Senators ask Obama to pressure Abbas to continue talks
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 28.09.10, 01:22
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7 Talkbacks for this article
1. "special bond" of a leech
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (09.28.10)
...sucking as much out of the United States as they can while giving nothing in return but 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, and maybe a future war with Iran.
2. Of Course Bib got AIPAC busy, say what you want
Sam   (09.28.10)
the guy is a master, paying the Americans like a fine violin.
3. US Should Pull a Bush
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (09.28.10)
The US should use its influence over the international banking system and at the UN to halt all aid to the PA. No aid, no trade. And not a dime of transfer from the US, UN EU or anybody else. An exception should be made for Israel, if Israel wants to keep any Palestinian government functioning or any PA security forces operating. And not a dime to the PA unless and until a peace treaty is signed and ratified. Israel cannot have peace without Palestine. Palestine will never exist unless Israel has a vested and monetary interest in its creation. The US can continue its aid for military purposes, but only to Israel. If Israel wants Iran to fund the PA, that is Israel's decision. It is fairly certain the US can convince the Saudis and Russians and EU to cut off the PA since two states is becoming impossible without negotiations.
4. senators
ed ,   reno, america   (09.28.10)
these senators that have praised obama for his hypocritical confirmation of the united states relationship and support of Israel might want to open thier eyes and what they will see is that obama has no love for Israel and no love for america. he would rather bow to islamic demands. what i have seen and heard from this man is that if a choice comes between Judism, Christianity and islam he will bow to the false god allah every time and in the same breath claim he is christian. he talks big and bold but the truth is not in him!
5. Abbas has been looking for an excuse to end talks
zionist forever   (09.28.10)
Abbas was dragged to these talks kicking and screaming because he wanted to play hard to get Bibi give him everything he demands in advance then he will come talk. The fact he has now been given an excuse to pull out of talks delights him and he can blame it all on Bibi. What happens next depends on Obama and Abbas. His Obama going to try and topple Bibi again and then behind the scenes try get Livni elected because he knows that when he says jump she will say how high. If he is not going to try topple Bibi then he and Abbas are going to have to turn a blind eye if construction is kept discreet and only in the settlement blocks. There is no way Bibi can extend this freeze and survive. If he extends the freeze he looses the religious and nationalists. If he replaces them with Livni then he will become the junior partner in a left wing government made up of Kadima, Labour and the more left wing elements of Likud and Bibi won't be able to pass any right wing polices. Obama needs to accept whilst Abbas can do what the hell he likes Bibi has been elected democratically and he needs the backing of a coalition whilst Abbas & Obama do not.
6. no.3
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (09.28.10)
Hear hear and so say all of us good stuff Mark ,but the leftist looneys like spending other folks taxes on bull- no wonder the American economy is in such bad shape ,it,s time to stop propping up Muslim despots ,the likes of the Pashtun warlord in Kabul,the Urdu clown in Islamabad ,the Shiite turncoat in Baghdad,the father and son farce in Cairo ,the Salafi/Wahabi moarch in Arabia etc. inshallah ?
7. Peace not allowed by the Koran
Liberte ,   Jewish Homeland   (09.28.10)
The Koran does not allow the Arabs to make peace - so the whole excercise was doomed from the start. Abbas was dragged by the nose to the talks and has looked for a way out from day 1. Even his Prime Minister backed down from the agreed 'Two States for Two People' - lucky Netanyahu didn't back out at that point.
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