Obama still wants peace
Orly Azoulay
Published: 05.11.10, 00:45
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1. Obama still committed to destroying Israel
RB ,   USA   (11.05.10)
Stay strong, Israelis, and hopefully this nightmare will end in 2013.
2. Gerstein's data is suspect
Joshua ,   Pittsburgh, PA USA   (11.05.10)
Gerstein has a known conflict of interest with first being a co-founder of JStreet, then still residing on its board. Thus, he has a vested interest in seeing that the polls look good for JStreet and bad for everyone else. Either way, that's at least a 12-point swing since the 2008 election. And last I checked, the Jewish vote is not that prone to swings. That the polling data this time followed the general swing is important to note. More important to note, also, is looking at specific candidates. For example, I voted absentee for Alex Sink and Charlie Crist, neither of which had Israel a factor in their races. More important to look at Sestak vs. Toomey, which, depending on whether you trust Gerstein or the RJC's poll, shows either 71% or 61% support for Sestak among Jews. If the 61% number is believed, then it must be assumed that the "Gaza 54" letter had an impact in splitting off a significant amount of the Jewish vote. And two important things are missing from the Gerstein poll: general approval ratting of Obama and approval of Obama's handling of the Middle East peace process. The most recent poll numbers I saw of those came from the AJC, and they were damning. So, it could be possible that we like our Democratic representatives, but not really like what Obama is doing. Has JStreet figured that out? If not, then they must have some real airheads running that show. As it is, they already have quite a few funding it.
3. Ultimatum: 60 day freeze to draw borders
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (11.05.10)
...or Obama will draw them for you.
4. Is this the Voice of Jstreet-Soros?
Thomas ,   Dixieland USA   (11.05.10)
Interesting to note that these Leftist opinion pieces attribute a magic, Pharaonic qualities to this Kenyan Messiah. All by himself will teach the Jews a lesson! He is the reincarnation of Amun Ra, he is The One who just ignore the prevailing sentiment in the US and singlehandedly will put these disobedient , pesky Jews to their proper place. Only one day passed since the majority of Americans invalidated all his policy - including his Islamist sympathies - yet some Jews, like this author Stalinesque worship of the Kenyan Messiah as strong as ever. Astonishing fanaticism.
5. Most Americans will be happy to hear Israel say "NO".
Chaim ,   Israel   (11.05.10)
Obama wants "peace", if we define it as rendering Israel defenseless with an 8 mile waist and inundating Israel with rockets and hostile Arabs. What Obama always wants is to gratify his egomania. As the midterm elections prove, most Americans now know what he's all about and they reject him wholeheartedly. Israel must officially say "NO" to Obama loud and clear. Most of America will be happy to hear us do so.
6. Sound article
Gregory ,   Montreal,Canada   (11.05.10)
Thank you Orly. Barrack Obama's policy should stay on track. It is the the only way forward that the silent majority accepts. PA should recognize Israel. Israel should stop the building of settlements. Israel should return to its pre-1967 borders. Israel should stop its mumbo-jumbo about its G-d given rights to settle in lands that belong to Palestinians. We are sick of it.
7. and US citizens and congressmen will
Edward ,   New York USA   (11.05.10)
redouble their pressure on Obama! He's a lame duct and will be gone in two years.
8. full of false assumptions
tom ,   toronto, canada   (11.05.10)
obama is not israel's last chance for peace. he isn't even pushing for peace, as we would call it, but for an imposed settlement of his won devising, which is based neither on international law, nor on historical rights. he is trying to concoct an agreement, without any realistic foundation, that will vanish like the wind, once the palestinians feel that they have extracted the maximum concessions from israel, and they launch their next wave of attempted genocide. the author alludes to some great american military support - like what? delivering the bunker busters that his administration blocked? or the second-rate f-35s instead of the f-22s that israel wants? or the promise of american troops to defend israel, until his arab friends demand that they leave? in the meantime, obama's foreign policy, so full of false hope and fantasy, has failed to disarm north korea or iran, and it is only by sheer dumb luck that pakistan's nukes are not (yet) in the hands of al-qaeda. like carter and clinton, obama will have his photo-ops, and then wash his hands of the middle east, leaving zahal to clean up the mess. after all, he already has his nobel peace prize....
9. You ought to be ashame, Orly!
Israeli 2   (11.05.10)
Your previous articles were bombastic and arrogant about how Israel better be listening to Obama or else. Today, we have proven to you how wrong you are. Obama is more than weak. He may be removed before his first term, but you, ever so obstinate in your determination to have Israel succumb even to losers is beyond me. Why is that Orly? What don't you like about Israel? I must admit, though...the Palestinians, Obama, leftists and even your article are still raising your voices but not as roaring lions this time but rather as squeeking mice.
