The moderate Muslim threat
Shaul Rosenfeld
Published: 18.08.10, 18:32
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31. With respect to Logic #27 re "no moderate
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (08.19.10)
Muslims", I would suggest that the Reader google Dr. Barry Rubin of the Gloria Center, for his current article on precisely the same subject. Of course, Logic is correct and it is of utmost importance to recognize the significant divisions in Muslim socieities if we are going to defeat Muslim terrorism. As Dr. Rubin points out, the Koran and subsequent Muslim texts may be used by Islamists to justify and perpetuate their intentions but these same texts lay also be interpreted in such a way as to limit or even completely dissipate violence against non-Muslims. So Logic's point is well taken.
32. #17, #19,# 27
Justin ,   Canada   (08.19.10)
17: Without Jews there would be no Islam. So, count yourself as being ungrateful. And look into massacres that Muslims have carried out against others and Dhimmi status. You're not nearly as innocent and clean as you pretend to be. 19: Guess you feel it's your turn to whine. Most Muslims are killed at the hands of other Muslims. Why aren't you upset about that? You were asking who the real terrorist is? Oh right, it's better to blame someone else and not take any responsibility. Pathetic. 27: You make some really great points. You're right. Not all Muslims think one way.
33. #31, #32 More problems with this article
Logic ,   Israel   (08.19.10)
Thanks Robert and Justin. Robert, I read Prof. Rubin's article and was inspired by it. Also, Dr. Daniel Pipes, a talented middle east historian and conservative has dedicated countless articles to the idea that moderate Islam is the solution. I do not understand the point of this article. Could the author be confusing moderate Muslims with the so-called "moderate Islamists"? The former DO exist, as I explained in my previous post. On the other hand, some Western intellectuals have come up with the idea of trying to moderate the Islamists like Hezbollah and Hamas and their lawful sympathizers (as opposed to empowering real moderate Muslims), which is a strategy doomed to failure. The "moderate Islamist" idea is an oxymoron and the double-speaker that I think the author is referring to. Finally, I'm not a mideast historian, but neither is the author of this article. The medieval Spain talking point here was challenged by a historian recently: http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/36912_Professor_Newts_Distorted_History_Lesson
34. To: No. 19
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.19.10)
Are you trying to suggest that the United States and Israel are responsible for centuries of Moslem-on-Moslem violence? Oh, please. You'll get ripped a new one if you try that one here. So .... tell me .... the Iran-Iraq war. Do you have a clue as to how many Moslems were ruthlessly murdered by other Moslems? Who's detonating all those suicide belts in Iraq these days? Look at what the Taliban did in Afghanistan and is now attempting to do in Waziristan. You people are just violent. Your alleged "culture" of jihad is responsible for that. Your problem is that you think that the sword is mightier than the pen. It isn't. Grow up; stop whining.
35. islamism, zionism
dan ,   canada   (08.19.10)
zionism: a jewish state n the land of israel. islamism: all states must become muslim, in effect ridding the world of states and other religions. So, why is there not a strong campaign to expose islamism for what it truly is, rather than hearing the islamists shout away at how bad zionism is.
36. Muslims are most tolerant when not practicing Islam
Walter ,   Stockholm, Sweden   (08.19.10)
37. Foolishness.
Daniel Francis ,   Berrien Springs MI   (08.19.10)
The fact that jewish history is predicated on the same concept of conquest and slaughter (Remember Yericho?) is not a reason for Jews to be denied the right to build synagogues anywhere. All religions for good or ill have committed violence. We cannot infringe on the religious freedom of muslims because of the actions of the past or our freedoms can be legitimately attacked. "Do unto others... "
38. Logic #27
Brod ,   USA   (08.19.10)
You don't seem to know the Islamist-Jihadist world. And you don't know Islam. There are some people like Nadler and their fellow Leftists who spew their mouths too fast without knowing what they are talking about. For example, they say Al Queda is not Islam. The fact is Al Queda thugs are the Purist Islam followers. They are the real Islamist-Jihadists. You only have to read the Koran and other Islamist literature to know how dark their religion or ideology is. Former Professor of Islamic History at Al Azhar University, Mark A. Gabriel, PhD, is among the leading experts on Islam. He memorized the Koran at 12, graduated second in a class of 800 students in his Undergraduate Degree at Al Azhar University, pursued his Master and Doctoral Degrees in the same university and became one of the youngest Professors at Al Azhar University, Mark A. Gabriel would come to know the Prince of Peace and became a Judeo-Christian. His first book, "Islam and Terrorism" [2002] tells his story and exposes the teachings of the Koran-Islam. You will learn alot more reading the writings of outstanding experts on Islam such as Mark A. Gabriel, PhD, Robert Spencer, Serge Trifkovic, PhD, Walid Shoebat, Dr. Ali Sina, Dr. Wafa Sultan, Ibn Warraq, Moorthy Muthuswamy, PhD, Brigitte Gabriel, Oriana Fallaci, etc. You listed some countries to say that they are 'moderate.' The fact is those Muslims who appear 'moderate' are so because they do not know Islam as much and are not Mosque-attending Muslims. But those who are religious who know Islam well by imbibing the Koran and other Islamist literature, and attend Mosques every Friday to listen to homilies on hate-especially hating Jews and Christians, they are the Purist Islamist-Jihadists-the real Islamists or Muslims who imbibe real Islam. Let us examine some of the countries you listed: In the late 1990s, Indonesian Islamist-Jihadists murdered thousands of Indonesian Chinese business people in Jakarta and other cities. They also murdered thousands of Indonesian Christians in the Islands of Ambon and Moloccus. Today, in some pockets of Indonesia, Islamist-Jihadists murder Christians and burn their churches. In 1948 and 1967, Jordan was among the Arab Islamist-Jihadist states in the Middle East that went to war against Israel in their crusade to wipe off the Jewish state and throw the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea. We can go on and on to expose those you listed but there is no point. You only need to read more and be educated about the darkness of the dark forces that continue to terrorize and crusade their Jihadism to the world in the 21st century which they have been doing since the 7th century!!!
