PM responds to Obama: Jerusalem not a settlement
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 10.11.10, 00:38
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31. if palestine is a fictional land you seem to live on mars..
32. Sarah B #2
Shlomo Kamera   (11.10.10)
Bibi and yourself are very ignorant. The land that you are building on, is not yours to build on! THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE, silly. Hence it is everyboy's business as to what you do, and to whom you do it. You'll just have to find a way to deal with it, won't you both?
33. WPC - May16th, 2011
Adam Neira ,   Melbourne, Australia   (11.10.10)
The softly, softly catchee monkey form of policy regarding building in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria may work or it may not. Some Rabbis are interpreting the Tanach and prophecies a certain way. I have my own understanding. The edicts to stop selling land to the Arabs are also a sign of the times. What does G-d want for the land ? The next six months will tell. Will the Palestinians quietly roll over and accept a growing level of the general welfare or will principles and memories inspire them ? Is the universe founded on truth and justice or on pragmatism ? I think I know what will unfold, but I will keep some aces up my sleeve. G-d is a good poker player. I wouldn’t mess with him. The last time my advice was ignored and I was undermined was in April 2006. Gilad Shalit was kidnapped on the 25th June. I prefer being kind, but sometimes it is necessary to be severe.
34. Salma, I don't know
Yossef ,   Toronto/Rehovot   (11.10.10)
if the best will not be a kind of autonomous palestinian districts related with the state of Israel through some administrative councils. Do you want really that a demilitarized state with an israeli control on the jordanian border ? It will just be a ghetto. Without mentioning that there will be always terrorist palestinian groups which will fight against Israel, and there will be reprisals, and the actual situation will continue ad vitam eternam... At the contrary, autonomous palestinian districts under the sovereignty of Jordan or Egypt (for Gaza) will give you a solid and comfortable state security and identity. In other words, Israel can annex all west-bank (Judah-Shomron) and rent on a basis of renewable 99 years the land of the palestinian districts to Jordan and Egypt. All the charges for the connecting roads, electricity etc. must be discussed between the authority of the district and the State of Israel, with the participation of Jordan and Egypt. You know very well, because you are an educated woman, that in comparison with the arab land around, Israel is a tiny peace of land. So the problem is not a problem of land: adding west-bank to the arab world will increase infinitesimally the arab world but adding this land to Israel will increase considerably the land of the jewish people, with all the possibility of development associated to such an extension (High Tech complex etc.). So, if the problem is not a problem of land, it is a problem of people. How to give to you palestinian a decent life on the land of Israel? BTW, in this picture Nazareth can even become a autonomous district and Rami will enjoy his new freedom :-) If he wants to give up his israeli citizenship, of course ;) We are stuck in this question of palestinian state because there is no viable solution. We must think out of the box. P.S. I'll move to J'lem in January, if you live near there I'll invite you to continue this discussion around a coffee in any Mamila's coffee shop.
35. Ouch!
justaguy ,   CA, USA   (11.10.10)
It hurts me that this president represents the U.S. How disingenuous is it to criticize Israel in a Muslim dominated country? Just as false as Clinton making the announcement that the White House was going to sue the State of Arizona in south america. Clearly, BO's prefers popularity amongst non-allies and non-americans. This is why he is not my president. This is a fact not because I reject him as such (indeed, it is not my right to do so outside of my vote), but he chooses to represent the values and protect the sensitivities of foreign muslims over American Citizens and their allies. Hope we get to be friends again after 2012. Maybe fewer American Jews will support BO then.
36. Replace Bibi if he agrees to another racist freeze.
Chaim ,   Israel   (11.10.10)
In every poll taken on the matter, Israelis overwhelmingly reject racist building freezes in Judea and Samaria. If Israel wanted this rubbish, Labor, Kadima or Meretz would have been elected to govern our state. Bibi must be quickly replaced if he agrees to another despicable freeze. We can't allow him to keep riding roughshod over Israeli citizens. Enough is enough!
