IDF says aid mission to Gaza a provocation
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 26.05.10, 11:03
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31. Well..
John ,   Herzliya, Israel   (05.26.10)
Well, Jamna, # 27, Israel is the only one that received 8,000 rockets from Gaza..
32. Well..
John ,   Herzliya, Israel   (05.26.10)
Ah, well again.. It was explained so many times before, but I guess that some people are not reading, not listening.. What would cause the end of the siege? Do you know 4 answers to that question?
33. #30 Mikesailor
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (05.26.10)
You should not talk about things you know nothing about. The average income in the Gaza Strip is higher than in Egypt - and the "Palestinians" do not even have to work for it.
34. Gaza swimming and eating
Richard ,   United States   (05.26.10)
I wonder if any of the protesters are swiming coaches, or are going to eat at the new restaurants in Gaza or maybe they will judge a windsurfing Competitions. The world needs to hear the truth about Gaza and their needs.
35. What about Egypt
Orren ,   London   (05.26.10)
Everybody cries "Israel, Israel, they're so terrible." What about Egypt? The border is closed on the Egyptian side as well. If Israel is really that bad, why on earth did it pull out of Gaza and endanger the lives of many of it's citizens? And why is it Israel's responsibility to look after the population of Gaza? It's not occupied Israeli territory anymore, it's none of their business yet they still provide most of the electricity and gas. Hamas (the rulers of Gaza) care less about Gazan civillians than the Israeli government.
36. Extreme Leftists and Islamists 1
Greg ,   UK   (05.26.10)
Both extremes are so far from each other in ideology (check out women's dresses for example), yet have some much in common; both are very destructive to civilization (Greece economy is ruined by the Left and that of many Muslim countries by Islamists).
37. Ozer Yildiz from Istanbul (And Nora)
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (05.26.10)
Knowing something about Turkey I know very well how Tayyip Bey became so popular. He and his AKP distributed care packages including beans and coal and some cases washing machines and appliances to poor people to buy their votes. Under the guise of privatization Tayyip Bey made his family and party supporters rich by giving the Sabah media to his son in law, buying a carbo ship to his young son (You know the famous gemicik) and creating a new rich ultra religious class while the secular working class is fighting heavy unemployment and destitute. Kilicdaroglu created a new momentum now. He is creating an image that reminds me of the past president Ahmet Necdet Sezer, humble, law abiding, people person. He is representing the poor and underprivileged Turks who no longer fall for the once every election time care packages. They are fed up with a PM obsessed with attacking Israel while they are not able to feed their children 1 kilo of meet a month. And BTW: can you tell me who are these friends that Tayyip Bey made Over the years? I know of two: 1. Omar al Bashir of Sudan 2. Khaleed Meshal. One wanted for genocide in his own country the other leader of an organization that is listed as Terrorist by many countries. Iyi geceler Ozer bey
38. Extreme Leftists and Islamists 2
Greg ,   UK   (05.26.10)
Islamists view Leftists as "useful fools" (Lenin's expression for those non-leftists who helped them to carry out Russian revolution of 1917 and many of whom were killed after the revolution).
39. to Özer Yıldız , İstanbul,
Mongo ,   Paris   (05.26.10)
After Erdogan´s latest Fiasco together with the naive Lula praising the world´s premier terror sponsor, Turkey under the current president along with Brazil has lost the West´s trust. Now Turkey only has Arabs and Iranians as partners - what a fiasco...
40. Ozer Bey , I forgot one new friend of Tayyip bey
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (05.26.10)
Of course Tayyip bey made frinds with Ahmedinejad of Iran also. I have no doubt that this makes you extra proud. But let me also remind you and other readers like Nora that he also lost quite a few friends. Here some examples: 1. Israel (maybe you don't think this is very important) 2. Azerbeijan's Aliyev 3. USA's Obama. And finally if you are among those who believe that Putn and Medvedev are real friends boy you will have such a rude awakening one day. It will be more disappointing than the LOST finale. Hosca kal Ozer Bey. (You know that Mr. Kilicdaroglu is calling Tayyip BEY right?)
