Farrakhan charges Jews with 'anti-black' behavior
Associated Press
Published: 30.06.10, 12:11
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31. Louis Farrakhan, a shame for any serious black people
Zeroing   (06.30.10)
Unfortunately some people in the US think that Islam is a religion better suited for blacks than anything else. They also tend to play down the economical, human deaths and psychological damage caused by Arab slave merchants in Eastern and Central Africa. They think that only the Whites had caused more damage to the black societies in Africa but not Arabs, who according to them were only after sexual slaves and not after labour slaves. However, this is absolutely wrong as the uprising of Zinj at about 869-883 CE under Abbasid Caliphate portrays. This Caliphate was founded by the descendant of the Prophet Muhammad's youngest uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, and it was first created in Harran in 750 CE and shifted its capital to Bagdad in 762 CE. As the timeline clearly shows, this was long before even the US itself was founded, let alone the transatlantic slave trade. At that time of the history about 5000 Zinjs revolted against the Abbasid caliphate Empire, because of inhumanly oppression imposed on the Zinjs. Zinj was the description of black slaves from east Africa. A number of Landowners in and around Basra in Iraq had brought several THOUSAND of these Zinjs into southern Iraq to drain the salt marshes east of Basra. The Moslem Iraqis subjected the Zinjs, who generally spoke no Arabic, to very heavy and inhumanly slave labour and provided them with only a minimum of food and water to survive. Now to the national of Islam’s minister Farrakhan: what is the morality of your actions against the Jews and your hate slogans against them, the very people who fought alongside Martin Luther King in order to end slavery and oppression of black people? Have ever heard of Darfur in Sudan Mr. Farrakhan, where Moslems still are slaughtering the Zinjs? In America there are still big black population. The question is: why one sees only patches of Zinjs in Arabic countries although there were thousands upon thousands of them taken to slavery just as many as those taken to American continents? Where did all these Zinjs gone? Killed perhaps? Or sterilized? What happened to them really I am starting to be impatient! Minister Mr. Farrakhan you are a SCHANDFLECK (shame) for the black power.
32. Many Jews sacrificed to improve the lot of American blacks
SetTheRecordStraight   (06.30.10)
The one-sided, self-serving narrative this mooching bigot seeks to advance must be discredited. Farrakook needs to be reminded about the selfless sacrifices made by Jews during the civil rights movement. Jews played a key role in improving the lot of American blacks. Should hatred and derision be their reward? If and when Jewish leaders don't respond with the apologies and reparations he demands of them, Farrakook will have ample reason to ratchet up the anti-Jewish incitement even more. What he wants is violence, but he needs the right pretext. Throughout history, Jews have been massacred in order to steal their hard-earned wealth. The envious and parasitic Farrakook wants "The Jews" to simply transfer their hard-won wealth, power and prestige to disgruntled, undeserving recipients. He's one step away from seeking to take what he wants by force.
33. This is what happens when you vote for his brother
Norman   (06.30.10)
So this nut Job and Helen Thomas at their senile Years show their true colors.
34. To #14
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (06.30.10)
You hit the front page of not just any paper, but of a Jewish one. He should be in the Comics section with those Mohammed cartoons.
35. Was, is, will always be a racist moron.
David ,   Hartford USA   (06.30.10)
And doesn't that say something about his loyal follwers? It should be called 'The Nation of Losers.' The only was this 'nation' can get ahead is to blame everyone else for their shortcomings. And their 'leader', who speaks the loudest , has never spoken anything worth listening to. But those impoverished followers of his keep donating their money to him. That's the tragedy- he steals from his own people- just like Abbas in the PA and Hamas in Gaza. Hey, is that just coincidence or is that how Islam is supposed to work?
