Criticism in Turkey: Erdogan knew Gaza sail would be violent
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 09.06.10, 08:26
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31. Emre are you sure there is no extreemists in Turkey?
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.09.10)
If you are sure then answer this: Who were the murderers of Jewish dentist Yasef Yahya in Istanbul? Were they not extremists? (BTW: His father in law is my old friend) Who were the murderers of Hrant Dink? Were they not extremists? Who murdered priest Santoro? Were they not extremists? If you say there are no extremists in Turkey this is a very grave situation because then the answer to my questions would be The Moderate Turks. And if the moderate Turks is doing these crimes then do not blame the west for sometimes labeling Turks as barbarians and not allowing Turks into their unions. Emre dostum. I know that moderate Turks are not responsible of these crimes. I asked the questions to make you smell the coffee. But I must also remember that in the last general elections this government that can be tied to Turkish extremists received 47% of the votes. So before you say there is no extremism in Turkey think again. If you can not diagnose / identify the disease you can not fight it.
32. Alp # 26
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.09.10)
I have been to all the places you mentioned. I was born and raised In Turkey. I visited Istanbul last year. I was told not to go to Fatih district but out of my curiosity my friend drove me through it And I saw with my own eyes. It is just like Pakistan. Of course you might never go that way and prefer to live around Etiler, Ulus, Sisli, macka, Suadiye or Caddebostan. But there is also the reality of Fatih, Eyup etc. Since yoo now know that I know what I am talking about let me also talk about Turkish democracy under AKP. Many people, journalists, intellectuals, scientists, writers, doctors, university professors are in Silivri jail some over one year with no charges against them and no bail, being held in a very slow so called trial. Some of them too sick to be in trial died of their illnesses while in jail. Among them a respectable lady Turkan Saylan a pediatric doctor who devoted her life to open hospitals in the poorest parts of the country spend her last months of her life battling cancer in Jail. The telephones are being constantly tapped by different intelligence agencies and some conversations being served to the media. The former leader of CHP Denis Baykal was video taped inside an apartment with a lady and served to the media. Even the sanctity of your own home is violated. Is this what you call a democracy? Even in Pakistan at one point the lawyers (the bar association) took it to the streets and ousted their government.
33. #8 Turkish-Israeli friendship
Turk ,   Istanbul, Turkiye   (06.09.10)
Agree with you. I lived in Israel for couple of years and I felt welcomed by Israelis, made good friends. Turks and Jews have had good relations throughout history and I think Turkish-Israeli alliance is beneficial for both of us. However, the level of hostility of some anti-Turkish comments here is horrifying. I can understand the sensitivity of Israelis regarding to defense and security issues, and I think this flotilla was a provocation. But, Israelis shouldn't generalise all Turks and should not start actting as we turned into enemies. Please remember, millions of people vote against Erdogan, more than half of Turkey's voters vote against his policies. Also, not all of his voters are Islamists, some so-called liberals also vote for him, Turkish politics can be quite complicated, it's better not to generalise all Turks as exteremist etc. Many thanks for your friendly post.
34. David #32
alp ,   Turkey   (06.09.10)
David, believe me it is difficult to defend a government which I don't support due to their ideological leanings. I never voted for them (just like the 53% of the rest of the citizens) and will never do as well.. I am also disgusted with the long judiciary (Kafkaesque) process that has been applied to many thinkers and journalists who are linked with the "deep state". True, I haven't been to Fatih (and I don't want to be there) and I live in Etiler but I am an "Anatolian boy" . I have been working in Africa, Middle East and East Asia since 7-8 years. I know the difference between being pious and being radical/exremist. I am writing this message from Saudi Arabia for God's sake! The point is not Turkey being more radical; no, Turkey is becoming more democratic. This process is not linear and is not following the ideal path you'd imagine. I personally believe in the common sense of Turkish public. The traditions of Turks won't let us to become an Iran. However that doesn't mean that we will comply with whatever US or EU say. That doesn't mean unconditional friendliness to Israel if you act in an ignorant manner and kill our citizens - who are somehow labeled as "terrorists". Some of these people who were killed were journalists. All of them were killed in close range. Shall I remain silent? There has been many wrongs committed by the Erdogan government, but there are also many right things that they have done. They are more open minded and more business minded than the secular parties. They have improved the economy, that's why people are voting for him. Not because of the religous tone.. Long story short - Turks are not becoming extremists. You might not be happy with the political agenda our government is seeking - but that doesn't qualify them for "radicals". What I want is a "balanced" view. Maybe it is too much to expect from internet commentators who just hate Turks and are happy to insult us without any hesitation - just like the Israeli soldiers who are just trigger happy and can't wait to kill.. Best. From Riyadh - where there are true radicals..
