Arabs don’t want 2 states
Dan Calic
Published: 27.05.10, 11:19
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61. 2 states not possible due to illegal settlement expansions
Sam Biro ,   new york, US   (05.29.10)
Ridiculous!!! To assert such a preposterous view is more than mind boggling. You choose only to see through the lens of the modern Zionsitic perspective. Unfortunatly you discount all the grey areas that lie within the conflict as a whole. The 1947 partition plan was not a just plan and the arabs had every right o attack at the time. Arab antagonsim only began when they saw their land becoming entrenched with Zionist idealogy. Anyone (especially during that age) who saw that a new nation was to repalce their existing lands at the expense of their own people could only react with aggression, and rightfully so. They had no right to punsih the arabs for what the Germans did to them during WW2. Why should they have to give up even 1% of thier land? Furthermore, to conform without a voice?? This is utterly unfair and unjust. If you know history then you will know that arab antagonism towards Jews only began with the sudden influx of European Settlers. As for your point regarding the arabs rejecting a two state solution; absolutly. A two state was possible with the right convenors about ten years ago. Now however, there are way too many illegal settlements, and impedements that prevent these states from forming. Who wants a bantustand state??? Have we not learned from the horrors of South Africa?
62. #54, no state but surely a people
Kevin ,   Ottawa, Canada   (05.29.10)
You say that there was no Palestinain state; okay sure you are correct. We musn't forget however that for 1200 years the land which we now call Israel then belonged to a population that was overwhelmingly Muslim and to a lesser extent Christian Arab. This is a fact that you cannot deny. 1948 was a year that wrote off thousands of generations of Arabs, and I guess you can now see where the violence begins. I think those who support a pro-Israel point of view always speak of how there was no Palestine, as if no Arab inhabitants ever existed. The fact that the Ottomans ruled for cenuries made the land land no less Arab, no less Muslim.
63. #3 - Under the Intl Mandate, Balfour had the right
William ,   Israel   (05.29.10)
Because the world powers gave the UK the Mandate for Palestine after defeating the Turks, the Balfour Declaration was indeed their right. One thing that was for sure, is that it was ruled by the Turks previously and not by the local Arabs, which didn't amount to very many. Further, as the administrator of the Mandate, they had the full right to determine the status of ALL public lands (i.e. not the property in private hands which was only 5%). This is enshrined in Intl Law and also gives Israel the right to do as pleases on public land in West Bank because they are the administrators and the land is "disputed" not "occupied", under legal definitions. The ones who do not have the right are Arabs who arrived as illegal economic migrants and squatted on open public land now claiming it is their State and their ancestral heritage.
64. #6 - According to the Turks, it wasn't Arab either
William ,   Israel   (05.29.10)
Infact, based solely on land deeds, the great majority of Arabs calling themselves "Pals" don't even own the land they squatted on. Add to that the much documentation of illegal Arab migration and you have a huge hole in the Arab narrative.
65. #3 - doesn't that bring most Arab States into question?
William ,   Israel   (05.29.10)
Certainly the Brits had no right to partition the land covered by the original Balfour Declaration to give 76% to a Hashemite king who never lived there, after the Brits took away Mecca and Medina to give to the Saud Family. And then there's the issue of the Brits and France artificially carving land for Syria and Lebanon, which resulted in the Golan Heights being given away from the Palestine portion. Next, Kurdistan was divided up. Tribal areas pushed together to produce Iraq. Etc. All these sovereigns now come into question based on your post.
66. #25 - Your "messiah" will be "dead" in Nov 2010
William ,   Israel   (05.29.10)
Your "messiah" Obama hasn't really done anything close to his campaign promises and though Leftists like you hold on to the belief that the world will bask in his "holy glow", come November 2010, his influence will greatly diminish. He's currently covered in BP oil for the foreseeable future. No peace will ever be imposed on Israel, nor will it be legal if attempted. Only one way out for the Arabs - to negotiate honestly and fairly for the disputed territories under UNR242. Since Jews were welcomed by the Turks who were the official rulers before the Brits (and no Arab rulers in between), the Jews have precedent here. Seems to be that 642 AD - the Arab invasion - was also a "forced imposition" which we all have the right to reject.
67. #42 - Matty - you over-use the word "racism"
William ,   Israel   (05.29.10)
Use it properly, if you can. Deeming Israel "racist" for supposedly denying "Palestinian" Statehood lacks intellectual honesty. Since 1919, Arabs had one focus, which eclipsed their own quest for self-determination, and that was to END the goal of Jewish self-determination. Arabs could have had their own State many times, but having one does not mean they have the right to destroy another, just as the birth of E. Timor or Eriteria does not mean the end of Indonesia or Ethiopia, respectively. The Arabs, especially Abbas and Arafat, clearly stated that their goal was the destruction of Israel. Everyone else knows this - how do you seem to keep missing it?
68. #46 - Yeah, I'd like to hear Michelle answer that
William ,   Israel   (05.29.10)
Considering there were 20 different languages spoken among the Muslims in Palestine in mid-1930 per a British census.
