40% of Norwegians: Ban Israeli products
Published: 02.06.10, 16:28
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61. #6
Madeleine ,   Israel   (06.03.10)
Their salmon's pretty good too, but I can live without that. All those ill-wishes who call for boycott of Israeli goods - between hi-tech, low-tech, medical and coomunication products, their lives would come to a near standstill. Poor misbeknighted sods.
62. Canadian salmon is now on sale in the "Super."
Donna ,   Netanya   (06.03.10)
I don't wish to tar all Norwegians with the same brush, so I will refrain from a diatribe, but avoid the Norwegian salmon in the market and buy Canadian. A small start.
63. Norwegian government supports the militants in public
Erik ,   Norway   (06.03.10)
From the moment the ship was stopped by Israel the Norweagian state media has bombarded the Norwegian population with non stop biased reports and analyzes. The islamic retoric and narrative is totally dominating the Leftists language and interpretations. Also it is interesting that the Norweigian UD (Foreign department) even if they knew what will happend never warned Norwegians citizens to stay away (as they normally would have done). Early in the morning the Norweigian UD called the brother of Nidal Hejazi ,one of the three Norwegian activists om board, to ask if he had informations and to inform him of whar had happende with Mavi Marmara. This show the amount of resources the Norwegian government invests in this. In the same time relatives of Norwegians killed by islamsist around the world (for instance in London) must work hard for days to come in contact and dialogue with Norwegian UD. Something is really rotten here.
64. You really are clueless.
Kai ,   Oslo Norway   (06.03.10)
Ok. let's educate you a little. 1. Norway is the 3rd richest country in the world (per capita) 2. The reason for this is that we have oil. and lots of it. 3. Most Norwegians have never seen a whale. Don't know anybody that whales. And don't want whales to die. 4. Norway has a state religion that's the Lutheran christianity. But there is an ever ongoing debate to separate church and state. Because most Norwegians just don't care about religion. Most of are Atheists. heh. most doesn't even care to call them self that. They are just.. People.. 5. The part about Norway's initial constitution didn't allow Jews. I'm guessing it just pure lies. As it's the first thing I've ever heard about it. We have freedom of religion in Norway. 6. Well. unless your talking about back in the middle ages when we where clubbed in the head and forced into Christianity instead of worshiping Tor and Odin. =D 7. And we did not help the Nazis in any way during WW2. We were invaded. And a minor minister in our government betrayed us and ruled Norway for the Nazis. And our own yews and anybody else they didn't like, got sent to the death camps in Poland. And we fought them with underground resistance every day until we were liberated at the end of the war. 8. There are countless stories about selfless sacrifices to help any yew in need, and hide them from the Nazis. So we didn't and don't hate yews. 9. My best friend as a teenager was a yew. And in Norway that about _this_ important. "Your a yew? ohh! ok. =)" basically. "so what?" The only religion we cared about as teens was catholic, but only the hot schoolgirl kind ;) 10. My best friend now is also a yew. (different guy). And the closest thing we come to talking about it is when he jokes about it him self when I comment on him being so damn cheap with his money (He's a lawer, and I hafto force him to open his wallet so he doesn't buy crap stuff that I end up having to fix). And he just smiles and say. "Well, I'm i _am_ a yew you know. ;-)" 11. Bottom line is. we don't hate yew's. we are just against The actions of the state of Israel. Not Yews in general. 12. what this poll doesn't say is that only about 20-25% support Israel. and. and the rest aren't sure what to think yet. so the 40% is in fact the majority of Norwegians. 13. Norwegians boycotting isn't going to hurt Israel's purse. but it will give a msg to the rest of the world, and a lot more will follow. 14. If the government of Norway decides to something. Then I suggest you read up on the Norwegian Pension Fund. It's HUGE!. we aren't many. But we got lots of economic power.
65. Boycott Norway
ezer   (06.03.10)
It's time jews worldwide boycott all Norway products.
66. re: Boycott Norway
Sol ,   Canada   (06.03.10)
I agree completely but there is a big problem. Do they actually make anything, export anything, produce anything? What products are there to boycott? Somebody have a list of companies or products from Norway to boycott?
67. I'm not buying norwegian products for 5 years now
Israeli   (06.03.10)
I didn't buy even one norwegian product on the last 5 years. But it's easy - their export is mostly oil and salmon fish. Lets see the Norwegians live without made in Israel Intel chips and Teva drugs.
