Obama says not worried by Muslim 'rumors'
Associated Press
Published: 30.08.10, 10:39
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31. Obama has a Kenyan birth certificate.
JMK ,   NYC   (08.30.10)
What he does have from an American state is a Certificate of Birth which is his sister and has been forged, by the way it was available in Hawaii to anyone living there, his half sister has one and she was absolutely 100% proven and undenied born in Indonesia. Obama name in all cases was Barry proven was until in adulthood he chose his father's name. If he was upfront he would open up all his sealed personal records but hw cannot because that is why he had them sealed in the first place. The full bow if not prostration both literally and figuratively to the Muslim Arab world is cause as well as he having been an actual Muslim until he returned from Indonesia age the age of about ten to his grandparents home. By the way his mother an american was not a resident for the five years after her sixteenth birthday to allown even her to confer citizenship upon her son born in her eighteenth year, she had already moved with her second husband Soetero to Indonesia. In addition Fullbright Scholarships are awarded only to foreign students.
32. Bunch of racists
Alistair ,   Scotland   (08.30.10)
I know loads of christans with arab muslim names and loads of Jews whom have converted to Islam and christianity.Obamas name is just a name
33. No. 14 Cameron
NYC Girl   (08.30.10)
Exactly. A curious hack from Chicago with hardly even a voting record to speak of. And although though the Democrats had a perfectly viable candidate in Hillary Clinton, somehow Obama was able to get the power of George Soros' vast fortune behind him and the mass media to genuflect at his feet. And then, added to that, he gets a Nobel Peace Prize without having done a freaking thing to further the cause of peace. One day, it may all come out, but it's obvious now that Obama was completely unqualified to be the leader of the free world...and America is suffering as a result.
34. Okay. Time for a New Rumor.
Rube Vogel ,   Jerusalem   (08.30.10)
Barak (which means "lightning" in Hebrew) is a Yemenite Jew.
35. :: Gershon - #29 - Facts vs Commonsense
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.30.10)
Heavens forbids that known facts would ever ‘confuse’ and befuddle any of the Ynuts here!! After all why be confused with ‘facts’ when you can be blissfully ignorant and retain a sense of prejudice? But hey lets look at the ‘facts’. While Obama's father was born a ‘Muslim’ he became a confirmed atheist, quite early in his life. A very oversimplification of the Islamic faith/tenets but totally negated if a person born of a Muslim parent pronounces belief in the Christian faith/trinity ie: you are no longer a Muslim if you convert to Christianity and actively follow the Christian faith and practices. If Obama was a ‘Muslim’ he would be bound by certain practices: 1) Obama would have to recite the shahadah (an Islamic basic creed) in prayer. There is no record of Obama ever doing this. 2) Obama would have to pray 5 times a day; surely somebody would have seen Obama performing this prayer ritual if he was a ‘Muslin’ but guess what nobody has. 3) If Obama was a ‘Muslim’ he would be fasting during the month of Ramadan wouldn’t he? Again nobody has witnessed Obama performing this practice. 4) Has Obama personally given alms to anyone lately? I can find no record of this happening. 5) When was the last time Obama made a pilgrimage to Mecca? He never has. To recap on the known ‘facts’: Obama’s father was born a Muslim and became an atheist. Obama himself is a practicing Christian and by his very actions does not follow or practice any part of the Islamic faith. Leaving aside the ‘facts’ commonsense should make it clear that the very act of professing a belief in Christianity, practicing the rituals of Christianity, disavowing a belief in Islam and not practicing the rituals of Islam clearly doesn’t lend itself to the conclusion that a person is a ‘Muslim’. Sadly ‘commonsense’ has rarely triumphed over ‘prejudice’.
36. Terry in Eilat #1
Barbara ,   Haifa Israel   (08.30.10)
Here , here. That's telling them. I am of the same opinion. And furthermore, believe that, maybe Obama was born in the states, but why can't he also be a closet Muslim ?
