Female hypocrisy on Gaza
Anav Silverman
Published: 29.06.10, 00:13
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. do women have equal rights in Judaism?
Elisabeth   (06.29.10)
and should the world not object to opression of Jews until they have?
32. #28- Anav got it right, and lets try to be mature about this
Jon ,   Florence, Italy   (06.29.10)
What I think "Anav" is trying to express is not her temper, but a well reasoned and researched position on the true motives and tactics of Greta. As far as I read, Anav Silverman did not imply in any way that the people of Gaza should be denied their "wheelchairs and food," rather that the females of Gaza get the equal rights which they deserve.
33. Elisabeth #31 - The question must be
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.29.10)
Do Jewish women have equal rights in society? If you ask the question as Judaism or Christianity or Islam the answer is a NO for all.These religions were created many centuries ago. However Christian and Jewish societies have evolved over centuries and today in the western civilization that includes Israel, there are equal rights for Women. There are always exceptions of course. The Ultra orthodox Jews can be an example to this. I personally object to the Ultra Orthodox Jews in that matter and some other issues. I also object to Hamas when it comes to their treatment of women and many other issues. Historically Christianity has not always been in the forefront in protecting women rights. For example Turkey gave voting rights to women before most European countries. Even before Switzerland. The issue in this article is the hypocrisy of Ms. Greta Berlin who claims to be a woman's rights activist but at the same time supporting Hamas that oppresses woman's rights.
34. Shame on you
Greta Berlin Co-Founder, The free Gaza movement ,   Los Angeles, CA   (06.29.10)
Since no one at YNet bothered to call me and interview me regarding the Freedom Flotilla, just where, might I ask, are you getting your information? Certainly none of us in California or elsewhere are wealthy. Most of us women (and men) who work for justice for the Palestinians are hard working middle-class members of civil society. Second, I am not the head of the Free Gaza Movement, nor did I orchestrate the flotilla. The flotilla was organized by dozens of people from around the world who are outraged that Israel is locking 1.5 million Palestinians into an open-air prison just because they exercised their right to vote. Third, Free Gaza does not deal with Hamas or any other political entity in Gaza. We work with Palestinian NGOs and always have. I don't like most of what the American government has done for the past ten years, but that would not stop me from working with the many organizations in the U.S. who work for the human rights of people who are oppressed. Finally, as long as Israel behaves irresponsibly, murdering nine of our passengers in international waters who were on the way to deliver supplies and to break Israel's illegal siege on Gaza, I will continue to call it what it is... a terrorist state who has been condemned by international organizations around the world for its actions.
35. Uhhhhh. Excuse me?
Anne Hughes ,   Washington DC   (06.29.10)
So we are supposed to believe anything this woman writes in YNet? She comes from Maine? What's she doing in Israel to begin with? And who cares of Greta Berlin or any of the other women in California or anywhere else have money? Is that a crime? If it is, then all of the wealthy Jews and Christians who help Israel should stop. After all, the way the Orthodox Jews treat their women in about the same as the people from Hamas. So who care? Greta and everyone else have the right to their opinions and to working with whomever they want. So does the author here. Seems to me you should find something else to write about... such as what to do with the illegal settlers who live on Palestinian land
36. :: Greta, Greta! Keep lying like this doesn't change facts!
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (06.29.10)
The fact is that you support a bloodthirsty gang elected by other bloodthirsty Gazans to organize murdering Jews. That you want to be whiter than white is your own business, but when you load a a ship full of Turkish terrorists it becomes Israel's business too and you are personally responsible for them getting what they deserve. Provocations like this one are a well known tactic of Communists like you and Jihadis like the Turks. Neither you nor them care one iota about the consequences, except for using them in your propaganda campaign, which was your intention to begin with. The article is spot on!
