Libyan diplomat: Gaddafi has hours left
Roee Nahmias and AP
Published: 26.02.11, 18:21
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1. Erdogan vs Kaddafi
George Brown ,   New York   (02.26.11)
The only thing on the mercenary Turk's mind is his $ 15 BB investment in Libya, which hopefully will turn to ashes, and be the start of the end of Erdogan. Hopefully.
2. Erdogan the new idiot of the Middle East
Maurice ,   Montreal   (02.26.11)
This is the man who hugs and supports Ahmadinejad!
3. UN; Sanctions; Erdogan
Anon   (02.26.11)
UN, as always, is useless here too. Apart from weapons embargo, there is no need to put sanctions on Libya. Sanctions would punish Libyan people, not Kaddafi. However, Erdogan is again displaying his hypocrisy. He says he is against sanctions and wars, but he has always defended Iraqi war. According to Erdogan, millions of massacred Iraqi lives have no value. Erdogan is also scared to anger Kaddafi because he recently received $250,000 Human Rights(!) prize from Kaddafi. If he speaks against Kaddafi now, he knows very well that Kaddafi, one of his sons or followers will come after him.
4. Erdogan
Robert   (02.26.11)
who's side is HE on? Gadhaffis? Why doesn't he sent a flotilla?
5. Turkey Erdogan
Jorge el judio ,   Israel/USA/Argentina   (02.26.11)
Erdogan as usual against the world and then he is wrooried why Nicolas Sarkozy rejected his membership in the EU. Erdogan, few weeks ago the Lybian dictator spoke, look today what hasppened Advise: Keep the mouth close and open it to eat only
6. But where are the European leftists?
EBR ,   Jerusalem   (02.26.11)
and why haven't they been out there for weeks now protesting against the government of Gaddafi?! Why aren't the European leftists out there protesting the slaughter of unarmed civilians who are murdered with their hands tied behind their backs? Why aren't the European leftists out there setting up sanctions and boycotts against Libya? Oh! I see why its because....when the pagan soul of the European leftist rebels he blames the State of Israel!
7. Death of a madman, and Erdogan
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (02.26.11)
While Gaddafi supposedly only has hours left, we have Erdogan spouting meaningless trite. As we see HERE: He had no problems with guy just 4-5 months ago, did he? So we have the master of the flotilla incident, the real guy who should be put on trial for what happened. Since he instigated it. Another hypocritical leader in the Muslim world. But really just another thug leader who took money to let the Libyan people die. Typical greedy leaders of the Arab and Muslim world. No wonder the EU rejected these backwards people.
8. Erdogan
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (02.26.11)
It looks,that Turkey will provide political and mental asylum for gaddafi,where gaddafi will write his,Memoirs of Moammar.
9. Jorge #5
Jarda ,   Czech republic   (02.26.11)
Do you remember who was the last time against the world? Who was saved by US veto against 130 countries?
10. #9 Jarda
Jorge el judio ,   Israel/USA/Argentina   (02.26.11)
and the issue was to build in Israel? Have you ever seen a resolution regarding not to build in Prage? Of course not, it only happens when Israel wants to build. Let see how this work. 57 countries islamic that do not like Israel in the middle. 22 countries arabs that do not like Israel in the middle. The rest of the countries which economies depend of the arabs (petroleum) that agree everything they say. Now you can have all conclusion and agree with me that UNSC is not working in real issues. By the way the resolution was 14-1. There are not 130 countries in the UNSC.
11. Mark from Georgia, ignorance is not a bliss.
You seem to be far too confused. Erdogan, Kaddafi, and many Arab leaders are at fault of oppression and inciting hatred. But this doesn't make the EU and USA any better. Countries which form the EU are the countries which have blood in their hands. Look at the massacres committed by Europeans in Algeria, Iraq, India, Africa, inside Europe, Indochina, Australia, North America and many more. They are the colonizer people you see as 'civilized'. Look in the mirror too, USA has blood in its hands because of massacres it committed in Japan, Latin America, Iraq, Vietnam, and against American Indians. If you are against oppression and crime, you must be against all massacres and crimes. Otherwise you are no different than any other hypocrites who are full of ignorance and hatred.
12. 2 different things
Ricardo Macher ,   Karnei Shomron IL   (02.26.11)
One is that Ghadaffi is a mad man and an assassin. The other is that the West is as usual worried about money (read oil) and nothing else. Erdogan may be worried just about himself but he is correct saying that the Western culture are just vultures.
13. Erdogan and Turkey
A ,   Belgium   (02.26.11)
I have a very good SECULAR moslem Turkish friend who says if he ever saw Erdogan, he would shoot him. He predicts (I hope he's right) that Turkey is tottering now and will fall too. Good thing Israel isn't Erdogans friend anymore.
14. #11 you forgot...
Ramon   (02.26.11)
while you are at it- blaming everybody and his cousin- you forgot Israel.... name ONE COUNTRY that does not have blood on its hands by your definition.
