Protestors: Turkey's Erdogan a terrorist
Yoav Zitun
Published: 03.06.10, 22:11
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89 Talkbacks for this article
61. If I do in my country...
Pedro ,   Brazil   (06.04.10)
In my country, if I do against the police what the protestors did against your troops, I am death. So you are right, the world is hypocrit. And many of us support you. They can protest, but they can not act like a criminal gang. This is the rule. Or face the consequences.
Huvo ,   Globe   (06.04.10)
63. Turkey is changing like Iran changed - supporting terror
Brenda   (06.04.10)
won't bring any benefits to the Turkish people. Turkish people should wake up before its too late for them. The world is blind but soon this extreme islam will cause the end of the world.
64. A peaceful demonstration, no doubt.
Ypip ,   Canada   (06.04.10)
However, the issue at hand is that Turkey is supporting this campaign while allied with Israel. Did Turkey advise Israel or the U.N. that they were prepared to do so in the first place, realizing the risk to civilians with such an ideology on board? Israel even gave them the leeway to to allow the aid in by the rules, yet they were hate-mongering idiots on their raft to begin with. So what happened? The most fortunate ones get sent back to Turkey while the aid was confiscated and is being sent into Gaza appropriately. Aid can't be sent into Gaza until it is approved by the Quartet.
65. Maybe it time for Israel to aid the Kurds ?
Humanitarian aid   (06.04.10)
66. to #10
Michael ,   New York   (06.04.10)
your political inclinations aside. you LOST me with your title.. what in the world does being gay or homosexual have to do with anything? Your intense hatred and bigotry are summed up in your title and in the rest of your mouthing off talkback.
67. Wake up people
Jerrold Cohen ,   Seal Beach, USA   (06.04.10)
Your nation this week has proved beyond any reasonable or unreasonable shadow of a doubt that you are a lunatic fringe psychopathic terrorist nation. You guys are nuts.
68. 10 terorists dead is the right price
adi   (06.04.10)
2-3 wounded is too low - the Turkish will not stop coming. 50 dead is too many -after all Obama needs a quite Ardogan north of iraq. so 10 dead seems good price that will prevent the Turkish and the Hamas from more provocation and will not cause too many troubles in America. LET'S GO- ISRAELI NAVY
69. please don't think like that
peace ,   belgium   (06.04.10)
As a turkish guy i can proudly say that I have many jewish friends here in Istanbul. I don't hate jewish people and i do my best like many others to live in peace with them but also with other religions. I know that the jewish people in Israel lives in abnormal situations (fear, suicide attacks, ..) I I understand their fear but it's making me also sad that the government is not making any effort to solve the problem with the Palestinians and the neighbourcountries. What they do is always the same; choosing the wrong way "the military choice" It's time to see that the problem can only be solved without weapons. This world is our world and we have to live together in peace. No one can stay here forever!!
70. erdogan, gul and dovotoglu
alexi   (06.04.10)
Turkey has been converted into a terror regime spitting on the dignity of ataturk. Erdogan directly aided the terror elements on the marmora and caused injury to idf soldiers which led to the 9 deaths. Gul is adding to the fire with threats and bluster it will never be the same. And dovetoglu preaches ottoman empire ideology and to kiss turkey's ring. All three of them lie like hell and turn truth on its head.It is the turks who caused this provocation. When turkish merchants complain to erdogan that they have lost a billion dollars in israeli tourism, watch these 3 backpedal. Erdogan belongs in jail where he was briefly and the other 2 are islamic rabble. That Turkey calls sudan, iran, syria, hamas and hezbollah his friends and the truth shows how bankrupt this rotten government is. Basburg should dispose of this islamic theorcaracy before it is too late.
71. #40 kemal
selahaddin ,   Turkey / istanbul   (06.04.10)
you say that one day the prime minister, the cabinet and his supporters will be hanged! thanks for showing your true face and emotions. thanks because you let everbody see your true face. just understand why your buddies are in jail. because you are murderers as we all witness. angle of death will visit some of them while they are in jail.the junta area has closed. and murderer likes murderer. why don t you live next to avigdor lieberman as his neighbour. he shows you some neighbourhood. this is a reasonable choice for you because we the turkish people reasserted our power and you can be no more something other than a simple viewer.
72. agree
kurdistan ,   the uk   (06.04.10)
%100 agree with you.Turkey and its government so shameless and liar.but te whole world know how cruel they between 1990-2000 turkish government and army destroyed over 3600 Kurdish villages and over 17000 kurdish still missing.there is no sign,no grave or any news and we still remember armenian genocide.1500 000 innocent people been killed by racist turks...
73. Israel doesn't hve any choice but to protect its citizens
betty ,   tel aviv   (06.04.10)
when they "talk" to us using the weapon language israel responds in the same and only language they understand. the same happened on the "humanitarian boat" . look at the videos and see the ihh terrorists attacking the soldiers, the extreme islam is destroying the world. the worls should wake up before its too late,
74. #52 - On The Contrary -
Christy ,   Boston, US   (06.04.10)
Israel is regaining her sanity and acting like she's in a *war* !! No hiding under the bed and saying Israel's crazy -- when you're in a war you either fight back or die.
