Obama: Peace talks face enormous obstacles
Published: 10.11.10, 07:49
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31. #25 Salma
Madeleine ,   Israel   (11.10.10)
Salma - you are delusional, maybe you need a psychiatrist? You know b---y well that Jeruslamem is our holy city. Palestinians, as defined today, didn't exist until the 1960s. You never definied yourselves as Palestinians. you are just a poor miserable people who have been totally misled by your leaders. Get used to the fact the we, the Israelis, won every war you waged against us. You will never, ever, ever have Jerusalem. You have no legal or historical or moral claim to it.
32. If there is an obstacle, it is Mr. B.H.Obama and his hostile
Jehudah   (11.10.10)
attitude towards the nation-state of the Jewish people, Israel, and by extension, towards the people whose nation-state Israel is...
33. Impeach Obama
David P. ,   Capitola, CA   (11.10.10)
he is using a foreign podium to stir controversy with our allies, selling arms to our Saudi enemies and appointing dangerous individuals to high office in order to sabotage the USA
34. To: No. 6
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.10.10)
1. "Your capital?" Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, and has been for 3,500 years. Your attempts to rewrite history are ham-handed at best. 2. "Palestine?" No such place. Sorry. It was supplanted by Israel. Tough nuggies. You should have accepted partition in 1947. But you didn't, and the rest is history, isn't it? 3. West Jerusalem is simply the newer part of the city. It is not a different city. Paris La Defense has only been around since the 1970s, but it is still Paris. Your pathetic attempt to create a linguistic distinguish between West Jerusalem and East Jerusalem is laughable. 4. Do not talk about maps. I have yet to see a map of the Middle East in use in an Arab school that even INCLUDES Israel! You people are stupid and delusional, and don't seem to mind passing along that stupidity and delusion to the children you purport to educate. 5. Following the 1967 war, which Jordan lost, Jerusalem was unified; East Jerusalem was formally annexed on June 27, 1967. There was no longer a need for a separate Arab municipality. Think of it this way: following World War II, the Allies took charge in Germany, and dissolved the German municipal councils. Hello. The moral of the story: don't start wars you cannot win. 6. You are, of course, completely ignorant about international law. The territory was not annexed by force -- Jordan attacked; Israel won -- end of story. To the victor belong the spoils -- and the right to annex non-sovereign territory. Read here: Although you would benefit from reading the treatise in its entirety, feel free to skip down to the section titled "Law on Israel's Takeover of 1967 Lands." Read both subparagraph 1 and 2 -- the first examines the issue under Security Council Resolution 242 (and confirms that SCR 242 it is neither binding nor enforceable, as it was issued under Chapter Six of the United Nations Charter, and not Chapter Seven). The second section discusses Acquisition of Non-Sovereign Land in a Defensive War and concludes that international law does not preclude Israel from retaining AND settling Judea and Samaria and, in fact, fully supports Israel’s right to do precisely that. Your rant has gone from the ridiculous to the sublime. Behave nicely, or you just may find yourself composing your rants from Amman.
OZ   (11.10.10)
36. Obama hails Indonesia as an example to the world
Edward ,   Germany/USA   (11.10.10)
Indonesia is a corrupt country dominated by Muslims who don't recognize the rights of others including the few Jews who have remained. Indonesia only accepts six religions: Protestantism, Roman Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism. There is no real freedom of religion. Under the banner of blasphemy laws many groups even among these are banned including even Muslims such as the Ahmadiyah Muslim minority. If that's the model for Obama.. may he remain there and the US needs a new President.. One that represents American values of freedom and not Muslim hegemony.
37. To: No. 1
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.10.10)
East Jerusalem was non-sovereign territory (remember; the Arabs DID NOT accept partition and did not abide by partition's requirement that Jerusalem be an "international city"). The Arabs have always asserted that they were not bound by the dictates of partition, because they did not accept partition. Jordan attacked Israel in 1967, and lost. Israel annexed East Jerusalem, as any victor acquiring non-sovereign territory in the course of fighting a defensive war has the right to do. Educate yourself about international law and non-sovereign territory here: I very strongly suspect that your name is not "Haim" and you do not come from Tel Aviv. Are you ashamed of your real identity? Do you think that by pretending to be a Jew and pretending to come from Tel Aviv you will sway knowledgeable people to your utterly ridiculous view? Guess again.
38. To: Edward at No. 36
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.10.10)
Excellent post; I completely agree. One does wonder, doesn't one, exactly what Obama considers to be Indonesia's shining example to the world. Probably the 15,000 Christians massacred by the Indonesians in Banda Ace. Or perhaps the murder of all those East Timorese civilians. Either way -- who cares what Obama thinks or says? He's old news -- ex-president walking ....
39. Obama
vitenberg ,   France   (11.10.10)
Speaking about Israel and Jerusalem in Indonesia, a country which has no ties with Israel, whatever he said, IS SHOCKING!
40. no.25
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (11.10.10)
But Jerusalem cannot possibly be an integral part of Palestine as it,s not mentioned ,even once in the Islamic Quran but hundreds of times in the Jewish Torah ,so who,s kidding who Palestinian Salma,learn your history properly without lies and distortions of the truth ?
