Jewish Scene
German Jews condemn planned Florida Koran burning
Published: 09.09.10, 11:28
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31. Maybe a diffgerence ?
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (09.09.10)
The Jews in Germany , and nowhere in the world , did murder people in name of god . Those muslims attacked innocent civilians all over the world , in the NAME of ALLAH . That they are a 'minority" of the muslims as some will say , or that the koran teaches a different wayu , does'nt change anything . So don't compare the burning of a koran to the burning of Jewish , and other , books
32. The Nazis also wore uniforms and marched...
Orly ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.09.10)
...Oh, right, and that's why the Israeli military can barely get a group of soldiers to stand in a straight row - forget about telling them to put their feet together - and perhaps why most adults in this country cannot find it in themselves to wear age appropriate clothing. I'm not condemning or condoning the Koran-burnings, but this attitude of "anything the Nazis did is evil" has got to stop. It was their 'end' that was terrible, but their 'means' to that 'end' was quite intelligent and efficiant. We are allowed to learn from our enemies rather than letting them rob us twice.
33. Crazy nuslims burn everything. Normal people must burn Koran
Eddie Shor   (09.09.10)
34. Koran burning.
John and Sharon ,   United Kingdom   (09.09.10)
This helps no one, now the isolated Jewish and Christian communities in Muslim lands will have to pay for it with their lives.
35. Revolting and isgusting analogy that trivializes the Holocau
ben yaacov ,   herzliya il   (09.09.10)
36. This redneck from Florida
Tomek ,   Poland   (09.09.10)
must be very proud of himself. I saw an interview with him last night - not exactly a cerebral type. The world would never hear about him but now, thanks to the book burning idea, he has his 15 minutes in the global spotlight. The media are to blame from blowing it out of all proportions. Why even dignify this nonsense with attention? This guy feeds off it. Ignore him, and he will crawl back under his stone.
37. Mark , Where were you
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (09.09.10)
when Jewish books were burnt in nazi germany ? Where were the world "leaders" then ? Did the vatican oppose this in 1933 ? Where was there a world outcry ? We know our history , don't worry .
38. rapper , again writing when it's not allowed !
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (09.09.10)
So don't tell us that yopu believe in god anymore . Stupid hypocrite
39. #10
han ,   sweden   (09.09.10)
burning this book is Symbolic..and what it contains is offensive to every decent human being on earth specially jews and christians,,it just a shame you don't know what it contains..the different here is one pastor burning of books,and islamic world using the quran as a weapon of war against human kind.. it not about diagreeing with the Quran,it about a protest agaisnt those who follow this book building mosque on site where 3000 inncent American where Killed exactly because of what this Book contain..Now you might leard more about this religion of death when Muslims start taking over your land and see if you will have anything good to say about this religion then?
40. # 11 have you already forgotten 911?
hanna ,   Canada   (09.09.10)
you said "So it's a question of who burns, for what reasons and under what circumstances." this pastor has many good reasons to Burn in his own mind.according to your criteria,He is right! 911 happened because muslims got their Inspiration from this Book. And now they have the cheek to demand right to build a massive mosque near this same Spot where 3000 Americas where Murdered by the people who follow the Quran. how insensitve of muslims to want to use this very site,So stop isolating this event as if it has nothing to do with what happened on 911 i don't agree with the pastor but i can understand why he want to do it though! muslims want to take over the west and they Shout and march through our street,death to Israel and death to the west.THIS IS FAR MORE SERIOUS! And we let them March and Demonize us,,WE SHOULD NOT ONLY BAN THE QURAN IN MY MIND,BUT EXPEL THOSE MUSLIMS WHO CALL FOR OUR DEATHS!
41. # 34 your point proves this man is right about islam!
Shine ,   America   (09.09.10)
YOU SAID " This helps no one, now the isolated Jewish and Christian communities in Muslim lands will have to pay for it with their lives. " At least you admit that these Islamic nations are Dangerous.the same logic this man uses to burn the quran. if Muslims start killing Christians now,that makes this Point of burning the quran Valid indeed! Why do we have to be intimidated by a religion that does not tolerate Christinaity? This pastor acts out of frustration that the west does nothing to stop the ever increasing Islamization of the West. when will they start Respecting christianity in their 50 countries all over the world? the Quran is a manifesto and declaration of war against Humanity,Specifically against Christianity and Jews.. Muslms should count themselves Lucky to be able to practice this hatred at all on American soil..we have had enough!!! they preach every day from their Sauidi built Mosques death to us all,I'm Sick of the Plitically correct world that Allows this Evil to be Practiced in America! when Saudia Arabia respect christianity and allow Jews to their Country,we will respect them! they only allow our planes in because we protect their country.this is pathetic. Muslims throughout the ages have Gone to war against Christianity and they killed Millions and raped the women of the Nations they took over..we don't want them to take over our Nation..we have given them enough right already,now they wnat to ake over thank you!!
