Report: US wants borders set in 3 months
Roee Nahmias
Published: 16.09.10, 11:59
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31. There now Hilarious thinks the US owns Israel..Wow>>
James ,   ISRAEL   (09.16.10)
So they think the goose is cooked and are imposing the borders? Who the blazed do they think they are? G*D? Now then Netanyahu just shut the door in their face say your goodbys and come home.For there is nothing to discuss and no extending the freeze.Buld and let the CRANES GO UP BEFORE they get rusty.We have aready given them ample time to please the democratic BUMS who are doing nothing but pushing. That is the last straw.And who cares when news coming from El Wasat ? Throw them all to the lions and let them be devoured.Israel is not going to be sacrificial lamb to please the Saudis (no doubt) Get thee all to hell for the BUILDING will continue Mrs Clonetone..
32. Re #3 "Singer" ILLEGAL?
Andrew Brehm   (09.16.10)
According to which law are they illegal? Don't name it. Quote it!
33. Re #22 NYC
Andrew Brehm   (09.16.10)
I have no issue with your claim. I do insist, however, that like the Zionists did in Israel you will BUY the land you claim in NYC from the current owners. If afterwards your new neighbours attack you, I will support your right to defend yourself. Can I assume that you are the representative of NYC's original owners, the native Americans? If so, your claim to NYC is even more valid in my eyes. Why do you ask?
34. #8 If peace has no borders....
Janice Cohen ,   ירושלים   (09.16.10)
I assume that you'll be satisfied with something less than the '67' demarcations.
35. Who Cares What US Wants?
emanon ,   USA   (09.16.10)
Israel is not a US territory. What is best for Israel is what must come first and this cannot be decided on based on a timetable.
36. #3 Barbara & pre-conditions
BDS   (09.16.10)
Perhaps English isn't your first language, but 'pre-conditions' means conditions which have to be satisfied BEFORE talks start. In this case, talks have already started.
37. #28, #32 Illegal settlements
BDS   (09.16.10)
Fourth Geneva Convention, Article 49. "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."
stude ham   (09.16.10)
in fact, the concept of this report is pure arab propagandic nonsense.
39. Why is it so painful?
David   (09.16.10)
Why is it so painful for Israel to STOP building settlements on disputed lands for the sake of peace talks? This practice is frowned upon by the entire international community and the whole World wants them to stop. Go build in the Negev or Galilee or somewhere else, why can't you do that instead and leave the Palestinians alone in the West Bank?
40. Do you want a one-state or two-state solution?
James   (09.16.10)
What does Israel want--a one-state or a two-state solution? If you want to continue building settlements then you destroy any chance of a two-state solution. That means the only solution will be one-state for both Arabs and Jews with equal rights for all...and all the Palestinian refugees from around the World will be settled in this new bi-national state. The population will be 50/50 Arab-Jew. That is what you will get if you insist on building settlements in the West Bank?
41. #30 zionst forever, very good post.
Janice Cohen ,   ירושלים   (09.16.10)
42. Borders set in three months?
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (09.16.10)
Who cares what the United States wants? The current administration received a really big shock on Tuesday in the primary elections. Forty-eight of the 50 states went red (Republican). Texas and Tennessee were the two exceptions. Obama got his @$$ kicked; really, really hard. Guess what's coming in November, folks!! I can't wait. Hussein Obama is for the trash heap of history. Thank G-d. Let him crawl back to Kenya on his hands and knees. Ocean to cross? Who cares?
43. BDS, the 4th Geneva Convention does not apply
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, USA   (09.16.10)
You quote Article 49 which states, "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies." This Article does not apply, as the territory in question was not under legal sovereign control. It was, in fact, assigned to the British Mandate in 1922 and intended lay the foundation for a Jewish homeland. It was illegally seized by Transjordan in 1948. Thus as a number of international jurists have concluded, Israel has MORE claim to that land than any other party. Apropos, I suspect by your name that you are part of the Boycott-Delegitimize-Sanction movement. That you can only regurgitate the propaganda of that movement is thus hardly surprising.
Jan ,   Houston, USA   (09.16.10)
This is getting to the ridiculous point! Front page news all over the world where concerning one little democracy, Israel, and where she builds her neighborhoods....come on! Is that really anyone's business, and is it really worthy of all this attention? In the meantime, over the past decade, FIVE MILLION people have been killed and more than 200,000 women raped in the war between rebel groups in the CONGO!!! We have 20,000 UN troops there doing nothing. Now that is news! The obsession with Israel and her every move has to stop. Each person who continuously criticizes everything Israel does, must ask himself why? Why do I pick on this wonderfully innovative country who has contributed so much to the world. And if people are honest with themselves (and you know who you are), you will admit it is jealously...pure and simple. Get on with your lives. Concentrate on the countries with the worst human rights ...Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia,, Sudan, Congo....GET THE PICTURE????? All Muslim countries!!!! Can't the Jews be left alone and in peace in their ONE COUNTRY?????