69. PLO always rejected all peace agreements that left Israel...
Ron B. ,   Lod   (05.29.10)
PLO always rejected all peace agreements that left Israel intact. Israel should absolutely reject the idea of a second Arab state west of the Jordan. In July 1970, Egypt and Jordan accepted U.S. secretary of state William Rogers’ plan for Israel’s withdrawal from the west Bank and Gaza in exchange for peace and recognition. But instead of embracing the plan and taking control of the West Bank and Gaza, Arafat denounced the Rogers proposal, reiterating his determination to reject any peace agreement. The liberated Palestine he sought would stretch from the Jordan river to the sea, with no Israel. All peace agreements that left Israel intact were in his view betrayals of the Palestinian cause as described at : http://xrl.us/bi3id
Nimrod ,   Baghdad, Iraq   (05.29.10)
first of all I don't think Israel should give up any of it's land to a bunch of barbarians and murderers. second to all those retarded Terror groups they should go read the Koran, its says BENI YISRAEL the people and land of Israel, the word ISRAEL is mentioned no where does it say PALESTINE, it's Jewish land and Jerusalem is the eternal Capital of this Nation, a Nation that has blessed the world with love, civilization, art and so much more, we must all defend Israel with all our might and love and embrace this nation. DONT TRUST SHIITE terrorist ISRAEL, these demented Satanic people have an agenda and they are following their Shiite Prophecies of conquering the world and creating the WILLAYAT EL FAKIH ( hence the last name of the current Shiite MISS USA) meaning the state of the learners meaning the Mehdi or a shiite messiah who will come to save shiites, the same is being done to my country Iraq, those Shiite murders want all of Iraq and they wont adhere to a three state solution, one Kurdish, comprising of three provinces, dohuk, erbil ( the capital ) and sulymaniah, and the state of Iraq, where Sunnis, Jews, Christians and others can live in peace and one Shiite Nation of Shiiteistan, MAP http://stateofiraq.blogspot.com/ and Kirkuk must belong to Iraq because eventually, Iraq, Turkey and Israel must sign defense and economic treaties to save our Nations from being consumes by Shiite hate, with the oil pipelines being constructed from Kirkuk to Haifa and that can only be achieved when the State of Iraq gains independence from the reign of terror, because a Kurdish state with Kirkuk will create hostility and Arab states may not recognize it right away and Turkey will find a deep offense in a strong and oil rich Kurdistan which means that Turkey's National Security will be threatened. GOD BLESS ISRAEL and don't you ever give an inch of you land away to your enemies.
71. The right article at the right time
Imperator ,   USA   (05.29.10)
It exposes the real agenda of the PA and the Arabs. They cannot stand what Israel has accomplished.
72. #69 What history books have you been reading?
John R ,   NYC USA   (05.30.10)
The Roger's plan was rejected by both Israel and the Arabs (and indirectly by the Palestinians ). It called for withdrawl to the 1967 borders which Golda Meir stated flatly no responsible Israeli gov't would accept. The two main objections on the Arab side were that they wanted the 67 borders implemented by an international force (not Israeli implementation )and neither right of return nor specific compensation were guaranteed. It took several years after Oslo before language not recognizing Israel's right to exist was removed from the PLO charter.The PLO and its successor the PA have since Oslo supported the position that Israel has a right to exist within the June 4,1967 borders.
73. # 25
Birdi ,   Israel   (05.30.10)
Your beloved Obama wont be in power long enough to impose anything on Israel.
74. # 30
Birdi ,   Israel   (05.30.10)
I disagree, the wall has kept out loads of potential suicide bombers.
75. What a load of rubbish!!!
debs ,   uk   (05.30.10)
This article has more holes in it than a piece of swiss cheese. Next he'll be saying the zionists went to an empty land and made the desert bloom LOL
76. to #70 it's true, I saw a film where the shi'ite
ghostq   (05.30.10)
hit themselves until blood comeout, that is really sick.
77. and Palestinians aren't 48 Arabs
observer   (05.30.10)
78. Dan Celic's article
ma ,   jerusalem   (05.30.10)
Dan - thank you so much for an excellent article. Perhaps you could also write about the million or so Jews that were compelled to leave their homes across the Middle East. Today there is little said about this disaster and about the many distinguished Jewish communities that disppeared virtually overnight. In some cases over 2,000 years of continuous history came to an abrupt end as a result of the UN vote on 29 November 1947.
79. response to #78 [ma]
Dan Calic   (05.30.10)
Thank you for your comments. As to your suggestion see this previous article- http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3884768,00.html
80. #76
Nimrod ,   Baghdad, Iraq   (05.30.10)
yes they mutilate themselves this is a tradition where they feel that they need to punish themselves for the loss of the Prophets cousins hassan and al Hussein, who were killed in Iraq and they also feel that by doing this that the savior or Messiah called AL MAHDI will come to their rescue and they will conquer the world
81. To #4
john   (03.06.11)
Actually, the "national Arab movement for a "Palestinian" homeland" was only official in 1988 after Jordan wanted nothing to do with the West Bank anymore. From that point on, everyone was screwed.
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