37. Greta Berlin and Anne Hughes
David Israel ,   New York, USA   (06.29.10)
I have no doubt in my mind that you both are loving and caring human beings and you are sincere in your sympathy to Arabs. I too have similar feelings for them However I also have similar feelings for the parents of Dorit Benisian and Yuval Abebeh two little toddlers killed by Hamas rockets launched from Gaza. I still remember hundreds of young Israelis kille by Hams rockets, suicide attacks at Dolphinarium club, at a Sbarro pizzeria, in a wedding at Netanya, several attacks to bus #51 etc. Unfortunately you do not see or maybe prefer not to see this side of the issue. Additionally I have not heard you two raising your voices to the atrocities perpetrated by Muslim Janjawid in Sudan's Darfur which is the cause of real starvation of newly born babies in thousands. While you have supported a Turkish sponsored flotilla to aid Gaza I never heard you raise your voice against the Turkish government for their ill treatment to Kurds (As a Turkish ex pat I know very well what is going on there). I never heard any one of you show any sympathy for teh poor young lady Neda from Iran who was brutally killed by the government sponsored Basij paramilitary. As I said in the beginning of my post, I believe you are good human beings but apparently only read / follow Gaza and have no idea about the rest of the world. You think all the ills in the world is in Gaza but it is not. Now that I opened your eyes I hope you spend your humanitarian energy distributed equally to all the ills around the world. After all this is what is expected from a real humanitarian. It would also be a good idea if one of you could spend some time to free Gilad Shalit but I have no intentions to hold my breath .
38. to #14
Stanley   (06.29.10)
What's your problem?Ahmed says that he live in London so he lived in capital of the islamic country Londonistan)))
39. Dear Greta: You certainly sound like a
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (06.30.10)
huffy old lady whose arch "moral perspective" is both limited and lacking just as Phyllis Chesler indicated. At your age, let's not expect any integration of new information, however.
40. your actions speak for you greta
Arrow   (06.30.10)
No one has to contact you to hear extra slur casting , coz your mouth gushes evil. And don't think you'll go around unpunished. You dedicated your life to wrong cause. Shame on you greta!
41. I agree with #37
Carlo ,   Philippines   (06.30.10)
world needs real people...
42. Israeli hypocrisy at its finest
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (06.30.10)
So, Israelis deplore the fact that women 'support' Hamas and deplore the Israeli blockade. I know why. The Israeli denial of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza is only because Israelis feel that it is in Gazan women's interest to deny them building material, medical supplies, electricity, fuel, educational supplies to 'protect' the women of Gaza from Hamas. What an altruistic position. It would be funny if it wasn't such a manifestation of the national Israeli mental illness...finding any excuse to defend the indefensible.
43. #42 forever lost at sea
Joel Weltman ,   Miami, Florida   (07.01.10)
Well Mr. Mike, you've had your little say for today, never mind that it is the usual lopsided trash talk that rabid Jew-haters like you indulge in. First of all swabby, Hamas is at war with Israel, wants to destroy it, won't even recognize it. Second, the so called elected government of Hamas hijacked the elections only to enforce their perverse view of Islam no matter what and at whatever cost. .And third, I know idiots like you don't like to deal in details and facts just so you can have a daily purge of your hate riven psychosis. Now go get lost in the swamp of your mind where you pretend to be alive.
44. oppression and poverty increase religious activity
Nadia ,   New York, USA   (07.02.10)
none of us know exactly what the social climate is in Gaza, especially for women. many women choose to cover up, the presence of veiling does not indicate that they are being oppressed. if they are being forced to veil, that is a problem, but we have no way to know if that's the case. I suspect this article exaggerates and/or lies to make its point, as I remember reading about the hip hop concert that was canceled, and apparently they did not have a permit, which could very well be the only reason it was canceled. In any case, the extreme oppression, poverty, and degrading conditions that the Palestinian, especially Gazan, people live under is definitely a major source of increased religiosity. People turn to religion in times of hardship. Especially in this situation, where they are being persecuted because they are Arab and Muslim, they turn to become more authentically Arab and Muslim through traditional cultural and religious practice. Basically, the most important way to ensure equality and freedom for Gazan and Palestinian women would be to remove the cause of the miserable condition of their society. End the occupation, allow a fully functioning, economically independent society to be built. That's the only way. Unfortunately, much of the concern for Gazan women is insincere, and only used to delegitimize the resistance movement.
45. freedom
s. bashir ,   england   (07.02.10)
it is there right to choose what they wear and most of us muslim women like to cover also hamas was voted in by the majority so again the people chose this
46. Va'ad Hatznius
Moshe Jakob ,   Jerusalem   (07.18.10)
You seem to forget the women beaten, threatened, spat upon, and attacked with acid by Israel's own modesty patrols, the Va'ad Hatznius. The hypocrisy of Jewish men. Oy.
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