10. Obama is like Romania...
Greg ,   Boston, USA   (11.05.10)
harmless enemy and dangerous ally. He certainly made your ( and other US allies) life more difficult over the last two years; did he move even a small hill for your sake? At least for the last couple years of his term he will be kept in check by Republican House. Hopefully Bibi is smart enough to work with pro-Israel Congress in order to minimize Obama's damage to your country.
11. Defeatist do you want us to live in a tiny Ghetto
Arik ,   Givat yearim   (11.05.10)
Fed up with all the Jews willing to give up our homeland for nothing. There will be no peace but more war, a terrorist islamic state, etc... You are weak, you want us to die to please an American president who hates us.
12. Obama wants a legacy, NOT a just peace.
Stewart ,   U.S.A.   (11.05.10)
Just hold your breath, and this arogant elitist will be gone. Funny how those that do not support Israel or at least lend a fair, legitimate support for Israel seem to end up on the dung heap of history over time.
13. We had enough
Alexander ,   NJ, USA   (11.05.10)
I'm an independent voter, I vote for whoever I think is best for the job, this election season I voted straight Republican. The American left has sunk this country lower than we thought possible. The corruption from the bail out package is ridiculous, basically a blank check for wall street at the expense of Americans. I can't believe I voted this schmuck into office. You know what the difference between a wicked man and a righteous man is? A righteous man figures out his wickedness and changes his ways to good, a wicked man figures out his righteousness and never changes his wickedness. Obama seems to have figured out his righteousness all too well. I only hope either the Dem's realize they need a new candidate or the Republicans can produce someone more suitable for the job. Also I think you might be right about him being hostile toward Israel. He is an extreme leftist at heart and since he will not change his stance I think he's a wicked man. Obama hasn't learned how to compromise which is what he shares in common with Abbas. The peace talks will not succeed under this administration.
14. Tell him to retreat to 1860 borders & give the south to the
B.E. ,   Whangarei, N.Z.   (11.05.10)
Rednecks, and then you'll give Judea & Samaria to a Palistinian state.
15. peace
colin   (11.05.10)
The islamic president of america NEVER WANTED peace His anti israel, anti-semetic what were seen from the outset of his entrance into the president seat.He needs to distroy Israel and build a terrorist state like gaza to allow terrorists,murderers and crimonal thrown out of the arab states, and to stop the jews sayings that these filthy rubbish go back to Jordon,Egypt,Saudi etc.
16. #5 Yes, yes, yes. We say no with you to Obuma.
Bernie ,   Erehwon, USA   (11.05.10)
17. Peace???
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (11.05.10)
What is this Muslim appeaser talking about? There is no such thing as "peace" in Islam - especially not between followers of the Great Desert Demon and the so called "infidels". The most is a "hudna", i.e., a temporary armistice that the Muslims use for re-arming. If they are again strong enough (or at least think they are), they start the next war. For Jews (just as for Christians), there are exactly three options in Islam: 1. convert to Islam; 2. live as rightless "Dhimmis"; 3. get killed. That's it.
18. Obama appears committed to a losing strategy
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (11.05.10)
Why a 60 day freeze? What magic is going to happen during or after that? Nothing. The Palestinians had a 10 month freeze and for 9 months refused to come to the negotiating table. Why? Because they couldn't negotiate or sign a peace treaty if they wanted to. Remember? Hamas is the "democratically elected government of the Palestinians" - or at least that's what people have been saying. Does Hamas want peace with Israel? No. Will Hamas negotiate a peace treaty? No. Will Abbas sign a peace treaty for the west bank only and not Gaza? No. So the 60 day freeze means nothing. It's an inverse-salami tactic of building a de facto freeze by increments. Ain't gonna work. Dead end. The Pals have to negotiate for the sake of arriving at a deal for peace. Conditions are set in the negotiations and THEN implemented on the ground. Otherwise, of course, I'm willing to exchange a total construction freeze for a total freeze on Palestinian violence (no bullets, rockets, rocks or molotov cocktails). However, the Pals are not interested.
19. Israel and Jews, within and without it, are eager for peace,
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.05.10)
one that is based on concepts pronounced by UN Security Council Resolution 242: Peace in which Israel withdraw its armed forces to SECURE AND RECOGNIZED BOUNDARIES. Does Mr. Barakah Hussein Obama care about Israel's SECURITY? I am not convinced, and so are many if not most Jews within and without the nation-state of the Jewish people, Israel!
20. Polls
Rod ,   Fargo N.Dakota   (11.05.10)
Jim Gerstein has a long history of a leftist progressive pollster as well as the pollster for Jstreet.The reporter would have done well to check Arthur Finkelstein's polling for the Republicans.You don't report on one side.