42. #29 Peace comes when muslims take responsibilty,taking Jihad
chris ,   wales   (09.09.10)
No one is calling here for killing anyone..but we expect the Muslims to stop Murdering innocent people around the world..I'm not the same chris but I will reply here to what you asked. It possible to get peace if you Stop the Jihad,to stop the jihad you must get muslims to take the jihad element out of their Quran.the problem with this is you would have to also take MUHAMMAD Out too since he inspired the hatred to start with. You should be focusing more on the root of this matter not on some pastor who want to burn a few Koran. if burning the Koran starts some Violent,this only proves the Point of the pastor that islam is intolrerance and that it is a violent religion! Muslims don't need much excuse to fight,they just need to read the quran and follow Muhammad! hereäs the real issue we should be discussing,something the Nations refuse to realize because they don't wnat to inflame the islamic people..But sooner or later we gonne have to Confront this Vicious religion before they Confront us! Winston Churchill warned the world about this religion that hides itself behind respectability yet want to Convert the world to islam.he warned the nations after communism will come a bigger evil,,those where the words of Winston churchill..would you call him wrong too or of fermenting war? th Flames of war has already been Started when Muhammad came along.ever since the World has been fighting this Incidious religion ever since. So i would expect the World to stand up to this islamic invasion of the west and stop being intimidated by them.
TOM ,   UK   (09.09.10)
44. WHEN You respct us,We will surely Respect you muslims!
chrisi ,   Wales   (09.09.10)
Then stop your support for the Mosque and Islamic Community centre Building at ground Zero. I am sick of the double standards,AND Bending over backwards, 'Obama and the West' are doing.that Muslims can build their Mosques with Saudi money all over the western world and no church can be Built in Saudi Arabia,IT STINKS! Mecca is the centre of Islam and the Saudi are Financing the Spread of Islam throughout the World. When Muslims stop their HATRED Towards Christians and Jews then we will start to respect you! when Muslims Denounce the Many hate words and phrases,and the call to Kill Jews and Christians,when Muslims denounce these,we will respect you! When you denounce Muhammad's jihad against the Jews,Christians,and entire world in fact,we will start to respect you. when your Mother country, Saudi Arabia,where Muhammad Killed All the Jews and Expelled the rest from Arabia,when you Repent for these Crimes,we will respect you! When you start denouncing Muhammad for his Sharia law,which Replaced the 10 Commandment. and Under Sharia women are beaten &tortured to death even for being suspected of committing a crime,because your book says a testimony of a woman is worth half of that of a man. when you stop Stoning Innocent Girls who are victims of rape,because the Husband thinks she provoked the offence,and women getting Killed by their own Family because she refuse to marry an old pervert. and when you stop using Little girls under 10 as brides to your old perverted men,then we will start to respect you! I could go on,,stop your Hypocrisy and Obama needs to stop encouraging Muslims to Take over the USA..Christians feel isolated in their own Country these days because Islam is promoted and when anyone speak against Islam,they are called Islamophobes..IT Pathetic! this Book Declares that we and the Jews are pigs and Monkeys,,when Muslims denounce the man who wrote those words,then we will respect you perhaps? stop your Hypocrisy and stop Calling for the death of Israel and of the west,even calling for this on the Street of western nations who took you in as refugees and student! I'm fed up of having to suck up to you when you treat us like stupid people and enemies of God!In your own Countries, you treat everyone who don't follow the Quran as infidels,and anyone who refuse to follow you,you put to the sword. in the west you cannot do this yet,but you are trying your best to bring this evil Sharia law to the other Nations too.
45. Because the Koran Inspired them to kill us!
chris ,   wales   (09.09.10)
Because the Koran tells the Mulims to Kill us who refuse to Convert to their barbarism! they are lucky we don't send them packing too and Demand they start respecting Christianity as we respct their religion! I'm fed up with the USA Leaders and the western world Sucking up the an Evil that want to impose it will on everyone else and threaten to Behaed those who Criticize their religion and prophet! When will muslims start accepting or right to free speech in their nations,the same free speech we allow them in ours? Muslims have tried on many occasions to invade the west and only because we stood firm against them we are not today islamic nations too. So this 'holy' book of theirs can all be banned and burned as far as i'm concerned..till muslims start respecting our right in their States,why should we afford them any right to Worship their god in ours? I'm not against Muslims worship their idol god,But please muslims respect our right to build churches in Saudi arabia. the Bible came before the koran and the bible does not call for you or anyone to be killed..GOD Is the Judge and he will judge everyone,not based whether they obeyes the Koran but How they obey God as revealed in the Bible! the Koran never brought any new revelation except take us backward to barbarism and Stonning of women.your Koran calls for the convertion of the Whole world to islam or else we are to be Beheaded..When you take these Instructions out of your Koran we will Respect you a little more. I'm not for burning of the Koran,I'm for banning this Violent Religion which calls for a Jihad against Jews!
46. Confusion
Phil ,   US   (09.09.10)
The focus on the book burning is important. The burning is symbolic of disdain and hatred toward an entire group of people - Muslims - no matter whether those people have done right or wrong. The building is not a mega-mosque, the builders are not "Islamist-Jihadists", and the purpose of the building is not to celebrate the attack of 9/11. Your statements are based on lies, propaganda and confusion. These are not American values.
