Obama: Freeze renewal promising
Yair Altman
Published: 14.11.10, 22:04
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1. LIKUD, settler council, repeat after me:
Schreiber   (11.14.10)
It's not about the freeze, it's about the partition of Israel. Their priorities are all mixed up. What's the point of building homes if at the very same time the PM is negotiating the surrender of their land? They must fight the talks and foreign meddling in Israel, not the freeze. Then annex the land.
2. Freeze? Yes, Arab housing and Jewish housing throughout the
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.14.10)
DISPUTED territories. But freezing only Jewish housing is nothing short of racism, applied anti-Jewish racism, thanks the the hostile Obama//Clinton team both of whom suffer from built-in hostility towards the nation-state of the Jewish people and by extension towards the people whose nation-state Israel is.
3. Problem is Knesset Members are not accountable
Eric ,   Tel Aviv & NY   (11.14.10)
It is all well and good to threaten to '"settle accounts" with every minister who voted in favor of the freeze.' But in a country where the #2 party got to form the government and no one is personally accountable for their votes these threats are meaningless. There needs to be a threat to vote out the any party that has even 1 member vote in favor of legislation. Or to form a party to run against them based on the policies that you believe in. It is time for a grassroots change in Israeli politics.
4. Bibi makes Israel look marketable
RayS ,   USAr   (11.14.10)
The PM is (to the world) the face of Israel. By negotiating in such a servile manner he portrays Israel as a land where all is up for sale if the price is right. Security, history,tradition, national pride, integrity . Everything can be discussed . No wonder Israel's enemies are emboldened, no wonder Israel's friends are enfeebled, no wonder Diaspora Jewish youth are turning away. What is tere to support if Israel itself is constantly giving away it's treasured ,hard fought for, inheritance.
5. Partition Imminent
Lynx ,   Palestine   (11.14.10)
6. No. 4 is right
what? ,   Israel   (11.14.10)
7. Schreiber #1: You are right, But....
Steve Klein   (11.14.10)
You are correct, negotiations are costly, dangerous, futile and unnecessary - the land must be annexed - but a freeze on Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria is not without significance or cost. It sends a terrible (defeatist) message to the Americans and the international community at large. It signals to the world, "This land does not actually belong to Israel; it does not belong to the Jews." That is why any building freeze must be strenuously opposed but you are right, at the heart of the problem is Netanyahu's acceptance of the Bush / Obma "two state solution" at his June 09 Bar-Ilan University speech. Likud is a party of surrender and retreat. I marvel that folks on the political right continue voting for Likud, hoping for a different outcome. Nation Union is unalterably opposed to reliquishing land. If there are Likud MKs who oppose relinquishing Jews land, perhaps they should consider joining NU. Why doesn't the right vote NU in large numbers? What is the definition of insanity?
8. I would like to see a map
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (11.14.10)
Maybe this newspaper could outline where the building is taking place. I would like to see that on a clear easy to read map. The information contained in the article should give all the readers the basic information. 1) What areas Israel will have after a peace deal is signed to the best of the papers knowledge. 2) What areas the Palestinians will occupy. 3) Where is all building taking place? Is it in Areas that will, or are expected to be part of Israel, in the final agreement? 4) How much of the building is actually taking place in Areas that are expected to be part of the new country of Palestine? Right now all we hear about is building, remember many of us from around the world are not as familiar with all the settlements, and where they are located. So it's hard to decide if the building really is a obstacle to peace. Put simply, if the building is in Areas that are reasonably expected to be part of Israel in any final agreement that should pose no problem. But if the building is in Areas that are expected to be part of Palestine that is a problem. So far your paper has not covered this issue in a clear and concise way, isn't that the job of a newspaper?
9. Just break up the coalition, no freeze, no appease.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (11.14.10)
10. A tiny flash in time to spark an eternal future
Egon B.E. Friberger ,   Brussels, Belgium   (11.14.10)
Why refusing a tiny flash in time when it is actually and in our time the optimal condition to spark an eternal future of peace, security, welfare and adequate sovereignty. Do settlers, Likud, HaBayit HaYehudi, Avodah or any other coalition partner truly believe any other coalition or any other PM has the aptitude to design a better regiopolitical architecture and build it? Stability in this coalition and this government is the only acceptable precondition for just peace talks. Why do you think also Palestinians try to unilaterally trigger regime change in Israel?
11. #7 Steve Klein - The Nat .Union is fighting back
Schreiber   (11.14.10)
MK Aryeh Eldad is organizing a conference to bring attention back to the fact that Jordan is already Palestine. The conference will take place next month. Geert Wilders will be there to state what the Likud should be saying right now: No to Israel's partition.
