German central banker criticized for remarks on Jews
Published: 29.08.10, 14:51
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58 Talkbacks for this article
31. #18 he said particular gene not practical gene,
ben yaacov ,   hrzliya il   (08.29.10)
It was a very neutral statement simply acknowledging the existence of the gene. He didn't suggest the gene made Jews behave negative or positive.
32. #30 David
Igor ,   Germany   (08.29.10)
You're right, it is a leftist smear campaign. But don't blame ynetnews to fast: The article is from Reuters, which is known for its "Israel-criticism" (to put it politically correct).
33. Jewish DNA
Dave ,   Bs.Aires-Argentina   (08.29.10)
As a Jew, I'm ashamed by the negative reaction of several Jews that put their posts in this talkback. As a matter of fact, it's TRUE that the Jews share a common signature in their DNA. It was proven by the Genetic Science that these DNA markers appears in both the Sefardim and Askenazim Jews, and that these markers have had their origin in the Middle East. (By the way, this fact negates absolutly the false claim of the "Khazar" heritage of the Azkenazim Jews). One of the last discovery in this matter, was that there is a sharing of genetic heritage with a former trunk of all the Semitic people, that include the ARABS, the JEWS, the Ancient Canaanites Peoples, etc, etc. The truth is that this German guy doesn't said any Antisemitic or so sentence. - He only speaks about a fact that is truthful.. People, before put your posts regarding the matter of the DNA of the Jewish People, take a break and read some Genetics, there are several good books and Internet websites about this issue. Also there were several articles published in Ynet about this matter. Respectfully
34. Not Antisemitic
Sami ,   New York, USA   (08.29.10)
Give us a break, Nothing antisemitic in what he said.
35. Jews don't have genes!
Horst ,   Vienna, Austria   (08.29.10)
The day will come when it is anti-semitic to claim that Jews have any genes after all! I suppose anyone criticizing Sarrazin gets a biology book and checks out the genetics chapter... Oooops! I almost forgot: Don't do it, you might find it discriminatory and anti-everyone when you find out that every ethnic group has different allele frequencies.
36. Do the Germans share a particular gene?
Sam   (08.29.10)
Aryan one, maybe? What do you want, he's a German with Russian surname - that's like a double-sheygetz.
37. to no. 15
Idalia ,   the netherlands   (08.29.10)
who gives you the right to call me stupid? hmm? i just said that many jews think that they share a gene, like you said. i think you are the stupid one, for not understanding my comment.
38. To Andrew #28
Yoel   (08.29.10)
Sorry Andrew for hurting your feelings. I don’t have much sympathy for German’s who are obsessed with Jews and the makeup of their DNA or hold old stereotypes of the Jews. After committing the worst atrocity in human history, they should just leave us alone and not diagnose our genes and DNA. It is a long story of which Germans were responsible which were not. This didn’t happen in a country with human loving residents.
39. He means to express Jewish greed, it's not a compliment
Tim ,   New York state   (08.29.10)
40. explanation to people i offended.
Idalia ,   the netherlands   (08.29.10)
ok, let me explain AGAIN: i meant that Jews have a common gene, especially those whose family has never had to deal with inter-faith marriage. it does not create them to 'a jew' because no Jew is the same, just like there are different Christians, Muslims etc. And again, if you don't agree with my arguments, then tell me that you simply don't agree, don't call me stupid, we are not in the 5th grade anymore.
41. To: No. 21
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.29.10)
Do you really need me to remind you where that sort of speech leads? You are German -- don't you know your country's history? How big a leap do you think it is to go from talk that all Jews share a gene to talk about untermenschen and then to build gas chambers and crematoria. All it would take to set Germany over the edge (once more) is for one charismatic orator to come along. You Germans have always had a fatal attraction for powerful orators. Don't tell me it can't happen -- it already did, didn't it? Contrary to popular belief, lightning can strike in the same place.
42. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.29.10)
If you make stupid, pithy comments, I will call you stupid (and pithy). That said -- the Germans have a history of being obsessed with eugenics, racial purity and racial superiority. The Nazi era was simply the last manifestation of this obsession. It was hardly the first. Any talk of DNA or genetics by a German with some political clout is thoughtless and insensitive. Given Germany's history, it is also dangerous. Warning bells should be going off everywhere.