39. Mosque at Ground Zero
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.19.10)
If this construction plan actually comes about, what's next? Oh, I know! Let's invite the Japanese to build a cultural center in Pearl Harbor. They can put it right next to the USS ARIZONA memorial.
40. A fact is a fact!!!!
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee, USA   (08.19.10)
Too bad others cant state facts as well as you...call a spade a spade...
41. Indeed
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee, USA   (08.20.10)
Stop your whinning!!!
42. intolerant
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee, USA   (08.20.10)
Yes, thats so true, can one really overlook that truth!!
43. Calling a spade a spade
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee, USA   (08.20.10)
Justin you are really in tune with the facts....
44. Ground Zero
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee USA   (08.20.10)
Sarah, Mr. Putin stated their would be civil war in America around Nov. election time hmmmm, could he be right????
45. Rosenfeld is only one of many bigots here
John R ,   NYC USA   (08.20.10)
I listened to the TODAY show interview with Rudi Guilliani . He compared the Carmelite Nuns changing their minds on occupying a building next to AUSCHWITZ (which they had earmarked for a church) to what Muslims should be doing in lower NYC. What he failed to mention was the building the Carmelite Nuns had earmarked had been used to store Zyglon B gas for gas chambers, was within 10 feet of an execution pit and was on ground covered more than 1 ft, deep with Jewish ashes. Abdul Rauf (who is spearheading this Mosque and Muslim Civic Center) is a Sufi Muslim. He has been subject to multiple death threats from Wahabi extremist sects for his moderate views and for helping both the Bush and Obama White Houses on tolerance and against extremism. There are two Mosques already in southern Manhattan. Both have a long peaceful history and one,that has been there for forty years, is less than 4 blocks from the 9/11 site. Twenty three Muslims worked in the World Trade center and were killed on 9/11 for doing nothing more than going to work. Some of them of them attended the Masjid Mosque with that forty year peaceful history. People who gin up this story so that they can spew out their bigotry feed the very people we are fighting . The jihadists have been saying the West isn't just against Al Qaeda it is anti-Islam. Are the people writing these comments I am reading any different than the hate mongers who interned the Japanese in our country in WWII? There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. Are they all extremists? Innocent Jews were killed in WWII because of nothing more than bigotry carried to the extreme. It is why that bigotry must be identified and stopped as soon as it germinates its ugly head and we ,of all people, should be the first to stop it.
46. Cartoons vs. the Mosque
zooog ,   US   (08.20.10)
When cartoons of Mohammed were printed in Europe, there were riots and death threats. The Muslims demanded sensitivity for their belief. Why can't they provide the same sensitivity for our feelings regarding a Mosque at Ground Zero? Answer: They have contempt for our feelings and have come to undermine and conquer us.
47. #5
Simcha ,   So.Cal.USA   (08.20.10)
As rational as you're post is you have to remember who we are dealing with here. This same mind set is what led millions to the ovens of natzism. Islames only objective is conquest. The Cordoba Mosque should be a clue to their intentions, no matter how much we want it to be other than that.
48. Rose Carter #41- #44
Simcha ,   So.Cal.USA   (08.20.10)
Rose, my mother was from Muskogee,are you by any chance Central Band Cherokee Jew?
49. # 7 Elmer
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (08.21.10)
:Too broad a brush,the distance between a moderate Muslim and a Jihad Muslim, is just a sermon in the Musque by a Mulla,in Egypt and Syria the Mullas are appointed by the government and have to be very careful what they preach,in Egypt and Syria the Jihadists are hanged by the government,while in the land of the infidel the Jihadists will hang the government.
50. # 10 N.Y.City
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (08.21.10)
Steven ! You mean ? the Muslim engineers will build the bomb in a basement in New Mecca City, used to be known as N.Y.C .very scary.
51. #48 Simcha,So.Cal.USA
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee, USA   (08.21.10)
Yes, the Ancient Hebrew are belived to have migrated over the frozen Bearing Sea(sp) and formed the Cherokee Tribe which formed the Cherokee Nation, which is( not proven) that I have seen. I am a proud Cherokee Citizen.
52. Nr 19, Abdullah from USA
Serge ,   Antwerp, Belgium   (08.22.10)
Why do you choose to live in the USA among terrorists ? Why don't you go living in Saudi Arabia with your brothers ?
53. Nr 17, Cordoban from the Islamic Republib
Serge ,   Antwerp, Belgium   (08.22.10)
The subject of the article is about Islam. Why are writing about the inquisition ? You have nothing to contribute on this subject ? You want to change subject ?
54. Steve Wilson
Rose Carter ,   Muskogee,USA   (08.22.10)
You get to the heart of the matter. A very good response....
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