PA: Freeze settlements or we'll go to UN
Published: 12.11.10, 18:46
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61 Talkbacks for this article
31. good
sahar   (11.13.10)
now you are Saa|b Salam yes the right peace
32. Wily Erekat
citizen   (11.13.10)
Erekat knows very well that this is not going to happen any time soon. He also knows that being in the news is what counts, so anything goes. Instead of making threats, the Chief Negotiator should go back to negotiating instead of playing games.
33. More positive results of Obama engagement
Paul Freedman ,   Falls Church, USA   (11.13.10)
Well, the President of the United States took upl the Palestinian cause of a Judenrein East Jerusalem and he ends up with Palestinian diktats to him to deliver a diktat on Israel to abandon its claim to the capital. Or, shudder, the UN. Well, the IDF is a lot closer than any UN expeditionary force so whatever happens the Palestinians might reconsider their demands to have Israel handed to them on a silver platter. I thought life was pretty good in Ramallah. These guys must just miss the dulcet tones of bored Hebrew stopping their cars every 2 kilometers.
34. #5...
Joe ,   San Diego   (11.13.10)
Actually, the veto ur referring to is applicable if the UN Security council is utilized. However, the security council is not what the Palestinians need, but rather the general assembly, in order to recognize a state as being independent. In that case, no veto would work.
35. #23 Ahmad
Hal ,   Usa   (11.13.10)
"Building more on the illegal colonies" ? I guess you are referring to the Arabs squatting on Jewish ancestral land. BTW Ahmad, you are correct about your boy Erekat bending over. I'm surprised he hasn't got HIV from Arafat who was a known homo. On the other hand, he has lost alot of weight lately!
36. UN ShmUN :^P
Nick Sporek ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (11.13.10)
Arafat was and Egyptian and "palestinians" can't even say Palestine because they can't make the "p" sound. We should build to our hearts content and anyway "palestinians" are doing lots of the building for us so if they stop our natural development they'll put themselves out of work.
37. Good luck creating a state...
Simon ,   Canada   (11.13.10)
I'm sure the UN will be happy to do recognize you despite the fact that you don't have a monetary system.
38. NEW "palestinian" HOME...
benasher ,   galut   (11.13.10)
...G U A N T A N A M O
39. Erekat should be deported
Brod ,   USA   (11.13.10)
Israel should deport Erekat to his historic homeland in Arabia. With Erekats around among the Islamist-Jihadists, there will never be peace in the region. And Israel does not need an element in the region that can spark a war.
40. What will Obama do is the bigger question
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (11.13.10)
Israel will crush the PA and easily push them aside but Iran and its allies are still a threat and will only gain support by this action. The US and Turkey are now wildcards that should make Israel atleast think before acting.
41. And what would happen then?
Ralph Haglund ,   Seden   (11.13.10)
UN would set up a new UNIFIL-like thing, that has the same job, to bring in Syrian and Iranian weapons to the Arabs. As far as I remember, all negotiations talk about a VIABLE palestinian state, not one living on baksheesh so let's start there. Not a single donor dollar more, they must show they are viable first. Negotiations that Fatah but not Hmas have accepted. Just to remind them. The Western world has not borrowed a single dollar for an industrial village, to be paid back by products. Just baksheesh as much as the desert sand.
42. There is one positive aspect though
Frederic Charles ,   Paris, France   (11.13.10)
It is that now you start understanding what feelings the Palestinians may have gone through backmin 1948, when you went to the UN and unilaterally declared an independant state... Kind of funny viewed from here. LOL
43. Saeb Erekat
Hersh   (11.13.10)
Nobody cares what you say or're spitting in the wind and it's going to come right back and splatter in your face!
44. Hal, your posts are childish, even though you are right
Eyal ,   USA ISRAEL   (11.13.10)
Read Ahmad's post, you seem very defensice for no reason?