41. To Salma
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.26.10)
Where exactly is this "Palestine"? Why are you using a Roman/Latin name? Are you Roman? Why are you using the name "Palestine"? There is no letter "p" in Arabic. There is no "Palestine" in the Bible or the Koran. If you care so much about the lives of your brothers and sisters, why don't you care about the fact that the overwhelming majority of your Arab brothers and sisters are killed by other Arabs? What kings, dynasties, palaces, temples did the "Palestinians" have? When and where exactly did this supposedly ancient "Palestine" exist? When and where exactly did a "Palestinian" state, kingdom, republic or duchy exist? Is there a "Palestinian" race of people, ethnicity, identity, culture, nationality and history? No, obviously. What currency did you have in "ancient times"? What language did you speak? What alphabet did you have? What religion did you have? What philosophies did you have? What philosophers did you have? What was the name of your capital and your cities? What was the extent of your territory? What borders, waters, mountains, rivers and lakes did you have? What was the name of your neighbours? Why is it Salma that no "Palestinian" Arab nation or people are ever mentioned in Jewish/Israelite/Hebrew/Judean, Phoenician, Edomite, Canaanite, Philisteene, Egyptian, Hittite, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Arab, Mongol, Turkish/Ottoman and Medieval Christian European sources? Where do you think Christianity and Islam come from? How can you Arabs of Gaza, Judea and Samaria be "victims" of Israel when we Israeli tax payers have paid millions of shekels to your society? How can you be victims if we brought you out of Arab Jordanian occupation (which you clearly didn't protest) and brought you from the stone age to the modern society and built for you cities, modern infrastructure, lowered the infant mortality rate and increased the literacy rate, supplied you with food, clothes, water, electricity, schools, hospitals and universities (including Bir Zeit where you spew your Jew hatred against us) and millions of shekels, the right to appeal to the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem and even weapons from Israel? You were the fastest growing Arab economy in the Arab world from 1967 until the 1990s when Arafat drove your economy down the drain. You were the most educated Arab society from 1967 until the 1990s until PLO took over. Your population was growing by 1000%, meaning ten times since 1948. Growing by 1000% is genocide? Are you Arabs completely insane? You Arabs have murdered and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Jews for the past 1400 years, terrorized us for 1400 years, started wars of aggression in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982, 1991, 2006 and December 2008 until January 2009, started countless terror attacks, murdered and mutilated thousands of Jews/Israelis in savage Arab/Moslem terrorist attacks, you control 22 Arab states 1.5 times bigger than USA, receive millions of dollars from the USA and Europe and you conquered the Middle East centuries ago and enforced your Arab imperialism down our throats and you are still whining? I'll tell you what you are: a bunch of ungrateful, parasites, Nazis, Fascists, primitive stoneage society, primitive Medieval warlords and imperialists clinging on to a racist genocidal ideology aimed at murdering all Jews, reducing us to subhumans, stealing our land and Arabizing every non Arab land. Pack your bags and leave my land - F-O-R-E-I-G-N-E-R!
42. Some aid thoughts.
David ,   USA, exile   (05.26.10)
Perhaps the IAF could arrange an aid package to be delivered into the heart of Istanbul. Or perhaps Israel could aid Gaza by population reduction. Ship about 1000,000 palis to Ankara.
43. #42 David
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (05.26.10)
Have you ever been or lived in Ankara? I did unfortunately spent 1 year there. If you sent a number of Arabs there they would return running to Gaza. The summers are dreadfully hot with a wind that sweeps the Kizilay section like a vortex of old news papers and PVC bottles. In fall once first snow falls it is cold and air full of coal smoke which turns your nose black and irritates your eyes. Snow iis never cleaned from sidewalks and turns to a thick coat of ice. You are lucky if you can make it to spring without a broken bone. On top of all these there is nothing to do. The best thing about Ankara as a famous writer and politician once said is the return to Istanbul.
44. #30, Mikesailor
Tom ,   USA   (05.26.10)
I'm ashamed that you are from the same country as me! You need to get your head out of the sandy beaches of Miami and open your eyes. Why don't you raise your voice against Egypt? They have completely sealed their borders with Gaza since 2007 when Hamas took control. They allow nothing to enter Gaza...this is how Arabs treat other where is the outcry?
45. :: Tom - #44 - where is your head, suck up your,,,?
