own country. It also boggles the mind that people want to get at israel for defending her people,and is that not what we are doing all over the mideast?
77. evasion
ben Ish   (05.02.10)
I can't help but notice the hypocrisy of calling me 'childish' for namecalling. Lol, are you not namecalling by calling me childish? Back to the main point, you have attacked whatever point you chose, yet evade entirely the FUNDAMENTAL POINT that I am making. Looking for a side-argument to steer the attention away is weak and invalid. I pointed out clearly and definitely that Obama is NOT acting in the "best interests of the USA". That is what I said, try to stay on point, ok? What my feelings are is irrelevant. Where I live is irrelevant. What my nationality, political alignment, loyalty or opinion is IRRELEVANT. Bibi, Israel, etc., is irrelevant. If you can prove that Obama did NOT go against the wishes of the people, or that his approval rating is always rising, or that the quality of life, or your economy is improving, or that Americans approve of congress, THEN you have a valid and relevant response to discuss, but you do not respond with any of these because they are patently untrue. The fact is that Obama and Congress are acting in contravention to the wishes and will of the electorate, transferring massive amounts of wealth to private businesses, global financialists, and consolidating power to themselves, and have done nothing to improve life for any outside of their group. I have cited examples of legislation that were clearly opposed by the nation; transfer wealth and power away from citizens and your only response is that Bibi has faults too? You are on a sinking ship, and find it more important to complain about the food on someone else's cruise?
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