43. german banker
catherine ,   Paris France   (08.29.10)
If you read all what this banker said (and just not edited parts of his words), you'll see he never said anything against jews (whom, he said, he considers cleverer). Why is it that when somebody speaks the truth about immigration, you have to slander him? Let's all the "nice souls" of your newspaper come and live in certain districts of the main cities in Europe. After that, il they are not totally blinded by political correctness, maybe they will understand his words.
44. #20 and #38, Yoel
Fluffi ,   Germany   (08.29.10)
Sarrazin is a populist and only tries to get public attention in the media so that stupid people buy his stupid new book; and the easiest way to make it on page one in this country is to make remarks of the kind that "Jews are different". The uproar in the media and from German politicians has good reasons, because (as you wrote correctly) it has to be put in its historical context. Jews can talk about their genes as much as they want to, but Germans shouldn't, because it's only a few steps from 'genes' to 'race' and the latter was the first step to Auschwitz. I agree with your last sentence in #20, but not with your last one in #38. Hey Yoel, I'm not *that* awful... :)
45. Ugh...he's correct?
Naor ,   USA   (08.29.10)
Like has already been stated, this isn't antisemitic, its true. We Jews do share a common DNA background. This is just a smear campaign to label this guy as a bigot for having the betzim to condemn Islamic non assimilation and troublesome behavior.
46. #29 Elmer, you hit the nail...
Soeren ,   Cologne/Germany   (08.29.10)
It's all about political correctness and challenging the illusions of the leftwing liberals in Germany about "nice Islam" and "it's never the Muslims fault when they fail"... As far as I know, Ralph Giordano, a German journalist (and Holocaust survivor), and Necla Kelek (a Turkish-born sociologist, often harshly criticizing as well the behaviour and attitudes of the Turkish/Arab communities in Germany) supported Sarrazin...
47. #42, Sarah B
Fluffi ,   Germany   (08.29.10)
'[...] Germans have a history of being obsessed with eugenics, racial purity and racial superiority. The Nazi era was simply the last manifestation of this obsession. It was hardly the first.' An example would be nice.
48. #41, Sarah B
Fluffi ,   Germany   (08.29.10)
'You Germans have always had a fatal attraction for powerful orators.' Example?
49. #42
Humphrey Appleyby ,   Whitehall, UK   (08.29.10)
So, the talkbacker is German. So what? You seem to be unable to decide if you're American or Israeli. And using the overdone argument, "becasue you are German"... It's 2010, and I am sure this chap didn't serve in the SS, nu? Do you blame Brits for being in the Mandate, Italians being decendents of the Romans (Destruction of the 2nd temple), Greeks for being related to Alexander the Great (You do celebrate Chanukah, do you?)? Get a grip and solve the issues in your own country first - if you can make up your mind which one.
50. Re #28 Yoel and Re #44 Fluffi
Andrew Brehm   (08.29.10)
Yoel, it's over. Understand that World War 2 is over. You didn't even read what Sarrazin really said, it's obvious from what you say you think he said. The Germans are not our automatic enemies. And there is nothing wrong with Germans. I was born in Germany. I don't live there any more but holding a grudge against a people because of what their ancestors did is stupid. The Germans today are not the Germans of 70 years ago; heck even most Germans of 70 years ago were not Nazis, just frightened cowards. But the Germans have learned their lesson. No other people in history draw so much attention to the crimes of their past with memorial days and memorial sites as the Germans do today. Sarrazin didn't "diagnose" Jewish genes, he simply mentioned that there is a Jewish gene, just like their is a Basque gene. This comes at a time when most of our enemies claim that we aren't a people and have no rights that nations should have. The Shoah happened because of the Germans, all right. But it didn't happen because of Germans like Sarrazin but because of the others. And to all others here who claim that he said something about "Jewish greed" and the like, you owe Sarrazin and all Germans an apology. You are what's wrong with the world. You are prejudiced, ignorant, and stupid. And that's all. You don't care what Sarrazin really said, you just make up your own stories about it and judge him according to those. It's despicable. Fluffi, anyone can talk about Jewish genes. The day the Germans understand, like Sarrazin did, that there is nothing special about Jews is the day we can live in peace together. If the uproar in the media really had good reasons, why do people feel the need to make up stories about what Sarrazin really said? Why do some Jews here suddenly deny that Judaism has a genetic component? And yes, Germans also share a particular gene. That's why so many of them are blond, which is a lot rarer among, for example, TIbetans.