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (05.26.10)
Actually... you only have to read what Israeli Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilna'i said: "Israel will not open the Rafah Crossing on the border with the Gaza Strip, and will not permit any passageway of Palestinians into Egypt until progress is made in securing the release of captured IDF Cpl. Gilad Schalit". And... "Forget about it. Unequivocally, opening the Rafah Crossing and the crossing of Palestinians into Egypt is conditional on the release of Gilad Schalit".
46. #30 - An article in FT begs to differ with you
William ,   Israel   (05.26.10)
A recent article in the Financial Times stated the food stalls were filled to "over flowing". Equally, reports of UN warehouses were that they too were at over-flowing at various times over the year. UNWRA both receives and distributes school supplies for children in Gaza without hindrance, with YOU being one who disagrees with that statement even though UNWRA has never supported your claim. The tunnel owners claim they bring cars through tunnels IN ONE PIECE. For being "blockaded" they are doing amazing things and actually negate your claims of "poverty" and "crime against humanity". But since the world seems too PC or weak to call Hamas's actions what they true are - crimes against humanity - then why should they bother with the Gaza situation. I mean - can one really equate Israeli civilians torn apart by bombers and rockets with....a spiral notebook and pencil box? You should be more ashamed that US tax dollars are making their way to Hamas to buy more weapons and hurt everyone - "Palestinians" and Israelis.
47. #3 - People in Gaza HAVE human communication
William ,   Israel   (05.26.10)
Despite the "humanitarian problem which isn't" the Gazans have a high cellphone per capita and use them often. They also have satellite TV for news from the outside world, and Internet cafes. Infact, I think they have more communication than many in Western rural towns.
48. #45 _ who cares what he says. He isn't Egyptian.
William ,   Israel   (05.26.10)
Vilna'i can say anything he wants. At the end of the day, the Egyptians make the decisions over that border crossing and their country. I hardly think that Israel is so powerful that they can make an Arab leader do anything. Infact, I think Vilna'i was too boastful in making the naive (like you) believe he actually had that power to begin with. Egypt clearly has their own motives for keeping a tight hold on Gaza and Hamas. They want no one from Gaza in their territory...and who could blame them.
49. #28 - siege will be lifted tomorrow. Just do one thing
William ,   Israel   (05.26.10)
Accept Israel as your neighbor and that Gazan borders will no grow beyond it now, for any "Palestinian" State. Since even that is too much for Hamas, the siege will continue. The fact that you are comfortable with a stated goal of ethnic cleansing and destruction of a WTO/UN sovereign country, leads one to believe that you are as racist and evil as what you claim Israelis to be. But if promoting biased, Apartheid agendas keeps you warm at night, so be it.
50. #27 - So did an article in Financial Times
William ,   Israel   (05.26.10)
They also cited that Gaza was not impoverished as you claim. Last month, the BBC reported also of the abundance of items in Gaza and they are known for being biased against Israel. CNN also did an expose on it earlier this year. And let's not forget Ma'an presenting photos in Gaza of markets with tons of food and baby items. If this is a humanitarian problem, then so is most of the Western world.
51. #5 - But Turks insist they are not the same as Ottomans
William ,   Israel   (05.27.10)
This is their argument when confronted with the crimes against the Armenians and many, many others by the Ottomans. If Erdogan is the reincarnation of the Ottomans, then he too must answer for their crimes. But be this as it may - Palestine was simply a region inside the Ottoman empire, like Bordeaux is in France. It was never an autonomous region and therefore was never really "lost".
52. #41
Keith ,   Ireland   (05.27.10)
Alexander, it is people like you who are turning the world against Israel. I really doubt if you are sane - the garbage you spouted is textbook style racism and twisting of reality. Delusional.
53. #45,Matty Groves
Tom ,   USA   (05.27.10)
You are not getting your information from the real world. The facts are that Hamas controls the Gaza side of the Rafah Border and Egypt controls the Egyptian side of the Rafah Border crossing. Egypt shut down its side of the Rafah terminal after Hamas took control of Gaza in June 2007. Israel does not control the Gaza territory anymore...what part of that statement do you not un derstand? Therefore, my question still stands...where is the outcry against Egypt?
54. What total stupidity!!!
Bruno ,   Haifa   (05.31.10)
It was clear (see my comment #19) that our actions would blow up in our faces - why on earth have "we" done this? Our government should resign, and the sooner the better!
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