41. no. 19
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (11.10.10)
Still posting Palestinian propaganda Mark as in most civilised societies one needs municipal permission to build anywhere ,so much for demolitions and ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem and holy sites being modified ,do you actually believe the trash you write as you haven,t given one single shred of evidence for your propaganda; which Christian ,Muslim holy sites have been demolished ,modified ,care to give us where and when while your stupidity rambles on ?
42. no.34
hebrew prophet ,   israel   (11.10.10)
Good article Sara B with factual evidence to back it up ,so we are back to those terrible translating skills of Palestine etc; two states ,living side by side ,in peace and prosperity ,way back in May 1948 ,why is it that these dumb Palestinians cannot get their translations right even after 63 years?
43. to #1 wrong since 1898 until 1948 there
ghostq   (11.10.10)
was jewish neighbouhrhood in east jerusalem, named nachlat shimon, the land was bought by jews, but after the arab riots, arab took over the houses still stand including the old synagouge building which is acomodation to three pali families, in other word palis stole jews land.
44. To: No. 19
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.10.10)
1. Are you from Lewiston, Maine, or Lewiston, Idaho? If Maine: Would you like me to recite to you the sordid history of the ethnic cleansing of the Androscoggin tribe, part of the Aneki nation? Those that weren't massacred wholesale were chased out of Maine, all the way into Canada. If Idaho: Would you like me to recite to you the sordid history of the ethnic cleansing of the Nez Perce tribe? Those that weren't massacred were shunted off to a tiny reservation in a barren area of Idaho, where they remain to this day. No casinos. High alcoholism. A lot of domestic violence and a high crime rate. And you have the NERVE to accuse Israel of "ethnic cleansing?" 2. Between 1948 and 1967, Moslem holy sites got a fair amount of attention from the Waqf. Christian churches were allowed to fall into severe disrepair, a despicable situation that Israel was quick to address in 1967. The Churches have only been modified to the extent of adding fire safety doors, additional exits and the like. Is that a problem for you? Has it occurred to you that Arab terrorists would like NOTHING better than to set fire to the wooden interior of a church, and lock in all the pilgrim worshipers? Nothing like a big pile of dead "infidels" to soothe the soul of a Moslem terrorist -- you need look no further than September 11, 2001. Remember all the reveling and rejoicing in the West Bank and Gaza in the aftermath of 9/11? Most Americans remember all too well, even if you don't. Moreover, Israel pays for the maintenance of the places of worship and covers the extraordinary cost of security for pilgrims during the major Christian holidays. As to tourism: are you aware that Christians operate the Christian tourist industry in Israel? Bet you didn't know that. You should do a little research before running your mouth. 3. Every effort made by Obama has taken the form of coddling Abbas and bullying Israel. Israel issued a simple enough quid pro quo: as soon as Abbas is ready to (i) recognize the right of the State of Israel to exist in its ancient homeland; (ii) acknowledge the unique identity of the State of Israel as a Jewish state; and (iii) repudiate Fatah's vile charter which calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people, Israel will consider the resumption of negotiations. Not unless; not until. Abbas sat on his hands for ten months while Israel honored the moratorium on building in the settlements. In addition, Israel even halted construction in Jerusalem -- which was never part of any freeze. Abbas -- stupidly, as it turns out -- thought that the U.S. could bully Israel into extending the freeze. Oh well. Not the first serious mistake on the part of the "Palestinians;" not the last, either. The "Palestinian" history of incredibly poor choices and really bad mistakes is long and well documented, as is their refusal to take ownership of their mistakes -- and the consequences which ensue therefrom. Nothing is ever THEIR fault, have you noticed? It's always the fault of the Jews, the State of Israel, the Jordanians, the Lebanese, the Tunisians, the Americans, the Canadians, the rain, the snow, the sunshine. After nearly seventy years of idiotic choices and never accepting responsibility for the outcome of those choices, you'd think they'd have learned. They haven't. Oh well. Not Israel's fault; not Israel's problem.
45. Sarah B & Profit - Do Better Research
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (11.10.10)
For Maine - You may want to read up on Court rulings in the past few decades. Here is one link, others are available. You may even want to read about the court decision that returned 75-90% of the State to Native control and sovereignty. Then you may want to read about the Shinnecock claims on Long Island. For Idaho, you may want to look up both the size and ownership of a few things. Start with the Twin River Casino. Then look up the property ownership records for the Joseph Valley in Oregon. Then look up the size of the Nez Perce Reservation and the treaty provisions on non-tribal ownership land on the reservation. You should also make note of who has primacy rights on water and other resources. And compare the size of the Reservation to the land masses of Israel and Palestine. Then look up and do the same for the Coeur d'Alenes and the Spokanes and the Walla Wallas. I live peacefully with my neighbors and they even make charitable contributions to our local schools from their casino profits. I shop in their businesses and they shop at mine. Their languages are preserved and taught at local schools to Indians and Whites alike. Are you not undermining and tunneling under Al Aqsa? Is the Dome of the Rock not threatened? Has not the Israeli Antiquities Authority decided to remodel the Church of the Holy Sepulchre against the protests of those who live and work there? Are you not making Palestinians homeless in Sheik Jarra and other neighborhoods and villages surrounding Jerusalem? Are you not reducing and controlling the goods and services that Palestinians can receive in the refugee camps in the Jerusalem area?
46. To No 44
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (11.10.10)
After you have read up on all from my prior post in response to yours numbered 44, you might also look up what kinds of farm production is done on the Prairie and on the Palouse, and where is is sold and for what kinds of profits.
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