Lebanon: Israel stole 185 goats
Published: 08.05.10, 11:23
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. Hahaha - even the bull knew who the enemy was
William ,   Israel   (05.08.10)
And that's more than the Leftists in Israel know.
32. Are stollen Goats Female?IDF may rape Female Goats
Tayfun_Turkey ,   Istanbul   (05.08.10)
but if stollen goats are Male they may use it Rituals as they look like ex-Israeli GOD(GOAT) before Moses showed them true path. They refused Moses now and fall back in the old path of Goat.
33. Lebanese goats seek assylum in Israel
Samir S. Halabi ,   Geneve, Suisse   (05.08.10)
Even the goats have had enough of Hassan Nasralla's Hezbollah's incessant ramblings on, so they decided to make a bolt for better pastures in Israel where they knew they would be fed and treated better. It look's as if this time the goats finally got the goat .
34. Stealing goats
Mona ,   Oakley US   (05.08.10)
Oh come now!... the palestinians are now claiming the Israel is stealing livestock?? This I have to discount totally to the usual palestinian/muslim propaganda against Israel. What next... stealing chickens?
37. Seriously? This is kid-like politics....
Jonathan ,   New York   (05.08.10)
Can Lebanon be any more ridiculous. Oh my G-d there were some goats stolen! Get over yourself.
38. According to reports
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (05.09.10)
UN soldiers appealed to the 185 goats to return to their beloved homeland,the goats responded that they don't intend to return to Syria and are asking for political asylum in Israel,Assad accuses Israel of brainwashing the goats and bribing them with cabbage,and asked for an emergency UN security council meeting.
39. # 32 Tayfun On Choices
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (05.09.10)
Eliezer Ben Yehuda,the man who revived the Hebrew language,on Hanuka he published a pumphlet,calling the Jews to rise up for the Hebrew language in the spirit of the Makabim,the Turkish governer arrested Ben Yehuda for planing an uprising,and was thrown into the notorious kishla in the old city of Jerusalem,Baron Rothshild in order to free ben Yehuda, send the Turkish sultan a big sum of money,and some pictures of young undressed french women,with a notice,if the sultan wishes the young ladies could be at his service in real,the Sultan responded,he is not interested in the young ladies,the only thing that he wants is,that the young ladies be photographed from the rear,well Tayfun ! every culture has its preferences.
40. IDF Soldiers Just Looking for Dates
Joseph Blough ,   NY, USA   (05.09.10)
The IDF soldiers questioned said that Lebanese goats are much better looking than Israeli goats.
41. #6 ....and 185 jeolous women! Baaaa.
James ,   Toledo Ohio USA   (05.09.10)
42. Life in Bizarro Israel
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (05.09.10)
What were 185 goats belonging to Lebanese farmers doing in Israel? How did they get there? Did Israeli soldiers or others take Lebanese property? Apparently the matter was cleared up after the UN became involved. Is it standard operating procedure for Israelis to approve of theft? The story does have, I admit, comic overtones ( although probably not that comic to the owners of the flock), yet in your chortling over the matter, some serious questions should be addressed. Although it seems like a stupid fraternity prank, what is the reaction of the IDF? Is this a way of provoking an 'incident' on the Lebanese border? And if not, iwhat does this show about the fabled 'discipline' of the IDF and its soldiers?
43. I guess it's fair in the end...
Orly ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.09.10)
... with all the rockets they've sent over the border and the damage that's been incurred, and the lives that have beetn lost. It's only just that we even out the score by taking about 200 goats. I just hope the government distributes them appropriately and doesn't funnel them all into the pockets of the corrupt elected officials - the men who stare at goats.
44. the lebanese probaby stole it
ghostq   (05.09.10)
themselves and wants Israel to pay for something she didn't take.
