Obama’s Iran failure
Shoula Romano Horing
Published: 05.12.10, 18:10
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. Jews better than Shiites for Arabs
Zipi ,   Chicago, US   (12.06.10)
Arabs sunni should say loud what they say behind closed doors that Israel the Jewish state is less dangerous to them than the Shiite Iranians. The Iranina wants to control and enslave them; the jews only want to help the mIddle East to flourish. and succeed
32. We will NOT open a 3rd war front on your behalf
Cameron ,   USA   (12.06.10)
We have had a bellyful of spending both blood & treasure over the years while others sit on their fat ass, and offer nothing but criticism & badmouth. We will not wage war on behalf of collective international apathy.
33. obamas islamic failure
ed ,   reno, america   (12.06.10)
obama has tried to appease islam and has gotten nothing in return i am not speaking about just the iranian failure but his failure to understand islam at all. islams goal is a islamic world order and it is held by all the islamic nations whether they openly express it or not. iran is the most truthfull of the islamic nations because they state this goal openly. the west should be glad of the fact that there are multiple islamic factions because if they were united ..... you can imagine the difference in the situation. but back to obama you have few choices in his actions either he is truly a stupid fool, an unwitting participant or a member of the farce being played out. his actions to date have done nothing to stand against the islamic threat if anything it has aided it. i personally think he knows exactly what he is doing and it is not good for western civilization.
34. The problem is Obama
Brod ,   USA   (12.06.10)
It is obvious who is the problem. The man from nowhere became President not because of his strong background, executive experience and tested leadership but his oratory. The fact is he has no executive experience and has no leadership skills in domestic or international affairs before becoming President. Now, he finds himself navigating the turbulent waters of domestic and world affairs without knowing what to do. Knowing his flaws, European Leftists quickly preempted him by giving him a Nobel Peace Prize before he could even warm the seat at the WH and earn its merits. When confronted by the Ayatollahs' nuke threat, he seems lost like an ostrich burying its head under the sand. The problem is that it is not just his lack of executive experience, but he has no balls in the first place. And if he has them, they have been preemptly guillotined by the Noble Peace Prize.
35. 34 Brod - No Support
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (12.06.10)
Your crowd only supports US troops whenstarting something. Not now when they need a budget or half a million increase in troops. You won't pay the taxes that go with that. Yet you expect the US military to bomb and control the entire Muslim world on command. Life doesn't work that way. You have to tax people and pay for a military, not give billionaires gifts. And like in Afghanistan, you cannot declare victory and then leave a war languishing for a decade while you invade another country or two or three or six as was planned. Obama inherited the mess that remains of the US military and is doing his best to resurrect it. Bush-Cheney and the NEOCONS almost destroyed our military, leaving us open to takeover by anybody half competent. And completely unable to deal with real threats, like North Korea. When are you and your cabal volunteering to invade North Korea? And when are your crowd volunteering to pay for your share of taxes for Iraq and Afghanistan? or even to pay next months' salaries for our Army?
36. Stopping Iran's nukes is not on "our" behalf, #13, 14, 32.
Tahl ,   Ashdod   (12.06.10)
Iran's war wouldn't stop after Israel and the Gulf states are done, these crazies are bent on Jihadizing the world. Such prospect should make American leaders lose sleep as much as it does for us in the Middle East. I don't know which is a more daunting option for the US: letting the Iranian nuke project proceed uninterrupted (without America or Israel attacking them), or having Israel alone attacking them, with all the subsequent mess it would create for the Western world. I think either option would turn out disasterous. Already we've been doing our best to hold their progress in a rather non-belligerant approach, with stuxnet and the lastest targeted killings there. I'm afraid though, it won't be enough. If Israel had the US's military power, we'd have done this dirty job long ago. But as it is, we are not strong enough to do it solo, yet we are more than willing to make it a joint effort, and provide help as much as we can. Now if the Gulf states would show more cooperation the stage would be set. Of course, the US may choose the more isolationist approach and do nothing (save a few token sanctions), the question you gotta ask yourselves, is how many years of quiet would it buy you? One should always weigh in the cost of action vs. the cost of inaction.
