Palestinians reject US request on settlement vote
Elior Levy
Published: 18.02.11, 16:21
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58 Talkbacks for this article
Ian ,   Newcastle upon Tyne   (02.18.11)
It seems to me that a resolution demanding a Palestinian state within the '67 borders would end up as farce. There were no internationally recognized borders in 1967. Even putting that aside,what would be the borders of 'Palestine' with Jordan?That's an issue I never hear mentioned.In 1967 the West Bank was territorially continuous with the state of Jordan.Will the eastern border of Palestine' be the eastern borders of Jordan?That is one of the recognized borders within which was the West Bank in 1967. It looks like a mess to me,but maybe Abbas actually does have grander plans than he discloses and is trying to get the UNSC to rubber-stamp them. THREE CHEERS FOR ISRAEL!!!
32. It serves BHO right!
Nou Gnon ,   Ndjamena, Chad   (02.18.11)
It serves Obama right. His own friends and brothers doing it to him and openly. Imagine who is Abbas telling Obama :"no, I won't listen to you?" Well, as it's been pointed out: the problem is not one fool-the obama style- but the multitude of fools who saw Obama as redeemer and elected him. He's a mere primus inter pares- the pares being the fools that elected him in the first place. Now, I sincerely hope that he votes for that resolution so that he be exposed for what he truly is: an anti-semite of the first order, a jewhater from hell. But then, one thing he and most of his people ignore is that God himself is in control. No one fights (against) God and wins. Never ever. Obama, you are a compete loser.
33. @26 BEN JABO , Palestine is not hell
Salma ,   Palestine   (02.18.11)
Like it or Not , we have one state called Palestine, it is Our Paradise .
34. veto or abstention?
ed ,   reno, america   (02.18.11)
there is no question of what the right thing to do is, the question is does obama have the guts to do the right thing or will he continue to bow to the islamic agenda he has been following? obamas past has proved he is no friend of Israel so why would he change. if he vetos it will only be because of the american people forcing him to do the right thing not out of any morale obligation that he feels, because his past accomplishments prove he has no morale guide he bows to islam.
35. Very soon the big move East
AlbertoGA ,   St. George, USA   (02.18.11)
Time is short for the famous Jordanian kingdom. The king will move to Lodon with his Millions and the place will be called Palestine. Abbas and gang will move out of Israel and Gaza This will be the end of this ridiculous Circus Maximus.
36. Salma
JUDAH THE LION   (02.18.11)
NO such place called Palestine. Your paradise is in the dessert of Saudi Arabia,and your holy place called Mecca & Medina.
37. To: Ed at No. 34
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.18.11)
The Wall Street Journal seems to think that the United States will veto the resolution: Personally, I'm not that sure. At a time when the Middle East is in turmoil, a wise president would recognize the importance of reassuring an important ally in a very important region of the world. Alas, however, we have an idiot in the White House who has fumbled the ball more often than not. I agree with you that Obama has absolutely no moral compass. I also worry about his hidden agenda.
38. #33 Salma, true you have one state
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.18.11)
Just happens to be named Jordan, which by the way was stolen from the Jews by the Brits when they mal-administered their Mandate, by stealing almost 3/4 of Mandate Palestine, giving to Emir Abdullah of Arabia as a payoff for his not hassling them during World War One If it's such a "Paradise" why are the brothers fighting with each other? In my view your "Paradise" is a true hell; Abbas is adding coals to fire and stirring the pot with his pitchfork It wasn't that long ago that I posed a series of questions, which if you had answered, would have given credence to your claim to Palestine You didn't answer, thus you have no claim
39. Strangely enough, I hope the condemnation goes through
Dan S. ,   USA   (02.18.11)
Israel has wasted more time trying to avoid this, including worthless and pointless gestures to these Palestinians which endanger the lives of Jews. It is better to cross this river now and wake up the next day to see that nothing has changed; that those who would talk and do business with us before such a condemnation will do so after and so on. Nobody cares about the circus in the UN in any place that matters. It is better Israel realizes this sooner rather than later and acts accordingly.
40. Right you are Mark fr Georgia..We all know,have known quite
ROSS ,   U..S.A   (02.18.11)
For quite sometime that the UN mainly consists ofL: Oil rich Arabs, dictatorships that rule the roost in that unbridled anti-Israel UN. No one in their right minds would give credence to that so-called august establishment..called UN. The sooner it is dismembered the better for all decent democratic people in the world. .