36. Louie, you are a disgrace to your people
joe   (06.30.10)
I cannot say to your religion, being a son of the devil..You are another decadent, rotten to the core, black would be messiah, what else?. Since time immemorial the blacks of Africa (among others), when raiding, torching, raping a village, your prized trophies always were 'slaves'. They then discovered that this "commodity" sold to white men, brings hefty prices. It paid off handsomely. Let's face it, Ferrakhan like most other similar characters, worthless, corrupt, diabolic mind, with the heart of a muhammad, the brains of a allah ( even Mephistopheles couldn't duplicate this combination), had to find a scapegoat for his and some of his followers miserable life. The Dutch introduced slavery to America in 1619; it was abolished in 1864. Segregation came crushing down with Lisa Parks. Farrakhan like many of his kind, found his calling, his "raison d'etre", the common living of the toil of others and, like most demagogues, attach to his name the pompous title of " nation of islam minister. The perfect pulpit oratory ,agenda in vogue by islamic thugs was, is, and still is The Jews. And like all crackpots spewing their poison to a brain dead mass of followers always starts with " I don't hate Jews, But... ". One of his most inflammatory " Judaism is a gutter religion " says it all. Of course coming from the gutters makes him an expert, very competent on the subject. May I suggest that a " black fiddler on the roof " would be a most appropriate way to express himself and his dogma.---- He plays the violin, a Jewish favorite....!
37. To #19
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (06.30.10)
Where, exactly, is the logic in your tb?? The last time I looked, Cleveland Heights was not a part of Israel. Since I must be missing something, I would really like to hear your explanation.
dav zee ,   NYC USA   (06.30.10)
39. and this despicable person called farakhan
was honored with a dinner given by obama and his wife and his pastor as the greatest honorable individual on earth. the obamas and their pastor, jeremiah wright have given this man an honor dinner in his name with accolades of his greatness and vowing total friendship with him and his ideas. AND STILL, THE JEWS, KNOWING THIS, HAVE VOTED FOR THIS DESPICABLE CHILD AMATURE LEADER CALLED OBAMA.
40. Julius Rosenwald
dan ,   new york   (06.30.10)
Google him to see how "poorly" Jews treated blacks. A total of 4,977 schools, 217 teachers’ homes, and 163 shop buildings were built in fifteen states across the South with the assistance of more than $4.3 million -- all for southern blacks. I'd be curious to know if ANY blacks even know this bit of history.
41. Will this idiot explain then who put Obama in?
Jack ,   San Diego, USA   (06.30.10)
42. Nation of Islam is black version of Ku Klux Clan
Usa   (06.30.10)
Suffers from inferiority complex which all supremacists suffer from.
43. farrakan speaks
moron ,   galut   (06.30.10)
would this be the same farrakan that has proclaimed BHO the messiah?its an election year and american jews drank this kool aid last time!
44. Farrakhan: an opportunist on the dole of Islamists
Joe ,   Canada   (06.30.10)
Farrakhan & his organization have been for years on the payroll of Lybian dictator Muammar Gaddafi who used to make violent antisemitic verbal outbursts until he found it more convenient to renew relations with the west after barely escaping the air raid ordered by president Reagan. The lybian money was in return for antisemitic propaganda in the USA. It is probable that Iran which currently subsidizes the French black humorist Dieudonne for the same purpose is also helping Farrakhan. Farrakhan is just parroting his master's voice.
45. Jews sacrificed in the era of Civil Rights for this?
Etoile ,   Montreal, Canada   (06.30.10)
46. Let ssee what Obama's response will be,
with a bit of luck we will hear it in another few days....
47. #2 you are mistaken
ahad ha'amoratsim ,   columbusOHusa   (06.30.10)
30% of the Chareid parents who are willingly going to jail in the Emmanuel school case ARE Sephardim. Sephardi families who are willing to abide by the school's standards are welcome to send their girls to the school. An irreligious Sephardi brought the lawsuit in secular court, falsely charging that this was a matter of discrimiinating against Sephardim when in fact it is a matter of adherence to religious standards that apply across the board -- which is why the Sephardi gedolim and Sephardi parents supprt the school. The Israeli Supreme Court is all to eager to smear religious Jews of any description, and chose to believe the false charges despite evidence that the school was impartially applying neutral religious standars of tzniut.
48. but the minister speaks the truth!
Sally Jenkins ,   Nicosia, Cyprus   (06.30.10)
i don't always believe what farrakhan says, but on this you must say that he has the cojones to say what most black (and other people) know but dare not say ...let they be fingered as anti-semites.
49. #30 More garbage from Palestine
A ,   Belgium   (06.30.10)
you know very well who hurt the Jews more than others? They were not Muslims, And Chancellor Merkel of Germany, stood before the Israeli Knesset and APOLOGIZED IN THE NAME OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE. If anyone deserves a Nobel prize, its this woman. How many arab leaders, including Sadat, ever apologized for the damage they have done to Israeli families? And yes I know, you will counter with...and how many Israeli leaders...blah, blah. BTW, the arabs, including the Grand Mufti of J'lem, collaborated with the nazis. Same hate, different color.
