Let’s pray like in America
Aliza Lavi
Published: 11.01.11, 11:24
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61. to 34
if your knowledge is that about mohammad .i think you must dance an eastern dancing in alharam street you think you are better than Dina /once she was asked if eastern dancing is halal or haram she laugh and said ask -johndelancy alaska
62. to #59, You're getting the hang of it
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.12.11)
Of course, you're still _wrong_. According to Genesis, Isaac was 40 and Rebecca was 14. And according to Genesis, it was _Isaac_, not the son of the bondwoman Ishmael, whom G-d chose to inherit his covenant, and it was _Isaac_, not Ishmael, whom Abraham was ready to sacrifice on Mt Moriah. But we both already know that Muslims deliberately misinterpret the Bible, and not only concerning Isaac. Your second and third paragraph show that you have done research. Of course, this is the problem between your faith perspective and my own. Yes, it was legal and a widespread practice to treat women like property and marry them off as children to men who would use them for their pleasure. But just because it was done then, does not mean that it was right, nor does another person's wrongdoing become exemplary behavior for us today. Despite what the Marriage official for Saudi Arabia says. As a case in point, Rachab the Harlot is in the geneology of King David. Right there for all to see, she was a prostitute, the Almighty saw in her something worth being in the lineage of David the King. (and of Messiah, if you are a Christian - I only assumed that you are a Muslim) But that does not mean that harlotry has now become exemplary behavior for Jews today. And Mohammed having physical relations with Aisha is not exemplary behavior. Prostitution is wrong, and so is sex between grown men and children.
63. To #60
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.12.11)
"Giving one the middle finger" is a colloquialism in the American language. it is equivalent to Brits holding up their index and middle fingers, both mean: %$#@ You! Cartoonish substitute symbols so that YNet's moderation program doesn't autotrash this post. What I meant to say, in perhaps more clear language: God Almighty surely chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, and of course, the children of Israel, today called the Jews. But just because He did so, this does not mean He is rudely pushing away every other people group. Rather, Gods sure and certain choosing of the Jews is a sign of hope for all people on this planet. I hope that makes more sense.
64. to #61
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.12.11)
I'm sorry, but while I can tell you are trying to mock me, there is too little commonality between us for your imagery to be more than confusing. It would be like me saying that you are able to have thought move from one brain cell to another only because of the principle of simultaneity - if someone were to give you a CAT scan, the wave potential of your brain cell would collapse into a discreet point. Don't try to think about it - or at least not while someone is observing you. ;)
65. #62 have you read the scripture?
observer   (01.13.11)
>>Isaac was 37 yrs at time of binding_ of Isaac. News of Rebecca's birth reached Abraham immediately after that event (Gen 22:20). Isaac was 40 yrs old when he married Rebecca (Gen 25:20), making Rebecca 3 yrs old at time of her marriage. Do you suggest that the Jewish Bible was written by a man, like Hadiths, not a divine book. Now would you think that Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram and sister of Laban the Aramean, would have drawn water by herself to the camels of Abraham's servant till those sat? it would have been logic for a 3 year old girl to order her servants to serve water for the slave's camel. That would have impressed Abraham's slave than her serve water to camels by herself to the that he gifted her with a golden nose ring and golden bracelet, down payment for future Isaac's marriage. >>A 40-year-old man having sex with a 14-year-old woman may be a "pedophile" in the USA today, but not in the USA last century. >>Quraysh and jews of madinah would have jumped all over this? The fact remains that the Quraysh, Jews or no one ever spoke up about her age or against this marriage. So Aisha's age really has no relevance . >>The Cristian oral tradition said that Mary was 10-11 when she was pregnant.
66. Christopher Hitchens is the only hope for the USA
and the world. First the western world must defeat Islam militarily. Judaism and Christianity can then be defeated by education and logic.
67. To #65 Observer
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.14.11)
(THIRD try - this post is fact-based, is not deliberately inflammatory, and has no profanity. Why won't it post???) Yes, and unlike Islamic scholars, I don't misinterpret it. The scripture doesn't say how old Isaac was, but most discussion on Isaac's age has come from people debating whether he was a lad of as young as 5 or, since he was old enough to carry the firewood, the majority of scholars estimate his age at between mid-teens up to 25. One source places his age at 33 to mirror the age of Jesus at his crucifixion, death and resurrection. That's the oldest estimate from among _competent_ scholars. According to the Bible, Rebecca was old enough to carry a pitcher of water on her shoulder, and hold a coherent and rational conversation with an adult man. The text makes no mention of servants, but does mention that the servant of Abraham was waiting for women to come to draw water. Rebecca gave the servant water and used her own pitcher to fill a trough for the camels to drink from. It's amazing how easy the Bible is to understand when one reads it, rather than simply allowing one's imam to tell one what to think. There is a difference between a man in his 50's having sex with a nine-year old child and a man in his 40's having sex with a woman who has reached the age of majority in that locale and that era. The former has been seen as wrong for a while now, the latter ... not so much. Since you seem so intent on defending this (or considering it normative enough to be of no significance), am I to take it that you agree with the Marriage Officiator for Saudi Arabia, that Mohammed's example of having sex with a nine-year old is exemplary for us today? Finally, a quick search engine inquiry reveals that Christian scholars all place Mary's age at no less than 14 when she conceived. Again, age of majority for that locale and that era. If you're going to keep defending sexual relations with pre-teens, at least take the five seconds I took for that quick fact-check. Therre is more pressing news, so I will give you the last word in this discussion. I hope it will be reasoned and based in fact.
