Abbas wants international border force
AP and Ali Waked
Published: 17.07.10, 17:24
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49 Talkbacks for this article
31. Obama dont will win again.
ROSENVALD ,   BRASIL   (07.17.10)
Obama will go out. Until there,nothing to do. After Obama,the palestinians will back to the reality, and dont will dream whit impossible thinks.
32. I'm thoroughly impressed with Abbas/Fatah
Nour ,   Palestine فلسطين   (07.17.10)
Finally some conscience kicked in and someone realized enough is enough. Past experience in "negotiations" proved that they were nothing but a ploy to steal more land and delay justice. Time for the world community to recognize the entirety of the West Bank/Gaza/East Jerusalem as the emerging State of Palestine. Israelis won't like it, but neither did we when "Israel" was founded on our ruins.
33. Ann #25
X'   (07.17.10)
You are either criminally stupid and ignorant or are a jew hating bigoted Islamo-Nazi supporting useful idiot. Israel, according to the historical record was created as a result of persistent attempts of the palestinians to ethnically cleans Jewish settlers( who before 1948 were willing to live with them in a single state) from the land. The result was a war of independence which lead to the state of Israel. Grow up and get an education!
34. peace process is dead
art ,   usa jersy city   (07.17.10)
how much clearer can abbas be that he has no intention of peace. Over 17 years, billions of billions of dollars, billions to abbas arafat etc private accounts, concessions, etc still no peace. Rabin Peres Barak Netanyahu Olmert,beilin Ramon Tzipi, etc Labor Meretz Kadims Likud and no one can get a peace with pa/plo/fatah. Bush clinton bush obama still no peace. Maybe the problem is on the pa side??
35. Bibi outmanoeuvred Obama and Abbas!
Michael Redbourn ,   arad - israel   (07.17.10)
Bibi ran rings around them and they are in disarray. It's lucky that we don't have Livni who would have caved in at the lightest push!
36. #1 - your post made me laugh!
Michael Redbourn ,   arad - israel   (07.17.10)
Anyone that can bail out of the US is getting out fast. Immigration to Israel from Europe and the US is gaining steam. The US is scheduled for bankruptcy in 2020! Do you think people don't know this? America owes the world so much, and China in particular that it soon won't be able to keep up with the interest payments. I'm an American that moved to Israel and my daughter and her family are coming here soon. A million more foreclosures are on the cards in the US. You must be an OB (BO to his friends) supporter and one of the few that are left. He has 45% support right now and 93% of Blacks that make up 12% of the population are still supporting him. Just do the math. At least you caused some laughter. Mike
37. faith in international force (see lebanon,sebrenica)
Don   (07.17.10)
Forget it - waste of time for both sides
38. How about this
art ,   jersey city   (07.17.10)
Since abbas keeps upping the ante Israel should make its demands. Total Border Control, disamred pa, Israeli control of Jordan Valley and heights. Total control of Jerusalem. One for One trades one arab moves to pa or jordan for one Jew moving out of pa areas Restitution for Jews for lands they give up. Repayment of infrastructure costs paid by Israel since 67. And every week Israeli demands go up
39. #32 - Abbas and co are corrupt and you know it!
Michael Redbourn ,   arad - israel   (07.17.10)
I talked to two Palestinians from the West Bank separately when I was in Jerusalem recently. They both said that the PA is totally corrupt with the exception of Erekat who they both said is from a very rich family. They said that they get nothing from all of the millions of dollars that are flowing in. They both wish that we could go back to the days before the intifada and I wish so too. I used to love going to Jericho to eat at weekends and Yafo at 2:00 AM But those days are long gone. Michael
40. We have Obama to blame for Abbas new hard man attitude
zionist forever   (07.17.10)
When he first came to power Obams first telephone call was not to ones of Americas long standing allies it was to Abbas. Up until the last 3-4 months or less Obama pretty much told Abbas you give me a list of demands and I will make sure you get every single one of them met. When the US president shows he is on your side and willing to get you anything you want why compromise. When Netanyahu took on his coalition partners to agree to a 10 month building freeze in Judea & Samaria Abbas reaction rather than being great lets start talking was its not enough and I am not going to sit down until Israel gives me more. Obamas attitude rather than being one of Israel made a gesture here it was Abbas isn't happy and he refuses to talk until you give him more so you give him more or I am going to get tough on Israel. If Bush or even Clinton had been president they would have told Abbas to make a gesture of his own and start talking he would have replied yes Mr President and both sides would have started talking. Probably would not have reached an agreement but Abbas would not be playing the hard man. Until Obama starts getting tough with him and making demands thats going to continue to be his attitude and Obama will keep demanding from Israel more than Bibi can deliver and that will be just to get the ball rolling. As for this border since when was it his right to decide who would be in charge of any border fences israel would want to put up to keep Abbases terrorist friends out? The man doesn't seem able to grasp that in world standing he is a nobody. He contibutes nothing to the world. All he does is ask for more handouts. Since Obama came to power the US has given the palestinians around $1 billion cash handouts for doing nothing at all.
