Reality outside Oval Office
Anav Silverman
Published: 05.08.10, 17:58
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30 Talkbacks for this article
1. One fundamental inconsistent policy has been reflected in...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (08.05.10)
...Obama's recent use, in front of Netanjahu, of the phrase: "two-state solution". In the past he actually uttered the need for Israel to remain a "Jewish state" that would live side-by-side in peace and security a "Palestinian state". This phrase is no longer heard in from White House and State Department personnel!!! The White House, obviously, has rejected of late the concept of "two-states for two-peoples", a Jewish nation-state that would live side-by-side in peace and security a Palestinian state. If Obama is capable of demanding that Israel should not the nation-state of a people, of the Jewish people - a universally accepted right afforded to all peoples, and one that established Israel as a "Jewish state", isn't he capable of one day day that Israel has no right to exist all together, let alone as the nation-state of a people...??!!
2. Midterm elections coming up
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.05.10)
and Hussein Obama is going to get raked over the coals. His popularity rating has fallen to 46%; his approval rating has dropped to 39%. Not the least of his woes stems from his administration's deplorable harsh attitude towards Israel, and its attempt to create close ties with the Islamic and Arab world (ties which the people of the United States -- who have given Hussein Obama his leadership mandate -- find extremely objectionable). If the American people are finding it increasingly difficult to respect Hussein Obama, how can you expect Israel to see him as anything but a temporary buffoon; a minor departure from long-standing United States policy and practice. Come November, Hussein Obama will be treated to a very eye-opening comeuppance. I can't wait.
3. Reality
MKL ,   U.S.A.   (08.05.10)
The Qur’an, chapter 5 (AL-Ma’ida), verse 51 commands Muslims to not take Jews and Christians for friends. The people who have read and studied the Qur’an know full well what is in it. Anyone who has read the Qur’an knows that you either surrender to it’s political – religious system (Islam) or you pay a price when Muslims are a majority. For their appeasing ways Britan is already being taken over and now that they realize what has happened in their midst they are too afraid or powerless to do anything about it. Not once does the Qur’an mention YHWH (YAHUWAH), which is the name that Moses was given to declare and publish to the Hebrews (Yahudi) and to the world : Exodus 3:14-15, Exodus 9:16. That in itself should tell you that the God Muslims pray to has not the origins of the Judean God that Jews and Christians pray to.
4. For those who havent got a clue..Here is one
Al   (08.05.10)
Obama is no friend of Israel or of the Jewish people. For the sake of Israel and indeed the Jews of America Obama must be replaced in 2012. In Nov 2010 he must be shown thru the mid term elections that he has nowhere to go. America today is bleeding and withering. As she turns against Israel, her own fortunes are are being spend for naught. The American Jews, never a very smart bunch beyond their taste for take out have no one to blame but themselves. They dont inderstand that America is changing..They will be the odd man out. They will be blamed for Americas demise. Very trying times are ahead for Americas Jews.
5. To hell with Obama ....
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (08.05.10)
Obama is America's problem & by the looks of things, he will soon be a lame duck with no control over Congress, soon to be a failed president like Jimmy Dhimmi Carter. Our problem is here - the dynamic duo, Natanyahu & (I cringe) Ehud Barak. We need to remind Netanyahu WHY he was elected.
6. And the results to his outreach to Muslim world: none
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, DC USA   (08.05.10)
Obama's outreach to the Muslim world began with his inauguration speech, when he placed Muslims before Jews; in his first phone call to a foreign leader: Abbas; in his first sit-down interview with foreign press: with Al-Arabiyah; in his support for the OIC's campaign against "Islamophobia"; and in his visits to Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia (where he bowed to the "Custodian of the two mosques"). And the results: US standing in the Muslim world remains low. Arab countries refuse to make the smallest gesture toward peace with Israel. Abbas has refused to make a single concession toward peace with Israel. Muslims countries continue to vote against the US in the UN. And there were more terror attempts against the US homeland in 2009 than any year since 9/11. Face it. Obama is a fool, an ideologue with power.
7. Wake up America
Chris ,   USA   (08.05.10)
Jewish votes are infinitesimal and decide nothing as far as their numbers concern. The Jewish Money (how was it obtained?), influences, media, Hollywood combined however is a different story. At the end of the day, Obama is doing what is best for America. Obama will win the election in 2012, want to bet?
8. Obama's policies are inconsistent with all realities.
Chaim ,   Israel   (08.05.10)
Of course, Obama's policies are inconsistent with Mideast realities. They are inconsistent with all realities. That is why America is suffering unemployment over 9% for two consecutive years for the first time since the 1930's despite Obama's $767 billion "stimulus package". It is why America's deficit has multiplied more than 700% under Obama. Obama is just as incompetent in the Mideast as he is in every other respect. Obama can't be relied on for anything. Hopefully, Obama will be severely weaked in the upcoming midterm elections and America will be returned to sane hands.
