Left fighting for Israel
Eldad Yaniv
Published: 20.05.10, 11:00
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31. But you want peace, right?
Daniel   (05.21.10)
Then it doesn't make sense to give up land without peace. Yes the settlements make it harder to give up the land. They convey the intention that we will stay. Under normal conditions this would pressure the Palestinians to compromise. However, there is no need for them to compromise because they have the left. The left will force Israel to accept the notion of giving up land for no peace, and the Palestinians know that. They know they do not need to compromise. The left is the biggest obstacle to peace. Don't forget: The peace process failed and Israel's standing deteriorated dramatically because the Israeli left denied Palestinian transgressions of the Oslo accoords. The left should learn to take responsibility and to shut up before they get more people killed.
32. Headline wrong: Left is fighting for PC approval
Brian Cohen ,   PeoplesFront ofJudea   (05.21.10)
I don't think this is the same headline that this article appeared with yesterday. The Left is definitely NOT fighting for Israel. In fact, fighting for Israel doesn't even seem to be on its list of priorities at all. The Left is fighting to be accepted to the world at large as the nice politically correct people who really do want peace, use green products, support womens rights and gay rights and animal rights and minority rights and workers rights, and really do support a Palestinian state. The Left wants the world to know that they too believe that history began in 1967 when it comes to borders, and that history began in 1948 when it comes to the naqba, and that ancient history probably doesn't exist for the Jews, so that even though Jews lived in Hebron until the Palestinians massacred them in 1929, well, that was in 1929 and the Jewish refugees from Hebron just don't exist and the Palestinians who murdered the families of the refugees and stole their properties, well, the leftists just shrug and agree with the Palestinian propaganda that the Jews never existed in Hebron and Ibrahim was the father of Islam, not Judaism. The Left unquestionably supports its fellow leftists, and can't see any difference between Yossi Saird and Ilan Pappe. And worst of all, the Left is actually fighting with Israel - just ask Meretz's Chaim Oron who is to blame for the demise of Meretz in the polls. It's not the Left who is abandoning Israel, he says it's Israel that is abandoning the Left. Yaniv and Hasfari's attempt to revitalize the Left was a nice try, but it's obviously failed already. There is no leadership on the Left willing to pick up the torch. The Left is embarrassed to be Israel. The Palestinians have beat them into a recalcitrant pulp - they blame every evil on the Israel they claim they are fighting for. On the other hand, the Palestinians are worried. The once powerful Left has almost disappeared. Their dreams of kicking the Jews out and exercising their "right of return" to take of Israel is fading as the majority of Israelis have woken up to that fact. The Palestinians do not want peace with Israel. They want peace instead of Israel. Yaniv might be a "new" leftist, but he still doesn't get it.
33. Arabs dont want
Fair Judge ,   Saudi Arabia   (05.21.10)
Jews to live in their territories,then Jews have the right to say we dont want Arabs to live with us.
34. The Israeli Left
Anny Matar ,   Ramat-Hen / Israel   (05.21.10)
I am glad that you woke up, it's about time too that you remember that you're not only left, whatever that might mean, but ISRAELI too. For me, a Holocaust survivor, who lived under Russian rule, I can tell you that the word RED is everything I hate. Talking about your red, nowadays, you're the Fifth Column within the heart of our country. You spread hatred to Israel and what it stands for. DON't DARE quoting Ben-Gurion you ideology has NOTHING but NOT A THING to do with him. You demonstrate against us with the Arabs, who have to prove their willingness to live with us side by side as 2 normal nations. Don't you see that this is impossible they want US out of here, not only the "occupied" teritories but from everywhere -Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv etc- ARE YOU REALLY BLIND?? Today they want us out of the U.N.!! what comes next?? You help Universities, Campuses, to boycot us You are the inciter against Israel you help our enemies so DON'T DARE MENTIONING BEN GURION, the man who declared the State of Israel to the world, through Socialism and not through an enemy from within. We did not occupy the West Bank we won it in hard battles in a war WE DID NOT START!!!! Anny Matar
35. Thank you!! I had such a good laugh! Very funny!
m   (05.21.10)
36. "destroy Israel process" or "destroy Israel by stages" is
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (05.21.10)
indeed the "peace process" from an Arab viewpoint. If the Arabs refuse even to accept there is a Jewish people, let alone its right to national self-determination and independence in its own nation-state, Israel; if they can't accept a peace treaty that would be considered the "end of the conflict", what do they expect...??!!
37. to 31
hala   (05.23.10)
peace and land ..............i think peace is between people here on the same land ..and war is between peope here on the same land .. so i think israil prfer the war on the same land and the palastinians must obliged to prefer the war as it is the last choice
38. to 33
hala   (05.23.10)
it is in saudi arabia but not in israil or in palastine do you know it is the same land and it has no borders to almamlaka al3rabiyya alsou3odiaa ......sir. i live 7 years in alsu3oooodiaaaa .i like it for the presence of alhaj and zeyaret alnabbi it is becouse of that iam a moslem not araby .and i like jerusalem and i love it too much becouse iam palastinian and it is my city .. do you know what it means to say arab and jews it is not israil and palastine i think sadat said egypt is egypt not alarabiyya almottaheda ... but suoddiyya is arabiyya in its name only
39. to 36
hala   (05.23.10)
the question must be ....if any one can stop the destroy of anything ;;;the peace process or israil itselfe ..destroy need ..decision and power and any one may get both it is step by step
40. The Left Fights For Israel Just Like ...
Christy ,   Boston, US   (05.23.10)
.. the Left, in the US, fights for the US. = Not at all. The Left fights for power and control to implement (aka shove down throats) its own view of the world. It's the same in every country. The Left doesn't seem to like any country as much as it likes its own ideology. Why do you suppose that some countries are so sick of being ruled by Leftists that they're voting them out? It's not that the 'great unwashed' are stupid, it's that people are sick of Leftist Ideology because they've seen what it leads to and they don't want anymore.
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