75. #67 - We Must Use Different Dictionaries
Christy ,   Boston, US   (06.04.10)
quote "...a lunatic fringe psychopathic terrorist nation." A nation that gives warning after warning and then acts -- this is your definition of lunatic fringe? It's my definition of a nation that means what it says. A nation that refuses to roll over and let others walk all over them. Israel is in a state of war, declared by many of the people riding on those ships. This isn't a game.
76. You are most welcome. What stops you from
Vardina   (06.04.10)
77. #19 Thank you for the link. Most important!
Vardina   (06.04.10)
78. to 72
anton ,   istanbul turkey   (06.04.10)
turkey is your country too I dont understand why you traitors backstab your own country and support PKK we didint found this country on the road we fought wıth our kurdısh brothers side by side in the ındepence war we saved thıs country by sacrificing alot most of kurd dont have problems but some people lıke you dont deserve anythıng PKK cost 40000 lıves ın thıs country last week 6 soldıers were attacked by your coward fellows two of them was kurdısh ı rest my case
79. #69: Sorry, you have to address this talkback
Vardina   (06.04.10)
to you Muslim neighbors, not to Israel.
80. #70: Who had elected him: not the Turks?
It is too late to complain.
81. #66 re:Shlomo The Homo
Israel is real   (06.04.10)
Look at #1 - That is his moniker. So your "indepth" analysis simply proves what a kneejerk moron you really are.
82. Anton please don't help gthis time
David israel ,   New York, USA   (06.04.10)
Because we saw how your country helped the Jews of Turkey make aliyah in 1936 in Kirklareli when local Turks attacked piilaged the Jewish homes and raped women (a relative of mine was stabbed deep in his face and l lived with the scare all his live covering it wit ha beard. Then you helped Jews to make aliyah in 1941 by passing the Varlik vergisi confiscating all the wealth big and small from Jews sending the elderly to Askale labor camp and the young to Afyon labor camp under the guise of 20 ci kura askerligi. And finally the one that I vividly remember came in 1955 September 6-7. Jews were attacked in Istanbul and Izmir. Actually it stated becase the government had spread a lie about Ataturk's home in Salonika being put on fire by the Greeks and yet Jews were attacked/ How do you explain this? why attack Jews for something that was thought tobe done by Greeks? Could it be a deep rooted anti Semitic among some Turks? So Anton please spare your help. Israel is capable to take care of all Jews around the world. This was one of the many objectives in its creation. They did it in 1955 by lifting the Yemenite Jews and in 1980 ies the Falashmura Jews from Ethiopia. Biz biliriz kendi islerimizi, isimiz kimseden sorulmamistir. This is what I learned at mt elementary school.
83. Batuhan - the other side of the medallion
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.04.10)
I agree with you about emotions. There are 9 dead one of them a young 19 year old. It is terrible. It is not possible not to condemn it. But ELINI VICDANINA KOY and think. Who is responsible? AKP knew that Israel would not allow these ships to dock in Gaza. They did not provide any escort (If this was to be asked from TSK I suspect TSK woulod advise the government not to allow the ship) They knew that ther were provocateurs in it this is why the AKP members of TBMM who were scheduled to be in it canceled at the last minute. Now compare this with the other ships in the flotilla. None had any serious incidents. Then the Iroish ship Rachel Corrie that is on its way. Irish PM gave warning, and the passengers already declared that if Israeli military would come they would lift their arms and surrender peacefully. Now this is a peaceful demonstration not what the Yobaz did on the Mavi Marmara. Batuhan,It is very hard to build relationships but it takes only a second to ruin it I don't know if you are old enough like me to remember; years ago when Ecevit was PM an Israeli ambassador Efraim Elrom was kidnapped and killed in Turkey and not Israel but strangely Turkey ended all diplomatic relations with Israel. This lasted until the Ozal administration came to power in 1080ies. The reason Ozal re established the relations was to use Israel to end the US imposed embargo since 1974 Cyprus invasion of Turkey. I personally helped at that time. I know all the details. I am from Izmir efeler diyari mertlik bolgesi. This is not what Turks are supposed to be dumping a friend with cheap words like the VAN MINUT at Davos. All of these incidents at sea started when Mr. Recep dumped this friendship by killing the Turkish MERTLIK. But it is OK. Hopefully things can change in Turkey next year. Just open your eyes and instead of falling into Recep Bey's trap to make you think only on Israel and divert your thoughts from electing CHP and Kilicdaroglu. One more time ELEINI VICDANINA KOY and judge after that. Be fair. Iyi geceler batuhan.