37. YoU Go BiBi : ) : )
ROBERT ,   farmington ,usa   (11.10.10)
ye thats the spirit Bibi who is to tell israel what they can and cant do to they land , Obama is a poster for birth control , he needs to stay over and not come back to america, the only thing lower than his approvel ratings is his IQ since obama and his party took over washington American has sunken lower then hell it self , the best advice i can give to obama and his friends in the white house , is this dont do anything and dont say one word... may the lord forever bless the state of israel............
38. #13: You want Jerusalem? Take it. (end)
shrinkDave ,   Miami USA   (11.10.10)
39. Simple. If the Pals refuse to settle this matter, the
Harry Wright ,   UK   (11.10.10)
Israelis will do it for them. Build on. The pressure should be put on the Pals. They are the ones who refuse to sit and talk about a solution. The track record is that the Arabs refuse to settle the matter with Israel and preferred to go to war with Israel. Now, the strategy is for the Pals to not talk. And Obama's strategy is to coddle the loafers who don't want to go to the table and squeeze the Israeli who already conceded to bring them to the table. Enough is enough. Build.
40. PS!
~~Lengualima~~ ,   VZ.   (11.10.10)
Who does not want peace,? Since Abbas was dragged to the negotiation table by Barack(Chamberlain) Obama. He was uncomfortable, how show to the occidental world that he want the peace, and to the Arabs that Israel should be destroyed,? It is not easy to play two games at the same time, a ray of light came in his brain. and the answer burst in it, ask for everything to give me anything. Abbas thought, I has nothing to offer Israel, peace imposible, because we, the Palestinian are divided in many groups, and the peace is a tactic but no a end. And mayority want to destroy Israel no the peace. All Israel ask me the answer is "NO". All We will ask to Israel the answer must be "YES". If one only "YES" Israel refuses. We will run away of the negotiation table and will say that Israel does not want the peace. Abbas do not wish a partner for the peace, or one Palestinian State, his only dream as the mayority of the Arabs is a Arab State in the land of Israel. Go Abbas, with your miseries, to cry to your ruin state." Build Israel, Build"
41. To Sarah B: We Must Support Bibi Fully
Dav Lev ,   Burbank.CAUSA   (11.10.10)
To SarahB:right on. The 48 War changed everything. We all know that 5Arab armies invaded the newly declared, UN sponsored state. In doing so, they gambled. Had they won..would we now be talking or arguing? Every Jew would have been murdered..from the youngest to the oldest. No vestige of Jewish life would exist in Western Palestine. Jordan was begged not to attack in 67, he did, and lost. Too . Now, the Pales Arabs are using extortion to force Israel's red lines. The game theory for them has worked. Yes, for 17yrs they talked and talked. The Pales were offered a state numerous times..and made impossible demands (right of return). We all know history of the region. Our State Dept is playing the Muslim card (oil, trade,PR). Its obvious. With all the planets problems..1400 planned an area which will remain in Israel..foments this consternation? Today the units, tomorrow what: Haifa, Tel Aviv, the Galilee, Jordan Valley, water/air, a Pales army, treaties with Iran,Syria? If 1 unit were planned, the Pales reaction would be the same and the State Dept knows it. To everyone: write your legislators..write the newly elected congressmen.Write the govs...Write the Pres and Hillary. This is not about bedrooms, its about a genuine far elusive..thanks to the Muslim world and wishy washy President, whose middle name might just be appropriate. Yet Jews still give, and give and give, shekels to his people.
42. Good Netanyahu!
sanna ,   sweden   (11.10.10)
Don´t give after, if you give them one finger, they will take the hand! God Bless Israel - You are in His hand - Turn to Him and He will save you from the enemy! Shalom!
43. Jerusalem, DC (Jerusalem, David's city) is the capital city
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.10.10)
of the sovereign state of Israel, whether "emperor" Barakah Hussein Obama likes it or not. Indeed, Jerusalem, DC has never been the capital city of any other people or any other state, ever!