45. AH william
8 million pals ,   jerusalem ,palestine   (05.09.10)
no one answered you ,i will give you that honor AH. calling Falafel ,an israeli dish is an example (one of thousands )of cultural stealing because you have none .. a bunch of losers(lost their jobs, ) showing up at Ben-gorion airport given a passport ,a gun,a peace of land , and a right to kill . heck..... it is awesome !! this is who you are sir , Bandits . this is how the world sees you AH But you are still in denial ,deaf and blind ,exactly how the Quran described you . as for your historic claims in Heron prophet Ibrahim PBUH has nothing to do with the prophet's killers(you ) ,and he would have ,and he will distance himself from you . Ibrahim pbuh is not a jew ,he died few Thousand years before Moses PBUH . a jew is Moses 's follower ,what the F you have anything to do with Ibrahim ..just because he is the Grand father of Jacob PBUH ..does not make him a jew . can i call Mohammed Grand father a muslim he died way before Islam . your plan(zionist ) is a real state one, an opportunity to make money with a good cover-up . it is coordinated by your politicians(like Olmert and all the previous ones ) and rabbis(like yosef and all before ) for everyone to make a buck . the way we look at it as it is told in the Bible and Quran .. it is God's way to get you all(i man all ) here for the final showdown . we( Muslims, christians ) know the name of the winner, Do you ?? why don't you do some homework first .
46. Baaaaa why dont the UN do as much about Hizbollah
zionist forever   (05.09.10)
The UN troops are full of bull when they say they are going to do something about Hizbollah. Hizbollah now have more weapons than they did before the UN troops went in, including scuds but the UN spend their time building goat fences and condemning Israel because a bunch of goats wandered across the border.
47. #45 - Why stop at 8 million? Don't you mean 8 billion?
William ,   Israel   (05.10.10)
Since you're inflating numbers that even the "Palestinian" leadership doesn't promote, why be so modest? Hell - tell the world there was 8 billion "Palestinians" in 1948, and that they cured cancer but Jews tole it from them, and that Jesus was really a "Palestinian" and the first monkey shot into space by the Soviets was too, a "Palestinian". Falafel, Hummous, shrug, shwarma - all comes from the Middle East region and so does a good portion of our Jewish citizens. A bit of irony when your biggest problem is when a Jew cooks as his ancestors did, and you claim he "steals culture". Perhaps among the Lebanese it s a big deal but considering the historical references of Arabs in the region calling themselves "Palestinians", there isn't much culture from them to steal in the first place - and who would really want the racist violence they became known for since 1920?? You're right - Ibrahim was not a Jew...but Abraham was and he promoted the first ideology of a monotheistic religion with the center G-d. Moses, and the lineage before him, came from Abraham directly after traveling into Egypt. Somehow, with them being as holy as they were - I doubt they would need you to speak for them. But - in linear time - which came first? Judaism or Islam? The case is clear. You can try to promote yourselves (Muslims) as the protector against Jews but your own Imams and Koran cite the final showdown is a death of ALL infidels (that includes Christians too, in case you're wondering), if they don't convert forcibly. In the Arab world - Christians suffer greatly...which shows you have no respect for anyone except yourselves. I'm hardly worried about the "final showdown". Seeing how Muslims are more preoccupied with their growing unemployment and 185 should be another "6 day war" with Israeli expansion to Baghdad, although it seems to be a dump these days.
48. #46 - the truth about UN soldiers - they didnt join to fight
William ,   Israel   (05.10.10)
Many soldiers who joined the UN services did so for purely selfish reasons. 1) it gives them a chance to travel the world without much risk 2) it builds up their resume and many ex-UN soldiers have moved on to successful careers as their experience carries much weight - I have no idea why. 3) Coming from wealthier nations, these soldiers can import a great deal tax-free. I've spoken to several Finnish UN soldiers who said after 2 years in Lebanon, they will come back with a brand new car at only 60% of the cost back home. Case in point - the UNWRA main staff (not local workers) get a very good salary, a brand new SUV, a nice apartment, and a big resume boost. They live 100x better than the people they are helping and haven't cut back a bit even though others around them may be hungry or without water. Why in the world would anybody at the UN want to end such a lucrative situation for them?
49. while the world is sleeping
ahmed   (05.11.10)
I guess this is like daily occurrences, harassing the Arab population until they reach their limit and Demolishing homes, delaying building permits, uprooting threes, evicting Arabs, road block barriers, confiscating farms and grazing land. Life must be hard for Arab Palestinians. things we take for granted in sustaining life like water electricity and shelter, they have to fight for it and pay for it with their blood. May God bless the Palestinians save them form these cruelty.
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