Limit Israel’s boycott fans
Eli Pollak, Mordechai Kedar
Published: 17.07.10, 13:47
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31. The author is correct, if you wish to boycott your own
The Dude   (07.18.10)
institution you must leave. To expand upon the argument, the author is indeed correct that if you wish to call for a boycott of an institution and/or state that is paying your salary, it is nothing but hypocrisy to continue to receive a salary from it. It's akin to saying you cannot imagine people financially supporting a conflict in Africa and then buying/selling a blood diamond. If you truly in your heart believe that an institution or state is evil, wrong, or etc. You should actively dissociate from it. If these Professors feel that Israeli Universities are a source of propaganda, I am certain they can find positions elsewhere. The next aspect, continuing from the hypocritical perspective, is that you are actively harming students and fellow faculty members. As shown by this article, there are numerous students and faculty members who do not support the view of these academics, yet they choose to speak for them. This is inherently wrong, because no one has selected or nominated these Professors to speak for the institution or the state, yet they continue to act as such. Furthermore what exacerbates the problem, is that they are seeking to fundamentally hurt institution that people draw salaries or education from. The same way a company would fire an employee who actively told every customer to buy from another company, as this harms the productivity of the company. It's the same these 'academics' are harming the capability of these Universities to produce respected research and publications. And finally it's just basic logic! The Israeli government does indeed have to uphold the rights of these 'academics' to have free speech. However, many people here have incorrectly cognitively linked your right to say something with government support. Much the same way in the USA, the Ku Klux Klan is free is spew it's racist vile, it does not mean that the US government must actively support the views financially. It is exactly the same way (and yes comparing the KKK to these academics is completely valid), that the Israeli government does not have to fiscally support those actively trying to harm its agenda! I do not have to pay for people poisoning me, and I do not want to see my tax shekels going to pay salaries for people verbally poisoning against the state. There is a difference indeed between a left wing Professor who decries 'the occupation' espouses views against current government policies. That is completely legal and not a reason for termination from a position, no matter how much I dislike it. However, if a Professor actively goes out and harms the state by calling for a boycott he/she is actively doing damage. This is not a poison we have to pay for as a society.
32. Can't have it all your own way
Ussishkin ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (07.18.10)
Though I oppose any boycott of Israel's academe and have ben personally involved in fighting the boycott in the UK, two things cannot be overlooked. 1. Granting university status to Ariel College - an attempt to legitimise both the college and its town - makes the whole boycott defence process impossible. It means that wheh you oppose boycott of Israeli acadsemic insitutions you also oppose boycott of Ariel. But Ariel is an illegal settlement town and its college is part of that settlement. 2. Those who demand censure of Israeli academics calling for boycott, need first to look at the occupation in all its appalling reality. Wecannot have iot both ways - we cannot allow occupation and all it means on the one hand - the corrosion of our Zionist and Jewish values, the control and suppression of another people, the loss of our moral integrity and the loss of our international support as a result - and legitimation of a college in a settlement town on the other. 3. We are in a process of internal implosion and because thereis a vacuum in our poltical leadership, all sorts of radical views and groups and organisations crop up to fill that vacuum. There has been a rash of "Monitor" named bodies and this is one more. These are self-appointed guardians of our nation's morality and they behave rather like McCarthy the Communist hunter in the USA in the 1950s, witch-hunting and hounding people who may have expressed support for a political view that was not popular and suspected. What such 'guardians' are doing is making more and more fragile and dishonest the claim that we are democracy.
33. Firing the tenured traitors is not enough
Mike ,   Haifa   (07.18.10)
They belong in prison or to be deported
34. #32
michael Pielet ,   boca raton, usa   (07.18.10)
These academics are on the payroll of NGO's whose goal is to undermine and deligitimize the state of Israel. The issue is not democracy, freedom of speech, or Judea and Samaria. These people are mean spirited who want to take money and impose their world views on Israel. Ussishkin do not forget Tel Aviv is a settlement and your a settler. If you do not believe me ask the arabs!
