Jewish Scene
US rabbis: Accept homosexuals
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 28.07.10, 18:08
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91 Talkbacks for this article
61. US Rabbis
Amram Unan ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (07.29.10)
US Rabbis are correct , because Moses was homosexual. The question is if Moses was homosexual , why we should not acccept homosexuals ?
62. homosexuality and us rabbis
ed ,   reno,usa   (07.29.10)
lets get one thing straight homosexuality is a choice and not a biological oreintation. it is the same as chosing to have sex with an animal or prostitute. all are wrong according to G-D. He also said to love those that hate you. G-D established Israel as a light to the world and if you become like the world then you are worthless as a light. time after time He chastised Israel for compromising with nations around them. haven't you learned from your past yet. united states rabbis have drown themselves in the sewage of american depravity and now it is revealing itself in its willingness to accept whatG-D has called an abomination as somet to be allowed. has G-D changed or have the rabbis learned more than the G-D who created them. the question is who will you follow, G-D or american rabbis, that is the choice!
63. Charles Petach Tivka.
Benjamin ,   singapore   (07.29.10)
You are a great jew, and i have been reading all your post, for some years now, TKs. cheers ben singapore
64. eccept ...??
Anna Maria Sedda ,   Italy   (07.29.10)
..this is not God's teaching,unfortunately....a Pride to be ..even worse,so let's put things strait!!!
65. The Modern Orthodox movement is going....
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (07.29.10)
the way of the Reform and Conservative movements. The reason is that there is too much control in the hands of women. Look at every religion, like Protestant Christian movements, that have raised women to an "equal" or egalitarian level, and you quickly see homosexuals raised as well. Modern Orthodoxy has raised women to "almost equal" with men, and it was clear to me that acceptance of homosexuality would follow. The statement referenced equivocates on the issue, but it's clear that it's just step 1 in their acceptance of practices that violate the Torah in order to be more accepted by the greater secular community.
66. rabbis accept homosexuality
bruce karp ,   new york,new york,us   (07.29.10)
kol Hakavod! As a graduate of the Yeshivah of Flatbush who is homosexual, partnered for over twenty years, has raised children and identifies Jewishly I applaud this most sensitive and timely decision. It will save many young people the heartache and suffering of chosing betweeen their identities and their Jewishness and allow them to be proud, productive and contributing members of jewish society. I am very proud of our Rabbi's. Bruce Karp
67. #58 Well,Mike from USA...
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.29.10)
Of course in this one our Jew is wrong,but,as I told you before,life is like a mirror and again you are mirroying yourself in your talkbacks, in the same way you had been mirroying yourself in Pacrook. I mean ,you are exactly like Packrook.Exactly like him ,and in time I will keep explaining you why. For now ,I explain about now,about the present case: Our Jew ,Eliyahu Konn,is now criticizing something about his own people.Yes ,he is putting under scrutiny his own fellows .He is using the "the internet justice system "to " judge" his own fellows based in his understanding of his religion. And you,what are you doing yourself,Mike? Aren´t you using the same justice system to give your own veredict over a people who is not your people,based in your own christian/evangelic principles ? What is your intent? Why don´t you put your own fellows under scrutiny,but instead keep using your time and energy to put under scrutiny ours? Can you answer and explain,please?
68. #56 Charles ,the German living in PT.
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.29.10)
You are not exactly the right person to judge Orthodox Rabbanim,since you are yourself a follower of the priest that converted you to catholicism(in case is that true that you have any Jewish ascestry,what is very doubtable in view of your antissemitic talkbacks) in that house for catholics problematic boys,that you told us.Remember? He did a great job unto you,since you hate Jews and anything related to Jews. Actually,you hate anything and anyone. Your problem must be a problem related to your maternal line.You know ,an Yiddish speaking cuR......................!
69. 63 Benjamin , Singapore
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.29.10)
Thanks for you appreciation .
70. Larry, Curly & Flo LOL
Israeli ,   Israel   (07.29.10)
71. #70 Israeli
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.29.10)
Yes,it would be very funny if it was not tragic. Israel should wake up for its danger inside,before it has to fight very difficult consequences. I am not joking.Not at all.
72. 67 - well, it's like this
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (07.29.10)
there is the bible (you know, god's word) and there is everything else. you can either read the bible, which talks about messiah (that's what rashi said himself) and be able to recognize that messiah sent for the jewish people, or you can drown in man-made stuff that has nothing to do with what god said very clearly. me? i choose to go with what god undisputedly said in the bible. i'd think that you and every other jew would want to do the same, but you're free to have your opinion and i'm free to have mine. call me whatever you want, you're not exactly a good judge of what's right and wrong even according to your fellow jewish talkbackers. you talk about "torah" but your version of "torah" allows you to direct your hate toward your fellow jewish brothers and sisters.
