What about axis of evil?
Ophir Falk
Published: 15.02.11, 10:38
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31. The same old Israeli warmongering spin...
Mikesailor ,   Miami, FL   (02.15.11)
The 'axis of evil' sprang full blown from David Frum, the speechwriter for Bush 2 (aka Shrub). Ir was a meaningless phrase for the countries involved were a) not joined by interdependent treaties, and 2)the major sins of all three were basically dosagreeing with US policies. None were, or are, major military threats to the US, none have the power to trigger WWIII. The idea of Shrub's 'Freedom Agenda' was not to create 'democratic' goverbnnments within the Middle East. It was merely to supplant existing 'unfriendly' governments with others more complacent and accepting of IS foreigh policxy. Therefore, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc, were always lauded and Shrub's agenda never concerned them. Frankly, a policy treating each country more or less the same, using the same yardsticks for measuring oppression would be best for the US. But then it would have to take into account Israeli activities, for sanctions or criticism of only those Muslim states wuld be hypocritical wouldn't it? So, the occupation would no longer be even tacitly approved by the US and the funding would cease. And UN vetos would no longer be automatic.
32. #29 Yitzhak
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.15.11)
Don't hold your breath If we take his first two years as an example, the best Obama can do is only screw it up worse than it is Unemployment sucks Economy is in the doldrums He forced Obamacare down Americas throat Personally, I truly believe he is a Manchurian Candiate member of the Muslim Brotherhood
33. obumma is the axis of evil, can't confront himself.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (02.15.11)
34. You are kidding right???
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (02.15.11)
He is more concerned with the school lunch programs in the United States School cafeterias. Once he gets all the Hornets killing each other with twitter and the Mob coups that he has helped establish.....then he will walk away. Mexico has killed 36,000 civilians on the United States southern border over the last 5 years. He'll probably focus on that. Possibly he will focus on global warming.....who knows with the child in the White House. His toy box is full of new characters, and plenty of imagination, that makes his foreign policy fly to all our detriment. I've given up hope on the guy myself.
35. A G-dly solution
Keren ,   IL-BR   (02.15.11)
A G-dly solution for the ME conflict ,and actually for the whole world conflict ,is to turn the axix of evil in an axis of Goodness. How? All these countries that have oil must make peace with Israel ,and Israel helps all them with tecnology and with all means in order their resources to be used for the well being of all human beings,making all the world depending on these resources to progress and develop in economic,educational and all possible ways. Israel is the most capable to accomplish such task! The only 2 things for this G-dly union to happen(so I believe)and be fulfilled are: 1-The evil being on this all equation must be forcebly toppled and disappear from humans beings midst:Ahmad and all his proxies. 2-Arabs must give land to allocate "palestinians",respecting the biblical Land that belong to Jews,and about which both Torah and Coran are in agreement. It is simple and simply demands a little push of Good Will.
36. 27/28 Of Course, Pay No Attention Ben
Mark of Lewiston ,   Lewiston USA   (02.15.11)
Just let me know when you plan to board ship like my daughter and steam around the Persian Gulf for months at a time, playing target for Iranian cruise missiles to calibrate on. The is in the US Navy. And when are your brigades going to join our amphib ships with out Marines steaming around the Persian Gulf to provide a military threat? Two MAUs currently there now waiting for IDF allies to arrive.
37. To: No. 36
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.15.11)
1. Your daughter was not drafted into service. She made a conscious decision to enter the Navy. 2. There are risks attendant to entering the armed forces. Death is one of them. Presumably she was aware of this when she made her decision. 3. The United States Navy is in the Persian Gulf to protect United States interests; not Israeli interests. That said, permit me to point out that Israel is a far better friend to the United States than the United States is to Israel. We took out the Osirac reactor. Would have been quite a different Gulf War in 1991 if we hadn't; you do realize that, don't you? 4. Israel -- particularly its military -- does things "cahol o'lavan." That means "blue and white." While countless American military personnel have died defending Arab interests, not one has died defending Israeli interests. We are perfectly capable of looking after ourselves. In fact, if Somalia, Iraq (twice), Afghanistan, Waziristan and Pakistan are any example, we do not want U.S. troops interfering. They'd only get in Israel's way.
38. #22 Sarah
Alan ,   MN, USA   (02.15.11)
Sarah, I disagree with your comment that the U.S. military should stay out of the way. To the contrary, we need to fight together. We should stand WITH Israel, not stand back and watch.
39. I wonder
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (02.15.11)
If a majority of Americans have a little understanding of the English language as idiots like Mark the Luddite. Confront does not require military action. Confront can be another venue such as diplomatic or economic or even a combination of venues. Iran is already feeling some of the effects that Congress imposed over Odumba's objections. These could easily be enhanced to point that change by the Iranian people might happen. But that would take more intelligence than the Odumba administration has, heck Billiary herself stated that they had no clue that Mubarak was in trouble. We did, but US intelligence didn't. When you censor speech like the Odumba administration has done, you aren't allowed to think logically. I wonder when the US is going to allow it's citizens as much rights as our citizens enjoy.
40. To #8 Sarah B
Reality Check ,   Berlin   (02.15.11)
If 200 000 Cairo protesters of 80 million Egyptians don't count as a democratic uprising, what do 10 000 Teheran protesters of 80 million Iranians add up to? A waste of time? And by the way - Recently, Egyptians and Iranians take to the streets to support freedom and democracy, while Israelis take to the streets to support occupation and oppression. The times sure are a changing.
