Jewish Scene
US Jews wondering: Will Chelsea Clinton convert?
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 15.07.10, 16:28
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31. Conversion???
Proud Jew   (07.16.10)
Chelsea and Marc have been together for years, so if she really wanted to be Jewish, she could have converted a long time ago. Many US Presidential and political families have Jews in them. For example: Hubert Humphrey's son-in-law, Al Gore's son-in-law, Caroline Kennedy's husband, Bobby Kennedy's son-in-law, Joe Biden's daughter-in-law, Jacqueline Kennedy's partner for years before she died, etc etc. Intermarriage and assimilation are not out of the ordinary nowadays. Tragic.
32. #30 why didnt I think of that I wonder
bob ,   NZ   (07.16.10)
what a great idea!! If Jews are willing to believe that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah then Christianity and Judaism become united!!! wow!!! The only problem with your suggestion is that Jews believe Jesus was not the Messiah. If they believed he was the messiah they would be called ''christians''
33. No way it will happen and be made public.
Josh   (07.16.10)
Chelsea is as slippery as Mom and Pop. Politicinas?!! There is no way she would adversly affect her mothers "good christian" front to the chrisitian voting public. G-d forbid she did anyway, with the way Isreal treats converts we would have to talk fast to back down the potential war that would likely ensue if such abuse happened to their daughter. Bil would have an entirely different opinion from a converts viewpoint. Unrighetous anti-Torah is chet. Why anyone does it is a mystery to me.
34. 22 , Yrushalaim . you're STUPID
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.10)
and don't understand anything
35. 17 , NYC Girl , the best Jews ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.10)
Maybe the best followers of the Jewish faith , but not the best Jews . When someone receives the US citizenship , after 5 years i think , does he becomes an American ? Will he only speak English ? Will he know something about American Culture , sport , history ? He will continue to talk in his native tongue , eat his food , and so on . His grandchildren will probably be Americans .
36. 33 , Israel treats TRUE converts very well
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.10)
not fake ones , cross and/or ribi yeshu adorers
37. No. 35 Charles
NYC Girl   (07.16.10)
I used the term "best Jews" only to mean that they often become more observant than those of us who are born Jewish...even though I personally don't have much use for religious rituals. But the truth is that converts to any religion often embrace their adopted religion more fervently. Perhaps it's because it's a religion they've actively chose as opposed to just being born into it, but I've seen this happen several times. Now, as far as American citizenship is concerned, I know a lot of naturalized citizens who embrace American culture, while others don't do so as readily. However, I think what you'll tend to find is they often don't take our freedoms and way of life for granted the way many native-born Americans do. So maybe the question would be what makes an American? Is it whether they can name all the teams in the National League or is what makes them Americans the gratitude they feel for what this country offers them...because sometimes they know all too well what the alternatives can be.
38. No. 28 Nick
NYC Girl   (07.16.10)
I'm not sure if it always translates into real life, but we're required to treat a convert no differently than anybody who was born a Jew.
39. No. 2 David
NYC Girl   (07.16.10)
The reality is the majority of Jews in America (or in Israel for that matter) don't even observe Kashruth...let alone wear a sheitel and give birth to a slew of children. So can we really hold Ivanka Trump or Chelsea Clinton to that standard?
40. 32 Bob, NZ: Jews who believe in Rabbi Yeshua as the Messiah
Rivkah   (07.16.10)
are Messianics and have a Saturday Shabbat. A few Christians have a Saturday sabbath, but not many. Adventists and Philadelphia Church of God and a few other Christian sects have a Saturday Shabbat, as do Messianics. Jews most often become part of Messianic temples if they believe Rabbi Yeshua is Lord (Jesus Christ) and Messiah. Beth Sar Shalom is the Messianic Jewish Congregation in Tucson my mother belonged to before her death. There are similar Messianic Temples in most US larger US cities. They are not Sunday sabbath Christians. I prefer to be called Messianic since the word Christian is stained with Jewish blood.
41. 31 Proud Jew: You forgot British Princess Anne's husband.
Rivkah   (07.16.10)
Timothy Lawrence is Jewish. The Lord still places Jews in high positions in society as a protection just like in the time of Daniel and Queen Esther. That is not tragic for the Jews. It is a protection for them.