45. #44 Eyal
Hal ,   Usa   (11.13.10)
Relax Eyal, I was kidding Ahmad. My posts are no more childish than most of the crap that is posted here on a regular basis. If you read other posts of mine that are directed at the subject Eyal you might find them instructive. On the other hand, I won't hesitate to lampoon fools and morons. If you can't see through the humor, don't read them. If you believe that Ahmad's phrase "illegal colonies" is a fact then you have other issues! Peace.
46. go for it
marco ,   pardes hana, israel   (11.13.10)
I'm all for a declaration of this so called 'Palestine'. Afterwards the first time a security incident occurs, Israel will have the internatinally legal right to defend itself. This might however include things that Mr. Erekat hadn't counted on. Let's say total pulverzing of the areas where the incidents origionated from. GO FOR IT!!
47. Palestine......
tiki ,   belgium   (11.13.10)
It's like Atlantis, Neverland. In one word....... Fantasyland.
48. you are all dumb
john1 ,   israel   (11.13.10)
in all honesty whats going to change if the palestinians are allowed to recognize the land they are in right now as palestine??? nothing everything is the same israel will still have the seperation wall , israel will still man the checkpoints, israel will still control the palestinian imports and exports from the ports. and palestine will not be allowed to have an army or have any heavy weaponry or military or evgen passenger aircraft. so what in reality do the palestinians get???? Nothing !!! Just the ability to have palestine placed on the world map for 2011 and it will be cut into 3 pieces with the word palestine written on the map with 3 different arrows each going to a different location one for gaza, one for the northern west bank like jenin and ramallah and one for the south and central palestine such as hebron. This whole thing is a big sham israel is not giving anything and the palestinians are getting anything so why fight both sides shut up and just continue living the way they are stop wasting our time and treat each other as human beings!!!
49.  Erekat:proclaim your fakestan and...good bye oslo
Trumpeldor ,   eurabia   (11.13.10)
50. To #42 not the same thing at all
Alexander ,   NJ, USA/Israel   (11.13.10)
When we declared independence there was no Arab state there at all. It was the British Mandate and they proposed a two state solution to the UN in which the Jews would get the Jewish areas as part of the new state of Israel and the Arabs would get the rest. The Jews said yes the Arabs said no and went to war with Israel. Six Arab armies marched on the fledgling state and to everyone's surprise Israel survived. In 1967 Egypt along with other Arab nations like Jordan which occupied the Jordan West Bank as it was known then, once more began the drums of war. Out numbered and out gunned once again Israel managed to survive and that is how we get to where we are today. In that war Israel acquired the West Bank territory and only because of Arab aggression. Now the same Arabs want to declare a state in a land where there already is a state. They are not asking to reclaim the state they once had, no. They are asking to take away what little Israel has to make ANOTHER new Arab state - one of 22 or so. The difference is that they had forfeited their rights to statehood back in 1948 and decided instead to make war, they lost and now they want a redo. Israel is OK with that if it actually puts an end to the fighting and violence, which given the track record of the Palestinians, is dubious at best. This video will explain much better what I have said here
51. I say let them do it.
JO   (11.13.10)
A State has a lot more obligations, can't rely on hand outs and has to create it's own wealth and infrastructure. It's about time the Palestinians had this responsibility all to themselves.
Arn.. ,   Sweden.   (11.13.10)
53. biblical proof that Jerusalem is NOT Jews' capital
observer   (11.13.10)
If G-d kept his covenant from the time of David to that of Herod, preserving his house from extinction, He must have kept it from that time on to the present, and He will keep it eternally, so that David's house has not died and cannot die eternally. For we dare not rebuke G-d as half truthful and half untruthful, saying that He kept his covenant and preserved David's house faithfully from David's time to that of Herod, but that after the time of Herod He began to lie and to become deceitful, ignoring and altering His covenant. No, for as the house of David remained and shone up to Herod's time, thus it had to remain under Herod and after Herod, shining to eternity.