15. by no. 11 no one has the right to make moral judgment
all countries have blood on their hands which means that they should not raise their voices against more blood being spilled today in the world, according to the idiot in no. 11. the fact is that US and Europeans have recognized what they did in the past, have taken steps to rectify at least some of it and want to avoid current and future blood shedding. the Arabs, Muslims, Chinese, Russians, Africans have not atoned for the past and current crimes against humanity, so they must be take to task. If US, Europeans do not raise their voices in condemnation, who do you suggest should do it and have the international power to enforce sanctions and other measures? you are one of those righteous individuals who criticize a lot but never offer a practical solution
16. Gaddafi out civil war in
zionist forever   (02.26.11)
Nobody in Libya has been thinking about day 1 after Gaddafi's death because there is no way he is going into exile or being put on trial. Libya is stil a tribal society, there is no official body which did not answer directly to Gaddafi. The military is not a people's army as in Egypt. This was the problem in Iraq because there was no potential alternative to Saddam Hussain in the waiting. The most likely outcome is probably going to be a civil war which will also probably be very bloody because the anti Gaddafi protestors have been raiding military bases and stealing weapons. Gaddafi has been arming his supporters. This time though who is going to oversee some kind of power transfer neither the US or any other NATO members have the stomach to get involved in another internal conflict even under the badge of the UN. Short term I think the solution to the oil problem can be solved through increase in supplies from the Saudis. Libya has though shown the west needs to stop encouraging revolutions in the Middle East.
17. To no name # 11
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (02.26.11)
Countries which form the EU are the countries which have blood in their hands. They are the colonizer people you see as 'civilized'. USA has blood in its hands because of massacres it committed in Japan. Oh, and I suppose Japan invaded China and numerous other countries not to expand their empire but to embrace and love the people? Japan started a war and the USA did what it had to in order to win. If we had not used atomic weapons many more would have died on both sides in the long run. As for American Indians, yes we broke treaties with them and that was wrong. However the American Indians were killing, torturing and enslaving each other long before the white man ever came. Mark from Georgia doesn't seem to be the one confused here, you do. Mark never said the Eu or the USA are better than anyone else. You are the one that raised the subject and it has nothing to do with Marks post.
18. to 9
hardy ,   czech   (02.26.11)
I dont understand your anguish, why 130 ??
19. # 9 Jarda
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (02.26.11)
Jarda ! Do you remember ? in 1938, a certain country in central Europe,was sold out to an Austrian vagabond,by some countries with special interests,except,the interests of the sold out country,today the same countries,with some new members, are trying to do the same to Israel,but for some strange reason,Israel is not cooperating with the sellers.
20. #11; Who posts with no name, no ideas
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (02.26.11)
As has been pointed out by others here, who can't look to past and see some blood. But we are talking about the here and now. Not the native Americans or the Japanese who started WW2 with first blood at Pearl Harbor. Your just another excuse maker. I'm anything but confused. It would seem your the one with problems, not me. I live in the here and now and you want to live in the past, so nobody has the right to pass judgment? I guess you support the tyrants and I don't. I certainly won't be lectured to by thugs like Erdogan, who has current blood on his hands. BTW, why no criticism of him? If all the other stuff so offended you why not his blood money? Everything else you brought up, only as diversion from what I discussed. Why did you avoid the subject?
21. Gaddafi will survive the uprising
tea man ,   marjayoun   (02.26.11)
He is a Samson like approach will get him through he survive more severe attempts I do not like the man but this an objective opinion
22. Erdogan the wannabe dictator envies Gadhafi
Yaniv ,   Israel   (02.26.11)
23. #15 Learn to read, comprehend and learn manners
My post(#11) doesn't even refer to your assumption in your first paragraph so I won't even waste my time with trying to educate you in comprehension. All your post and claims are irrelevant to mine as you clearly have problems with reading and comprehending. You claim that the USA and Europeans have recognized what they did in the past and have taken steps to rectify at least some of it... Really? When did Belgium recognized Congo genocide? When did France recognize its massacres in Algeria and Indochina? When did Sweden recognized its ethnic cleansing against Sami people? When did Britain recognize its massacres in India? When did Germany recognize its massacres and exploitation in Africa? When did the Netherlands recognize its wrongdoings in Indonesia? ...the list goes on. Your ignorance, lack of reading and understanding abilities, and twisted mind make you attack people as you did in your post. You need to take lessons in manners too.
24. # 18 hardy
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (02.26.11)
why 130?,because,for ignorant,immature people,the more,the better.
25. #17
11   (02.26.11)
I don't defend Japan, China, USA, Europe, x or y country. But, your way of justifying nuclear bombs and ethnic cleansing is hilarious. Who do you think will be persuaded by your 'enlightened' sense of justice? According to your reasoning any countries who are at war can and should throw A-bombs at each other. Also according to you if locals are having problems/rivalries among themselves, it is allowed for outsiders to invade and ethnically cleanse the locals for outsiders' own interests and benefits. This mindset of yours turned Iraq and Vietnam into hell.
26. #20
11   (02.26.11)
Read again, I clearly say Kaddafi and Arab dictators had their own faults and crimes, but this doesn't make the EU and the USA all clean and just. Can you understand when you read twice? I hope you can. Why would I defend Erdogan or Kaddafi or Japan or USA or etc? I don't represent any of them. But if you look for current blood on hands, it is the USA in Iraq. All those crimes against former colonized countries are not past as people still suffer terribly from its consequences, so those crimes cannot be ignored just because it happened some time ago.
27. # 11 02.26.11
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (02.26.11)
With all the faults of colonialism,people in Africa,were better of under the rule of the coloniasts,than they are today under the rule of their own,is there a country in Africa? ,central,north,south,that has no oppression,starvation,massacres,aid epidemics,it's not politacally correct to say that,but it's a fact.
28. no. 23, you are guilty of everything you accuse others of
what are your solutions? big on criticizing but you still have not provided a single way to tackle today's world humanitarian problems look in the mirror to see an arrogant ignorant
29. hey EU why arent you guys rioting in the streets to oust
this stoner dude gadamfooli? how come you all got up in arms against the Israeli's for defending our land in 08' but when this spooky dude does this crap, it is okay dokey with you?
30. he has hours left? for what before he takes a bath?shower?
he needs one!!! peeyou i can smell him from here
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