Palestinian gets 14 years for raping UNICEF volunteer
Aviad Glickman
Published: 19.07.10, 22:34
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31. As an Arab...
Sami   (07.20.10)
As an Arab I am pleased these criminals received a harsh sentence. What they did to this woman is disgusting. These animals must be kept off the streets. If they have no remorse now, I am sure they will after 14 years of their lives lost in prison.
32. #1 lefties always talk in "what if situation"
ghostq   (07.20.10)
without any ability to prove their claim, sound like you living in "what if world" when "what if happeneds", imaginary world is good for people that can't face reality, you see here palis raped, no matter how many excusses you will give pali raped. no remorse to someone who force him or herself on others.
33. rape is rape no matter where you come from
DOV ,   usa   (07.20.10)
I can't believe what I'm reading. Does it matter who you are or where your from. No one should get away with rape no one from no where. PLEASE people keep your politcal and religous ideals out of this.
34. #1 does have a point
Stuart ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
#1 does have a point, with the amount of hatred aimed at Israel these days IF a group of israeli were sick enough to commit such an act to a 60 year old palistinian woman and the world press got hold of it they wouldnt be treated the same, it would probably be much harsher sectance
35. to #26 :) the Israeli state take care of these things
ghostq   (07.20.10)
pali system you wouldn't know about it because all the rape and theft incidents r not being taking care of, people there live on criminal lfe style and get away with it, because none cares, :) during cast lead saw arab who was afraid to send his wife out side a building because he didn't want other palis to "bother" her when she is walking byherself, they do that to each other, only you do not kno because they don't have any court system.
36. Some people just have to learn the hard way
Eliyahu ,   Jeruslem   (07.20.10)
or as we say here Boker Tov Eliyahu, or Nafal HaAsimon if you sleep with dogs you get fleas, if you play with snakes you get bitten
37. arabs rape non arabs, muslims rape non mudlims
jae ,   Lynn US   (07.20.10)
that is racism aside from just plain sick in the head and having NO respect for the soul of another human being. they dont rape their own, they only rape the others. its a dominance thing, related to the fact that islam has a dominance submission theme in it, related to israel and the arab countries
38. Now am crying again
Cecilie ,   Oslo, Norway   (07.20.10)
This is my best friend grandmother that was rapet. She only want to cry cry and not remember. I dont understand why they do this she help so many palestine children! :( :(
39. Sme of your Rabbis and some of our priests....
Marco ,   Spain-world champs   (07.20.10)
do it all the time. How many years did they get sentenced to?
40. #6 - Kyle - do you have references to the thesis?
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
I know Leftists are sick, but that thesis takes the bloody cake!! I would like to write a thesis on the convoluted logic that streams through the Leftist mind and erupts into conspiracy theories and accusations that even the most seasoned lawyers will be dumb-founded at. One thing about the thesis this Leftist wrote - I bet it was accepted and applauded by their professor simply due to its anti-IDF platform.
41. #12 - You lost your credibility half-way through
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
Yes, there are bad apples in each group. However, the response to the "bad apples" is what makes an army or society moral or not. In Arab society, especially among the Pallys, this action of rape or even honor killings is not punished. In Israel, it's extremely punished. BIG difference!!! In Israel, the intentional killing of civilians by any soldier is punished - as in the case you made reference to. Among the Pallys, killing civilians is rewarded with street names and town squares names after them, and honorariums by Pally leaders, as was extended to Samir Kuntar by Abbas. In the past, any damage caused by an IDF soldier was repaired and paid for once the complaint was made to the IDF command by the "Palestinian". Try getting the same treatment from the PA when they blow up an entire pizza shop or bus. As for your last two accusations - they were never proven. The claim of feces was never verified but like an anti-Israel lemming, you believe whatever an Arab tells you without proof. The ICRC and UN agreed the phosphorous was never used outside current laws of use, and cluster bombs were dropped on areas where terrorists were operating which is allowed per Geneva Convention.
42. #24 - actually, Pal women have denied that, Doug
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
Please provide proof to your claim. I can't find anything so definitive as you insist there is. Case in point - the Turks showed a broadcast that insisted IDF soldiers raped Pal women while in jail. There was no proof besides their hatred of Israel, but in the Arab world (and Rochester apparently) that's considered "fact". The Pal women made a public demand for an apology and stated they were never raped by IDF soldiers but are a proud people who never lost their honor. Now who to believe...some self-righteous schmuck 7000 miles away....or an actual "Palestinian"?? Hmmm - tough.
43. #26 - so what? Kids like this aid terrorists who kill
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
Just like other ISM'ers and Rachel Corrie - in the end, they simply aid those who commit murder of innocents and war crimes. I believe in the US we call that accessory to criminal actions. I would be upset too if this little smug ass showed up to aid the murderers who are targeting my family.
44. #26 - atleast you got the civilian count in Gaza correct
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
Unlike the others who claim all 1400 killed in Gaza were civilians and kids. Actually, the child count was MUCH lower since you fail to separate those who worked with Hamas and PRC and those who were truly innocent bystanders. But one thing that remains suspiciously vacant from your argument.....a condemnation of Hamas for using children as human shields, to retrieve their rocket launchers while the terrorists ran away, the use of schools to fire weapons from, and the storage of weapons in family homes. I guess that major set of war crimes doesn't affect you much.
45. #30 - how do you build a mall when you are "starving"?
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
WOW! How in the world can they build a mall when they claim they have no building materials, nothing to sell in the shops they will open, and everyone is starving??? Thanks to Financial Times, CNN, BBC, and Ma'an for showing the lies in Gaza with over-flowing food stalls, stacks of flat-screen TVs awaiting delivery, and brand new cars. This mall opening has given more credibility to the Israeli claim than any IDF or govt spokesperson could. To all future "humanitarian" flotillas....this mall is the "cause" you risk your life for. DUH!!!
46. #39 - care to do a head count, Marco?
William ,   Israel   (07.20.10)
I bet we can come up with a few Rabbis who are depraved, and on the priests...the number is still rising globally. No comparison. If you're interested in the glory of Islam, read about the dancing boys of Afghanistan and the life of sexual depravity allowed in Islam. Can't be matched anywhere else.
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