37. :: Defying all commonsense
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.30.10)
Only in Islam a child must bear his father's name and is a Muslim for life, even if converted, and even if he never knew the father who abandoned him and wanted nothing to do with him. Barak Hussein Obama follows to the letter these Islamic customs and never adopted his maternal grandparents name even though they took care of him very well for most of his childhood. He even didn't attend his grandmother's funeral, to make sure that he doesn't honor an infidel.
38. Obama
Barbara ,   Rehovot, Israel   (08.30.10)
#18. What it does show that only a person BORN in America can stand for the Presidency. It has nothing to do with religious beliefs.So is his election a valid one or not? This the crux of the birth certificate discussion. And why wasn't this checked into before he was elected, as it should have been for everybody standing for this position.
39. :: #37 - How is this working out for you?
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.30.10)
I love the way I irk someone enough that they take on my name and impersonate me (however badly). Such imitation means I must be doing something right :) “I did it (impersonating other posters) on Haaretz website too and several of them changed their names in frustration or disappeared altogether” - Genuine Tosefta (01.18.10) How is this working out for you? It has been 8 months now and what do you have to show for it? By my reckoning not one leftwing or rightwing poster has left this site because of your silly attempts to impersonate people. In fact all you have managed to do is alienate yourself and gander ridicule from other posters. Kol ha'kavod!
40. Correction
Friedman ,   Princeton, NJ, USA   (08.30.10)
Of course, Obama is a Muslim. His Father was a Muslim, his Mother converted to Islam. He is 100% Muslim but he eats everything in public. He never said that he converted to Christianity. When he was endorsed by Princeton student newspaper, it "said that Obama as a Muslim will bring progress and fight poverty". The question is about his place of birth, probably Kenya. He had dual citizenship until 1981, according to Dept of State. Nobody on the Right knows who is this man, though the Left knows that he is a Muslim. I read that in 2008 he wanted to take Bloomberg as VP (according to Newsweek) but Soros adviced to take somebody else. It seems he will stay for 8 years since 45% of the young people support him. But will they vote? He will get Muslim and Jewish vote but in US it may be not enough? Who knows? So far he was very good for Wall Street.
41. :: #37 - BTW, a small tip...
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.30.10)
Earlier in my post (#35) I speak about ‘commonsense’. If you are going to go to the trouble of impersonating posters here on this website would it not make ‘commonsense’ to refrain from stating the following: “Birdi, there is a temporary cure to Self Haters & Antisemites insanity It is me writing these 2 posts in their name I did it on Haaretz website too and several of them changed their names in frustration or disappeared altogether, until a year ago when Haaretz censors caught on and stopped publishing all posts I made under any name, so I quit wasting my time and energy with them for no results. I suggest that we band together and flood the commentary sections under their names and you will see how many will vanish. My guess is most of them. I have found out this to be the best solution as there is no way to change their brainwashed minds and hatred they sucked in with their mothers milk” - Genuine Tosefta, Tveria (01.18.10) I’m just saying that there is little point in pretending to be other posters else if you give the game away from the very start by admitting it’s you in the first place. I mean ‘commonsense’ should dictate a certain amount of cop-on!!!
42. No. 32 Alistair
NYC Girl   (08.30.10)
The fact that Obama happens to have a Muslim name isn't necessarily the problem. The problem is that there's a disturbing lack of transparency with this president and whether or not he's a Muslim is only a part of it. Are you aware of the fact that there's virtually no paper trail on Obama, or that nobody can get information on his student records, including those involving financial aid for which he would have to have been a foreign student to be eligible? Or that there's a surprising lack of access to his writings while he was an undergraduate and later when he was attending law school? Not only that, but when somebody does attempt to gain access to certain information, they're often told the records have been destroyed. And then people wonder why there's an ongoing undercurrent of suspicion in America?
43. Poor Barry - Badges?! We don need no stinkin badges.
Josh   (08.30.10)
His grandmas spilled the beans on that one. Think after they get to the bottom of it, he will have to go live with Odinga?
44. The b-cert is fake, real dad is Frank Davis - look at picts
Josh   (08.30.10)
His Dad is the famous Frank Davis, Obamas mentor as a child. It appears dad didn't want to get tied down to a middles-class girl from the other side of the track so the found a substuture for the child born as Barry Soetoro. Barak Obama Sr, took responsibility. Maybe this is why people treat him like a Obamassiah -no one is sure who fathered the child.