84. to david
anton ,   istanbul turkey   (06.04.10)
david ı guess you couldnt see but ı was sincere.... ıf ı were to generelaze thıng lıke you do ın your post ı wouldnt even be here
85. # 80 - Don't make me laugh so hard
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.04.10)
Whho do you thimk votes in Turlkey? The Israelis? The Americans? NO Turks vote in Turkey. It looks like 47% of the voters are either YOBAZ or they fall into their hands. Don;t blame anyone else. Learn to take responsibility of your own actions. Otherwise you will never correct them. Have a walk around Fatih if possible with your girl friends wearing mini skirts. Of course if you dare. Then you will understand what I am talking about.
86. Anton - If you are soincere and peaceful
David Israel ,   New York,USA   (06.04.10)
Then my words do not apply to you. As I mentioned before I am a strong supporter of Ataturk's modern republic, not only in words but with my actions. However there are some important messages in my posts. I don't know how old you are but if you are like me in your early 60ies you can understand what I am talking about. You know very well that those people who used to follow the BIRGUN news paper in the 1070ies and 1980ies making daily anti Semitic demonstrations all over Turkey, their extension the followers of Erbakan and now Erdogan who do the same in this day before the Davos incidents are real. Unfortunately Turks who oppose them not for the sake of Israel or Jews but for their own modern democracy have been silenced with threats of Silivri jail, Ergenekon etc. If you belong to the modern Turkish society these are your issues not Israel. There are many in Israel like Akiva Eldar, Gideon Levy who daily criticize their government in the harshest way without being afraid to be put in a jail - unlike Turkey as you know - If you are really an Ataturk follower your hand is more than full with your duties according to Ataturk's message to the youth. My Hemseri Ertugrul Ozkok asked this very real and possible question: What would Turkish government do if the European Union decides to open an office in Diyarbakir? Think about it? When Ollie Rhen visted Diyarbakir the entire Turkish media went up and arms remember that? So think about Ertugrul Ozkok's question. Compare it with a ship full of dagger wielding Yobaz trying to overcome a sovereign state's authority. Again ELINI VICDANINA KOY and then sincerely think objectively. Do you believe regular merchant ships enter to the port of Izmir, Istanbul, Iskenbderun without their cargo checked by the customs authority? Be objective. Maybe Isarel used too much force and should not have I can accept that but can you accept that these Yobaz should not have shown such a strong resistance like the people of Rchel Corrie say they would not? So if you are sincerely peaceful and objective you can understand me. There are many Turks who do but are not raising their voices for obvious reasons.
87. TURKS, this is your country
roy   (06.05.10)
What a shame. Turkey is going down the drain because of religious nutcases like erdogan. They are quickly setting your country back in time 100 yrs. You call that progress? Advancement? what a farce....Does anyone cry out when he just brutally purged his secular military upper echelon? anyone even know of that? noooooo....wouldn't wanna touch that eh? the fact is, erdogan is playing to the masses with the often used and pathetic pandering to those that have always and will always hate jews. Its simple polticking and has little to do with truth. Sadly, Turkey, a once great example of secular islam is going the way of a more stringent socieity with less freedom, less diversity and less secular culture. Way to go erdogan. way to go gul. You could have achieved so much more for your country and your people had you opted to seek real truth and and hence international western approval. You have chosen wrongly, and at this point, I would say that unless secular turks take matters into their own hands, you're going to be under the islamists yoke for a very long it now before you can't later on...thats my advice to all freedom loving turks. The increasing nexus between iran-turkey-syria-north korea-hezbollah-hamas-al qaida-IHH is not at all pleasant... What about your kurds and the pkk erdogan? how do you treat them? if they were lobbing missiles into turkey daily for even a week, let alone 8 yrs, how would you react? How would every day turks react? Not well, of that I am sure.
88. Erdogan should stand trial
Roy   (06.05.10)
Picture is clearer now. Erdogan planned this PR attack against Israel. Why else would he jump at the chance to accuse Israel without hearing and viewing all the facts? Me and many others have viewed the videos, read the articles of both sides and understand the personalities behind the players. We know that this was a PR trap planned by terrorists. This Turks were not on a peaceful mission. They wanted an encounter with the paintgun totting Israeli commandos. They knifed, beat, firebombed and almost killed these under equipt and unprepared Israeli commandos. I saw the extreme violence on the videos. We are not fooled by Erdogan and his lies. It is Erdogan that should stand trial for creating tension and supporte terrorist groups. Also, why didn't the ships go to Sudan where there is suffering? The Gazans have plenty of food, we have seen the footage that most news agencies refuse to show. Hamas is a lying, cheating organization that will make its people suffer and die if it hurts Israelis image.
89. Peace @ Israel
Eddie Ertan ,   London UK   (09.15.10)
There will be eternal peace if the surrounding nations accept and say to Jews and Israel: 'welcome home, we are privileged and lucky to have you as our neighbours' If life and peace means anything to The neighbours of Israel, then this is the true and only way for eternal peace to be in that area and world. As a Turk I welcome you and may you live in harmony and peace in your own land Israel forever.
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