Abbas: Obama knows West Bank building will ruin talks
Ali Waked
Published: 30.08.10, 00:01
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41 Talkbacks for this article
31. Starting off with lies and demands is usual for abbas.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (08.30.10)
32. The quartet
vitenberg ,   FRANCE   (08.30.10)
So, Abbas comes with the Qoran...and the DECLARATION OF THE QUARTET and Bibi?: with the Bible...and what else? The 242 resolution has a greater value than the shouting of the quartet . Why this shyness?
33. n.30
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (08.30.10)
Hey Palestinian Salma what are you talking about as May 1948 ,two states ,living side by side ,in peace and prosperity ,you translating skills are woeful,to say the least?
34. Abbas & Bibi
Moragh   (08.30.10)
I don't think you need to worry too much about Abbas. His red face shows that he is ready for a full collpse.... I'd say a serious heart-attack. With every photo his face gets redder. Besides that, abbas is not a President. His term as 'President' is long since UP. So who is really in charge for the arabs presently occupying Jewish land. Shouldn't they be sent packing? And in particular, I refer to East Jerusalem. Put these squatters out... end of story!
35. no.2
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (08.30.10)
Once again the Palestinians prefer violence ,what,s new?
36. the weird part is, they will want continum
ghostq   (08.30.10)
of donations, if they r on their own they should know money will stop getting in. and when palis don't get stuf they demand it, they will whine how they got ripped off by agreement, just wait and watch.
37. At this phase, everything's on the table.
Previous agreements seem to be negotiable right now. It's like how are these negotiations going to proceed and try to be fair. Percentages can help in trying to come out with something equitable. There's growth by Palestinians in Israel. So, would it be fair to say that the same kind of growth in Jewish settlements is fair? Or, is it not the same kind of growth. Swapping land masses to accommodate more of your own kind doesn't promote for mutualality and understandings between the faiths or humanity. It looks like Israel has accepted Palestinians but there's a reluctance for Palestinians to accept Jews in their lands. If you were to use a formula, you could be equatible by figuring the number of said people by percentages per "dunam"/ sq.kilometer and relate it to the other. The original partition included land that was swapped for peace. If these lands have any relevancy of significance in determining these numbers then that's something that the responsible parties/leaderships could consider. The idea of Palestinians filling vacant employeement slots in Israel, like taking care of your own house/ neighbors first, is a good idea. PM Netanyahu shouldn't have to face any undue pressure regarding building. It should be able to be figured out before that "building freeze" time limit is up and peacefully.
38. talks
colin   (08.30.10)
abbas can say what he likes. There will be no peace agreement. The pioneers of Israel will build the whole country. The idiotic muslim president of USA does not give a damn for abbas and his batch of criminals,murderers and rubbish banished by arab states. The muslim president is looking for votes and ratings before the halfterm elections and to please the arabs states Saudi,Egypt Jordan etc by trying to give criminals land therefore lessining the demand by Israel to return to thier own countries.The so called talks are only a photo session for publicity. Bibi knows the Israeli people will get rid of him if he allows any continuation of a partial freeze Bibi wil loose all his perks ,He has at present no respect from Israelis.
39. 'Israel's security can't continue to be excuse for continued
occupiers ,   Il   (08.30.10)
continued occupation he forgot to finish- the palestines ARE THE OCCUPIERS is this the educated puppet who represents them?
40. and will all of these Palestinian demands?
Golani ,   Mi Ami, Israel   (08.30.10)
And with all of these ridiculous Palestinian demands, just what is it exactly that Israel would get out of this? You have the PA and Hamas that are sworn enemies and if the PA were to close a deal, Hamas would never accept it. If somehow there was a deal that both the PA and Hamas were to accept, it would not last since there is an eminent struggle for power between the two groups and it would be a deal that Israel could never accept. Obama will try to force some sort of an agreement that will never make sense just so that he can show that he accomplished something. This whole process is a lose lose situation for everyone. There can be and should not be any agreement unless there is total separation with monitored control to prevent continued terror activities on the part of the Palestinians. There should be punishable consequences for continued terror activities on the part of Hamas and their supporters. The Palestinians must recognize Israel’s right to exist within secure borders.
41. ANSWER TO #9 AND#26
vitenberg ,   FRANCE   (08.30.10)
Dear Yehouda, A speech before the Knesset doesn't mean anything and I never heard the same before the UN. I never read this in a letter to whoever I DON'T HEAR ABOUT IT NOW! Don't be too optimistic The awakening is always painful! Remember Yamith in the north-west corner of the Sinaï. Thank you Begin! Remember Philadelphia corridor : thank you Sharon Remember the strategic "nekoudot" in Aza. Thank you Sharon! Remember in 1968, when Tabenkin wanted "lehityachev" be Samaria, Rabin was against! Academic graduates in politic and law just want travelling to leftist universities!! It's time to move for Schalith and the 242 It's time speaking about 242 when Abbas speaks about Quartet plan. When Abbas speaks with Qoran we can answer with Bible But when he speaks with the Quartet, we have to answer with the same language: politic, and use the 242!
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