73. 68 keren , what a hatefull liar you are
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.29.10)
You told us that your parents converted , i never . You have to know that some priests in my birth country gave lessons in Judaism to their protegees ! That some refused to convert any child , That they wanted them to remain Jewish . You , ignorant as you are , don't knows that Jewish children arrested in 1944 in Germany , were immediately sent to the gaz chambers . In my birth country , around 800 Jewish children , arrested without their parents were placed in homes run by the "jewish council' also called Judenrat . But this all been said , do you know the difference between chassidim and charidim ? Do you know where the Arab market is situated in Jerusalem [ east or west ] do you know the reasons of the 6 days war ? But all this , for a vulgar hatefull favella shikse is to difficult to know . Return to your parents church , thatr's your place . Don't try to tell us you are Jewish , Jews , and Gentiles too , are smarter as you are . You are only better in insulting people , Great !
74. Ignorant keren !
this elyahu konn is a follower of your favorite guy : pacrook as you call him . You again show your ignorance . He has moved from My , not YOUR , Capital , Yeroushalaim to Europe . Your capital is brazilia , as you always state Il - Br. A true Jew lives in Israel , not in his birth country , but you're not Jewish at all , an excuse .
75. #72 Mike,you know,in Brasil there are may evangelics.
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.29.10)
and also in Israel. Yours is a religion of cheaters,mike.A religion of wolves wearing as sheeps. You give money to Israel to pretend you are nice,but you are knifing Jews in the back.The prove is that you are building a salomon " temple". You are taught that you must grasp in Jewish slaves to be saved,that´s why you stick horribly and nastily in Jews. Your church creates hate toward Jews.Your nasty sepherds(see mike,if you can speak about my rabbis I can speak about your sepherds)say clearly that Jews have lost their place and taht Jews place belong to evangelics.You wish to build your temple in Jerusalem,that´s what you wish. We know you and we abhor you,but still you lot shamesly grasp on us. (my opinion is that this will drive you to hell,not to salvation,but well..) I stayed once in a hotel in Haifa,where in the doors there were Mezuzas,the women in the staff wore clothes like Jewish religious women...then,I suddenly opened a book with pictures of jewish boys with kipa...I took that book with interest and started reading.Suddenly,in the middle of that jewish cover,it was the name of jc,and other saints of your church. These is called bait,lure,cheatery,mike. Now ,you are doing the same,using the name of Rashi in order to " wear" a jewish terminology. So I ask you to explain deeply the next ,because it is incomprehensible what you say. " you can either read the bible, which talks about messiah (that's what rashi said himself)" What did say Rashi about this matter,mike?Explain. The rest of your reply is a cover evangelics use in their cheatings.You speak,speak and speak nothing ,just avoiding a direct answre ,what you are probably forbiden to do.You are required to work cunningly,hipocretely. So I will repeat objectively the questions I make in mine 67. They are pretty clear questions that I would like to hear clear answer. Your hipocrit religion will allowd you to answer me clearly,mike? Here there goes the question again: Our Jew ,Eliyahu Konn,is now criticizing something about his own people.Yes ,he is putting under scrutiny his own fellows .He is using the "the internet justice system "to " judge" his own fellows based in his understanding of his religion. And you,what are you doing yourself,Mike? Aren´t you using the same justice system to give your own veredict over a people who is not your people,based in your own christian/evangelic principles ? What is your intent? Why don´t you put your own fellows under scrutiny,but instead keep using your time and energy to put under scrutiny ours? Can you answer and explain,please?
76. Re: #6 Confusing good & evil
John Sabin ,   United States   (07.29.10)
Post #6 wrote that God created good & evil, and by being against one of God's creation, we are against God. What this poster fails to realize is that God has clearly shown us what is good, and directs us to do good. God has revealed Himself in His word, and he has made it clear that homosexuality is not good. God wants us to do good for our own good! Both in this life and that to come. May God grant us and them the GIFT of repentance.
77. Rabbis Accept Homosexuality
Syd Chaden ,   Palermo CaliforniaUS   (07.29.10)
Makes sense. Would-be thieves who don't actually steal, would-be murderers who don't actually kill, homosexuals who don't actually homosexualize, are all OK. What about rabbis who supposedly teach the Jewish religion but actually don't, because it's not politically corrrect?
78. modern orthodox s ptro-gay
moron ,   galut   (07.30.10)
going the way of masorti ,reform and assilition---desparate for dues paying members--very sad,not gay!