david ,   uk   (11.13.10)
55. to # 50: exactly the same thing
Frédéric Charles ,   Paris, France   (11.13.10)
If we follow your logic, none of the countries in the region were "states". They were part of the Ottoman Empire, then the British Empire or French colonies. But nonetheless they were Arab. When the Jews accepted and the Arabs rejected the two state solution as proposed in 1948, it is because Jews were gaining land while the Arabs were losing land. I would only assume that if the situation was reversed the Jews would have rejected and the Arabs accepted. Think about returning the West Bank today and clearing it from the settlers. Would the Jews accept? Probably not. So, same thing. The 1967 war was started by Israel as a preemptive strike against a POTENTIAL Arab attack. Nice video at your link, but it describes the Jewish point of view. I assume you are intelligent enough to understand (and accept) that there exists another point of view that is shared by the rest of the world (OK, with the exception of the USA, Vanuatu, Kiribati, and the Marshall Islands). I could point you to dozens such videos, but you surely already saw them and discarded them because not in line with your vision of History. That's why there exists an International Legal body called the United Nations whose role is to arbitrage such disagreements. You trusted it back in 1948. You should trust it now. Oui?
56. Winston Churchill: Without Victory there can be No Survival
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (11.13.10)
"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival." Surrender was never an option to Churchill. It is immoral and evil that the US/EU/UK demand israel surrender Jewish land vital to Israel's security and survival, to the Palestinian Authority organization who have murdered more Jews than Hamas. The barbaric PA greatly honor savage Muslim terrorist killers of Jewish innocents including pregnant Jewish mothers and their children.
57. 53, Observer: What are you smoking? You make no sense.
Stewart ,   U.S.A.   (11.13.10)
Where do you get your revisionist history from? You tend to take everything out of context, and leave out what doesn't suit your skewed opinions. Try finding a bible and some history books that have not had parts clipped out of them be the Muslims and their liberal friends.
58. Observer #53
Brod ,   USA   (11.13.10)
You don't know what you are talking about. Your knowledge of the Bible is zero.
59. to #55 not exactly the same thing
Alexander ,   NJ, USA   (11.14.10)
We accepted because we were reclaiming our right to sovereignty in our land - land that was stolen from us by the Romans and all the subsequent invaders that followed including the Arab conquerors in terms of history. The Arabs weren't losing any land, no one was kicking them out of Israel they have been part of our Nation since 1948. It was the Arabs that in contrast kicked out about 1 million Jews from their countries, stole their private property (which adds up to about a landmass 4x the size of Israel), stole their wealth, and that was for the lucky one's that didn't get slaughtered by the Arabs. Yes, Israel launched a preemptive strike because it was either that or be killed by the Arabs. Israel had no intention of attacking them, it only did so because of their calls for it's destruction and mobilization of their forces on its boarder. They kicked UN troops out which is a clear sign that they were about to attack (not potential) and were preparing to invade Israel in a few days. Saying it was a potential attack is like saying a guy running at you with a weapon with rage in his eyes yelling I'm going to kill you is a potential attack. Based on your logic I would assume you would stand there and wait to see if it's a potential attack or not. Good luck with that. If the Arabs didn't begin war efforts then Israel would not have attacked them at all. Israel has already demonstrated that it will remove settlers for the sake of peace, like in Gaza. Of course, peace came in the form of 8000 rockets that to this day are being launched at Israeli civilian populations by Arabs. Every week rockets rain on Israeli towns from the Arabs and you call that peace? As for the West Bank, well that's the point of negotiations - to draw up boarders for a new Arab state so why do the Palestinians keep walking away from the talks? It's not Israel that walked away from the negotiating table, it's the Palestinians. Palestinians need to understand that for the sake of peace both sides need to negotiate. If Palestinians think that having an all or nothing attitude and having it forever will work then they are wrong because in the end they will get nothing, forever. In regards to 1948 it's not the same because then both Jews and Arabs were under British authority and neither Jews nor Arabs had sovereignty in the land and both wanted it. Again the Arabs rejected it and opted for war, which they lost. The Arabs didn't simply say we don't agree, they made war. They lost that war. When you make war and lose, you lose everything. This isn't a game, there are no saved points, there is no redo.
60. #57,58 Torah observant doesn't deny G-d's covenant or
observer   (11.14.10)
temple destruction. if you deny those, then, there is no need to know your bible.
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