44. Obama and State Department a Disgrace
Joe Schmo ,   USA   (11.10.10)
Like Bibi said, building in Jerusalem has never been an issue in the peace process and is not a settlement. The settlement issue is really minor and is being blow out of proportion by the arabs, and Obama & Co. The issue of settlements should be negotiated during negotiations and not as a prerequisite to them, otherwise there is no point. Hopefully, one day, the American President will wake up and realize that the arabs aren't serious about peace. Currently, they are just a disgrace to the American people and to the US-Israel friendship.
45. Obama's Frightening Jew-Hate
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.10.10)
Obama and his administration's Jew-hate is frightening. Obama is concerned that Jews build homes in their own capital city? It was also unacceptable to Hitler that Jews lived in Europe. If it is unacceptable to ruling elites that Jews live in the famous and eternal Biblical homeland, in the future will it be unacceptable to the elites for Jews to live in New York, Paris, London and Rome? 'A secure Israel living side by side with a Pal state in peace.' This terrible lie is repeated over and over. A Muslim terror state implant will reduce tiny Israel at mid-section to 9 miles wide INDEFENSIBLE, Auschwitz borders. Facilitating the planned Second Holocaust. Egypt created the PLO. The PLO Charter calls for the destruction of Israel. On the same day Oslo "Peace" Accords were signed in 1993, PLO leader, Arafat stated: "Since we cannot defeat Israel in war we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish sovereignty there and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel." The Arab League's Charter states its goal is to eradicate the Zionist entity. America and other Western countries must not have the blood-guilt of bringing about a Second Holocaust on the Jewish people!
46. Before 1948 Jews were Known as the Palestinians
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (11.10.10)
Arabs first started calling themselves "Palestinians" in 1967. Global terrorist, Egyptian Arafat was the first leader of this new people. Partner with Arafat for over 40 years; immorally respected by the US/EU-Holocaust denier, Abbas, financed the massacre of Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympic Games. Before 1948, Jews were known as the Palestinians. The Jewish newspaper, the Jerusalem Post was called the Palestine Post. The Jewish-founded electric company was Palestine Electric. The Palestinian Symphony Orchestra was all Jewish. During World War II, the British army had a Palestinian Brigade made up entirely of Jewish volunteers. After Jews migrated to Palestine in significant numbers in the late 1800s and miraculously transformed desert and swamps into rich, agricultural land, Arabs came in large numbers from Arab countries for jobs from Jews. The fact that the overwhelming majority of Arabs resided only briefly in Palestine is attested to by a one-time special UN decree: that any Arab who had resided in Palestine for only two years before 1948, and then left, would be considered a refugee and so would his descendants! Throughout history, people were never regarded as refugees if they had resided in a country for only two years because they were clearly citizens of other countries!
47. Settlements & Peace are NOT linked
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (11.10.10)
No settlements in Gaza: no peace. No settlements before 1967: no peace. QED.
48. #24 Wrong,Stop playing this rigged game
Marcel ,   Florida   (11.10.10)
Time for Israel to say enough and walk away from this peace hustle that has greatly weakend the no longer sovereign nation . No more land for jihad.Make that loud and clear now The more Israel gives in to the peace pimps the more they demand from Israel. Palestinians have all the grren lights and are never pressured to do anything,only Israel. The game is rigged for Israle to lose so it is stupid for Israel to play.
49. a constellation of American delusions, fantasies
dante ,   uk   (11.10.10)
it is a fantasy to believe that the palis want peace with Israel, the Jewish State. it is a fantasy to believe that if abbas wanted it, he could deliver it. it is a crime to insist that the Jews leave Jerusalem or that they don't have rights to be anywhere, e.g. Jewish Quarter, Temple Mount, Shimon HaTzadik, Gilo, the Western Wall, Shiloach, Ir David, etc., etc.
