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Secular public's demographic nightmare
Einat Fishbein
Published: 31.10.10, 10:40
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71 Talkbacks for this article
61. Secular Israeli State
James Brocklin ,   LA   (11.01.10)
There already is a secular Israeli state; it's called California. But if we'd clamor against them like you clamor against religious Jews, we'd be called anti-Israeli and anti-Semites.
62. 55 Joe - why are you wallowing away in the Diaspora?
Sadie Mae Gold ,   Atlanta, Georgia   (11.01.10)
Why isn't a proud haredi hating Jew like yourself not leading the battle in Israel? Enough armchair quarterbacking. We need you here!
63. To6jason
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.01.10)
Have children to starve because their parents were not at the IDF?GREAT! What hurts me most,is that your article has the most clicks.
64. To 60 Stephanie
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.01.10)
How can you say, it is nonsense,for people who think they have something in common with the chimpanzee,to be happy to learn ,that instead Adam,it is the Ape their ancester?
65. Oh, WOW!
Chana ,   USA   (11.01.10)
You mean a supposedly Jewish state will FINALLY be dominated by GENUINELY JEWISH Jews? What a travesty! What a shanda! (eyeroll)
66. Thank goodness there are Jews having babies!
Am Yisrael Chai ,   Texas USA   (11.02.10)
I am in favor of any Jews having babies as long as they stay Jewish and marry Jewish. Having Jewish babies in Israel is even better yet. Hey, if the chiloni are worried let them have more babies. Having more Jewish babies is a matter of national security. It should be supported through the national defense budget.
67. Misinformed fearmongering
All right. Here goes. 1. The secular population is not shrinking. The proportion is shrinking because of the tiny birth rate the secular population has as compared to the Haredi population. If the Haredi and Dati birth rates drop even further than they are now, the country will become arab rather than arab and haredi like the article describes. 2. The Dati population seems to have been lumped with the Haredi in the article to give you the 20% current figure. This is a huge error, since the Dati are religious enough to keep Halachah but tend to become doctors and engineers and businessmen. Go to the computer science department in Brooklyn College and you'll see what I mean. This doesn't change for Israelis. And from what I last heard, they're at least half of the 20% if not more (I get this figure from research when I was taking the culture core in Hebrew University). 3. These statistics may or may not be considering the fact that the Haredi usually lose a lot of kids to secularism as they grow up. Nobody talks about it much in the Haredi community after it happens so there's no keeping track of how many they're losing. 4. The unemployment rate in Israel is worse than here. If doctors and engineers are needed and lawyers aren't, and the Haredi community gets large enough to not be supported in their learning all day by donations or their small businesses, they will become doctors and engineers. They are not stupid. 5. The suggestion that they don't learn math and science is absurd. I went to a Haredi school from first to fifth grade and while I agree that it was intolerant and emphasized hebrew and seclusion, it taught math and science very well. English I can't comment on. But it is necessary to take the Psichometry to be admitted into any college. 6. The bikinis and nightclubs and bacon are concentrated on the coast of Israel. The Haredi communities are growing in neighborhoods and sects in Jerusalem and the North. There is no way they'll take Haifa or Tel Aviv or Eilat before hundreds of years pass. They'd settle in unpopulated areas and near Arab rockets before they'll raise kids by the coast next to all the hedonism. In short, I don't see any nightmare. Just a fear of the religious and the world's incorrect perception of religion being equivalent to backwards. The real nightmare is if the secular population isn't growing enough and the proposed child support cuts make the religious not grow either (Rabbis allow birth control if kids will create severe money problems in the family), the Jewish state will become Arab. I guess the secular don't mind that.
68. Israel & Haredi + secular.
kevin j.lee ,   Glasgow/UK   (11.05.10)
Israel! first and foremost,is a Jewish-state,meaning all Jews,no matter vallidity,and all other bodies who are Israei citizens.This fear of religeon is ridiculous,if your secular you should respect a religous person and vice-versa.May Israel always accommadate all of her citizens giving the right to practice or not to,and it would not be in keeping with the Torah=G-d to dictate,and not allow freedom to interpret. Let me ask a question,on shabbos one rests from work! if you dont work what should you rest from.
69. @Al
ajew ,   Europe   (01.24.11)
@Al: Really? Thanks. But don't expect us to send any more money. Git.
70. @Leah Amdur -45.
ajew ,   Europe   (01.24.11)
@45 - Leah Amdur: So why get out of bed?
71. # 1 Darwin
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (01.25.11)
Yoni ! No matter how hard you try to discard Darwin,the monkey is present in every human,like it or not,evolution is not a theory but a fact,Darwin was a very religious man,and became depressed, because of what he discovered,and kept it a secret for 20 years,he published the Origin of Species, only when he found out that another researcher,who came to the same conclusion is about to publish his finding, well,one should not be ashamed with his-her yichus,you may answer me:speak for yoursef.
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