41. To: Alan at No. 38
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.15.11)
Do you remember when a handful of barefoot warlords using old rusty weapons humiliated the full faith and credit of the U.S. Armed Forces in Somalia? I do. Do you realize how badly things are going in Iraq and Afghanistan? I do. Sectarian violence in Iraq creates daily disasters. The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan and a growing power to contend with in Pakistan and Waziristan. Please understand, too, that in the Middle East, the United States fights as a member of NATO. Turkey, for the moment, is a member of NATO, as are a number of other countries not favorably disposed to Israel. No, Israel is better off going it alone.
42. To: No. 40
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.15.11)
I guess it would depend on one's definition of occupation and oppression. Germany lost roughly 25% of its land mass following World War II, and endured massive population shifts of ethnic Germans leaving the countries in which they lived. And that was just after one war. The Arabs have started SIX wars; Israel has prevailed in all. Time for them to endure a reduction in land mass and some population shifts. Sorry. That's just the way of the world. Factor in seven decades of unrelenting Arab terror and you can readily see why we do not want them in our midst. They are a cancer in our body politic and, like all cancers, must be excised.
43. #36 Mark - It's always someone else
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.15.11)
that's doing it, it's never you You never, ever did say what your Military Experience was, until you do, don't have the nerve to tell others how they should or shouldn't perform theirs If, in fact, your daughter is going to do what you say she's going to do, all credit to her She certainly doesn't follow in the footsteps of her wimp of a father In the military, leaders lead, in your case, you're not even a follower
44. Obama
15.02.11   (02.16.11)
It's a shame he turned out the way he did. But how much more was expected from this inexperienced little boy. The fact that his b. certificate was not demanded from him, I can only surmise that there was a sound payoff there. somebody has change in their pockets.
45. does anyone insult American servicemen more than Sarah B?
it's time she moved ,   to Israel   (02.16.11)
46. #30 the word is ''concur'' (agree) - not conquer
47. #8
P ,   Philadelphia   (02.16.11)
Evil is not real. The world is full of people, with various ideas about how things should work, various values, various leaders. To reduce that to "good" and "evil" is simple confusion. I don't know if the end of Mubarak's regime is to be celebrated or mourned (time will tell), but you're wrong about the museum vandalism; that's been shown to have been a stunt pulled by Mubarak's secret police to discredit the protestors. Leave "good" and "evil" for childhood stories; as adults we owe it to ourselves to have a more sophisticated understanding of human nature and politics.
48. Obama made a big mistake in turning his back on Mubarik.
ghj ,   Passaic, NJ USA   (02.16.11)
Remember 1979, when a pro-Western dictator, the Shah, was overthrown by an alliance of reformers ans Islamists. Shortly after the fall of the Shah,the Islamists smashed the reformists, establishing an anti-Western regime that sponsored terrorism and radicalism throughout the region. Saddam then took advantage of the situation, starting an 8-year bloody war.
49. #36 Mark, I look at you as a "Proxy Warrior"
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.16.11)
Just so you sit back, play pretend, while others do the dirty work However, in all probability the next war wont' be on land, it will be mainly through aerial means, rockets, planes, satellites & such, I can't visualize, though I may be wrong, vast amounts of troops and armor assembled for ground attacks It's too difficult toe assemble vast numbers and equipment, it's much easier to use airborne delivery devices If the need a drone, they'll call on you, you drone on endlessly over what you know absolutely nothing about I've heard of kids hiding behind their parents, you're the first instance I have run across of a parent hiding behind his daughter R.I.P. you're already dead from the neck up
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.16.11)
and some doubts Since you are unable or unwilling to come up with your MOS Ask y ou daughter what hers is, IF (and that's a big IF), she's in service, she has one, ask her what hers is We've all heard about kids hiding behind their parents, in your case, this is the first instance I've heard of a parent hiding behind their child
51. Sara B
Moragh   (02.16.11)
Keep going Sara B. I wish I had half of your grit and intelligence. I love reading your posts and watching all those "machos" squirm like little worms. Keep up the good work.
52. To Sarah B. #40
Reality Check ,   Berlin   (02.16.11)
Here a reality check. The cancer in your body politic is Religious Zionism. It is alienating you from the West upon which you are compleatly dependent , as your frantic calls for Obamas support prove beyond a doubt. So soon, Iran may well be a emerging Democracy, while Israel slips back into a repressive Theocracy upon which the West eventually turns its back. The writing is on the wall and the times are a changing.
53. Obama axis of evel are Israel, Right-wing Christians, and
Moshe ,   Netanya   (02.16.11)
Republican party.
54. #52 Really?!?
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (02.16.11)
Because we have a state religion we are alienating the west, this is your claim? Guess a lot of the west is then being alienated. The following Western countries also have state religions: Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Greece, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, England, and Republic of Macedonia. Are they somehow being alienated? Bet not.
55. #7 Sarah. The answer is both of the above.
Chaim ,   Israel   (02.16.11)
#7 Sarah. Obama is both an inept idiot who is presiding over the ruin of the American economy, sustained unemployment rates not seen since the Great Depression, unprecedented debt, a totally loathesome unconstitutional health care bill and many more horrid things. Obama is also a toadie to Radical Islam who bows to every Moslem leader he meets and toadies to Radical Islam every chance he gets. So the answer to your question is: both of the above.
56. Will Prez Obama confront Iran?
Rick ,   USA   (02.16.11)
.... Oh, excuse me... I had to stop laughing so hard, I could not type!! Obama confront Iran?!!??! LMAO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
57. #54. Yes really!
reality Check   (02.17.11)
In not one of the nations you mention, are religious lunatic forces well integrated in the goverment or in the armed forces.
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