Jewish Scene
Australian Jewish students report anti-Semitism
Published: 17.11.10, 07:29
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27 Talkbacks for this article
1. not ''down-under'' thankyou very much
kiwi   (11.17.10)
On your homepage you titled this piece ''Anti-semitism goes down-under? '' Please note that ''down-under'' refers to NZ and Australia...not just Australia . NZ is not the subject of this article about anti-semitism. You show a picture of an extremely ugly skinhead with a swastika on the back of his neck. I know for a fact that nowhere in New Zealand is there a skinhead as ugly and fat as the one in your photograph. He's probably from Europe or the UK. NZers don't go for that ''look'' because it frightens the sheep and the tourists. He's probably even too repulsive to be an Australian. The photo is an insult to people from ''down-under'' . Please prove its a genuine ''down-underer'' or remove it. Thanks
2. Austrians
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.17.10)
They are genetic antisemites,They were worse than the germans during WW11.Invite the jewish students in Israels universities.
3. i am soooo surprised
oferdesade ,   israel   (11.17.10)
as opposed to most australian jews, i went to PUBLIC primary school in the 60s. the level of antisemitism was frightening and i am still scarred from it. but what can you expect of a country that was no. 2 on the average nazis escape target after argentina. of a country that refused entry to jewish refugees so as "not to import an antisemitism problem" they ostensibely "didnt have"!!! of a country where it was legal to hunt human beings well into the 20th centruy.
4. #2 oh dear oh dear -time to buy a map, mate
or some reading glasses, its not about Austrians ..its about Australians.
5. #4 Error austr(al)ian.
Ora ,   Jerusalem   (11.17.10)
oh dear oh dear,time for the Australians to change their ways,to avoid being mixed up with austrians,more.
6. #5. NZ is just a suburb of sydney.
DanGuralnek ,   Brisbane Australia   (11.17.10)
New Zealand belongs to Australia, Your independance is no greater than that of scotland from the UK. I think I'll call up julia and tell her to raise your taxes.
7. Sunlight is the best antiseptic
Tahl ,   Ashdod   (11.17.10)
All Australian institutions where antisemitism is rampant, should be fully exposed and put to criticism and shame. Wide exposure is the only way to beat antisemitims.
8. #2
austrian ,   Jerusalem   (11.17.10)
I am austrian and you must be genetic not very smart have a nice day
9. To8 sorry,i made a mistake
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.17.10)
10. #8 Ora - don't feel too bad
aliza ,   Israel   (11.17.10)
the organisers of the G20 conference in Seoul displayed the members who attended as dolls in their national dress. Julia Gillard, Australian PM was dressed as an Austrian milkmaid LOL
11. go to israel
fgd ,   us   (11.17.10)
leave civilized countries you do not belong
12. 10Aliza I feel much better, even the
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.17.10)
Australian PM got mixed up
13. Australia=/=Austria
Samy ,   Australia   (11.17.10)
Could you perhaps reread the article with this in mind.
14. Anti-Israel Is Not Anti-Semitic
Roo ,   New South Wales   (11.17.10)
Israel has become an apartheid state. Your government engages in state sponsored murder. Just today your military assassinated two men accused of terror without benefit of trial or jury. You governing body makes laws worthy of a police state or the American South in the 1940s or 50s. If Jews in Australia can't deal with these truths about your country then let them get out. No one in Austrailia will miss them and they will be happier in their stolen homeland.
15. Ora of Jerusalem
Jake B ,   Australia   (11.17.10)
Perhaps Google Maps might help you get to the capital of Australia called Vienna,join fellow tragics like George Bush and Sarah Palin discussing finer points of geography.
16. A survey of 50 self selected students across 5 universities
Kim ,   Australia   (11.18.10)
Ynet fails to mention in its report that the survey in question was completely unscientific and unrepresentative, consisting of 50 self-selected students across 5 different Melbourne campuses. The full report is here:
17. roo - nsw: we werent discussing anti-israel
oferdesade ,   israel   (11.18.10)
you have the gall to talk about apartheid? in a country that ethynicly totally destroyed an entire civilization?! the questionaire was dealing with antisemitism. pure & simple. and australia is the perfect petri dish for it. as for the jews in australia - yes they are fools for staying. most of them were so stupid they came from sth africa... ha! others came from post ww-2 europe. double ha! in the footsteps of former nazis who were as welcome in australia as they were in argentina.
