Global protests target flotilla raid
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Published: 04.06.10, 17:52
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61. Not surprisingly the states demonstrating
Vardina   (06.04.10)
against Israel are the same that had turned their Jewish citizens over to the Nazis for the "final solution". They can not forgie us for being alive in our own country out of their control, and hope to finish the Nazis unfinished job. Well, they will fail.
62. #27: bacause Arab oil is more important
Vardina   (06.04.10)
to them than recognizing the legitimate rights of Israel. This is your advantage, based on lies though.
63. To all anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli talkbacks
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.04.10)
1) Despite your braindead, unlogical, inconsisent rant, due to extensive drug use, you change nothing. We Jews/Israelis are the natives, the original population and the original owners of the land of Israel since 2000 BCE and Arabs are as "natural" and "native" in Israel as Europeans are in Northern America. 2) The Arab world is despotic and so are the Arabs of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Israel is th only democracy of the Middle East and one of the most democratic nations on earth - granting religious freedom for everyone and even allowing Arabs to reside and live in Israel with full democratic and citizenship rights including voting for Arab Members of Knesset spewing Jew hatred on a daily basis and de facto acting like traitors and a fifth column at the expense of Israeli tax payers! 3)In Israel there are more tha 1 million Arabs. In the Arab world, hardly any Jews are left - almost one million Jews were ethnically cleansed in the 1940s and 1950s. 4) There is no letter "p" in Arabic. 5) "Palestine" or "Palaestina" is a Roman/Latin name - has nothing to do with Arabs/Moslems. 6) There is no "Palestine" or "Palestinians" in the Bible and the Koran. 7) Jews/Israelis are the natives and original population/owners of the land of Israel and even blood related to the ancient Canaanites. Check Wikipedia - check Kingdom of Israel, Kingdom of Judah, kings of Israel and Judah, check ethnic/cultural/linguistic connection/bond between Jews/Israelis and Canaanites and Phoenicians. 8) When and where exactly does this "Palestine" exist? No Arab referred to themselves as "Palestinians prior to 1967 and Judea/Samaria was occupied by Jordan from 1949-1967 and Gaza was occupied by Egypt between 1949-1967. Funnily enough, there were no protests neither from the local Arabs nor from the talkbacks. No "Palestine" or "Palestinians" existed in 1948, 1900, 500 years ago, 1000 years ago or 5000 years ago. 9)What kings, dynasties, temples, palaces, capitals, cities, philosophers, philosophies, language, alphabet, religion,territory, borders, waters, mountains, lakes, valley and rivers, currency and neighbors did the "ancient" "Palestinians" have? 10) How come that NO Isrelite/Israeli/Jewish/Judean/Hebrew, Canaanite, Phoenician, Philisteene(Greek Cretans), Egyptian, Sumerian, Hittite, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantian, Arab, Mongol, Turkish/Ottoman or Christian Medieval European sources EVER MENTION ONCE ANY "Palestinian" race of people, ethnicity, nationality, tribe, culture, nation, religion, kings, dynasties, history, identity, state, kingdom, republic or duchy in the history of mankind? 11) And how come that besides from ancient Judean/Jewish/Israeli/Israelite/Hebrew sources, Jews/Israelis are also explicitly mentioned in Canaanite, Phoenician, Egyptian, Hittite, Philisteene, Babylonian, Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantinian, Arab, Turkish and medieval Christian European sources? Is this a conspiracy too? 12) If the Moslem lives are so important to you, why did Moslems kill 10 million Moslems since 1945? Because of Moslem brotherly love? And if this land is so important to you then why the hell did Christians and Moslems leave the country to rot and become a country almost empty of people - a country desolate, unlovely, covered in deserts and malaria infested swamps? Is this a sign of your love to the land? And killing Jews for thousands of years - is this also a sign or proof of your brotherly love? 13.) The Holy Temple of Solomon - The First Temple, that was destroyed 586 BCE by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, was replaced later on by the second temple, expanded and refined by King Herod and was destroyed 70CE by the Romans. The Romans vividly described the appearance of the Jewish Temple and what they found in there.