35. Turk from Istanbul #33
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.09.10)
Nobody can say that all Turks are extremists and I know that even some AKP voters (among them a class mate of mine from university who was a very strong leftist and supporter of Ecevit) are old liberals . However right now it is AKP that is the face of Turkey and this is your problem, the problem of the Ataturkcu Turkiye. Unfortunately AKP is very good in manipulating the public even some of the well educated. Some others just vote for them in orer to receive lucrative government bids to the extent that some modern businessmen had ordered their modern wives to cover themselves. (The friend that I mentioned before did it but ended with divorce)
36. @34
Daniel ,   Boston   (06.09.10)
I understand your defensive stance, but with all due respect it is not impossible for a democracy, especially a relatively young one, to take a bad turn. The most famous, and I guess cliche by now, example is Germany, which established a democratic government after WWI (and was in fact as if not more than democratic than other European countries prior to WWI). And yet nothing stopped people from 'democratically' electing a dictator. They were using common sense, too, since Hitler promised prosperity and the older government was perceived as a puppet of the allies. Even those who were not in any way radical (most were not) voted for Hitler because they thought, based on rational considerations, that he will be good for Germany, and that his ideology was not dangerous. What made it possible was the population's acceptance of anti-Semitic policies. What is coming out of Turkey nowadays is not as scary, and in fact this news story makes me feel better about it. But the fact that people are finding the idea that Israel is an evil country more and more acceptable, and that they try to alienate themselves from policies of the US (by saying that they won't comply with everything that the US and EU say, to use your words), is very worrying. In light of that I find your last comment not just insulting but also worrying. Once reasonable people, like you seem to be, find it acceptable that there is some group of people who are sub-human (e.g. soldiers who like killing), they risk being hijacked by radical elements in their society, without even noticing. In light of that, I would suggest that you don't get as low as to insult Israelis in response to them insulting you. There are reasonable people among them too, and the soldiers who raided the flotilla were not monsters. Try not to be blinded by the news you get, wherever they come from.
37. החברים שלי David
Emre ,   Turkey   (06.09.10)
Of course every country has its own radicals, thats why i told that some people are radicals and make protests but it doesnt mean that all the country is like this.I ahve been in ısrael and saw your radicals as well my friend. Some days they were telling us not to get into their area with a working machine :). On the other hand you have asked some people who has been killed in Turkey like Hrant Dink. I was following his articles before he is dead, but if you want to give an example you can always find a way, even you can blame angels of the God :). It is not because i would like to compare but Armenians has killed teens of Diplomats of us in foreign countries. So lots of things to say for each country...
Ian ,   Newcastle upon Tyne,   (06.09.10)
Maybe there is cause for optimism.I still have a feeling that the Turkish people have become western leaning.The spirit of Ataturk lives on and just because the Turks were duped by Erdogan once they may not repeat the mistake now that they can see his true Islamic colours so publicly. It's the Turkish WOMEN who have most to lose and should beware.If they decide that they prefer western freedoms to Iranian restrictions they could decide the issue and Turkey's future. THREE CHEERS FOR ISRAEL!!!
39. #35 David Israel
Turk ,   Istanbul, Turkiye   (06.09.10)
David, I know some people vote for Erdogan for their personal benefits, they don't care about the country or the nation's future but their own pockets, just like Erdogan and perhaps just like your former school friend. As I see from your posts, you are already well aware of the tensions we are going through. I want to be hopeful, but some voters' unethical priorities are making me pessimistic about our country's future. I say 'our country' as I assume you are also Turkish. It's high time that we take more responsibility and work more to fix the system here after all the damage AKP has done. Regards from Istanbul.