18. Stereotypes allways big mistake.
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.18.10)
I was with my family on a little island in Australie on holidays,We ate only Kosher grilled fish.The waiter showed us the fish before grilling.He noticed that we did not accept non Kosher fish.He knew the difference,because he once worked for jews.The day before we left,he had a surprise for us.He brought at our table meat still in package with the needed kosher tampon,and asked if he could grill it for us.Somebody from the hotel had to be one day before in Sydney,2000km from our island,and brought from there the meat. In all the populations there are more good people than bad,but the bad make the headlines in the papers.We the readers(me included,mea culpa) should not help them.Now i am adressing the Australians and Austrians,Jews are not what you read in the papers.If you want to know them as they really are contact them.And secular Jews if you want to know your brothers talk to them. Let s all live in peace together.
19. #16 It says survey
Cynthia ,   USA   (11.18.10)
Does not need to be a scientific survey to convey information. Lame attempt to discredit the article.
20. Roo #14 & 17
Kiltie ,   Adelaide Australia   (11.18.10)
Yes Roo, its kind of rich that someone who belongs to a people who stole a whole continent from its indigenous people has the gall to talk about Israel being stolen. The European invaders of Australia had no history at all in the land. the Jews have a rich history in Israel spanning thousands of Years. You slaughtered the aboriginal people, stole their children right up to the 1970's. you keep them in terrible third world conditions and it took over 200 years for an Australian Prime minister to apologize. Only now after the last election is there an Aboriginal member of parliament. In Israel there have been a number of Arab MP's, the deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament is an Arab. Arab Israelis are Judges in all tiers of the courts including the Israeli Supreme court. There are thousands of Arab Israelis in the universities. I would rather be an Arab in Israel than an aboriginal in Australia. I know because I have been to Israel and I am an Australian aboriginal!
21. kiltie
oferdesade ,   israel   (11.18.10)
all i can say is that i am ashamed of the 10 years i spent in australia as a child. i returned once as an adult for a month in 1980 and saw that my childhood impressions were correct. have since refused to go back or renew my passport (in spite of constant haranguing to the contrary). i wish my own personal apology to you had more meaning than it does. i would not DREAM of apologizing to a palestinian.
22. # 17, 20 & 21 Two Wrongs Don't Make Right
World Citizen ,   the world   (11.18.10)
Yes the Australian government did horrible things to the Aboriginal people and the USA did terrible things to the Native Americans and blacks in the past. But what they did in the past is in no way a justification for what your government is doing to the Palestinian people today. And of all the people who should know better, it should be the Jews. The Americans or Australians can't change the past . All they can do is try to make up for past transgressions. But Israelis can change the actions of their government right now. That is what is so tragic and hypocritical about the course your government has set. You have the advantage of learning from other countries mistakes yet you willfully and sometimes even gleefully commit them. Therefore Israelis have no excuse.
23. #20- World Citizen
jem ,   melbourne australia   (11.18.10)
You are so wrong the injustices facing the aboriginies in australia continue today and will into the future. Their plight has not changed one iota for 200 years. In fact a recent UN report said Australian aborigines are the worst treat people by ny government in the world.
24. To World Citizen
Standing Tall ,   USA   (11.19.10)
Just wondering, since you are busy criticizing Israel, why you do not mention the many rockets sent into civilian areas of Israel? How they were sent to destroy elementary schools with children in them? These are the many acts of war of the Palestinians. Yet, nothing to say about it also? Nothing to say how Israel had to build a wall to stop the attacks on civilians riding a buses. The question is, why is it that Israel is not allowed to defend itself? Antisemitism comes to mind, Mr. Citizen.
25. They are not anti semetic...just ignorant Jew haters.
Jay3 ,   Israel   (11.19.10)
Everybody needs to stop using the wrong terminology. And most of the Jew hating on Australian campuses comes from the brainwashed Arab students that study there. ISnt that to be expected? No different to any other country. I grew up in the Australian schooling system in the was alot more racist back then and not just against Jews....also against the greeks, Italians and the Asians.
26. world citizen, although u mean well...
oferdesade ,   israel   (11.19.10)
your logic condemns you. you say the past of other nations is no justification for the crimes of the present, then state that israel should behave better based on its past. from that moment on, it is clear that your good intentions and honorable world view only apply to palestinians.
27. 25jay And cannibalism is not about
ORA ,   Jerusalem   (11.23.10)
killing men for food,it is just ignorant men eating other men s flesh.
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