9. Jews create their own "reality"
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (08.05.10)
Anav Silverman is experiencing "Freudian Projection" blaming others for Israel's own bad behavior. She forgets that Zealots were first Jewish. That terrorism in Palestine started with the bombing of the King David Hotel by the Irgun, a Jewish terrorist organization. That Zionism is a violent Idealogical and religious movement. That the IDF has never stopped bombing and flying over its neighbors. The whole world can see what "reality" except for the right wing Jews.
10. #2 Sarah B
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (08.05.10)
According to the German magazine DIE WELT, Barack Obama told nine democratic representatives during lunch in the White House "Probably you don't even want me to come into your electoral district" (referring to the upcoming midterm elections). This guy is so funny. http://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article8781815/Wahlkampf-mit-Obama-Lieber-nicht.html
MR CYNIC ,   SAFED ISRAEL   (08.05.10)
President Obama can read the teleprompter real good ,he moves his head from left to right,then from right to left ,then from left to right .The mans' got talent.
Singer ,   SINGAPORE   (08.06.10)
13. My opinion
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay MN USA   (08.06.10)
I want to make it clear that Irgun was the FIRST terrorist organization, why they're so bad, they even had the nerve to warn people before their attacks!!! How disgustingly Zionistic to warn civilians! Unlike true heros like Palestinian Shaheeds, who make sure to warn none and get as many casualties as possible. Now that's something I admire!!! Taliban, Iranian theocracy, etc... Are simply delightful political systems. I want to make it clear that Israel is the reason everything is wrong in this world. If we wiped them off the map, every country would be able to understand each others languages. Starvation would be eradicated. Poverty would vanish like a bad dream. South Korea and North Korea would have picknick sundays together! China and Tibet would kiss and make up. Old people would live forever, etc... I want to make it clear JEWS! Ops Freudian slip my bad... I mean Zionists are to blame for EVERYTHING.
14. to all israeli friends
the only talent the usa president has except for moving lips, good tele reader and great oral skills is his inflated ego, petting his inflated ego and slapping himself on the back in light of all the mistakes he made, is making and will make. this man has no experience. the job is too much for him to handle and his naivety is the most dangerous of all his policies. when you have an ego that is size of a moon and you think you never wrong, you make very big big mistakes that affect the globe. i really believe that the american people, including myself, will finally give an answer to this white house in november and in 2012. i thank usa that i am usa passport holder now and that i can vote him away from the white house soon. hameed aboughazem iranian hameed aboughaze, irnaian
15. Actually, we Jews use the Steve Benassi model of success!
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (08.06.10)
With a name like Steve Benassi, I'm 99.5% sure that Steve Benassi is not a Native American. That means that Steve Benassi is an occupier, squatting on stolen Native American lands. Benassi is just another American settler. History shows that the settlement movement in America is one of the biggest success stories of how racism, genocide and apartheid work. There are no more Native Americans fighting to free their land from occupation. The Native Americans lost. Instead of being Sioux or Navaho or Ojibway or Huron - heck, they're all American citizens. Settlement and occupation work! Steve Benassi is proof positive! Thanks, Steve, for showing us Jews how you Christian occupation settlers created a new "reality" in America. Instead of the two-state solution, we'll use the Steve Benassi model of success - the single Jewish state solution! I think I'll start a petition to rename my town Silver Bay, Israel, in honor of Steve Benassi and his shining example of what reality really is. Like the Native Americans, the Palestinians will thank Steve Benassi in 100 or 200 years, when they are all Israeli citizens and living peacefully on their reservations, while the future Steve Benassis of Israel gamble at their casinos and buy their tax-free cigarettes. Thanks, Steve Benassi, for sharing the Steve Benassi reality with us!
16. 100 or 200 years, #15?
Cameron ,   USA   (08.06.10)
No, man. Considering the sea of nutter pathology, demagraphics, and missiles your little state sits in the middle of, be grateful for each year you manage to swing.
17. where exactly does Pews report show that?
bob ,   NZ   (08.06.10)
'' What the survey did show is that there was a slight rise in the number of Muslims who said that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians were justified to protect Islam from its enemies. My recollection of the Pew report was that it showed a significant drop in support , not a small rise.
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (08.06.10)
Arn. ,   SWEDEN.   (08.06.10)
20. Obama the ostrich who buries his head in the sand
zionist forever   (08.06.10)
When the next 9/11 happens and another skyscraper is brought down by terrorists I will remind Obama not forget that the war on terror is over and now is the time to fight Americas battles with a teleprompter. Who knows maybe we will get America lucky and a non islamic extremist not committing jihad will blow up the Oval Office is sitting there alone. America resembles a paper tiger now that non of the countries which once feared it have any respect for they know today American politics wrks through appeasment. In Obamas world America has no shortage of money so can finance all his expensive pet projects that he wants. There are no mexicans coming in from the Arizona border. Muslims love America and if he makes enough speeches the likes of Bin Laden will say hey America is our friend. The mans an idiot and not fit to hold such an important office.