50. Arabs not seen as main threat now, Jewish dream to appealing
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (11.10.10)
The 2000yrs old dream to reclaim all of the holyland for the Jewish people it just too close and appealing to turn away from it now. 900yrs ago there were no Jewish people in Jerusalem and very few in the whole area. This changed during WW1 when Jewish bankers were able to pressure and bribe the British Gov. to declare the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and later the British Mandate for Palestine. The problem was that it gave the right of return to share the land but no land or control of state.
51. Canada Will Show Israel The Way
ken2 ,   Canada   (11.10.10)
on how to deal with the arrogant Yanks. Its simple, just say NO. Canada is the Brains behind the Yanks success, Yanks are like Saudis, more money then brains
52. Ahmad Nablus
Daniela   (11.10.10)
Palestinians arabs, you belong to the arab world which is big enough to include all the palestinians as well. Israel is the only jewish state in the world. It is very small and it belongs to the jews and their history. LEAVE US IN PEACE.
53. It's the 'settlements stupid......AGAIN!
tiki ,   belgium   (11.10.10)
This US President didn't have any worries about Christians being murdered in Indonesia by their 'fellow Muslim countrieman. He didn't find it nescesary to 'honour the JEWISH victims, killed by MUSLIMS in Chabad house....No, the buildings in Jerusalem were on his mind in far away Indonesia. What a horrible man he is, not a man worth of being president of ANY country, because he's ignorant, cold, hypocrite, partisan and doesn't know history and it's values.
54. #23, they already declared independence
Danny   (11.10.10)
in 1920 as part of Syria and in 1988. No one really cares about the world's largest charity case.
55. #28 You got it on the nail, Brian ; )
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (11.10.10)
56. #32 Save your tosh
Mark ,   Lodz, Poland   (11.10.10)
Sarah B and Bibi know better than you...and incidentally does this guy... Initially, both Jews and Arabs were supporting each other to get their bits and bobs of Ottoman Empire from the Brits (and the French).
57. Obama is a fool.
Maurice ,   Los Angeles, USA   (11.10.10)
After the defeat the voters just inflincted him, the only thng left is to travel around the world and spit his garbage. Bibi better stand up to him and tell him that the pals will never see the day that Jerusalem is part of any Arab land.
58. Settlements
G ,   Phoenix, USA   (11.10.10)
The entire discussion is absurd. EVERYONE seems to over estimate the 'need' for peace. The real peace only comes when ISRAEL recognizes its own right to every inch of Israel - period. The arabs have NO rights to any part of the country whatsoever. They may remain as alien residents who enjoy civil rights but no voting rights. That's it - that's when there'll be peace. NO moslem will ever make peace with non islamics. Accept this basic truth and Israel and the West will become a safer place.
59. Sorry dude to no 13
Ahmad,although the Jews have accepted the partition plan, it was really wrong from us to divide, but for the sake of peace and quiet, the Jews have accpted the partition,buy the Arabs have rejected,and from FIRST DAY OF INDEPENDENCE, FIVE REGULAR ARMIES HAVE ATTACKED the newly born baby and against odd and with thr help of our FATHER IN HEAVEN the Jews won the war.What are you talking about East & West Jerusalem and the whole west bank,are JEWISH LAND and also in your quran it is written YA BNEI ISRAIL.Relax,and have cup of tea and try to think what is written in your quran.BNEI ISRAIL were Jews. We dont care about International law,because they are biased,but I can assure you deep inside their heart and according to the NEW TESTAMENT,they knoiw very well that the land of Israel,west bank,Jordan,and the CITY of our KINGS (SOLOMON & DSAVID) clled JERUSALEM are Jewish land promised and giuven by the ALMIGHTY. Your land and your HOLY LAND is in Arabia.NO more.
60. no.32
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (11.10.10)
You can have a cadenza or go blue in the face Shlomo but Israel can and is building anywhere it wants in it,s sovereign territory and there,s absolutely zilch you can do about it besides blowing a fuse or two ,sorry for you ?
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