35. academic freedom, boycott
yehoshua rosin ,   rehovot, israel   (07.18.10)
boycott is a legitimate mean of campain against government or other wrongdoing.as such publishing for such act falls within the right of free speech and should not be stopped by legal action, even if we don't like it.as the israeli universities cooperate as an institute cooperate with the government an army, who keep on refusing peace and continue the occupation every citizen has the full right to protest it.
36. #3
Brian ,   Agoura Hills, USA   (07.19.10)
The only mistake of May 15, 1948 is that the Palestinian Arabs did not accept a state for themselves and try to build a civil society and take care of their people. If they had done that, they would have a state today, much larger than just the West Bank and Gaza, and would have built hospitals, schools, an economy and a truly indigenous culture. Instead they've created a society based on victimhood and hatred. If you were referring to the creation of Israel, you'd have to go to the beginnings of a modern Jewish stated, starting in the 1860s and codified by the UN November 29, 1947. So, if you want peace, justice and a state for the Palestinians tell them to start focusing on nation building. They're 150 years behind the Jews but every moment spent complaining and hating is another moment wasted. The innocent among them deserve better.
37. Worst colleagues ever
Californian ,   San Diego, CA, USA   (07.19.10)
Encouraging others to boycott your university amounts to actively undermining the career development of your colleagues. The university should fire such a professor.
38. Fire the idiots, let them draw their pacheck from hizbollah
Jae ,   Lynn US   (07.19.10)
39. Graczek 33
Steven ,   Rockville USA   (07.19.10)
#3 Graczek said: although these academicic s happen to be Jewish he still respect them. He is respecting them because they are traitors to their own state and people. In otherword if they are not treators he would hate them as Grazcek the antisemite Polak passionately hate the Jews. Graczek, tell me,, don't you have problems at work, as a hatemonger?
40. misuse of university name
reuven ,   israel   (07.20.10)
a faculty member's personal political advocacy - unlike bone fide academic activity as a faculty member - MUST NOT associate personal freedom of expression with university affiliation. Specificaly, the name of the university must NOT be used in personal political advocacy. This is an employment rule at many Israel universities but it is simply not enforced.
41. #32 is uninformed or misinformed
reuven ,   israel   (07.20.10)
1/ Ariel has NOT been made a university. It calls itself "ariel university center". Its Council of Education budgeting and academic status remains as a college. 2/Instead of blathering unsubstantiated pap why don't you actually look at what you call "the occupation": for example, the openning of a new mall and luxury restaurants in Gaza and the economic blooming of Ramalah 3/instead of name-calling, why not come to grips with or refute the plain facts as recently exposed by NGOmonitor, Maariv, Im Tirzu - namely that certain self-proclaimed "humanitarian groups" - many supported by the New Israel Fund - are acting to undermine the jewish democratic state of israel. The hard evidence is on the table. have you come to grips with it (as have most israels) or do you simply reject it. 4/ academics who call on OTHERS to boycott their university, but don't do so themselves ( by dissassociating themselves from their university) are hypocrites. Where is the moral integrity of telling others to do what you yourself can but won't do.?
42. Purging intellectuals
Canadian Dude ,   Montreal   (01.12.11)
If you think Hitler and Stalin didn't start like this, you're all deluding yourselves. If I'm a professor and I go to America and tell Americans to stop giving crack cocaine to my fellow professors, that's perfectly consistent with freedom of speech and human rights, it does not in any way prevent Israel from funding its own academics. Soon enough, we'll be seeing brownshirts with blue and white armbands parading around Jerusalem, beating on random people they don't like, Arabs, "leftists". They'll be called a "civil defense" or "Jewish defense" volunteer militia, and the people they kill will be deemed "violent demonstrators" or "unfortunate but necessary mishaps". Israeli extremists will fondly cheer them on and affectionately refer to them as "Lieberman's Lads", and the victimization of those who disagree with them will be deemed a "necessary and justified evil". There's a very deep, clear and familiar pattern emerging here. Remember my words, and don't pretend you saw the writing on the wall and tried to prevent it, if my worries and predictions should ever come true.
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