Israelis urged to stay away from Bangkok
Published: 15.05.10, 17:48
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5 Talkbacks for this article
1. Warning for the Thai government
Brod ,   USA   (05.15.10)
The Thai government tyrannical rule will soon meet its fate. Defying the will of the people will be fatal for any country. If the Thai PM were smart he should resign and a new government of the people and by the people should be formed. Should the current government persist without popular support, they will end up like the fall of Marcos and Suharto.
2. where are the human rights groups and
Larry ,   los angelesl   (05.15.10)
Where are all the liberals, those same people who criticize Israel each time an Arab complains of harsh treatment. Perhaps the liberals are only anti-Semites but what happens in the world in of no concern to them.
3. just wondering what the king had to say about it
ghostq   (05.16.10)
sad to say but he should interfere.
4. Thai government
frank ,   Israel   (05.16.10)
Why is it that every american thinks that democracy is the only form of government. He #1 is decrying a government by the people, for the people...when the US was not founded on those principals...they were written but only for rich, landowners who were they are spreading their democracy, which no other country in the world has, and insists it is soooo wonderful. Why are you not spreading it to your friends the Saudis...or the Kawaitis? What about all your arab friends? How is it Americans have BIG mouths to everyone other than the ARABS? The muslims are always claiming Jihad against American influence, but yet, there is now no mention of muslims in the news....interesting how policy change effects Americans. What I mean by this is Americans cannot decide for themselves and need a 20 second sound bit from some great looking presenter to tell you what you think, how you should act and who your friends should this something new? I remember a US that actually believed in things. Took issue, protected the rights of those who protected the the US like Europe has been Islamazied and you all seem to be prisoners of your own laziness and have no problem in pushing us to our extinction but utter the word muslim or islam in your newspapers, forbidden. Maybe Americans should start looking to themselves a little and think about the future and what type of life they would like. Free and accessible, or closed and 15th century....your choice as I will be here regardless of what you say, do or choose....It is actually your future you are playing with and not mine.....
5. Frank #4
Brod ,   USA   (05.16.10)
Obviously, you are angry with the Obama Papist-dominated AntiSemite administration for crusading AntiSemitism and Jihadism on Israel. You are right to be very angry. But these scoundrels do not represent Judeo-Christian America that supports Israel. The fact is America's Number One enemy is Islamist-Jihadism and the Islamist-Jihadist countries that support this evil. In 2012 you will see American backlash against the scoundrels who have been cowing and bowing to the Islamist-Jihadist world. They will be vanquished politically. The scoundrels are liars. Before the election in 2008 they pretended to be supporting Israel. When they came to power they showed their true ugly face. They are Judases who have sold their soul to the Islamist-Jihadist world for '30 pieces of silver.' In the elections of 2010 and 2012, the godless Leftists Judases will lose their seats in Congress as well as the WH.
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