Gabrielle   (06.30.10)
The organizations THE CHARMER (do a Wikipedia search on Farrakhan) contacted should all ignore him as if he is nothing because he IS nothing, and he's nuts to boot.
51. what can one say about the mentally farrakhan
steven ,   southampton, ny   (06.30.10)
why give this fool any attention?
52. No good thing goes unpunished
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.30.10)
Why Do Blacks hate Jews more than they hate Italians,the Irish ?,very simple,the Italians,the Irish newer did them any favors,while if not for the Jews the Blacks wouldn't be where they are today,so their logic is like this:You Jews , the reason that you helped us in the past is because you owe it to us ,and if you owe it to as ,we the Blacks will set the rules,and those are the rules:after you teach us your business,you will hand over to us the business,the keys to your car and to your home,because you owe it to us.
53. Farrakhan
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.30.10)
Farrakhan joines the flotilla.
54. Farrakhan
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (06.30.10)
After Farrakhan was mistreated by Libyan doctors in Libya for his prostate cancer,i will be surprised if his present doctor is not a Jew,or maybe his treated by a black Shaman in Harlem,his mouth is also cancerous.
55. #8 is wrong
Observer ,   USA   (06.30.10)
Muslims never forced anyone to convert .. when you live among them or you live in an islamic country , get to know them and learn their simple idiology,99% of the time you will convert unless you are an idiot ,blind and deaf .. the Zounouj (not Zanj ) rebellion did not happen in any islamic country ..Islam is color blind ..equate between people regardless of their skin cover . the africans came to Iraq seeking work ..most of them converted ..there is no story here .
56. Louis Farrakhan
Simcha ,   So.Cal.USA   (06.30.10)
This man has always been a hate mongering rabble rouser."Minister"or not he is no holy man. Someone needs to take him down and wash his mouth out with soap to clean away the filth that he spews.
57. Call him what he is , please........
Don Rosenberg ,   Palatine USA   (06.30.10)
Jewish leaders need to call this moronic bigot what he is and do it loudly and often. Unfortunately, most of his followers are brainless about the truth. We need to tell the truth and attack this racist pig in the media now.
58. Sally Jenkins and Farrakhan share a hatred rooted in ENVY
Tired of the lies   (06.30.10)
The heart of what Farrakhan said is this: “Your present reality is sitting on top of the world in power, with riches and influences”. This is at the root of his hatred of Jews. Even though it's just a minority of Jews who have achieved great wealth and influence (and by dint of talent and hard work), Jews are always lumped together as a collective. "The Jews" are perceived to be the wealthy rulers of the world. This is the wicked lie that Sally Jenkins believes to be the great “truth” revealed by Farrakhan. But it’s Sally Jenkins who has exposed the REAL truth, and a much larger truth at that: Most of the world is full of the same bitter envy that fuels Farrakhan’s hatred. The world hates the Jew because it ENVIES the Jew. Thank you to the envious Sally Jenkins for inadvertently revealing the REAL truth.
59. Obama's mentors, Min. L. Farakhan and Rev. J Wright
Steve Caplan ,   Minneapolis, MN   (06.30.10)
These are the people whose philosophy Mr. Obama has been absorbing for more than two decades before he came to occupy the Oval Office. No wonder, the hostility of the President toward Israel and the Jewish people whose nation-state Israel is is so strong. And he attempts to be diplomatic, note, since he still needs the Jewish support for his next attempt - and it will be only an attempt - to continue to serve as the U.S. President.
60. The scapegoating of Jews at this juncture, no doubt, is a
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (06.30.10)
result of the hostility Mr. B.H. Obama commenced against Israel, its democratically elected officials, its governmental affairs and courts. Obama's open hostility, despite the "Charm Offensive" with which he has attempted to soften a bit the blow, has generated waves of anti-Semitism throughout the world. This anti-Jewish racism is reflected in words as well as deeds, directed first and foremost at the symbols of Jewish sovereignty in the Jewish people's historic homeland. But it is also directed at the Jewish people be they where they may. Farakhan's latest ant-Jewish racist act can be directly attributed to Obama's hostility, and we, Jews, must not be shy and tell the President what we think of his racism, anti-Jewish racism.
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