41. You are absloutely right ---zionist forever.Obama is just>
James T ,   U.S.A   (02.18.11)
Obama is just juggling his position to maintain a modicum or semblance by being (supposedly) for Israel? I'll believe it when I see it. Words are fine,let us see ACTIONS. By that I mean is he really doing it for love of Israel,or thinking of his "near" future i.e Preparing for his elections in 2012? If as you say using the veto will lose him credibilty ,or even if he abstains the same result ,who cares so long as he does not opt out of his recent pronouncement. That he is pushing Abbas not to take the road to the UN obviously to gain favor from the usual Jewish votes needed. Just wait,those stupid American Jews who helped putting him in the White House will repeat their big mistake no doubt.. I doubt he is dumping his Muslim friends..ZF ..Appearances can be deceiving you know, especially with any politician who promises the earth,once in power, change like the wind,and do the opposite. We will have to wait and see if his recent par-for Israel will continue.
42. #31 1967 borders
Daniel Francis   (02.18.11)
The answer to your question on where the eastern border of palestine would be is the Jordan RIver. THis is because Jordan's King Hussein ceded all claims it held on the West Bank to the PLO at the Arab League summit of 1988. In answer to the first, their is no formal recognition of the 1967 lines as beintg the borders of the state of Israel/ Palestine. This is not good news for Israel but bad news if it insists that this border is irrelevant. Because the only formally recognized border of the state of Israel is the 1947 Partition plan borders. (Auschwitz Borders indeed). If the 1967 borders are in dispute as the main refernce point for the borders of a palestinian state than it is those borders, not those of the British Mandate. This is not only because of UN agrements but because David Ben Gurion and Chaim Weizmann formally recognized them as the borders of the Jewish State of Israel on May 14 1948.
43. The Floating White Feather
Gideon Reader ,   USA   (02.18.11)
My Momma; Stanley always tol' me..... "Stupid is as stupid does!" Barack Hussein Gump? Sounds about right. Or as General Honore, of Hurricane Katrina fame said, "It's a terrible thing to be stuck on stupid, son."
44. Shouldn't the US take away monetary support from Pals then?
William ,   Israel   (02.18.11)
Or withdraw support in the UN for "Palestinian" aspirations for a State on stolen Jewish property and act as the VETO in every vote unless Pallys learn to compromise? Right now, the "Palestinians" show they are incapable and unwilling to do the hard work that results in a sovereign State and which requires concessions. At the end of the day, if there even was a vote in the UN, it would be illegal as it nullifies the war crimes of Arabs in 1948 through war, theft of property, and ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem. That's an issue that has no statute of limitations.
45. #6 - You lack in credibility, Mike
William ,   Israel   (02.18.11)
In reality, no country recognizes the MORALITY of the settlements but do not have an adverse opinion on the legality of them. That's because legally, the settlements are legit, however, (and check intl govt statements over the years) believe they are immoral and not conducive to peace in the region. There are a few who mention the word "illegal" but they are neither produced statements by an intl lawyer nor do they cite laws broken. It's a statement based on the court of public opinion, not on a real intl court decision based on laws.
46. #24 - Sarah, this makes perfect sense
William ,   Israel   (02.18.11)
You know Arab mentality so this really does make sense. Abbas is in desperate need to "show" something to his people even if its only through extortion and won't amount to much. The "Palestinians" believe now is a great time to exploit the situation for their behalf, believing that the chaos elsewhere is keeping people too busy to think. The Arabs, who are really pushing this vote, are looking to take attention off their domestic issues and make the Israeli-"Palestinian" issue the main focus, even though domestically people are more pissed off at oppression, violence, and lack of jobs. In other words, what the Arabs have been doing for 63 years is exactly what they're doing today...which is probably why most Arab leaders won't survive the year, Abbas included.
47. #28 - usually when Leftists use words of absolute...
William ,   Israel   (02.18.11)
it means they have no proof to back it up. Notice when they use the words "everyone" or "no one" - it means they are presenting their opinion, no facts. If that doesn't work, expect the words "Nazis", "racists", and "apartheid" to end conversation.
48. William
Michael ,   Haifa   (02.18.11)
Check out the Geneva Convention Articles that state the illegality of moving civilian populations into military conquered territories
49. #20 - and Israel worked hard for recognition...
William ,   Israel   (02.18.11)
including many compromises. You are certainly too young, and for sure not a historian, to remember when the UN took over for the League of Nations, and how they developed since the 1940s. What started off as a great idea of intl diplomacy, of which Israel was born, has become a bastardized organization which has allowed itself to be ruled by large blocs of nations, and have been caught involved in many scandals - not very diplomatic at all, is it? Israel negotiated heavily in years leading up to its independence, with intl declarations in favor, based on intl law. Jews bought tons of property in the region years before WWII. In contrast, most "Palestinians" cannot prove ownership of their land beyond a story about their grandfather. They also shot down most compromises and even rejected from Israel the very deals they demand through the UN, knowing the latter will not ask for anything in return, including acceptance of Israel as a Jewish State and their neighbor. What's more upsetting in the fact that what the Arabs are demanding - end of settlements and a State on 1967 borders - negates the war crimes they committed in years past, namely the ethnic cleansing of Jews from their land (where most settlements today are located on), and the UNR242 which DOES NOT call for a return to 1967 borders but a secure solution with defensible borders. The UN of 1948 is very different than the UN of 2011.