37. Mark of Lewiston #34
Brod ,   USA   (12.06.10)
The Leftists tend to get it wrong about the challenges that America is facing. The fact is America had no intention of waging with other nations prior to 9/11. However, when Saudi Islamist-Jihadists (which the Leftists and some Rightwingers like to call Al Queda) attacked America on 9/11, America launched its attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq. Not all Americans believed it was justified to invade Iraq. Afterall, the attackers of 9/11 were Saudis. George Bush has to answer for this anomaly. Instead, Iraq got the brunt of Bush's wrath at a high cost to Americans-more than 4000 dead and more than 20,000 wounded and maimed. And just because Bin Laden and his cohorts are hiding in Pakistan from American justice, neither Bush nor Obama could get Pakistan to hand them over to the American forces or allow American Special Forces to hunt for them. Meanwhile, Pakistan managed to suck $70 billion from America for nothing in return. Bin Laden and his cohorts, who planned and engineered the horrendous attacks on America on 9/11-murdering more than 3000 Americans in cold blood, destroying the Twin Towers, destroying part of the Pentagon Building, and destroying 3 American Jet Airliners filled with passengers-men, women and children, are still being sheltered by Pakistan. Despite the atrocities committed by the Saudis and Pakistan toward America, both Bush and Obama seem impotent in effecting justice on them. Instead, Obama bowed to the Saudi King at a Meeting in Rome (see this in Youtube). This impotence to effect real justice seems to be due to Bush's family business ties with the Saudis (read "The Iron Triangle" by Dan Briody). Others (see James Manning in Youtube) argue that the Saudis funded Obama's Election in 2008. Meanwhile, the War in Afghanistan continues on after 9 years simply because Bin Laden and his cohorts are still on the loose. And Pakistan continues to harbor and shelter them and lying about it! There are a lot of loonies who want America to wage wage with N. Korea. The fact is N. Korea has not attacked America nor has it threatened to wipe off another country. On the contrary, N. Korea wants to make peace with America. However, Iran is a nation that is governed by fanatical Islamist-Jihadists called Ayatollahs that are hellbent on the path of destruction and world domination. They have threatened repeatedly to wipe off Israel, and they are feverishly working on their nukes to accomplish their evil intention. Already, they have dominated Lebanon and turned it into Hezbollahtan, and Gaza and turned it into Hamastan. And after America has spent bilions of dollars and sacrificed thousands of lives, liberating Iraq and Afghanistan from tyranny and evil, Iran manages to dominate the governments of these emerging nations right in front of the eyes of the American Forces in these countries. And the Obama administration allowed this to happen under their watch. They continue to tolerate their propped-up Karzai government who sold their soul to Iran for '30 pieces of silver.' Congress should not tolerate the incompetence of the Obama administration. Doing so, will only let the plague of Ayatollahism to spread in the region and all over the world. The Iran Nuke Threat is the greatest threat to humanity. It is not just a threat to Israel and the region, but also to Europe, America, Russia and the whole world.
38. to#36 Hitler- cost of doing nothing
Dan ,   Chicago   (12.06.10)
Chamberlain gave in to Hitler and did nothing; 6 million jews murdered.
39. 37 Brod - A Draft & Taxes
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (12.06.10)
All you and your allies need is to pass a draft to put millions more under arms. Get it introduced if you can. Then we need about a 15% tax increase on all not-active-duty Americans to pay the costs since all the credit is gone. Get that introduced if you are serious. Otherwise you are like every Republican and neocon - all talk. The US needs to raise about $2 Trillion and about 3.5 million men and women under arms additional to realistically start to deal with the issues. Find somebody in the new Congress willing to do that if you're more than just talk.
40. Mark #39
Brod ,   USA   (12.06.10)
Forget about tax. What is needed is creation of jobs. More tax will kill the creation of jobs and worsen America's economic downturn. Meanwhile, America should get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. America should also remove its 35,000 troops in S. Korea. This will save America billions of dollars that should be used to pay its national debts. However, the Iran Nuke Threat is a challenge that must be addressed. The Obama administration does not have the balls to do anything about it. As such they should not prevent Israel from defending herself against it. Israel has all the rights in the world to defend herself against those who threaten to obliterate her.
41. Self destructivePATHETIC world
adi ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.07.10)
While iran is continuing meddling with Middle east countires spreading thier influences and developing thier nuclear weapons, the world agai n and again is obssessed with the side show of Plestine. Brazil, argentina and Urguay reconized Palestine, not caring at all about Iran;
42. Israel, you cannot avoid the evil that stalks you.
John Prophett   (12.08.10)
It is attempting to slither a noose around your neck. The right path requires you take measures before evil completes its task. The Word!
43. Why Us?
Greg ,   Tulsa, OK   (12.12.10)
I keep hearing about "our" failure, Obama's failure, (not that I'm any fan of Obama) to stop Iran's nuclear program. I'm reading about these Arab nations begging the US to do something about Iran and so forth. Why don't they do it themselves?! I believe in supporting our "allies" but I strongly believe it's time the US STOP FIGHTING other countries wars!
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