12. #10 Stability for its own sake?
Schreiber   (11.14.10)
Netanyahu had his chance. He blew it. He ended up endorsing Two-states. So it's time for someone else in the Likud to realign the government's agenda along the lines that voters expected but didn't get. This PM should not be rewarded for his weakness. He's talking about giving land away and then renting it back from the Arabs, for Pete's sake!!!
13. Bibi can be bought
Rachel ,   US   (11.14.10)
Bibi can be bought for shiny new trinkets. What about the rest of the Likud. This is Sharon part 2 all over again.
14. Diplomacy is not the art of the plausible
Robert Haymond ,   Israel/Canada   (11.14.10)
nor the "art" of logic but rather the art of the possible and sometimes by the most circuitous route. That's why Avigdor Lieberman is an excellent stalking horse for Bibi. Lieberman, a bit hamfooted but an altogether forthright man, allows Bibi to face the international community as if to say, "See, that's what I am up against. And he speaks for a huge number of the Israeli population. In the same way and in return for a treasure chest of gains, Bibi can now say to the international community, "You see, in spite of the strong admonitions of Likud as well as other members of the ruling coalition, I am making this broad risk to my very tenure as prime minister in return for the opportunity to establish peace with the Palestinians and for the opportunity for the American government to help us to reconcile with one another." And what is the actual loss? There is the matter of continuing diminishing of confidence amongst the Jewish citizens of Shomrun and Judea as well as an additional three months of economic hardship for those engaged in the building trade. Against these losses, Bibi must weigh the new contributions from the USA in terms of military weaponry and protection in the UN which means, protection from the international communities intent on delegitimitizing the state of Israel. Excellent diplomacy therefore requires a gambler's instinct. Many Readers are upset at Bibi's moves. In a sense, Talkbackers play the role of the Greek chorus from ancient times, reminding the audience with its droning stanzas of the terrible risks which the heros and heroines are about to fall into. For Bibi, those many who complain about and criticize him are not unlike the Greek choruses of ancient times, voices to whom Bibi can point and say, "You see, Mr. President, it is not only Knesset members who wish to thwart me but Israeli citizens and diaspora Jewry as well. So, I am taking a big big chance and I don't have all the time in the world. And, Mr. President, we do appreciate your contributions to the state of Israel in return for our (limited) flexibility." That's my perspective, Folks.
15. My last TB was addressed to Egon in Brussels
Schreiber   (11.14.10)
The one about Egon's wish to maintain the coalition.
16. renewing the freeze will provoke more terrorism and violence
avrom ,   bet shemesh   (11.15.10)
recent history shows that when the peace process is renewed terrorism and violence increases that causes the peace process to be stopped i believe it is G-d's mechanism whereby He stops the peace process as G-d does not want a two state solution but a one state solution called Israel
17. Israel was forced in Palestine, time to force Palestine
Ann ,   UK   (11.15.10)
18. And what would we get ?
Michel ,   Jerusalem   (11.15.10)
NOTHING, NOTHING and NOTHING just additional troubles.
19. Another Freeze
Mark ,   USSA   (11.15.10)
What will another "settlement" freeze actually produce? Will the palestinians give up on their "right of return" to pre-1967 Israel? Will Israel's demographic problems be solved by this further appeasement? The answer is No! The palestinians do not want a rump palestine. Their goal has always been the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel, whether all at once, or in stages. As long as there is a Jewish presence in the middle east, there will be perpetual conflict. Israel and the west need to realize this, and to stop using Israel in a futile attempt to try and appease a group that is unable or unwilling to make a true peace agreement.
20. shas is gutless
alexi   (11.15.10)
Israel is making a mistake on the freeze extension as it allows abbas to wiggle out of real negotiations. Shas sustained olmert inpower who caused a lot of israelis to lose blood and hezbollah war. Yosef probably is very knowledgeable but his party led by yishai is absolutely gutless in terms of standing for principles. Shas stands only for money and exemptions for the haredi. Even on Jerusalem, they allowed olmert to lie to them on what he had offered to abbas-they knew he was lying. So now on the issue of the freeze extension, they do the same thing-look the other way in return for considerations for e. Jeruslame even though obama will force bibi on it. And you know bibi cannot take pressure unfortunately though he is better than livni who was an initator of the unilateral gaza withdrawal.
21. Soon, the God of Israel will hit hard the USA !
Jaacov Baumann   (11.15.10)
I will be one of those happy for that - because I hate those who hate Israel ! ''He who curses Israel will be cursed!''