68. To # 64 - Kai the from Norge!
Mina ,   Haifa, Israel   (06.03.10)
Wow Kai, its seems as the lies based culture of Arabs/Muslims in Norway has alos influenced you. If anyone needs an education about your own country, it is you. I shall use your numbering system in responding: 1/2) Indeed but until not long ago you were one of the poorest & this is where you will be heading back to if you will continue with your unjustified demonization of Israel, etc. 3) Your country still hurt the whale & fish population, irrespective of who sees what whale, so face it! 4) There are other countries that are Luthern but which have removed from their churches & denounced Martin Luther's anti-Semitic writing 6 teaching. Yet Norway still refuses to do so. Furthermore, your country continues to be strongly influenced by its church well beyond many others. You pay regular taxes to your church, close everything on Sundays celebrate Christians festivals with near obsession & disregard the celebrations of your religious minorities. 5/6) I am shocked that you do not know that Norway's initial constitution (infact article 2 of it!) did not allow Jews to enter your country. Any Jews who tried to land, escaping from prosecution were caught & sent back by the Norwegians authorities. This was also in more recent history, than you are willing to admit, so learn the facts. Furthermore, if it was not for the son of one of those anti-Semites who signed that initial constitution (that son was a poem) who started to get some people to acat against it, that article would have stayed in your constitution for a long time after. This is why many Norwegians Jews attend the grave site of that poet every 17th May (your constitution day) & place flowers on his grave etc 7/8) Oh ye, you did help the Nazis & it was not only due to an alleged betrayal of a minor minister. There were enough of your citizens who cooperated with the Nazis, provided them with the names of Jews as well as hunted them down & sent them to the death camps. Furthermore, a major company in your country provided much of the lethal Gaz to the Nazis for usage in their death camps. While there are some stories about helping Jews, many of those can be found in Denmark & not in your country. 9) Funny about the Catholic girls but have you seen the latest NRK documentaries that provided evidence of anti-Semitsm in Norwegians schools? 10) Sad to hear your friend re-inforces such unjsutified prejudism about Jews. Anyhow, there are now a significant number of Jews In Norway & Sweden that wish to leave due to the increase in anti-Semitism & anti-Israel actions which led them to no longer feeling safe. 11) Bottom line is, that there is no real difference between anti-Semitism to anti-Zionism. Furthermore, your country sells arms to & trade with many countries with non-democratic dark regimes, where the record of Human Rights is very poor & where many civillians get murdered & state terror is present. Yet when it comes to Israel, which does not do any of the above, you hypocrites do not stop demonizing it. 12 /13) Instead of demonizing Israel, please start sorting out your own problems, e.g. the spread of radical Islam. Also, no one will follow your country's boycotte, unless they are anti-Semitic Arabs/Muslims states, so you will be in 'good' company. 14) I suggest you will read Genesis 12:1-3 & find out about the fate of those who will act against us. As far as your country's alleged power, we the jews/Israelis have started our long history with many powers, many of whom conquared our country in the past 2,000 years alone. All those powers are gone by now but we are still here!
69. #64: the only thing that I envy about your country
is atheism   (06.03.10)
Israel used to be mostly secular. In recent years it's gone more and more religious and it's getting worse by year because the religious population's birth rate is much higher than that of the secular. As a secular Israeli I think that this process will be the downfall of Israel because religion in my view amounts to going backwards in every way.
70. reply to this shameful boycott attempt
ebleay ,   israel   (06.04.10)
first of all to graczek from maryland - why are u bringing in religon to this issue? what are you talking about "true christians"? are you somekind of elitist christian fanatic who is against every other religion? then: 1. you should personally be boycotted 2. remember the first "true christian" was a jew. for all the rest of you boycotters i suggest you watch this: before you decide
71. Re #2 (graczek)
I. D. ,   Maryland   (06.04.10)
Just wanted to mention that Maryland loves Israel. People like you have no place in this beautiful community. Maybe it is time for you to join your people in Gaza instead of writing junks in ynet or jpost.
72. Boycott Norge
Louis Fried ,   Woodbridge, Canada   (06.04.10)
I am proud to state that I have boycotted Norwegian products for 5 years now. And although I visited that country in 1977 , I will never step foot in it again. And the same goes for their anti-semitic Swedish cousins!