64. # 53
Michael ,   London   (06.04.10)
65. hope the course IL is going in heightens.
jerusalem   (06.04.10)
lol at the statement of the israeli amb. to spain's comment.....that should be a huge embarrassment...ekh
66. To nr 32 - We Israelis/Jews are the descendants of Canaan
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.04.10)
Hebrews/Israelites/Jews intermarried with the Canaanites and therefore a large portion of the Jewish people can claim Canaanite heritage, which would put our history in the land to 3000 BCE. Canaanites, Israelites and Phoenicians(inhabitants of Phoenicia, today's Lebanon) were all ethnically, culturally and linguistically related. The alphabets of Phoenicians and Israelites were identical and the languages were also identical. The city of Jerusalem belongs not to God or any other deity but to the Jewish people and the State of Israel. The Jewish people is the only nation in the world that united the land of Canaan into one ethnic group of people covering one united political territory, under the rule of one centralized kingdom and ethnic nation state called the Kingdom of Israel, and later on divided into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Noone besides the Jewish people pulled this off. Rome, Napoli, Milano, Vienna, Paris, Lyon, London, Cologne are all Roman cities. Do you believe that Europe is Roman property?
67. #40 - and yet G-d said that Issac shall receive it
William ,   Israel   (06.04.10)
I'll side on G-d's opinion, not your's.
68. #46 - it's lonely at the top
William ,   Israel   (06.04.10)
But since the majority of the world seems to be in love with despotic leaders and a religion that justifies slaughtering people that don't agree with you... I will side the minority. Besides, Galileo was also vilified, and almost killed, by the majority, as was the inventor of penicillin. So, who care's what the majority thinks?
69. #50 - educate yourself! It has a literal meaning
William ,   Israel   (06.04.10)
Masjid Al-Aqsa means "the mosque furthest away". Many Islamic historian, and that includes those in Egypt a center for Islamic scholarship, believe this refers to the mosque in Medina, not Jerusalem. You are attempting to place a current context on an ancient passage in order to justify your claim. And even your own scholars discredit you.
70. #52 so why has Judaism, Christianity surpassed Islam?
William ,   Israel   (06.04.10)
If what you say is true, why has no semblance of Islam appeared before the 7th century. That's a long time to claim existence of an ideology before its manifested into the real world. Your's is simply a belief that everything is your's and to be non-Muslim means to defile G-d and merit death. An extreme view of revisionist islam and an argument for a global caliphate, with justification of annihilation of millions of people...all for G-d. Nice try.
71. How come the Muslims in Jerusalem had Turkish flags
Jerusalemite ,   Jerusalem - Israel   (06.04.10)
Where did they suddenly come from? It's clear this was a put up job and all the material was stockpiles without any border crossing checks by the IDF or Customs Now Turkey appears to be claiming back what it lost 93 years ago - aided and abetted by the Arabs!
72. To nr 42 - You are severely detached from reality
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.04.10)
Why is it that Europe and the Middle East contain dozens of ethnic nation states whose sole purpose is to be states, governments and official institutions harbouring the national sentiments of a specific national group of people and everyone thinks this is legitimate but when the Jews, one of the oldest civilizations on earth, that has had nationalism within it's national character for at least 3000 years and is the original owner of the land of Israel, is denied the very same right that other nations take for granted because they happen to be Jewish? And you are not anti-Semitic? And stop babbling about 'Palestine" or "Palestinians". No "Palestine" or any "Palestinian" race of people, ethnicity, tribe, nationality, culture, identity, language, alphabet, religion, currency, capital, city, territory, borders, waters, mountains, lakes, valleys, rivers, kings, dynasties, state, kingdom, republic or duchy are EVER mentioned in the Bible, the Koran, nor are they mentioned in ancient Hebrew/Israeli/Israelite/Jewish/Judean, Canaanite, Philisteene, Phoenician, Edomite, Egyptian, Hittite, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Akkadian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantinian, Arab, Mongol, Turkish/Ottoman and Christian Medieval European sources! And yes you Europeans are VERY VERY afraid of Arabs/Moslems. An average of 70-80% of the populations of many European states like France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden hate Arabs/Moslems and Europe is DEEPLY segregated and very few Arabs/Moslems are actively participating in top European positions of power. And UK has agreed to Sharia laws. So you are very very afraid of the Arabs/Moslems.
73. #40: you have forgotten the main issue:
Vardina   (06.04.10)
Vagar Ishmael's mother was not Abrahams's wife, only his servant and mistress. The son of a servant or mistress has no legal rights.
74. israel
ron ,   dallas   (06.04.10)
israel will not back down,gods lannd and his people
75. #46: Hatred is not new to us. your likes
Vardina   (06.04.10)
always wanted to destroy us. How do I feel? It makes me feel right and strong. It makes me feel that I will win.l
76. #63: So clever! I have never thought of
Vardina   (06.04.10)
the letter "P" in this context. How bright!