ROBERT ,   FARMINGTON,WV   (11.15.10)
A good kick in the butt , like so many times before , if obama comes up with a deal you can be assure its not in israels best interest , his main objective since taking office has been to get israel to give up land , while in america people are losing jobs , health care , the national defense has become weaken , he needs to stay away from israel.
23. to the Settlers: Everyone Will Abandon You
Dav Lev ,   Burbank. CAUSA   (11.15.10)
Okay, youse guys, so who is the first to die for the settlers? The entire world, including most Israelis want the W. Bk separated from the disputed definition of Israel and made the 23rd Arab state. What is new here really? While the lesser of 2 evils, it is a foregone conclusion. The settlers speak for no one but themselves. most are religious nuts, and dont see the tips of their fingers. I ask you, with no leverage, what choice does Bibi have? If US Jews abandon you, the U/S abandons you, the world abandons you, who will you go to then? W/O US arms, credits, suport at the UN when needed, what do you have, but a few hundred thousand settlers? Get real. Wake up. Irans nukes, Hez/Hamas/Syrian Missiles are ready to hit your cities..and what then. Are you prepared for thousands of deaths. and destruciton not know to the Jewish state? You cannot go it alone in a hostile word. Better a slice of the pie, than no pie at all. Every US Pres has been critrical of your annexation policies..and you know it. Sharon knew it. Barak and Bibi know the choice is difficult but realistic. Give the 3months..and see where it takes you. Israel can always walk out...Call up your reservists..and be prepared for a worldwide boycott of you, your goods and your people. You cannot win. I am a Zionist, but realisitic. You are asking for problems galore and the world will oblige you . Get it!
24. The Secular Jews Will Die For Every Zealot Who Leaves Israel
Dav Lev ,   Burbank CAUSA   (11.15.10)
And in 73 I witnessed from afar, thousands of Orthodox Jews leaving Israel like roaches. It was disgraceful. They understood Israels danger. The Orthodox will not fight, work, or aid Israel in a constructive way behind their yeshiva walls. Time is agin you Jews in Israel. The entire world condemns you, right or wrong. You cannot win, with your nukes or warplanes. Iran is gaining pariety and has 75m people, as does Turkey. Egypt/Jordan will turn on you on a dime. US Jews are leaving you in droves. The UN will institute a worldwide boycott of you and your goods. Then what. 1,000 flotillas will break your blockade, then what? Now, you have Obama on your side..a simple 3 months force the Arabs position. Do it, its doable. The alternative is warfare..which you CANNOT win. Thousands of dead and wounded Jews, your cities burning, your W. Bk settlements in ruins. Is this what you want to APPEASE a few thousand zealots. Wake up..its still time. And if the US abandons you, then what? Who will give tou those 55 F-35 Eagles and 3b in aid yearly, Micronesia.?5.5.5m Jews vs 400m Arabs vs 1.4b Muslims vs 400m Christian Europeans. Get real.
SINGER ,   SINGAPORE   (11.15.10)
SINGER ,   SINGAPORE   (11.15.10)
27. settlement freeze has my blessings...
hashem   (11.15.10)
28. "Settlements" - villages and towns of Jews who live...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (11.15.10)
...and work in their historic homeland - have never been an obstacle to peace. The categorical refusal by the Muslim-Arabs to accept Israel's HISTORIC, ETHICAL AND LEGAL RIGHT to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people, and the relentless attempt to wipe Israel off the face of earth, has. Anyone eager to see an accommodation of peaceful coexistence between Arab and Jew, between the Muslim-Arab world and the nation-state of the Jewish people should, instead of blaming Israel, the US or Mr. Harper, demand of the Muslim-Arab leadership, local and regional, to make the simple declarative step: state your acceptance of Israel's RIGHT to be, to exist as the nation-state of the Jewish people. Refusal to make this simple demand of the Muslim-Arab leadership makes one question the real motive of such a person obsessive critical of the nation-state of the Jewish people and often the people whose nation-state Israel is...!!
29. The issue is not $HA$ but $hade$
sk ,   USA   (11.15.10)
Why are settlers messing around with trivial types like Yishai? The proper target is Ovadiah Yosef, who hides his perfidy behind his title. Jews need to decide whether respecting a particular rabbi is more important than loving the Land.
30. freeze-no conceessions from arabs
moron ,   galut   (11.15.10)
only demands--americans will resent israel taking payment from them for a freeze..this is the worst kind of relationship and there is no incentive for arabs to agrre to anything or to keep any agreement
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