40. Alp #34
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.09.10)
You can say what you have in your mind. You are doing it respectfully and I will answer respectfully. There are two sides on each coin. As I mentioned in an other post It was clear that Gaza was under a blockade which is justified by international laws Geneva conventions Helsinki protocols and San Remo manual etc. As today Ozdemir Ince of Hurriyet also pointed out one can not have much doubt that the IHH started this voyage as a clear provocation. You can not put all the blame to the defender. I can accept that IDF was ill prepared and made a big blunder. But I can not accept that Israel should have allowed the ships to reach to Gaza. Remember that Turkey has kept an entire city in Cyprus empty since 1974. The people who have homes in Magosa (Famagusta) can not go and live in teh homes that they own for 36 years. Turkish government justifies this as a necessary measure in Cyprus but finds that Hamas who is killing Israeli children is not a terrorist organization and denying Israel the right of self defense. Now about the good thing that Erdogan government dis about the economy: It was Ecevit's government with Kemal Dervis that designed and executed the recovery. They payed the price of the austerity measures but AKP ate the fruits of it. Thre is also some shady money helping AKP secretly. At least one source of it was teh infamous Lighthouse (DENIOZ FENERI) charity that was indicted in Germany and we al know that some AKP high heads are also involved including the head of TRT. My views are not only balanced but as you know GORUNEN KOY KILAVUIZ ISTEMEZ. I read not only Hurriyet Milliyet but also Taraf, Sabah and Zaman, even Fehmi Koru. You may think that there is no extremism in Turkey but based on what I read it is growing. While even the orthodox Jews were protesting aginst Israel were wving Turkish flags in Taksim people with ball beards were waving Arab flags. A women can go on TV in Turkey to say that she doe not like Ataturk but she loves and respects Ayatollah Humeyni. BTW; You are always welcome to Israel as a Turk or Muslim. Unfortunately because I am Jewish I am not able to get a visa to Saudi Arabia even though I am a USA citizen.
41. alper Turkey
John   (06.09.10)
Please read my post 24 again ,never called Turks "extremists", and still believe majority are moderates and rightly wants to get on with their lives. It's all about Erdogan's association with the IHH terrorist thugs.The IHH themselves admited the close relations and his involvement in this serious matter.It seems from the reports the Turkish Intelligence service the MIT informed Israel that there were no violent elements on the boats and there will be no resistance.Israel trusted their word, Israel was duped. For this reasons the commandos were armed with paint ball guns should there be any problems (if at all) and real hand guns if there lives are in great danger only to be used as a last resort to save their lives.What would you do in the same situation ? when you being grabed by four or more thugs armed with bars and knives etc. in very close quarters and seeing your comrades badly beaten and stabed?. It's a fact Erdogan unlike Israel on a daily bases incited the Turkish people and kept insulting Israel.Israel did not receprocate and shown statemanship.
42. # 6 ' As wealthy as a European'
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.09.10)
Doug ! If all Turks are dumb like you they will newer be wealthy as the Europeans, as you wish,you believe that if Turkey joines Iran,Syria,Hamas and becomes part of the axis of evil,the infidels of the USA EU, will continue to buy products from Turkey ? and send millions of tourists,China,India ,Viet nam will be more than happy to replace you and produce for less,the infidel tourists will stop comming,and will be replaced with tourists from Iran, syria,Gaza,and south Lebanon,Erdogan is playing with fire,and it's not Israel,it'sMuslim Erdogan against the west,the west is watching him very carefully,i hope cooler heads in Turkey will prevail.
43. We Con The World
Ed ,   US   (06.10.10)
The full version on youtube is named: "We Con the World -the Full Tribal Update" I hope they are not going to change the name again
44. Alp @ Emre 23, 26
ERAN ,   Singapore   (06.10.10)
Yes I have been to Pakistan. Yes I have been to Israel and I have great memories of the hospitality I received in Turkey. It's sad to see Turkey slide into the islamist camp. Modern Turkey is a wonderful creation of Ataturk, an idea that has made Turkey into a regional power. Siding with the mullas of Iran and terrorists of Hamas will not bring Turkey anything but short term gains. The West will turn its face against Turkey. Israel is Turkey's true ally in the area, not extremist islamic states. I hope the AKP loses its power and influence before Turkey sinks again into insignificance as in the last days of the Ottomans. Come back Ataturk
45. brain-wash is the worth weapon
david   (06.14.10)
After the brain-wash in turkey (started with the tv-series, than the assault on our president, and the "humanitarian" attack on israel borders) theres no real chance for that. dont hope too much, edrogan won, now turkey people and israeli people hate each other. evil always wins over the goods.
46. Turkey will soon realize
Kamel   (06.14.10)
we saw the pictures and the profile of the deads. we all know now that they were actually terrorists. The wize also knows that their attack was timed to help Iran in fighting sanctions (didnt work for him). still, I wish israel could stop it with no killings, but I understand that the fact that the IHH kidnapped 3 soldiers was too much and israel switched from paintballs to real bullets. its a shame, loss loss situation (except edrogan and iran and fanatics who won)
47. soon votes will not matter
soon   (06.14.10)
see iran for an example. when the evil gets the key, he close the door after him.
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