68. to #65 Yep and didn't misinterpret it ...
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.14.11)
(2nd try - couldn't save the original that the Ynet mod program deleted) ... unlike Islamic scholars do. The scripture doesn't say how old Isaac was, but most discussion on Isaac's age has come from people debating whether he was a lad of as young as 5 or, since he was old enough to carry the firewood, the majority of scholars estimate his age at between mid-teens up to 25. One source places his age at 33 to mirror the age of Jesus at his crucifixion, death and resurrection. That's the oldest estimate from among _competent_ scholars. According to the Bible, Rebecca was old enough to carry a pitcher of water on her shoulder, and hold a coherent and rational conversation with an adult man. The text makes no mention of servants, but does mention that the servant of Abraham was waiting for women to come to draw water. Rebecca gave the servant water and used her own pitcher to fill a trough for the camels to drink from. It's amazing how easy the Bible is to understand when one reads it, rather than simply allowing one's imam to tell one what to think. There is a difference between a man in his 50's having sex with a nine-year old and a man in his 40's having sex with a woman who has reached the age of majority in that locale and that era. The former has been seen as wrong for a while now, the latter ... not so much. Since you seem so intent on defending this (or considering it normative enough to be of no significance), am I to take it that you agree with the Marriage Officiator for Saudi Arabia, that Mohammed's example of having sex with a nine-year old is exemplary for us today? Finally, a quick search engine inquiry reveals that Christian scholars all place Mary's age at no less than 14 when she conceived. Again, age of majority for that locale and that era. If you're going to keep defending sexual relations with pre-teens, at least take the five seconds I took for that quick fact-check. Therre is more pressing news, so I will give you the last word in this discussion. I hope it will be reasoned and based in fact.
69. John DeLancey
Ynet is closed for half the day --- your post will sometimes take up to 8 hours to appear. At other times it will appear within a few minutes. Where I live in the world there's a ''dead spot'' from about 10 a.m till 6 p.m.
70. #67 Isaac had two wives; first wife was called Judith
observer   (01.14.11)
Polygamy - This one doesn't even require much backup. The list of faithful men of old who had multiple wives is virtually endless - Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and many, many more. In addition to taking multiple wives, most of these men also took concubines, which are basically mistresses. Why does Torah law allow polygamy? Rabbi Tarfon married 300 women since he was a Kohen and received the priestly tithes. "If a man will have two wives, one beloved and the other hated..." a man must provide "food, clothing and conjugal rights" commensurate to her needs, his capacity and equal to any other wives. Additionally, the husband must provide separate housing for each wife. That is CLEARLY stated in the scripture: Deuteronomy 21:15-17. Is Modern Judaism more resilient than "Modern" Islam to modify what is CLEARLY stated in the scripture, while Muslim scholars are less clever than Rabbis in modifying what strict restrictions put on polygamy in Qura'an (their own scripture). don't play cute, it is there strictly clear in the scripture, but Rabbis' interpretation is what does matters for you.
71. To #70 Okay ... you're moving to another issue
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.14.11)
Isaac did _not_ have another wife, according to the Bible. In fact, an internet search reveals _no_ source espousing this bit of fiction. So ... yea, if it's not in the Bible and it's not even discussed by scholars thereof, it's not something I'd address. That would be similar to discussing space aliens (though not the same, because - unlike Judith the wife of Isaac - space aliens are discussed by Bible scholars). In addition, according to Jewish thought (a useful source for information about the father of Jacob), " In the rabbinic imagination, their mutual loyalty leads Isaac to refuse additional wives, despite Rebekah's initial infertility." As for rabbinic interpretation, while it's convenient not to have to reinvent the wheel, the source of my knowledge of the Bible is ... the Bible. I'm not going to go doctrine by doctrine with you and debate your faith's various theological positions. There are other articles on Ynet. I'll follow this article long enough to enable you to have a final word, simply as a courtesy.
72. To #69 - thanks!
John DeLancy ,   Alaska, USA   (01.15.11)
I'm not as angry at Ynet then - everyone deserves a break. :)
73. #72 don't you consider Shabbat by Eastern Time?
observer   (01.15.11)
the Messiah came to Mormons in America.
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