50. To@ 6 "credibility" Oh Credibility,but of what Michael
Stephen ,   Albany NY   (02.18.11)
Incidently living in Haifa ...Me thinks you are not a Jew,but perhaps an Arab or a Druze.....with your thought process trying to delegitimaze Israel almost forcing it to many of us down our throats on the socalled illegality of the settlers.If that is your premise(wrong of course) then what are you,or the rest of the Jewish population in Israel doing there anyway. C'mon begin to pack up your bags now! Including the rest of 7+millon Jews(not counting he Arabs by the way) And stick your response wehere the sun don't shine. I tend to be rough & direct(William & the rest responded politely). Not me old chum,you need a SLAP in your face type of response,and I am giving it to you straight as you deserve. The only thing I can garner is:You are emulating some of the Haaretz Jew bashing creeps that never stop pointing it out without do reference to the actual truth. Now how about you vacate Haifa and go advocating your BS elsewhere.Idiot
51. Kick USA out of peace process
James ,   Canada   (02.19.11)
The Palestinians must look for new friends. The USA is not their friend. The US congress is dominated by AIPAC lackeys who will never allow the US to actually mediate a fair peace between the parties. This vote served an important purpose--exposing the US's unabashed pro-Israeli bias.
52. #20 UN worked hard to Partition
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.19.11)
There's no denying that fact The problem is and was is that the Jews Accepted the State of Israel Arabs refused to accept theirs, preferring to attack Israel instead It's all in the history books,try reading them before posting utter gibberish
53. #42 Daniel Francis
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.19.11)
In Law, for an a contract to be in effect, both sides must agree and adhere to it True, Weizmann & Ben Gurion agreed to the '47 Partition Plan Borders, the fact was and is the Arabs refused to recognize them or the State Of Israel, preferring to attack Israel, disregarding those very same borders, thereby nullifying those very same borders Then we have the '49 Rhodes Borders, afterward called the "Greenline" or '67 Borders Which the Arabs rejected repeatedly when they launched their wars across those very same borders Or, to put it simply, the Greenline/'67 Borders never worked, the Arabs rejected them, There is no reason to expect that they will work in the future You know the old saying "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" Israel isn't about to be suckered a second time
54. #6 Michael, easy questions, are you a Jew?
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (02.19.11)
Doubt has been cast upon your ehtnicity Pls answer the following easy questions 1) Your Bar Mitzvah Parsha was ? What was the Haftorah that accompanied it Many Arabs reside in Haifa, I just want to know if you're one of them Realize of course, that a non-response indicates you're one of them, not one of us L'Hitraot
55. "rough and direct"
Michael ,   Haifa   (02.19.11)
A euphemism for a thug and a hooligan, well- known through most of History's darkest periods. Above the verbal violence, you threaten physical violence in your talkback, which stereotypes you exactly as the type of thug and hooligan you are.
56. #54
Michael ,   Haifa   (02.19.11)
My parasha was Bo (a few weeks ago) ..I have forgotten the mother was Jewish...which leaves me with one easy question for you: 1) Are you an idiot ?
57. #51; James, Repeats The Lie
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (02.19.11)
Who do you think exerts more control the Arabs that have 3 PAC's for every 1 Israeli PAC. So the Arab PAC's outnumber Israel's 3 to1? Secondly the USA imports close to 12 million barrels of oil a day. That's about $400 Billion / Day. Who do you think exerts more control OPEC or AIPAC? AIPAC gives around $10 million dollars per election cycle, a few thousand per candidate. Or OPEC which is in on the $400 Billion Dollars / Day Oil imports? Wake up fool!! Man oh man, the antisemitic drivel doesn't even make sense?
58. #42 Daniel Francis NOT VERY LOGICAL
Ian ,   Newcastle upon Tyne   (02.19.11)
To quote from #42: " The answer to your question on where the eastern border of palestine would be is the Jordan RIver. THis is because Jordan's King Hussein ceded all claims it held on the West Bank to the PLO at the Arab League summit of 1988." 1/1988 is not 1967. 2/King Hussein may have ceded his illegal claim,but he was not in a position to fix borders for a non-existent state. 3/The PLO is not a state and the Arab League is not the UN.They both claim a legal status that they do not have. As far as I'm aware the UN position on the borders is still UNSC res. 242,1967 and UNSC res.338,1973;secure borders for states in the region AT THAT TIME.No mention of any future Palestinian Arab state. THREE CHEERS FOR ISRAEL!!!
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