42. #16 Gavriela
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.16.10)
That´s an excelent response! It is exact what you said.
43. If Mezvinsky´s care..
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.16.10)
They will do the right thing and marry their son to a woman converted in the way required in Israel-the Orthodox way, and that * only *if that is what the Clinton´s daughter *really*and sincerely wishes.(to be checked by a sincere orthodox Rabbis in the whole process,that is supposed to be longer than the time the couple is supposed to marry,in few weeks I guess) Now,if they just don´t care and all is about money,power and politics(what must be one of the strong notes in this all),whatever they do will fit. It is even better to marry only before a civil secular court,if they will anyway do the mistake.(Yes,because their children will be Baptist or Methodist...Christians anyway) It is all(as always) a matter of Truthfulness.Nothing else. Consequences for Israel? Well,they will be known in the future.And as the past has already shown that consequences are, generally speaking, not very pleasant for Israel as a whole,because one single act of Jew,affects the whole Nation of Jews. The subsequence of the beautifull history of Macabbes,with conversions in wholesale, is just an example,with Herod as its " crown". We are still in Diaspora telling that history.
44. #34 Waaaaa
Yrushalayim   (07.16.10)
I bet your door is being broken down for your wisdom on how to be a goy. Ha ha ha ha ha. Although you are an expert on stupid.
45. 40 , they aqre all christians , not Jewish at all
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.10)
46. To # 40 . Try # 2
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.16.10)
They are ALL christians , not Jewish at all , even if they observe a saturday [ Shabbat is for TRUE Jews , not your kindf of "people" ]
47. to # 20 Annmarie
Gavriela ,   usa   (07.16.10)
I admit up front that I did not read your entire post, but I must respond to the very first thing you said. The word "echad" is NOT plural. You can "believe" whatever you like, but the fact remains that grammatically the word "echad" is singular. I use it to say how many husbands I have, for example. There is nothing about a compound object or plurality-in-unity inherent in the word. If you wish to believe that G*d is a trinity, you'll need to find other bases for your belief. Hebrew grammar does not support your position. Please do not misuse our holy language to bolster a belief which is the opposite of what Torah teaches us.
48. to # 42 Keren
Gavriela ,   usa   (07.16.10)
Thank you!
49. @ #32, #10, #46
Chris ,   Toronto, Canada   (07.16.10)
In my own opinion, if she faithfully believes that Yeshua is G-d's messiah and he doesn't, then it's not wise for her to connect herself to him. That being said, if she has a desire to connect herself to a man who faithfully lives the Jewish faith, she should, like Ruth have the desire to connect herself with his people too. Under those circumstances she should convert. In Acts 16 Shaul performed b'rit-milah on Timothy because he had a Jewish mother and a Greek father. Acts 21 shows that the law and traditions are still to be followed by Jewish believers and those who wish to connect themselves to the Jewish people. Not to be saved, but to live cohesively in a Jewish community. As far as I understand it, Judaism is supposed to consist of people who worship the one true G-d, and follow the law of Moses, while looking forward to the coming of G-d's messiah (Mashiach -Hebrew / Christos - Greek) By this definition it shouldn't matter if one believes that Yeshua is the messiah or Rebbe Schneerson. Were the people who followed Shimon bar Kokhba as messiah expelled from Judaism because they thought he was the Christ? I don't believe so. The problem arises when people's thoughts are ruled by misunderstandings. #32 Bob, and #10 Brod are examples of this. Christians are to worship the G-d of Avraham, Yitz'ach, and Ya'akov. Yeshua pointed this out repeatedly. He also made it a point to his students to pray to G-d the father, not to himself. His position was to be the suffering messiah who suffers and dies for all of us as our great sin offering. HaShem rose him from the dead so that he could perform his duty as high priest between us and HaShem, until he returns to rule as King messiah. In all of these roles he is subject to HaShem, he doesn't replace HaShem. To #46 - Christian means "follower of Messiah" it started as a sect of Judaism that consisted of 1 - Jews who followed Yeshua while worshiping HaShem and keeping the Law of Moses and 2 - non Jews who learned about and worshiped HaShem while following a set of laws meant for the nations. Going back to the article, if she does choose to convert, is she going to have to convert according to the new conversion rules to be considered Jewish in Israel? (Has the bill even been passed?)