45. He's also white
Chris   (08.30.10)
Obama will be telling us next that he's a blonde white man.
46. No matter what Obama may say,the FACT of the matter is:.>>
KATE ,   ISRAEL/ Tel-Aviv   (08.30.10)
The FACT of th ematter is:According to Islam if your progenitor was/is a Muslim then you are ONE. Sorry Pres'Obama it is the nature of the beast that your mother married a Muslim not once(bearing you) , BUT TWICE.This is tantamont of not learning from the passed mistakes. No,you do not have to put your passport on your is unecessary because YOU ARE A MUSLIM even if you think you may be a Christian... I WOULD END IT BY SAYING: YOU.>>>ARE...A>>> Muslim..
47. :: It is clear that impostor is mad
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.30.10)
The idol of impostor is a closet Muslim and impostor is upset that the secret is out. Making impostor nervous is the goal. Mission accomplished!
48. Nah nah sameer..He did not save anybody or anything.Why?>
James T.. ,   USA   (08.30.10)
The why is because after staying in Iraq for so long no matter which president in power he she would have decided to withdraw from the morass in Iraq.It would have ended sooner than later.No kudos to Obama on that score. Additionally just look what is happening now when the American troops have yet to leave and the daily killings of Shia vesus Suni continue.I don't think the iraqi leaders are keen on the said withdrawel because they anticipate even a worse scenario.My prediction is:If the ISLAMISS CANNOT LIVE WITH EACH OTHER,how the hell can they achieve anything.Just wait and watch THERE WILL BE CHAOS WHEN THE TROOPS LEAVE. Obama is no magitian,nor is he capable to change the status quo. The same will aply to Afghanistan.. The Russians were there for over 8 years and had to leave.The American have been there equally nearly that long and no change,while Pakistan is in grave trouble so expect more to come I fear..On top of it all our economy is flaundering with uneployment etc. Enough said.
49. birth certificate
tim ,   greenwood, us   (08.30.10)
Birth certificate on his forehead would get in the way of his golf swing
50. Obama's Taqiyya
Ibrahim ,   Al Quds   (08.30.10)
The practice of concealing one’s faith in dangerous circumstances originates in the Qur’an itself, which deems blameless those who disguise their beliefs in such cases [3]. The practice of taqiyya in difficult circumstances is considered legitimate by Muslims of various persuasions. Sunni and Shi’i commentators alike observe that Q 16:106 in particular refers to the case of ‘Ammar b. Yasir, who was forced to renounce his beliefs under physical duress and torture. [4] Similarly, Q 3:28 enjoins believers not to take the company of doubters unless as a means of safeguarding themselves. “Let not the believers take those who deny the truth for their allies in preference to the believers – since he who does this cuts himself off from God in everything – unless it be to protect yourself against them in this way…”[5] Regarding 3:28, Ibn Kathir, a prominent authority writes, "Whoever at any time or place fears their [infidels'] evil may protect himself through outward show." As proof of this, he quotes Muhammad's companion, al-Hassan, who said, “taqiyya is acceptable till the Day of Judgment [i.e., in perpetuity].
51. :: However #50, Obama is in no danger
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (08.31.10)
B. Hussein conceals his faith for the purpose of damaging the West and bring it under Islamic control via deception. Takkyia means this too.
52. Obama
tzion-ben-judah ,   waterville,U.S.A.   (08.31.10)
The only thing Obama has plastered on his forhead is the MARK of THE BEAST period!!!It's coming folks so get ready.
53. To Ibrahim-AlQuds
Dawood ,   Jerusalem   (08.31.10)
I dont know where you found this story about "Taqiyya", first, its called "Tuqya",second, it exists only in the Shiiah minority sect. and third all what you have quoted is not correct. next time check your references and cut the crap
54. #1-Suits me.
Ypip ,   Canada   (08.31.10)
55. #53 Durwood
Ibrahim ,   Al Quds   (08.31.10)
I am a former Muslim so I know my former religion quite well plus I quoted from Wkipedia I will cut the crap if you lick the knife!
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