47. Rivkah #24
Brod ,   USA   (09.09.10)
Show me where it says writing is not allowed .I asked Hashem and he told me he didn't mind so please shut your stupid mouth.
49. #46...we are not confused
chris ,   wales   (09.09.10)
we are against Islam spreading hatred against jews and against those who do not want to follow your prophet who called for the killing of every jew on this planet..we don't call for any deaths and you are Stupid to compare burning of books with burning of people. actually,Your not Stupid,You just want to deceive us islam is some religion of peace,,islam is a Psychosis and the sooner the world realise it the better. How can Muslims follow a book that calls for a Jihad against Everyone who refuse to Follow Muhammad? and how come muslims can follow ia peaceful version if they themselves are called Infidels and apostates,because they don't follow Muhammad's Instructions? seems islam is warpped and you people can't decide what knd of islam is correct,THE VIOLENT Teaching or the Peaceful verses..But we know that without Muhammad,there is no ISLAM..So if Muhammad murdered,so will his Loyal Followrs.. the problem is yours,you have to decide if Islam can be Moderated without Insulting or disobeying muhammad? If you take Muhammad's teaching about Jihad,you end up with a religion that disagrees with it the problem is the Koran and you are the people who are Confused and trying to confuse everyone else that islam is peaceful! Those who reject Muhammadäs teaching on Jihad are not true followers of your Stuck in a religion where the Founder committed genocide,while some muslims want to forget part of his life and teaching..then you have to question if that religion is from God?either you accept all of what Muhammad said or ISLAM falls down Dead! so we are also stuck with this Contradiction! Please speak out against Violent and tell other muslaims to do the same,then if all muslims would do this we could ahve peace. but unfortunately,Muslims who call for Genuine peace with Israel are going against Muhammad's main Message..there you go,It Impossible for islam to Survive without being Loyal to it founder! it your problem and we have to live with it!
50. 47 Brod: Thank you. Rivkah
51. How many times have moslims burned
jason white ,   afula,israel   (09.09.10)
Jewish holy books, including here in Israel. Not to mention destroying Joseph's tomb, taking over the Temple Mount and destroying all the signs of Judaism connected to it. We must stop showing respect to islam while they spit in the faces of other religions. They kill us and scream out the "allah is great". That is their religion. No wonder Churchill call the koran," the mein kampf of bibles".
52. Palestinian salma @2
moragh   (09.09.10)
I don't think so salma. I do believe that the fires are being stoked-up for..... YOU KNOW WHO!
Moragh   (09.09.10)
To Benjamin of Singapore: LOL; LOL; LOL; LOL; LOl.
54. 48 , hearing voices ? Poor guy
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (09.09.10)
No believing Jew will write Shabbat nor Yom Tov . And they know it better than a "rapper" head .
The evil called Islam is coming soon to a cinema near you .Jeez ,German Jews never learn .They think that by playing nice they will be spared,,,..just like seventy years ago .
56. #29, Fluffi, Appeasement towards radical
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (09.09.10)
Islam is Munich 38 revisited...
I believe that you are a total moron.
58. #42, Chris from Wales
Fluffi ,   Germany   (09.09.10)
You only give a *description* of the situation: that Islam is an intolerant religion and Muslims follow the Quran word by word, what leads to problems with the western world, e.g. jihad, refusal of integration, etc. Okay, basically I agree with you. My problem is, that you (and many other talkbackers) never give any *solutions*. You only write that '[...] we have to Confront this Vicious religion before they Confront us' or '[...] the World to stand up to this islamic invasion [...]'. These are empty phrases with no content! What do you mean with 'confront' and 'stand up against'? Burning the Quran? Banning mosques? Banning veils? Isn't that what the Islamic extremists are doing to the Christians and Jews? Do you really want to live in a Christian/Jewish version of Iran or Saudi Arabia? Freedom is so hard to get and so easy to lose.
59. great speech Chris from Wales
Daniela   (09.09.10)
just Great ! thank you
60. #58 ok,,fair enough,I did ofer a solution!
chris ,   wales   (09.10.10)
OK,fair enough! but my Solution I gave it many times.Muslims should Reject the Violent and call on their leaders to stop calling for jihad against us all. that is the Solution my friend. And those Who reject Modration we have to fight them or they will poison everyone and kill us if we don't stand firm! it about calling a spade a spade.if Muhammad was a murderr,why should we expct his followers to be less?problem isn't it?but it their problem and as a Christian,I Condemn any Killing done by anyone using christianity as a Violent tool or what have you..I can point to Jesus and say HE DIDN'T Commit Murder or call for violent,but unfortunately muslims are stuck with Muhammad and we have to pay for this! so the answer is for muslims to condemn the others who use Violent! any christian who use Violent I would call them Apostates and someone who uses Christianity for their own selfish ends..but muslims can't point to their leader and say the same.we can point to JESUS and say,HEY,This is not what the LEADER SAID..So we can see what right and wrong by their Fruits Muhammad called for Jihad and the death of Jews.Jesus called for Peace and forgivness and He never called for the death of his own Jewish people,,that is not Bible! he saw the Future And mentioned His people as restored and that Israel's Kingdom would one day be Restored! muhammad says the opposite,Both can't be right!
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