50. To #8
David   (07.16.10)
Of course this applies also to Avigdor Lieberman and his half-million pork-eating non-Jewish Russian constituency.
51. 2 David, Boston: Chelsea's father Bill Clinton has already
Rivkah   (07.16.10)
talked to her about having a lot of children which is what he wants and hopes she will have. He has a great regret about not having more children, but Hillary did not want another child. That is often the case. A mother wants one or two and the father wants many or vice versa.
52. #47 Gavriela
Annmarie ,   USA   (07.17.10)
No, the word "Echad" is not the basis for my belief. There are many places in the Bible that indicate a triune nature of G-d. I would suggest reading the entire Hebrew Bible instead of just the Torah. G-d makes many good points in the Bible about how OUR ancestors didn't listen to His Prophets (I, like you, am a descendant of Jacob). Do you understand the Babylonian captivity was discipline for unbelief? Do you realize Nebuchadnezzar was a gentile? He tried to get everyone to worship his image. Please read the entire Bible and not just the Torah. I can't wait until you figure out what it is that Daniel was really saying. We also "believe" another "Antiochus Epiphanes" is coming who will insist the whole world worship his image. After your (definitely NOT mine) next temple is built I think you'll understand.
53. #47 Gavriela again
Annmarie ,   USA   (07.17.10)
I forgot to ask you what word in YOUR holy language is used in Genesis 2:24 that informs YOU that when a man leaves his mother & father to be joined to his wife they will become ONE flesh. (ie, 2 people becoming 1 ). And I didn't mean what I said in my prior post in a nasty way. I meant that I will be glad when, according to the Christian faith, the eyes of good Jews are opened so they can see their own Messiah. In other words, things have to happen that are prophesied about (G-d never lies), and some of these things are going to be terrible. But the believing remnant of Israel, which I am a part of, will grow! When the time comes, please you and your family listen to the 2 witnesses as they will have been sent by YOUR (OUR) G-d.
54. Chris , 49
Charles   (07.17.10)
How it started is not important here , today they are NOT Jewish at all . If i'll follow your idea , during the inquisition it were Jews who tortured and murdered other Jews , in name of a Jew , Nonsense . Followers of your yeshu are NOT Jews
55. 53 , annamarie , NO good Jew will
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.17.10)
believe in your yeshu being the "messias" . Our eyes are OPEN , and we know that your so called "messias" is only a fake one , one in who'm name we were persecuted and murdered . When you try to attract Jews inb your nets , i'm answering this way .
56. #55 Charles
Annmarie ,   USA   (07.17.10)
Read Genesis 2:24. A husband and wife (2 people) become ONE flesh. In my original post I was trying to explain what Christians believe. I was doing so in reference to the Clintons. But I was told I shouldn't use YOUR holy language. I shouldn't say there is a "plural" form of Echad, but I believe there is. And yes, unfortunately HORRIBLE things were done to the Jewish people by SUPPOSED Christians. But those "christians" obviously didn't understand their Bible. When I spoke in my original post about baptism I tried to explain that it is a choice base on a willingness to make a commitment. Obviously it can't be forced as occurred during the Inquisitions. I also tried to explain that just because someone is born a "christian" or claims to be a "christian" it doesn't mean they are really a Christian. In order to understand the last book of the Christian Bible, Revelation, we (the Bible believing Christians who think the land of Israel belongs to the Jews) look back to the book of Daniel. So we see things in Daniel that Jews don't see yet. Daniel doesn't say anything about 2 witnesses but Revelation does. So when it's the right time, listen to the 2 witnesses because they will be sent by G-d to tell the truth. So as annoyed as my posts may make you, you will remember that someone said something to you about "2 witnesses" and Daniel.
57. GOD BEVERE !!!.
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (07.17.10)
58. a generalising title
ygalg ,   israel   (07.17.10)
the title suggesting US Jews in whole are dumb and don't have nothing better to focus their intelligent.
59. # 53
Birdi ,   Israel   (07.17.10)
Annmarie, I respect your beliefs tho others here do not as they are very closed minded & rigged. Not everything in the Bible, both new & old, is black & white,there is grey aswell. You go girl.
60. Chelsea.
Birdi ,   Israel   (07.17.10)
Chelsea is due to marry within weeks. If she hasnt converted yet, I doubt whether she will. Good luck to her.
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