Jewish Scene
Franco gave Nazis list of Jews in Spain
Published: 21.06.10, 08:45
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31. #27 ok you want to limit this to the past century fine...
you wrote "that in many countries Jews were saved by the local authorities" Six million Jews were murdered in Europe during the Nazi Holocaust your job is to name all of "the local authorities" that as an official program saved their Jews. Give dates and numbers of Jews saved! Please don't hide behind vague and "certainly very ignorant" baseless comments.
32. 31 , who are you , before i answer !
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.23.10)
33. to 31 , illiterate too ?
Jol. ,   Belgium   (06.23.10)
Where did @ 27 write that local authorities had an official program to save Jews ? In my country some authorities refused to distribute the "yellow stars" . The directrice of the child welfare was a member of the Jewish defense and saved in her offiocial function , by hiding them , 4000 children . Other members of local authorities , in their official function , saved Jews , or gave them "papers" . I have read somewhere that the Bulgarian Jews were almost to the last one saved by the King and a minister who refused that they be deported . Of course , this was not an "official" policy , you must be dumb to think that in an occupied country such a program could be an officiaql one . You don't know what the situation was during the war .
34. #32 u can't answer the question so u r hedging! 2 funny!
who I am is irrelevant who u r is also irrelevant Stick to the facts and produce ur answer otherwise your best option is just to settle down and be quiet!
35. #33 & u r an intrusive insouciant little bugger!
it isn't for you to answer or interpret what "charles, petack tikva" wrote it is for him to answer. But since you have answered get ur facts straight The Bulgarian Jews were saved by their fascist government. The Danish Jews were in part saved by their king. But the big fact is that none of the allied governments did very much to save any of the 6 milliion Jews and 6 million others who the Nazis declared easy kill. That's 12 million people killed and Free Europe and the United States sat back and just yawned!
36. to the ignorant anon 35
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (06.24.10)
In tb's everyone can react . The Bulgarian Jews WERE SAVED by the governement , a collaborator with Germany . But they were SAVED . You are ignorant . The Danisdh king had no role in the saving ofv the Danish Jews . It was a german military who alerted the Danes of the imminent acts against the Jewish population . We were talking about the local authorities , now you , because you can't deny facts , dumb as you are , you begin with the allied governements . and 12 million killed ? Again a stupidity from a guy who does NOT know about what he's barking . Better shut up . I think i know who you are , there is only one such a stupid guy .
37. Lies
David ,   St Louis USA   (06.29.15)
This is a lie! Franco saved at least 40,000 jews during WWII. Please read some serious history books.
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