77. #53:You are the clown because you
Vardina   (06.04.10)
critisize without knowing the facts. The fact is that according to Israeli law every Jew worldwide is entitled to Israeli citizenship, therefore not only Washington is the capital of US Jews but also Jerusalem. Second, even before the reestablishment of the Israeli state in 1948, Since the destruction of out holy temple every Jew everyshere in the world mentiond the holy city of Jerusalem in his prayers day by day for 2000 years, regardless of his temporary citizenship elsewhere. Try to acqire some education before making a fool of yourself.
78. clean up Europ those scum bags!!
corry ,   UK   (06.04.10)
guys,do not be mistaken, will not for momentarily , the overwhelming majority that demonstrate in Europe are gangs extreme Muliems the vast majority in Europe support Israel democratic, freedom, very important in the west, hence,we European need to go out to the streets of all over Europe and have a demonstrations against!
79. #56 Crusader king said : Jesus is not son of G-d
observer   (06.04.10)
after massacring the Muslims, Baldwin IV, the Leper King of Jerusalem admired the Jew because they didn't curse him so that he became a face mask wearer.
80. #46 hows it feel?
andy ,   stafford uk   (06.04.10)
I wish I new. As a gentile, I would love nothing more than to be one of God's people in God's land. Im thankfull that at least I have been able to be grafted into that olive tree.
81. To nr 12 - Salma
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.04.10)
Too bad there is no letter "p" in Arabic and to bad that "Palestine" or "Palaestina" is the Roman corruption of the ancient Indo-European pirates called Philisteenes, that originated from the island of Crete and were defeated by the King David of Israel and by Egypt in the days of the Pharaos about 3000 years ago. Philisteenes that spoke an Indo-European language, originated in the Greek archipelago and therefore have nothing to do with the Arabians that established themselves as a culture in the 600s AD, 2600 years after the demise of the ancient Indo-European Philisteenes from Crete! And the word "Philisteene" means lo and behold, "INVADER". And considering the fact dear Salma that Arab nationalism is in fact alien to the Arab world that has predominantly been based on nomadic cultures, dynasties, tribes and families rather than on nationalism, it is indeed ironical that the so called "national movement" for expressing something that is distinctly "Arab" is indeed a political philosophical import from Europe. What is also interesting to note is that all Arab states with the unique exeception of Morocco, which is predominantly Berber in ethnicity, were all creations by British and French imperialists in the 20th c entury AD. And in fact the kingdom of Jordan, which harbours most "Palestinians" constitute 78% of the British occupied Mandate of "Palestine" whereas Israel plus Gaza, Judea, Samaria and Golan, are the remaining 22%, got its name from the Hebrew language. "Jordan" is the Hebrew name for the river of Jordan. The Arab corruption of the name is Al Urdunn, but that name is thanks to us. Would you be so kind and tell me what kings, dynasties, palaces, temples, capitals, cities, villages, language, alphabet, religion, philosophy, philosophers, currency, history, identity, state, kingdom, republic, duchy, principality, territory, mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, waters, borders and neighbours did the ancient so called "Palestinians" have? And why didn't you call yourselves "Palestinians" until after 1967? And why didn't you protest Egyptian occupation of Gaza and Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria from 1949-1967? And why is it that no "Palestinian" race of people, ethnicity, tribe, nation, nationality, identity, history or national self awareness are ever mentioned anywhere in any ancient historical sources, ranging from Jewish/Israelite, Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Akkadian, Hittite, Persian, Greek and Roman sources 3000-4000 years ago to Turkish, Arab, and European sources 100-200 years ago?
82. Buddhist explanation of Arab hatred of Jews
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (06.04.10)
Attachment is the answer. Attachment in Buddhism is bad because it is considered to be a negative feeling. Attachment is defined as "dependency" on something or attraction to something, and without it, psychologically speaking, weak minded, feeble minded people are inclined to believe that they will fall apart without. They are dependent on alcohol, sex, drugs, gambling and sometimes hatred. There is an interesting story of how people in southern India used to catch monkeys. People took a coconut, emptied the coconut, made a hole in it big enough for the monkey to squeeze in its hand, and placed a sweet in it. Then people tied the coconut to the ground. What happens next is pure magic. The monkety smells the sweet, squeezes its hand into the coconut, grabs the sweet, but cannot pull out the hand for the hole is to small and the last thing the monkey would think of is letting go of the sweet. The monkey is literally trapped by its attachment to the sweet and catching the monkey is the simpliest thing in the world. The monkey ceases to grab the sweet only when it grows weary or falls asleep. The anti-Semites are the monkey. They are attached to the Jews. They hate the Jews, they love Jewish money, technology and science, medicine and weapons, culture, music, philosophy and so on, they hate the Jews and yet they can't stay away from the Jews, for no matter where Jews are anti-Semites are going there.
