Who are the Palestinians?
Moshe Dann
Published: 13.09.10, 18:50
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121. To: No. 110
Think about 1944? I don't have to think about it; I lived it every day. My parents are Jewish concentration camp survivors. I have yet to see a single gas chamber or crematorium anywhere else in the world, least of all Israel. And I remind you that while there were no terrorist Jews in Europe, there is no shortage of Palestinian terrorists. Think about that.
122. To: G Hook at No. 116
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (09.15.10)
What choice do we really have? Oh, that's an easy one. We annex Judea and Samaria; the Arab residents will be repatriated to Jordan, whose citizenship they hold, anyway. Israeli Arabs are welcome to stay .... as long as they do not commit acts of terror or treason against the State. Frankly -- they prefer to be Israeli. If the opposite were true, they would have flocked to the Palestine Authority in numbers in order to help build a state. They didn't (unlike Jews throughout the world in 1948). What does that tell you about the potential viability of a Palestinian state? To me, it speaks volumes. Israel is a Jewish state. The ONLY Jewish state in the entire world. That is worth preserving, and if it means deporting or repatriating Arabs .... well, so be it.
123. to113
lili ,   jerusalem   (09.15.10)
why it is so long .. in brief you want to say -- by force israil will continue to exist and the world must help it --- but as you are not sure about your openion you make it so long .....
124. To: No. 123
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (09.15.10)
I'll say it very concisely and in no uncertain terms: 1. You have lost six wars. 2. You have engaged in over sixty years of unrelenting terror. 3. You have rejected three opportunities to have an independent "Palestinian" state, including one which would have given you 90% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a capital. 4. You celebrate events such as the murder of innocent Jews and the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans. 5. Israel -- and the rest of the world -- are sick to death of you and your predilection for violence and terror. 6. You are illegally squatting on Jewish land and you will have to leave. There! Simple enough for even you to understand.
125. # 53-JR,BRILLIANT! Palestine - a land of make believe.
Daniel ,   Germany   (09.15.10)
WELL SAID JR...What You wrote is full of truth and cannot so easily be refuted! Dan
126. #116
Amram ,   Toronto, Canada   (09.17.10)
One solution would be to integrate into Jordan the areas currently occupied mostly by Arabs. The son will get back some of the land his father lost.
127. PLO
rob rivera ,   fort lauderdale, USA   (09.30.10)
Why does this information get out more. This is the truth and can't be denied. There is no such thing as a Palestinian ethnic group. I might as well start a UN charter for the FLO, "Floridian Liberation Organization," Hispanic Jews who want to be liberated from the British/US occupation of Florida. Of Course which boundaries would I use and from which dates? As for that matter maybe the name is wrong for the PLO. Maybe they should be called the Cannonites now that would predate Israel!
128. What about Sephardi/Mizrachi history?
Steve Morris ,   Los Angeles, USA   (01.20.11)
I don't know if Moshe Dann will ever read this, but I have several important suggestions for him to update this column. (1) You neglect the local history of Jews in the Land: through the 18th century at least, Gaza was a watering hole with a majority Jewish population; the synagogue existed there until (?) when the arabs demolished it and used its stone columns to build their grand mosque; through the end of the 19th century, it was possible to see the Hebrew inscriptions on at least one of these columns before that too was erased; these facts may be ascertained by referring to a specific travelogue created by a French (?) non-Jewish traveler; there were Jews living throughout the Land of Israel down through the centuries, locals (because not all were driven out) as well as immigrant Jews who continually made aliyah from Europe as well as from all lands considered to be part of the moslem world. (2) You leave out any mention of the predations of the Jews by the moslems throughout North Africa, Iberia (pre-1492 Spain & Portugal), Iraq, Iran, etc.; this allows our haters to label Zionism as purely a European phenomenon (it is not) and entirely a consequence of the Holocaust (although, interestingly enough, in all other contexts they deny that the Holocaust ever occurred, or that any arab or moslem ever had any role in the Holocaust); it is then part of their propaganda that, since the Jews suffered predations on the part of Germans or other Europeans, and never by any moslems or arabs anywhere, the Jews ipso facto have no right to the Land of Israel, or any part of their artificially-created Palestine, or anywhere else within any part of the "arab world"; they then argue that the Europeans should have created a country for the Jews somewhere in Germany as a quid pro quo for having suffered from a European-generated Holocaust (which, of course, never occured), an event for which the arabs should not have had to pay for in land. (3) You leave out any mention that the Land of Israel, prior to British arrival in 1914, was an Ottoman land and that European Zionists had already begun their side of the Zionist project by dealing with the Ottoman Turks for an official stake in the Land of Israel.
129. Who are the Palenazis?
Brian ,   West Chester, USA   (09.09.11)
Let's start by saying: over 50% of Arab families including those of the 'Palestinians' entered Palestine between 1920 and 1948, even as many Jews were returning. The Arabs came BECAUSE OF the Jews and the new opportunities they opened. Why did they come, and not other Arabs? Studies for 12 years have shown how close the DNA of Jews and Arabs is; apparently the DNA of the 'Pals' is even closer to the Jews' than is that of other Arabs! I don't know about anyone else, but could there also be something in the unconscious of the Arabs that came from their (probably) Jewish ancestors saying, 'time to return home'? As Led Zeppelin once sang, really makes me wonder. Probably this is something no one wants to hear, but shouldn't we avoid unwitting fratricide if we can at all? I personally am in favor of encouraging the Pal Muslims to return to their ancestors' faith and language so they can be full brethren again!
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