21. Just Say "No"
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (11.05.10)
Reading the posts, just tell Netanyahu to say "no." Then the US can move on to other things like getting out of the rest of the Middle East and South Asia. The, as Ron Paul says, "we won't be a target because we aren't there." And after next week when the US is faced with the budget and the cancellation of weapons systems and withdrawal from all over the world and cutting benefits for the elderly and poor, and almost all foreign aid, you'll be able to do what ever you want to anybody. Obama will be busy cleaning up the fiscal bloodbath in the US. That will be his full time job. he won't have time to worry about a conflict where neither side wants US help to resolve issues. The charade of a "peace process" can go on the road to Europe and China. Have to wonder if the F-35 will be canceled. But we probably have to mothball about a third of the US Navy, too. And no more new toys for the Air Force either. You can call if you change your minds and can talk the Palestinians into changing theirs. The White House can handle a two party call, if it is made jointly.
22. Does the Left realize that
Adam   (11.05.10)
Israel has to make a peace deal with the Palestinians, and not themselves, the US, the UN, the EU, etc? That's how you can tell Leftist peace plans are a joke—they completely ignore what the Palestinians must do.
23. :: Brian - #18
Matty Groves ,   Fairport   (11.05.10)
Brian why are you acting like a Ynut and ignoring obvious facts to promote your stance that the ‘the peace talks will not work’? You have been told before that only the PLO represents the Palestinian People and only the PLO can sign a Peace Treaty with Israel. You have been told before that Hamas is not part of the PLO and *cannot* sign a Peace Treaty on behalf of the Palestinian People. You have also been told before that Hamas has publicly stated that it will accept the will of the Palestinian People if it was put to a referendum. The three points above can easily be verified as true if you spent 10 minutes Googling yet you keep repeating your misleading disinformation which is clearly divorced from reality, why is that? Have you even realized how illogical your claims are? For example: “Will Hamas negotiate a peace treaty? No”. How on earth can Hamas ‘negotiate a peace treaty’ if Israel will not recognize Hamas and if Hamas is excluded from the Peace Talks?! Regardless it is irrelevant if Hamas wants peace with Israel or not as it is only the PLO that can agree a peace with Israel on behalf of the Palestinian People. To make peace conditional on Hamas agreeing to a peace is like making peace conditional on the Yesha Council/illegal settlers agreeing to a peace treaty. Actually yes. Abbas is a member of the PLO and has the authority to sign a peace treaty on behalf of all Palestinian in the WB, Gaza and those in diaspora. Well that is kind of you however you seem to be overlooking the ongoing settler violence. It has been reported that there have been over 270 incidences of settler violence between Aug and Oct this year. I highly doubt you could ever show me 270 incidences of Palestinian violence between the same time period so I won’t ask you to disprove that settlers have been engaged in more acts of violence than the Palestinians I will however ask whether you think that, in the interests of peace, these settlers should stop their rampant attacks on innocent Palestinians?
24. To: No. 23
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.05.10)
"You have been told before that only the PLO represents the Palestinian People and only the PLO can sign a Peace Treaty with Israel." For your information, the PLO is an umbrella organization which includes many of the most virulent "Palestinian" hardline terrorist groups whose charters call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish people. It is not a single, identifiable entity, but rather comprised of some 28 to 30 very, very different organizations who spend nearly as much time squabbling amongst themselves as they do engaging in vile acts of terror against Jews, both in Israel and in the Diaspora. The rest of your post is more of your usual ad hominem nonsense; e.g., "Hamas negotiate a peace treaty" ..... How can Israel "negotiate" a peace treaty with an entity that calls for its destruction? For that matter, how can Israel "negotiate" with any entity that refuses to recognize its right to exist?
25. To: No. 21
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.05.10)
Isolationism? Do you really think, in this day and age, that the United States will do that? Not likely, but I do realize that you aren't quite clever enough to recognize that the last thing on earth the U.S. will do is retreat to an isolationist policy. My goodness, even China came out of its cultural revolution coccoon! Why not explain to the Saudis and the rest of the Sunni states in the region why you are closing the U.S. bases in the region? How do you propose to explain to the American electorate why you have decided to abandon the hunt for Osama bin Laden? For that matter, how do you propose to explain that it is in the United States' best interests to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Waziristan and allow the Taliban and Al Qaeda to take over, and likely acquire Pakistan's nuclear arsenal? You do realize, I trust, despite your abundant limitations, that the United States is even more of a target for Al Qaeda than Israel. Don't you? Surely not even you are so stupid as to not realize this. Israel doesn't need the United States armed forces for anything. Israel is a nuclear power, with a great many warheads and the capacity to deliver them. It is not Israel that the U.S. is protecting in the region; it's just about everybody else. Israel has your back, though; never fear. We'll probably have to go it alone against Iran to neutralize the threat of the mess the U.S. has managed to make of Iraq. (Nothing we haven't done before; clean up an American mess. We've gotten pretty good at it, actually.) While you're doing all your explaining, care to tell me how you propose to inform the South Koreans that the United States is closing its bases there, and removing its naval presence from the region? For that matter, please explain how you propose to inform the Japanese that the United States is leaving the region? Oh dear -- however will you tell the Aussies and the Kiwis? You are such a fool. Were your parents related?
