US, Egypt seek Mideast nuclear arms ban deal
Published: 21.05.10, 23:50
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31. #30 Joe - Great post!
Mark   (05.22.10)
32. Dear world....
Dear world, Let me remind you that the last time we trusted you, all the enlightened Western countries, the countries that invented culture and education, the advanced countries that led the world to philosophy and equal rights - some of you slaughtered us unconsciously while the other part stood and watched passively. The last time that Jews put their fate and trust in the great nation's diplomacy, six million of us were murdered; A lesson which is hard to forget. So, sorry to give up on the conference, the polite conversation, the right to wear a three-piece suit and tie, because I really would enjoy eating little toast with foie gras with you at the reception. Sorry, and I say that with the utmost courtesy: You can take the idea that Israel will give up its defenses so that you can flaunt a toothless agreement (did anybody said Chamberlain?) and push it deep where the sun does not shine. Sorry if we do not believe every promise given and we trust only ourselves. We're sorry, really, that we are disturbing world peace and that we are the only reason that prevents radical Islam to choose pluralist democracy and Reject fear, hatred and ignorance. But what can we do? We are a stubborn nation. And to tell the truth: we are not really polite So Dear world, with all eloquence and politeness I say, simply "Bite me."
33. #29 Bloodyscot
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (05.23.10)
If you are an expert in ME politics, could you please explain to me, why the Arabs had no problems with the Israeli nukes for the last 40 years.
34. Albrecht, I am a certified Living Room Couch ME expert
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (05.24.10)
you still do not tell me about your certifications in this field
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