83. The legality of blockades
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.04.10)
There has been far too much screaming that Israel's blockade is "illegal." It is not. Here is a link to an article and Question/Answer from the Reuters website which addresses the issue of the legality of Israel's blockade which is very concise and informative. It's worth a read. I suppose one might argue that blockades are immoral, but one does wonder why no one questions the United States' blockade of North Korea, where millions of people have died of famine in just under two years. The United States also blockades Myanmar -- where there are also serious humanitarian issues (real ones) and Cuba (ditto). The United States is not in a state of ongoing hostilities with any of North Korea, Myanmar or Cuba. Israel, on the other hand, is very much engaged in ongoing hostilities with Hamas. It is very difficult to take seriously the outpouring of international protest about Israel's blockade of Gaza on allegedly "humanitarian" grounds when there has been no international protest about the serious plight of the starving people in North Korea and Myanmar. No one in Gaza is starving. Would the same could be said for North Korea and Myanmar. Yet we hear not a peep out of "humanitarians." Hypocrisy at its finest.
84. Defend Israel
a12iggymom ,   NY, USA   (06.04.10)
OK America, are you the 1920's and 1930's German people, sitting on your azzes as the Jews are systematically slaughtered. Speak up now before you regrete it later. Then it will be too late!
85. Hey, Thanks
JG   (06.04.10)
For the free cement and useful supplies! After we discard all the expired pharmaceuticals and food stock, I hope we will use the building materials to build new jewish housing or maybe even a synagogue!
86. Spain is a total joke!!!!!!!!!!
David ,   Portland, OR   (06.04.10)
Not only is Spain a near bankrupted and finanical mess. Besides their horrible economy and massive unemployment, the Spanish also boost Europe's highest anti-semitism. The country is a sad sad joke. I would never viist their again and i hope all JEWS would not as well.
87. #77
Sidney   (06.05.10)
Entitled to what!! A land that does not belong to you but to the indigenpus Arab Muslim and Christians. You need to read your own Torah in which the Jews will never have their own state until God wills it. God banished and cursed the Jews from that land for over 2000 yrs because you betrayed him and his prophets.
88. #73 Ishmael bore sign of covenant being first descendant
observer   (06.04.10)
in Genesis 17:12, Moses states that Abraham was ordered to circumcise not only his son Isaac who at the time was not yet born but all the males born in his house, whether sons or servants, including the slaves. All of these were circumcised on one day together with Abraham; Ishmael too, who at the time was thirteen years of age, as the text informs us. Thus the convent or decree of circumcision encompasses the entire seed of all the descendants of Abraham, particularly Ishmael, who was the first seed of Abraham to be circumcised. Accordingly Ishmael is not only the equal of his brother Isaac, but he might even if this were to be esteemed before God be entitled to boast of his circumcision more than Isaac, since he was circumcised one year sooner. In view of this, the Ishmaelites might well enjoy a higher repute than the Israelites, for their forefather Ishmael was circumcised before Isaac, the progenitor of the Israelites, was born. Genesis 17:7-14). And Ishmael became part and parcel of the covenant as Abraham’s first born: “And Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. That very same day Abraham was circumcised, and his son Ishmael.” As a matter of fact, Ishmael bearing the sign of the covenant and being Abraham’s first descendant entered into the covenant. Ismaelites [AKA Arabs] are Semites GEN 10:3 Whereas, Askenazim are NOT Semites but Japhetities: Therefore a DNA impossibility for them to be descended from Abraham. GEN 15:18 Abram Context Covenant from River Egypt to Great River Euphrates corresponds to PRESENT DAY areas inhabited by SEMITES [AKA Arabs] [KINGS} Judea did not belong to Isreal but to Tribe of Judah.
89. # 11
Ahmed ,   UAE   (06.04.10)
"Islam has not even existed for 2,000 yrs'???? then how come Ibrahimi masjid existed in Al Quds (jerulsalem) for more than 2000 years now??? And whole world knows whose days are numbered now.... YOU DUMB ASS
90. # 79
Ahmed ,   UAE   (06.04.10)
Why u call Isa (pbuh) as Jesus??? u know there was and is no J in Hebrew...isnt it?
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