79. Dr. Laura
Zev ,   West Yellowstone, Mo   (07.30.10)
I am still laughing at the wit in #3's noted email. Personally I would have closed the letter with : "On second thought, Laura, please don't reply as that would be a transgression of al tarbeh sicha im HA' everybody knows the HA in HA'isha designates one's wife thereby clarifying the kal v'chomer of a woman OTHER than your wife"
80. Pork
David ,   Quito Ecuador   (07.30.10)
You are right, I used to eat treif, pork is a very delicious meat, every time I smell it I struggle, the craving for bacon is constant. Chalacha says NO PORK, so I don't eat it. Perhaps a person who has never eaten pork cannot understand the the difficulty on keeping Kosher when you grew up eating treif. Homosexuality is forbidden, and described as an abomination punishable by death (I am not suggesting to kill homosexuals), but there must be something with in homosexuality that puts it in that category. Homosexuals should not be chastised, or put down, we must love all Jews. But we cannot turn it into something that is acceptable an proper. Another example of improper logic is to say that driving in Sahbbat is fine because other people do it, we need to acknowledge that Jews drive in Sahbbat, and love them all the same but make it clear that it is inappropriate and goes against chalacha (also punishable by death); it is just that the Jew is not ready to take on that mitzvah, we must courage that Jew to take it on and enable them to do it (not driving in Shabbat)
81. 75 - so now you're defending paqid's group?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (07.30.10)
so you admit that the so-called 'netzarim' are indeed completely jewish? and to criticize paqid and his followers is interfering with jewish matters? you say he is "criticizing something about his own people" - so those 'netzarim' are now jewish? ok, if that's your belief. maybe this eliyahu guy is jewish, maybe he is gentile and changed his name. who knows? but i think that it's interesting how you call paqid a deceiver but defend him and his group as one of your own. that is why i criticize eliyahu. i'm just glad to see finally that you feel such a strong connection with paqid's religion, LOL! are you going to start calling him "the honorable paqid" now like the rest of them?? after all, he's YOUR people. is that direct enough for you, dear?
82. 75 - let's make it simple
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (07.30.10)
you are not happy that i criticize eliyahu, right? because he is jewish and i'm not, right? of everyone, who all did i criticize in this article? just the netzarim person. in #67 you called him "our people", he was judging "his own fellows". so is he a netzarim or a jew? i agree that the netzarim are not my people, but are they YOUR people, as you said? so in your eyes, is my criticism toward him as a netzarim ALSO criticism toward the entire jewish people? maybe you can make that clear because you calling a netzarim "our people" is what i'm not understanding. i'm serious. and i can better answer our question to me if i know what you're talking about exactly.
83. #82 okay,mik rook,lets go step by step.
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.30.10)
One question each time. Hopefully you will answer one by one.Slowly. For today, my question is: Why does your evangelic church is constructing a Salomon temple in Brasil?
84. #82 Mike,you seemingly didn´t understand my questions.
Keren ,   IL-BR   (07.30.10)
So I will pose them one by one. As you have been joining us in this Jewish site ,I think it is interesting to honestly share points. So,please,very objectively,answer me only the next,for now: Why is you church,the Evangelic Church,beggining the construction of a temple in Brasil ,which is a "copy "of the Salomon Temple,the Temple build by the Jewish King Salomon in Jerusalem in around 900 BCE.
85. Keren . A stupid question : Here's the answer
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (07.30.10)
they build it a] to order for 8 Million US$ Jerusalem stone here b] to give you the possibility to pray there . OK ?
86. 83 - ok i'll answer, then you answer
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (07.30.10)
those aren't evangelicals trying to build the temple model - they're pentecostals. evangelicals, by definition, wouldn't do that sort of thing. and i don't associate with with nutters like that, OR the jewish ones trying to rebuild the temple here. now you: are jewish-born "netzarim" who follow teachings about jesus (just like messianics do) "your people"?
87. keren? nu?
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (08.01.10)
88. Mike , she's the same as her mentor !
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (08.01.10)
But more ignorant . She does'nt know the difference between charidim and chassidim , and you think that she would know the differences between all the Christian beliefs ?
89. 88 - ridiculous!
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (08.01.10)
she asks accusing, direct questions but won't answer an innocent one from me. just like the nutzarim she defends - always looking for a pretext to display her bitterness toward everyone who isn't as extreme and angry as herself. no problem though, these things tell us more about who they are than if they were to actually give some lame, evasive answer.
90. # 3
gaby ,   australia   (11.26.10)
Ariel - I LOVE your post.
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