James ,   ISRAEL   (09.16.10)
Israel is our country:Therefore ONE DOES NOT OCCUPY ONE'S COUNTRY. Get that into your confused and thick skull the Arab/Pals have no land to be stollen from.Never had never have. .I would behoove you to learn a bit of the historical narrative before making A AN ASS OF YOURSELF IDIOT!
46. Extension of freeze=PLO state wihout jews
michael   (09.16.10)
47. Set borders
Ezra ,   Florida   (09.16.10)
I have a great suggestion: The palestinian state should be created on the Potomac river, somewhere between Maryland and Virginia. Come to think about it, it is already there and their president is named Hussein Obama.
48. To: No. 39
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (09.16.10)
Since you asked .... Israel has been drawn into six wars that it never wanted, each of them started by the Arabs. Israel has emerged victorious in all six. The Arabs have rejected a two-state solution not once, not twice, but THREE times. The last opportunity, in 2000, would have given them 90% of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as a capital. Arafat (may his name be cursed throughout eternity) rejected it in favor of a Second Intifada. Factor in over sixty years of unrelenting terror that has targeted not just Israel, but Jews in the Diaspora as well. Painful, you say? When is enough enough? When is it too much? How many bites at the apple do you think they deserve? Just for the sake of clarity, permit me to inform you that Judea and Samaria is considered non-sovereign territory. The West Bank was acquired by Israel in the course of fighting a DEFENSIVE war. (I remind you that Jordan attacked Israel in 1967.) International precedent is VERY clear: non-sovereign territory acquired by the victor (Israel) in the course of fighting a defensive war MAY BE RETAINED AND SETTLED, AND EVEN ANNEXED, by the victor. Leave the Palestinians alone, you say? You have that backwards. For over sixty years, they have not left Israel alone. Not once. And -- following six wars and sixty-plus years of Palestinian terror -- you think they deserve some consideration? Oh, I don't think so. How much consideration did the Allies offer the Germans in the aftermath of World War II? How much consideration did the United States offer Japan following World War II? And that was just ONE war. Israel has had to defend itself in SIX. I'm sorry, but the Palestinians are fresh out of chances. It is time for them to take ownership of their mistakes (which have been legion) and accept the consequences of their actions. Why is it so painful for you to understand?
49. To: No. 40
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (09.16.10)
Your premise is seriously flawed. Have you forgotten that the Palestinians rejected a two-state solution in 1947, 1989 and 2000? It would appear that you have forgotten. They are not interested in co-existing with Israel; they WANT Israel for themselves. That is not going to happen. How many more chances do you think they deserve? Factor in six wars (all started by the Arabs and won by Israel) and over sixty years of unrelenting terror against Israel and Jews in the Diaspora before you answer. You are also obviously unaware that in 1950, King Hussein of Jordan extended Jordanian citizenship IRREVOCABLY to all West Bank Arabs AND THEIR PROGENY. Don't worry about the demographics. Israel will annex Judea and Samaria, and repatriate its Arab residents to Jordan -- country of their citizenship. Frankly, we have had enough of them and their violence; the faster we are rid of them, the better.
50. Hilary's fault? Not at all. It's the government's fault AND
Schreiber   (09.16.10)
and the people of Israel's fault. Nobody can redraw a country's borders without the people's consent or outright war. And as far as Hilary is concerned, all she hears is a little grumbling and nothing else. She and Bibi know they can get away with it. So, what are the people of Israel doing in face of this swindle of their land? This is a test of how much you Israelis care about your land. So, what will the answer to this "peace process" going to be from the people of Israel?
51. Doomed to failure once again ...
Lee ,   Manchester UK   (09.16.10)
i am surte the Israelis are sick to the back teeth of these so called 'peace' talks - we aswell as they know all too well they are a failure. All the responsibility is only ever applied to the Israelis while the arabs continue with their jihad. With friends like the US admin Israel needs no enemies. Shame on the leaders of the US and woe to them!
52. #43 All Israeli settlements are illegal
BDS   (09.16.10)
The UN, the International Court of Justice, and every state in the world, including the US, have said that these settlements are illegal. The British FM repeated this only yesterday in the UK parliament. Yet you have the cheek to claim that I am regurgitating propaganda! Even the Israeli Supreme Court admits "belligerent occupancy". Oh, you got the BDS bit right. How extremely perceptive of you to have decoded that!