51. 30
Rosie   (08.29.10)
Absolutely right. And those Jewish leaders in Germany who critisized him are idiots.
52. #50, Andrew
Fluffi ,   Germany   (08.30.10)
Of course there's nothing special about Jews, just as there's nothing special about Germans. But there *is* something special about the German-Jewish relationship: It's not normal and how could it be? And why should we pretend a normality that doesn't exist? That wouldn't be honest. The (over-)reactions of the German public concerning Sarrazin's comments about Jewish genes (and maybe also some talckbacks here) are just part of this absence of normality between Germans and Jews.
53. Funny with a name like that (saracen)
54. #41 Sarah B.
Igor ,   Germany   (08.30.10)
Do you really need me to remind you that invoking a person's origin in an argument is racist? Btw. you're wrong: I'm not German, which only shows that you're guided by your prejudice and not by facts. I also happen to know German history quite well. Most of all I know that Shoah has its origins in hysterical, fact-free propaganda and lies, distributed simultaneously by the media and the authorities---same as they do today about Sarrazin...
55. Re #52 Fluffi
Andrew Brehm   (08.30.10)
Just a few days ago I read it again in a German newspaper (online): "Mitmenschen juedischen Glaubens" ("fellow humans of the Jewish faith"). That's how the politically correct press refers to Jews. It doesn't take into account that a Jew might not be religious or even believe at all. And it demonstrates that writers don't know how to refer to people. Are there also "Mitmenschen franzoesischer Nationalitaet" ("fellow humans of French nationality")? Or if we ignore thousands of years of history and deny the existence of a Jewish people and instead think of Judaism as a religion only, would the German media also refer to "fellow humans of the Islamic faith" or just to plain "Muslims"? I am not a "fellow human of the Jewish faith", I am just a fellow human.
56. To: No. 47
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.30.10)
Glad to oblige. I've restricted my examples to actual Gerrman physicians. No reason to drag Nietzsche into this, even though he and some early twentieth century German occultists weighed heavily in the evolution of Nazism's "Aryan superiority" theories. Dr. Franz Josef Gall (phrenology): Dr. Wilhelm Schallmayer and Dr. Alfred Ploetz (late 19th century); go to page 4:
57. To: No. 52
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (08.30.10)
Not all that long ago, Germany and some willing collaborators murdered one-third of the Jews in the world. Forgive me if I don't really want a "normal" relationship with a country that is capable of doing that. Do you really think that bygones will ever be bygones? And it isn't just what Germany did to the Jews. They wrought havoc among Gypsies, Slavs, Russians and pretty much everyone whom they didn't like. Ordinary Germans, whether members of the Nazi party or not, just let it happen. The Nazis enjoyed immense support, right up until Allied bombs started falling on your heads. And you want normalcy? Sorry; not going to happen. At least not from this Jew.
58. #57 Sarah the wanderer/wonderer?!
Humphrey Appleby ,   Whitehall, UK   (09.01.10)
No surprise here; "Jaymany" ist fetching up with the moral bankrupcy here in the UK. That is - Freedom of speech only when it suits our "masters", no longer the "servants" they're supposed to be for the electorate. I am surprised that the Council of German Jews (Yeah, that 's the English translation) makes such a fuss about what was published in various German Jewish (There are!) Newspapers, like the Juedische Allgemeine, as well as articles at Maariv, Yediot Achoronot and Ha'aretz, that jews indeed share a common genome. It's called science and Mr Sarrrzin didn't use it in a negative way. Just stating facts. Just because he's German doesn't automatically make him an anti-Semite (like Sarah always implies), and that's the last resort btw of his opponents to shut him up. Always works, calling a person a racist, etc. Alas, here in Britain we don't have people from the establishment who have the guts to discuss issues like immigration etc. in a factual way. Only thugs like Nick Griffin and his BNP thugs "address" the issue in their usual hateful outbursts. Just my 2 pence from a former civil servant of HMs government. Where's Jim Hacker ...
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