Friedman: US trying to bribe Netanyahu
Published: 14.11.10, 13:48
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. 1st freeze was a con job. No more lies, no more freeze.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (11.14.10)
32. Thom ass
Enoch   (11.14.10)
Thom Ass is good. I know it because he told us he is. Why would you give a stage to this clueless bag of hot air.
33. #24 Salma חג שמח :-)
Yossef ,   Toronto/Rehovot   (11.14.10)
ד"ש להם to you and your family Next time maybe ? who knows :) I took the time to read the story of Eid al-Adha in Wikipedia. Interesting, first of all, according to wikipedia, you don't use the word Korban/Kurban which is also hebrew and arabic, but an indic word Adah, why ? Then, the myth is a copycat of the sacrifice of Ytzak written in our Torah. I have some words to tell then: What is important in "Ytzak sacrifice" is that **there is no sacrifice!**. Avraham didn't sacrifice his son Ytzak, אל (or an angel, it is the same according to Rambam interpretation of angels - read the guide of the perplexe. Angels are the expression of אל will, as the gravitation forces or any other less mythical but physical forces). What does it tell us? In this times it was current and traditional in some tribes or towns or communities to sacrifice the first born male and to mix the blood of the child with the peat of the house in order to appease Moloch (מלך the king) which was a local divinity. The non sacrifice of Ytzak (or Ishmael according to your tradition) send a very strong message: "Stay away from this inhumane tradition ! Don't sacrifice anymore any kid of your house. There is no one to appease." It is a deep rupture in this ancient middle-east from a superstitious civilization to a modern and human centered one. This is why Jews represent also the modernity of the civilization. Even now. I ask you Salma, because you could be my daughter :) to think about not the fact only but the message it transmits to us. We Jews are used on shabbat to talk about Torah, commenting and thinking about the many levels of interpretations of the text. It helps us also in our modern life, to act, to decide, to choose between the wrong and the right. I hope for you and your family the same. And may this communication between you and you and you and us lead ton the path of peace. We share so much! לך בשלום שלמה היקרי
34. #26 madeline
Marcel ,   Florida   (11.14.10)
Religion and the Holy One of Israel are two different things. It's not holier than thoud it's idiots versus the sane. Too bad you're not fed up with the lying 'secular' fearful,cowardly politicians who betray fellow Jews instead but then that is the spiritual sickness that has impared Israel today. secular Jews have failed to find pace and refuse to awaken from the final solution no-peace troajn horse.
35. Friedman stating World view but Pro-Israel view is no deal
Bloodyscot ,   Dallas, Texas   (11.14.10)
The Pro-Israel people seem to be living in a bubble now days and are willing to only accept a total surrender of the Palestinians. In other words the sooner the Arabs are kicked out the better but most the world has been told for years that Israel was the victim of terror and only wants a peace deal and the Arabs keep refusing to sign. This was the Israeli PR campaign for many years out side of Israel but some how it has broken down. The World view is quickly changing and now see Israel as a victory who wants the spoils of war and will accept nothing less. That is dangerous for Israel because only the US Presidents were stopping UN sanctions on Israel and Obama may change that latter next year if no deal is made by then.
36. Who gives a SH*T what Friedman or the NYTimes think!!!!!!!!!
Sam   (11.14.10)
37. friedman again
Mohson   (11.14.10)
Look at all these so called experts like ross, kurtzer, ben meir, ben ami, beilin, brzezinski, and friedman . They all have advanced degrees in international relations or political science or middle eastern studies but are very lite on military combat. Most of them have none. tom Friedman has none. He has exposure to arabs yes. However, his suggestions are very theoretical and have little to contribute. Essentially like beilin, he says cut a deal now because it will be worse later even if it is a bad deal now. Face facts, because of religion and indoctrination, arabs and jews do not get along and its only a matter of time before a spark ignites a fire. Lieberman's idea is just a starter. All of thearabs except the loyal druse and bedouin should go to the palestinian state and israel should be arab free. They do not get along and jews don't want the sheiks and allah akbar and I don't blame them one bit. The palestinians have reached the point of believing they need a state and they should have one with no jews. friedman does make a point saying obama is bribing Israel with his offer which he can revoke. He can find a way out of his pledge. Israel can cut a deal with the arabs but it is has to be a begin-sadat moment that leads to a long term cold peace arrangement, not the rabin concession and later barak/olmert munich surrender.
