West Bank shooting victim gives birth to son
Ynet reporters
Published: 26.09.10, 22:25
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. the settlers
sas ,   israel   (09.27.10)
are the cancer to our society. the tumor needs to be removed and then the peace proess can heal. with them around there will ony be another war.
32. #26 Lucky to be alive
Cynthia ,   USA   (09.27.10)
In spite of Fatah sending their goons to murder this newborn baby and his parents. Pregnant Palestinian mothers travel to Israel to give birth because Palestinian leaders don't build local, accessible hospitals for them. They prefer to fund terror and let their women risk traveling the distance to Israel. Complain to your leadership Salma and be glad Israeli medical treatment is available. This shooting incident illustrates why checkpoints are necessary.
33. at no 3
David ,   Haifa, Israel   (09.27.10)
booo hooooo whaaaa whaaaa. NO NO NO!!! WE WANT MORE!!!! The refugees national anthem. go post on anti semitic and german owned haaretz. we do not not need bigoted anti semites like you here distorting the facts. that fisherman tried to run the blockade... we are at war and he could have been a thug. he got shot.
34. one man
kenneth widmerpool ,   Bath UK   (09.27.10)
One man in a small boat and the IDF had no other way of stopping him short of shooting ? He "could have been a thug". So, rather than take the risk he was shot.
35. # 32 Cynthia ,I Can't Blame You !
Salma ,   Palestine   (09.27.10)
If a majority of "Israelis" don't know the reality of the situation in the West Bank, how much more for who live in America?! "Israeli" checkpoints does not separate between the Palestinian West Bank and "Israel", but between Palestinian towns and villages, I mean not necessarily that a woman Palestinian pregnant to go to an "Israeli" hospital in order to force to give birth at the checkpoint! knowing that the majority of Palestinian women giving birth in Palestinian hospitals!
36. #5, Matty, this was tried already..
Ted ,   UK   (09.27.10)
During the approx. 20 years between 48 and 67 Israelis lived within their own"recognized" borders (actually on cease-fire recognition BTW) but what happened? alomost daily attackes by armed rab gangs bothe from Gaza and the West bank (especially in the 50s). So your idea of Israelis live in peace if they return to the previous borders didn't stand the test of times. Stop being naive, the palestinians (which don't desrve this name anyway) and Israeli neighbours don't want Israel as an entity in the middle east period. So, Israel is in the west bank ONLY because a "survival" type of war was imposed by her nieighbours in 67. maybbe you in fairmont don't understand the meaning of "strategic depth", but that is exactly what the west bank is serving to Israel. have you ever lived in a place where 7 miles is all what separates between your enemy and the sea? In real peace situation there should not be a problem for jews to live in the west bank, just as arabs can and are livivng today in Israel. Are the palestinians ready for this??
37. #10 the Truth
It is written in the Koran that the land of Israel was given to the Jews. Do you doubt the Truth?
38. strangely hypocritical
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (09.27.10)
A single man in a boat in a forbidden area is suspect because fishermen always fish in groups: it is hard to lift the nets and stay awake when you are alone. But contrast the IDF to the UK forces in Afghanistan. Nobody knows why you are occupying Afghanistan unless it is to quench some sick thirst for death. Afghans never attacked or threatened the UK and are fighting you with rifles while you bomb their children and families with helicopters and UAVs. And recently we read (thanks to Wikileaks) how UK soldiers shoot school buses full of children for no apparent reason. You don't think it is strangely hypocritical that you post here?
39. #7: Re. 'Palestinian' Cowards...Did you hear about...
Did you hear about Tali Hatuka and her five young children, shot dead in their car...for being Jewish. Did you hear about eight year old Kobi Mandel, stoned and beaten to death in a cave while playing with friends...for being Jewish. Did you hear about Nava Appelbaum, a young bride to be? Killed by a homocide bomber in Sbarro Pizza the day before her wedding...for being Jewish. Did you hear about her father? He is the tzaddik who created Terem, you know, the clinics that have save lives, both Arab and Jewish...Did you hear about Yaniv Ben Shalom, his beloved wife and brother in law who were shot dead while driving home after Shabbat, I believe also...for being Jewish. DON'T TELL ME ABOUT COWARDS. THE ARABS GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO TARGET THE INNOCENT. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO INVENTED THE NOTION OF TERRORISM FOR THAT VERY PURPOSE. HOW DARE YOU TRY TO PUT THEM IN THE VICTIMS' CHAIR. I WILL NOT HAVE IT. TOO MUCH BLOOD ON THEIR FILTHY HANDS.
40. #33/David: I think you meant @#7.
it seems that you agree with #3 and disagree with #7. just wanted to clarify that. have a nice day.
42. To all liberals
albert ,   jerusalem   (09.27.10)
Try this exercise: Exchange all the names of the places and the people involved from Arabic to German. What do you get? (add Yiddish accent for extra effect) You get Ghetto Jews saying: 1.why do you live there? it's antagonizing the anti-semites. 2. why can't you avoid trouble? you're making it bad for all of us! 3. Why do my children have to suffer because you're a trouble maker? 4. They only want us to do "__________" and then they'll leave us alone! 5. Listen to the world! We can't fight everyone! 6. We have to wait for Moshiach! (Ghetto talk for, we can't fight the whole world)
43. #35 I do understand, Salma
Cynthia ,   USA   (09.28.10)
Permanent and temporary checkpoints serve to prevent Palestinian terrorists from carrying out terror attacks against Israelis. There have even been incidents of terrorists masquerading as pregnant women and in various other disguises for terror purposes. Your leadership believes the Palestinian terror industry is more important than whether Palestinians are inconvenienced. So get used to it Salma. The checkpoints, border crossings and security fence are mandated by Palestinian behavior.
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