73. #68 is an excellent answer to #64
Xav ,   France   (06.04.10)
Another thing to add to #64 Your post is interesting and you seem a rational person. Though you still seem brainwashed in your country to hate everything more or less related to "Israel". This is inconsistent with your thoughts... If you have something to learn: dont generalize "jews" "catholics" or else as you do. This shows racism. The same: Dont generalize stuff about Israel. This is not because you dont agree with the politics that you must hate Israel or be always against Israel. I dont agree with Chinese policies though I have 0 things against chinese personnally and I dont say that their country is illegitemate too. Once you will get it, you will be a better person, free of hidden racism. I hope Norway will start being tolerant again too.
74. #67 That's because you can't afford to
Intedi Nensak ,   Stockholm, Sweden   (06.04.10)
I doubt Israel can afford importing much from Norway in the first place, you on the other hand will all starve without Europe buying your cheap avocados. Intel is an american company as far as i know, that they have outsourced the boring parts of the work that anyone could do to some third world country means nothing, it could just as well have been developed in India or China had the plants been located there. Also, it's not like Intel is the only chip maker around. Regarding Teva drugs it's laughable that Norway couldn't live without them. Are you not aware that Teva just makes generic copies of real pharmaceutical companies products? If Teva would cut off the supply the Norwegians are wealthy enough to go buy the real stuff from a respectable manufacturer instead.
75. ban
derek ,   holland   (06.04.10)
As a dutch fan of Israel i will boycot Norwegian products than lol
76. #74 What's so special about Norway?
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.04.10)
Wild Alaska salmon has a lower mercury count than Norwegian salmon. Sardines from Portugal taste better and are less expensive. Countries dependent on oil income will suffer as energy alternatives command the market. Even Iran knows this. Israel and California are the technology and innovation centers of the world. You probably use products developed in Israel that you're not even aware of. I've noticed these anti-Israel boycotts never succeed except to inadvertently promote Israeli products. They also highlight the world hypocrites who pay no attention to the real human rights abusers. Only tiny Israel with savage neighbors armed with kassams, katyusha rockets and bomb belts warrant a boycott.
77. 40 %
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.05.10)
Very little sun,not enogh vitamin D effects the scandinavians judgement.
78. # Peter
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.05.10)
How many SS Divisions are you going to recruit in Austria against Israel ?,this time when you will try to bite you will encounter somthing very hard.
79. 40% of Norwegians: Ban Israeli products
Justice [for all] ,   Moint Vernon, WA   (06.06.10)
We spoke out against South African apartheid, not South Africans. We spoke out against El Salvador’s dictatorship, not El Salvadorans. We spoke out against illegal U.S. aggression in Iraq, not Americans. When we speak out against the apartheid, dictatorial, illegal government of Israel we are called “anti-Semites”. Methinks thou dost protest too much. You deserve the boycott.
80. Being Called An Anti-Semite Not So Bad
World Citizen ,   the world   (06.06.10)
If being against a racist, apartheid regime that guns down unarmed civilian relief workers is anti-Semitic then so be it. I think of it as a badge of honor now.
81. 40% is not majority
BB ,   Norway   (06.06.10)
It's no surprise that the convoy action made headlines here in Norway. The poll was taken in the heated days following. Even then 60% was anti boycott. As more facts come to light, opinion is very much moderated. I consider myself informed and read both and watch Al-Jazira. I buy Isreali products and would probably do so just to support. Here in Norway we have a policial party called SV (extrem socialists) that's very anti-semitic, they have about 5% support, but are in a coalition government right now. I'm very sorry for that, but then you know all about how coalitions work.
82. I love ISRAEL more than anything on this earth.
John Edem ,   Accra,Ghana   (06.12.10)
U are right Harry.I want Israel products here in Ghana but i can't get them.Israel need to make it products available in Ghana and we will buy them.
83. Don't boycott Norway over a poll
Ben-Hur ,   Florida   (06.23.10)
We are obligated to fight back when attacked, but this is merely a poll. Let's save the boycotts for countries that are actively trying to harm Israel. I'd keep my eye on Sweden much more than Norway. "Norway’s sovereign wealth fund won’t exclude companies from Israel, which raided aid-laden ships bound for Gaza, from its portfolio because it doesn’t set ethical rules based on nationality, the Finance Ministry said." -BusinessWeek June 4.
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