26. #6 a brief moment in history
Alexander ,   NJ, USA   (11.05.10)
The territories of Judea, Samaria and Gaza were recaptured after the 6 day war which happened due to Arab aggression. As the victor Israel has the legal right to the land more so than the prior occupiers (Arabs). Also it is the land of our forefathers, where my great great great grandfathers lived long before any Arabs came and built their homes on top of ours. You can't simply ignore over 1,200 years of Jewish sovereignty on the land not to mention over 3000 years of Jewish presence on the land. Israel has rights to this land historically and legally. If you want to bring G-d into it then the Quran Bible and Torah all verify that Israel is indeed the historic home of the Jews. Also the main stream media would have us believe that peace with the Palestinians would solve all the worlds problems, conveniently ignoring Arab rejection-ism which is the root of the entire conflict. Even if Israel were to make some kind of state for the Arabs that reject her in it's own territory it would not create peace for the region since all the other Arabs and Muslims still reject Israel's right to exist. If you visit the tourism ministry websites of the countries that neighbor Israel and look at their maps of the middle east many of them either have a complete blank for Israel or like Jordan (supposedly it's closest Arab ally) list ALL of Israel as the occupied Palestinian territories. The problem is not should we make peace, but who's peace should we make. When you hear terms like "free Palestine" they are not just talking about Judea, Samaria, and Gaza they are referring to all of Israel. This is contrary to peace because it is really asking for the destruction of Israel under the guise of peace. One of the challenges to peace negotiations is that historically speaking there has never been a nation called Palestine, this is a name give to a territory after the Romans defeated the Jews during the Great Revolt. The Palestinians are just making demands and are not interested in actually negotiating to establish for the first time ever a state of their own. They have had multiple opportunities to create a state for themselves for many years like the 1948 two state solution of the UN. Instead they have opted for war and terrorism or intifada. Today we have documents from the PA showing that Arafat had secretly ordered Hamas to carry out terror attacks on Israel during the Oslo peace accord. Peace can be achieved, but it shouldn't be done so at the expense of sabotaging Israeli's right to exist or it's right to the land.
27. Sarah B - Ask the Tea Baggers
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (11.05.10)
How much the isolationism becomes will be up to people like Rand and Ron Paul. They, and in Particular, Rand, have the power to put the US into default - all be himself, without asking anybody. He can explain maybe. But does not take questions except from Fox News. When you take a trillion dollars out of the US government current annual spending, hard choices have to be made. Abandoning the world is their philosophy and they were elected. As for informing those in Asia and new Zealand, the State Department will have to do that. The Japanese will be happy, and South Korea will not. Chine will have mixed reactions, probably since at least $2 trillion is owed to them alone. I'm not talking about my desire to abandon South Asia. Reality intrudes. We have no money. So Pakistan will be on its own dealing with al Qaida. Yea, we will have to give up on bin Laden. The voters elected people with no interest in the costs of government except to say they are too high. And they fear the reaction if all the pensions and health care for the elderly are cut off. That puts every other government expenditure on the table for massive cuts - back to pre WWII levels of government and maybe even earlier. That is what and who was elected. That is what they ran to accomplish. And they do have the power as of January 4. Boehner and Cantor may think they will be in charge. But that is only in the US house. In the Senate, one single Senator can stop and end all government as it is known. That is what Rand Paul was elected to do. And he is still promising to do it. And he does not give a rats petoot about your opinion or mine. The rest of the US and the rest of the world has to adapt to his new reality.
28. Sarah B - Careful what You Wish For
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (11.05.10)
You wanted Obama thwarted. The elections last Tuesday guarantee that. Google Rand Paul, Senator-elect from Kentucky. Read his plans. He will have the power as a single Senator to bring a complete halt to all government of, for, and in the USA at the federal level. Then Google Mark Kirk, Senator-elect from Illinois. Look at the promises he made to China about the US paying its bills owed to China. This is the new reality. So yes, all the stupid stuff about Asia and Japan and Korea and Pakistan and stopping the looking for bin laden and Pakistan with their nukes and no US involvement in Afghanistan or Pakistan or Waziristan is likely. This is what you rooted for.
29. Obama wants peace as he makes plans to pray in an Indonesian
mosque.Has he ever ,   been to a synagouge?   (11.05.10)
30. #6
Yitzchak F, ,   Boston   (11.05.10)
Stay in Montreal!! You are not American, so by what right do you talk about or even know the will of the silent majority (it's so silent, you can't hear it!) And what kind of name is Gregory for a Moslem? Or are you just another one of the French Canadian Catholic anti-semites?
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