21. have no fear, only 2 years to go!......
les ,   canada   (08.06.10)
22. Now You Know Why
Dan ,   USA   (08.06.10)
Obama was not born in the United States, is a Muslim, was raised a Muslim and today as president is a closet Mulim. As soon as you come to this conclusion, along with the fact that he is a socialist with communistic leanings, all of his policies and dictates are easily understood. In 2012 he will be an ex-president.
23. Beware America's Liberal Jews ( is that an oxymoron)
A.C.Guard ,   USA   (08.06.10)
In the 2012 presidential election American Jews will again overwhelminly give their money and votes to Obama. They will never vote Republican for they value their liberal image over all else. Yesterday a group of America's liberal Jews, including more than one rabbi, came out in favor of the Mosque that is to be built two blocks from where the World Trade center. stood. This gives these Jews their daily dose of liberal cred. No wonder Jews are sometimes disliked by much of American society.
24. Reality
Michael Garkawe ,   Madison,NJ USA   (08.07.10)
Where can I find that Palestinian map? I'd like to make copies and distribue
25. Obama was born to a Muslim father
BH ,   Iowa   (08.07.10)
even if he attends a Christian church, does anyone believe he would be alive today had he renounced islam?
26. Don't underrate Obama, his backroom deals are very dangerous
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (08.07.10)
If Democrats do poorly this fall then Obama more likely to win reelection. Republicans are at 23% and Congress at 11%, while pro-Israelis may not like him, he has a very strong base of support. Obama is likely to get a peace deal signed, even if Israel and PA not happy about it because he believes that its best for US goals/security. Obama is Pro-Jewish but not Pro-Israel if it put US security at risk and that maybe his biggest fault, that he puts US first over Israel.
27. 2 Sarah B. you might be right but your
David   (08.08.10)
analysis is completely flawed. Obama popularity stem from 2 factors, Economy and unemployment, nothing to do with Israel. Matter of fact most Jews who voted for him last elections are expected to vote for him again. Its the economy stupid...your either are or trying to push your agenda.
28. What?? You mean there's another reality outside the WH????
Why did I not see ,   that coming??? BHO   (08.08.10)
29. Do not worried
~~Lengualima~~ ,   USAGBFR   (08.09.10)
DO NOT WORRY ISRAEL!, with the genials ideas of Obama, prohibiting to use words like extremism Muslim, Jihad and terrorism, problem solved. We should erase from dictionary of words without permit some other words. Example, If we want to solve the problems of Afghanistan win the war. deleting the word Taliban in the dictionary is enough, If our first wish is finish the danger of attack in USA, take the pencil and cross out the word attack.
30. To: No. 27
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.09.10)
Oh, I beg to differ. Check out the poll splits which ask very specifically what Americans think of Obama's attempts to achieve rapprochement with the Islamofascist and Arab worlds. The results have been eye-opening to say the least. Here's a few nuggets: - The American people remember the invasion of the United States Embassy in Tehran and the taking of American hostages which were held in deplorable conditions for years. - The American people remember the failed attempt to rescue the hostages and the videotaped and televised pictures of those mullahs kicking and otherwise defiling the corpses of dead American serviceme. - The American people remember quite well the blowing up of the United States Embassy and Marine Barracks in Beirut. Two hundred and forty-one Americans died that day. This American has not forgotten. In fact, I daresay most Americans haven't. - Most Americans remember the odd hijackings of United States planes, and the sheer terror imposed upon the hapless hostages, who were threatened and beaten. This includes the hijacking of the Air France plane which was forced to land in Entebbe, where non-Jewish passengers were segregated from Jewish passengers; the non-Jews were allowed to leave; the Jews were forced to remain as hostages. Shades of concentration camp selections! The key here, though, is that the majority of passengers actually held United States passports. But the United States did nothing to come to their rescue. Israel did. - Come we now to the suicide bombings of the United States Embassies in Kinshasa and Nairobi. Hundreds died in the ensuing explosions. - Care to discuss the bombing of the USS COLE? - How about the bombing of the Khobar Towers, which housed a great many United States servicemen. - And of course we come to September 11, 2001. Economy, unemployment and universal medical insurance are important domestic issues to the American people. But WAY WAY WAY at the top of the list of foreign policy concerns is the anger expressed by the vast majority of Americans who want NOTHING to do with the Islamofascist and Arab world, and who are extremely angry that Israel has been so shabbily treated by the current administration. November isn't that far away. Get yourself ready for a sea change. But you are so ignorant of American politics, something tells me you are either not American or not a politically savvy American. Frankly, given your really poor language, agreement, grammar and usage .... I'm leaning to the former.
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