38. US trying to bribe Netanyahu
Robert Cabitt ,   Boston, MA, USA   (11.14.10)
The rockets will continue to rain on Israel until they elect a prime minister who has the will and the courage to drive the Palestinians and Hamas out of Gaza and the West Bank. When George Bush gives back his Crawford,Texas ranch to the Native Americans is when peace will come to Israel. To the victor goes the spoils. Americans killed thousands of Indians during the conquest of the United States. The Indians that survived were placed in concentration camps euphemistically described as reservations where alcoholism and unemployment reigns. Since the Bureau of Indians Affairs has granted gambling casino licenses, some Indian tribes have prospered. Maybe gambling casinos are the solution for the Palestinians
Ian ,   Newcastle upon Tyne   (11.14.10)
From what I can see,Mr Netanyahu has been offered a vague offer of future benefits with serious strings attached for Israel. Abbas has been given $150M from the US taxpayer,no strings attached. The PA wants money more than peace. THREE CHEERS FOR ISRAEL!!!
40. #12 Ali. You purpose to stop ARMAGEDDON?
yeah good luck ,   with that delusion   (11.14.10)
How exactly do we do that? By making peace with those sworn to destroy you? Good luck with that. The only way to avoid ARMAGEDDON is to kill yourself. Islam will not be stopped. The Jews will not ever quit being the apple of God's eye and will always be the focus of His attention. Peace He said their will be no peace. Wake up dude
41. #13 why is terror down? Defeated terrorist
Not because of ,   lack of trying   (11.14.10)
Winning wars. Peace around the ME is just cessation of ability of those trying to kill you.
42. fed up... yeah, lol. the last election proves otherwise
We 80% of Americans ,   love Israel   (11.14.10)
43. Wrong analogy
David Guy ,   Rehovot, Israel   (11.14.10)
Mr. Friedman has it wrong. Rather than being analogous to jumping off an 80 storey building, believing in the Palestinian peace fantasy is like jumping off a three storey building, over and over and over again.
44. Ari
Is this a joke?   (11.14.10)
Seriously, Ynet, you guys should not be covering this as news. It's not news. Not here in the US or in Israel. It's an opinion piece, that's it. It's not news. It's just Friedman's opinion. He's one man. Congress is 535 seats in the house and the senate combined. When head of a house subcommittee makes a comment about israel you don't even cover it, yet when friedman writes a column you are all over it, like white on rice. It's absurd. You're coverage is completely skewed. You need to re-prioritize your coverage to focus on stuff that is important and relevant to Israelis. Certainly that doesnt include what tom friedman is writing week to week.
45. #35. Bloodyscot this no more the 60-s
Aquincum ,   European Union   (11.14.10)
You hardcore Leftists still living in the 60-es dreamworld in which you represent the "Whole World" you are the "Children of the World" and the "World" is Leftist - or Red to say the least. Only in the USA the Obama-crowd still rules: the real world drifted to the Right (Europe, Russia). They are aware of the problems with the spread of Islam and apart from the Anglos they support Israel. You are still living in the Alinsky induced stupor - spawned by N.Y. Times: Please remember Israel was built by others than Americans: the Eurasian Jews drained the swamps. The Jewish destiny was never decided in New York and - the horror, the horror !!- it was Stalin who saved Israel from the Anglos in 1948. providing arms from the Czech. You can safely drop the "We the World" crap " because you are not the world and you will learn about it as time wore on.
46. Friedman writes that because he is applying for a job on
quotes from Israeli ,   talkbackers   (11.15.10)
Ynet :-)
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