53. #37; BDS, It does not apply
Mark from Gerogia ,   USA   (09.16.10)
Besides what post #43 Raymond has to say, there is also the original intent of Article 49, and why it doesn't apply. "International humanitarian law prohibits the forcible transfer of segments of the population of a state to the territory of another state which it has occupied as a result of the resort to armed force. This principle, which is reflected in Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, was drafted immediately following the Second World War. As International Red Cross' authoritative commentary to the Convention confirms, the principle was intended to protect the local population from displacement, including endangering its separate existence as a race, as occurred with respect to the forced population transfers in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary before and during the war. This is clearly not the case with regard to the West Bank and Gaza." So the people that moved to the settlements do so voluntarily and did not displace the local population in doing so. Put simply, it just does not apply in any way, shape, or form. But like I said in my earlier post, people just repeat the official sounding legal crap, and think because they have heard so often that it's true. But it isn't settled law. For more on this subject see here:
54. To @40 What the hell does it have to do with you? >>
JAMES ,   ISRAEL   (09.16.10)
Noticed no sirname or country of residence as usually.Talking from the back of your head not knowing how things work in Israel. I hope my original post comes out where I put you in the picture of the whole events to an ignorant bufffoon lik you asking or is it advocating whether it should or one or two state or whatever.Well chum THERE IS ONLY ONE STATE THAT BELONGS SOLELY TO JEWS.AND MOST CERTAINLY ZILCH TO ARABS. Hving said this much the rest ofmy original post put you in the picture YOU ARE UNAWARE of and ignorant to boot.. A pathethic question that in reality should be ignored forthwith anyway. But when some people come up with such idiotic remarks asking silly questions one is bound to reply irrespectively. Now buzz off you are embarrasing yourself.
55. I don't understand most talkbacks here???
Sam   (09.16.10)
What is so wrong in asking to set up borders? agter that is decided everybody can build as their heart desires.
56. 42 sara b. you seem a bit delusional.
Greg   (09.16.10)
Israel is the biggest recipient of US aid, and during Obama time actually is reaching new hights. Israel leaders are fully aware that Israel exsistence is largly dependent on this aid. Why don't you just take those blue pills, and hopefully with the new year you find some peace to that pained and sick soul of yours.
57. God has already set the Borders,and has Warned the NATIONS N
chris ,   wales   (09.16.10)
God has already set the Borders and has warned anyone who Divides Israel will be Punished. This is Evidence we are living close to the time of the End!!! WAKE UP EVERYONE And Seek the Lord.. Joel 3:1 "In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel,for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land. 12 "Let the nations be roused;let them advance into the Valley of Jehoshaphat,for there I will sit to judge all the nations on every side. 14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. 15 The sun and moon will be darkened, and the stars no longer shine.16 The LORD will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the sky will tremble. But the LORD will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel. Zech 12: 2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. 3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. 9 And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. Isaiah27: 6He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit. Jer 31:8 See, I will bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the ends of the earth. Among them will be the blind and the lame, expectant mothers and women in labor; a great throng will return. 9 They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back. I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am Israel's father,and Ephraim is my firstborn son. 10 "Hear the word of the LORD, O nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands:(AMERICA&UK) 'He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.'
58. Hey Ynet My reply to @40?The original one .Put it OUT
JAMES ,   ISRAEL   (09.16.10)
59. Excellent offer by Cloneton? How so you know the>.
Stephen ,   Albany/USA   (09.16.10)
Firstly to that headline of yours Isay: Balderdash! Hilary can ask but she will not get what she deems is her pleasure.She is not in any position to dictate terms to a sovereign country.Israel is neither Afghanistan,or Pakistan,or Iraq. Where our troops are still stuck in both countries where terrorism still reigns. Let Hilary and her cohorts deal with the more urgent problem on the home front,plus the aforementioned coubtries before pestering tiny Israel who has to deal with the Arab enemies without gettin pressured by its friend America. I live there and know how the economy is in tatters,unemployment rampant,and all it pertains.Methinks we Americans tend to meddle in too many countries receiving the wrath by tOUR behavior.No wonder we are SO disliked. But to neglect the important issues using Israel as "prop" will bring nothing but more disaster not only to the US..but by association to Israel. Enough said. p/s Translating "bela" ..means "trouble" Stop it before you get a BIG BELA
60. #19
David Thomson ,   Scotland   (09.16.10)
Sorry Yehudi but God has been superceded by the International Court of Justice .Iam afraid that your bible cant be submitted as evidence for the forthcoming discussion on borders.
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