41. Because UNIFIL has done a sterling job
Danny   (07.17.10)
just like the EU force monitoring the Rafah border crossing too.
42. Abbas and the Border Force
Ezra ,   Calgary Canada   (07.18.10)
To Steve Benassi Steve, I hate to burst your bubble but the CIA also said that Iran stopped working on the Bomb in 2003!!. I promise you, Israel will not be gone in 20 years or even 2000 years, they are there to stay. How do I know this? the Old Testament Prophets said so, and I will believe them over the CIA anytime.
43. Israel must ensure its own borders
sam   (07.18.10)
It's no wonder that Abbas would like to see an International force overseeing its border with Israel. He already sees evidence of how easily and how soon the PA could do whatever it wants at the border if any non-Israeli force is in charge. Read more about Resolution 1701 and its farcical implementation at the Lebanese border:
44. 10
zionist forever   (07.18.10)
Salma You seem to be forgetting that should a palestinians entity which long term will never be viable ever to be created it will have no national army. Israels condition of 2 states which the US & most the world have accepted is there will be no Palestine national army just a lightly armed security force. No tanks No jets No helicopter gunships No warships No submarines Just rifles and if your lucky some APCS from Russia. The borders of any future palestinian entity will be controlled by the IDF because Israel is never going to hand its security over to a bunch of arabs.
45. to (1) the CIA sais.....
tiki ,   belgium   (07.18.10)
Like they said there are WMD in Irak, like they 'foresaw 9/11, like they 'prevented the killings of Americans in different Arab suicide attacks. They don't know what's going to happen in 5 minutes, so what will be in 20 years? It's more likely that US will be 'drowning in NAA's (New Arab Americans), bringing their 'peacefull religion to your shores.
46. wants
colin   (07.18.10)
The arab wants. Is there no Israeli politician man enough to tell this piece of idiocy to go to hell Are all the israeli politicians such cowardly grovoling wimps that now not the Islamic american president but the arab criminal tells them his demands directly
47. # 17 I I read the full article and I am very impressed.
Thomas ,   Germany   (07.18.10)
48. Go and read the history of " IDF"
Salma ,   Palestine   (07.18.10)
No one starts a great and large, will not need more than what you have mentioned in the first stage,we will be the real defenders, only defenders, don`t worry ,we have no other ambitions !
49. 48
zionist forever   (07.18.10)
Will you still have no further ambitions once the celebrations are over and groups like Hamas remind you that your 5800km is only 22% of mandate Palestine? What about when you start to realize that you have a growing population, shortage of land and recources, Israel controlling borders and will probably insist on sovereignty of any possible corridoer connecting Judea & Samaria - Gaza? How about the fact you will be possibly the only country in the world which was forbidden from having a military as a condition of being granted independence? The IDF didn't start off great and large but they started off as a military ... from the start they had planes and tanks something the palestinian military will not start off small grow large they will never start off. Long term the palestinians are going to start complaining they were cheated and demand more and if Israel refuses to give it then we will have more violence ... thats assuming the violence ever actually stops before we reach that point? Two states is not and never has been a viable solution. The ONLY long term WORKABLE solution is to abandon the 2 state idea and the palestinians are all given Jordanian citizenship which is the ideal solution. The problem is for the past 16 years all anybody has talked about is oslo and the 2 state solution and before then the PLO calling for Israels destruction. Nobody ever looked at the problem for a logical & workable solution it was always from the point of view of the idealists.
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